ELGIN, MN - As a writer I understand there is almost nothing that cannot be put into words. However, sometimes you just need a good emoji to perfectly convey your message. I have a feeling that Honeybear® Brands may think the same way as the grower has introduced new custom emoji PLU stickers to brighten up snack time.
Kristi Harris, Brand Manager, Honeybear® Brands“Using emojis for marketing has been shown to drive engagement, especially with a younger audience,” says Kristi Harris, Brand Manager. “The PLU sticker is required to be on each apple, so why not have a little fun with it.”
Shoppers everywhere can see their favorite emojis gracing the produce aisles, already hitting shelves earlier this month. According to a press release, the emojis include Satisfied, Happy, Tears of Joy, and Hangry and will be placed on honeycrisp and gala apple varieties. Just as consumers search for the perfect emoji to add to their text messages, so too can they hunt for their favorites amongst the apples.
Honeybear® Brands has introduced new custom emoji PLU stickers to brighten up snack time
Already making kids smile in a focus group hosted by the brand, the new emoji PLU stickers offer up an easy way to bring joy into your fresh produce section. So, make sure to stock Honeybear’s apple varieties to add something extra to your aisles.