Costco Introduces Vegan Hawaiian Bowls Through New Partnership With Atlantic Natural Foods

Tue. June 23rd, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

NASHVILLE, NC - Blink and you’ll miss the latest big-name company joining in on the plant-based craze. Every day it seems like another supplier or buy-side behemoth is adding more vegan/vegetarian-friendly fare to their lineups. While Costco has long been a part of this movement, the retailer is only further expanding its presence in the plant-based sector after collaborating with Atlantic Natural Foods on two new shelf-stable plant-based meal solutions.

J. Douglas Hines, Chairman, Atlantic Natural Foods“In 2016, we committed to bringing tasty, shelf-stable, better-for-you, portable foods to the world at a good value, and we’re pleased to experience a 40 percent sales increase year over year,” said J. Douglas Hines, Atlantic Natural Foods’ Chairman, in a press release. “In seeing our strongest numbers to date in 2020 with more and more people seeking plant-based and shelf-stable options, we’re committed to continue innovating to meet growing consumer demand—all while maintaining the safety and well-being of our employees.”

The two vegan meal solutions include the Hawaiian Bowl—featuring soy protein, bell pepper, pineapple, peas, and ginger in fried brown rice and slated to roll out at the start of summer—and the Ultimate Vegetarian Chili—touting soy protein, tomatoes, pinto beans, red kidney beans, and spices.

 Costco is expanding its presence in the plant-based sector after collaborating with Atlantic Natural Foods on two new shelf-stable plant-based meal solutionsCostco’s collaboration with Atlantic Natural Foods is also noteworthy because of the latter’s plan to continue growing the plant-based category. Atlantic Natural Foods is enhancing its production in its North Carolina facility and increasing its production in Thailand with Pataya Food Group with a new 47,000-square-foot facility. This facility is fully dedicated to shelf-stable, plant-based food production utilizing fresh vegetables from the farms of Thailand.

Steve Morris, Executive Vice President Supply Chain, Atlantic Natural Foods“This is one of the more unique ventures we have ever created as it promotes plant-based production exclusively in collaboration with the leading university in Thailand, Kasetsart University,” added Steve Morris, Atlantic Natural Foods’ EVP Supply Chain.

How will Costco’s collaboration and partnership with Atlantic Natural Foods and other plant-based innovators expand its reach in the produce-centric category? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Costco Atlantic Natural Foods