CORONA, CA - With a consumer spotlight being placed on food safety, leaders across the produce industry are stepping up in a big way to introduce innovative new solutions in the packaging realm. Veg-Fresh Farms is one of the latest to incorporate new Smart Plastic™ technology into its Brussels sprouts packages, with plans to integrate it into other packaging methods down the line.
Bob Wright, Chief Operations Officer, Veg-Fresh Farms“The Veg-Fresh team and the Smart Plastics team have been in discussions for a few years now. We have been closely following its independent testing trials and have been thoroughly impressed with the technology it provides. It is a natural fit to incorporate this technology into our packaging,” said Bob Wright, Chief Operations Officer of Veg-Fresh Farms. “Foodborne illness is one of the top threats to this industry, and we are committed to taking advantage of new technology to keep our customer’s food as fresh, safe, and healthy as possible.”
Smart Plastic is changing the way that plastic packaging guards against bacteria and other dangerous organisms that can affect produce safety. According to a press release, the additives in Smart Plastic are inserted into the plastic in small percentages, thereby creating a stronger barrier against outside contamination.
Veg-Fresh Farms is one of the latest to incorporate new Smart Plastic™ technology into its Brussels sprouts packages, with plans to integrate it into other packaging methods down the line
Currently, Veg-Fresh Farms will be utilizing Smart Plastic for the film packaging on its organic and conventional Brussels sprouts. However, the company has announced that it is looking to further incorporate it into lidding film, clamshells, and a variety of other packaging options, further solidifying its commitment to food safety.
With the implementation of such a uniquely innovative product, Veg-Fresh is able to effectively protect products against salmonella, listeria, E.coli, MRSA, and dozens of other harmful organisms. Smart Plastic touts a 99.9 percent reduction in bacteria and a 5-log reduction in antimicrobial protection.
Smart Plastic™ is changing the way that plastic packaging guards against bacteria and other dangerous organisms that can affect produce safety
With such ground-breaking measures being taken, consumers and retailers alike can rest assured that the produce coming from Veg-Fresh has been safely handled with the utmost care.
What innovative new food safety measures will growers continue to implement? Check back with AndNowUKnow for those answers and more.