Weathermelon Weather Report - February 22, 2019

Thu. February 21st, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.


Florida will continue its heat spell through this Sunday with highs in the upper 80°s and lows in the mid to upper 60°s. Starting next Monday, February 25, things will begin to cool off with high temps only reaching in the low 80°s with some possible 70°s early next week in most growing regions. Low temps will decrease as well only getting into the low 60°s. By Saturday March 2, the lows will be in the 50°s.

Next Tuesday and Wednesday, there is a chance of rain in all major regions. Anywhere from .5” to .75” depending on location. On Friday, March 2, there is an additional chance of rain.


Culiacán has been experiencing cool weather all this week, as we discussed on Tuesday. Minimum temps have been in the high 40°s and maximum temps have only been in the mid 70°s. This weekend is expected to be the coolest nights of this cold front so far with minimum temps getting down to 46° on Saturday and Sunday nights. Minimum temps will remain the 40°s through Monday Feb 25. By Wednesday, Feb 27, minimum temps will be back in the mid 50°s and maximum temps will be back around the 90°mark.


California is finally drying out and should be rain-free for the next ten days. There is a slight chance of rain for next weekend, Friday/Saturday, March 2nd & 3rd in the coastal regions; we will keep an eye on that. In the meantime, the weather will be great with temps warming over next week. Maximum temps will be in the mid 60°s and minimum temps in the low 50°s by next week. Hopefully, the growers in the central coast regions of Oxnard and Santa Maria can get back in and catch up on harvests.

The Coachella Valley and Yuma will also begin to warm up over the next week. By the end of next week these desert growing regions will see max temps in the 80°s and min temps in the high 50°s and some low 60°s. Look for production to pick up as we go in the weekend of March 2nd.


In a follow up to our article on Tuesday about Citrus coming out of the San Joaquin Valley, yesterday we reached out to California Citrus Mutual, which is a citrus growers’ advocacy organization. We spoke to Joel Medina. Joel told me that the cold temps they have been experiencing in the last two weeks have been very beneficial for the crop. The cold temps have slowed down the ripening process just enough to allow for the skin on the fruit to harden and the sugars to concentrate, creating a sweeter fruit. Joel mentioned the rain has slowed harvest but should be back on track in the coming days. Joel also mentioned they are experiencing smaller sizing due to a spell of hot weather back in November, but things are looking good going forward. Lastly, he mentioned the navel season will last well into June this year, a few weeks longer than normal.


We reached out to the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation this week to check in on the Florida peach crop. This is the first domestic peach to hit the market. We spoke with Sonia Tighe from the foundation. She said they haven’t experienced any weather issues this season to disrupt the crop and everything is on track to be much larger than last year. They should begin picking by mid-March and have decent volumes by April 1. The season should run through the end of May.

Thank you again for your support, and we will be back later this week with another update.
