Bee Sweet Citrus Highlights Specialty Varieties Ahead of Super Bowl and Valentine's Day; Monique Bienvenue and Sergio Rodriguez Comment

Tue. February 8th, 2022 - by Anne Allen

FOWLER, CA - This year is serving up a promotional double whammy for retailers as the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day are back-to-back. In anticipation for these prime merchandising events, Bee Sweet Citrus is sharing how its specialty varieties can help parlay consumer excitement into shopper dollars.

Monique Bienvenue, Director of Communications, Bee Sweet Citrus“This year, Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine’s Day are one day apart—providing retailers with a massive opportunity to promote the citrus category,” stated Director of Communications Monique Bienvenue. “Both holidays capitalize on snack and food items, and our team has the varieties needed to meet consumer demand.”

Just in time to take advantage of increased shopper traffic to the produce aisle and beyond, Bee Sweet Citrus is reporting a strong supply of lemons and specialty varieties that can be used to stock holiday-centric displays. As football fans clamor for various dips and salsas to add to their snacking spreads, lemons are a key ingredient and excellent cross-promotional item to be placed alongside other recipe components.

Sergio Rodriguez, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus“If retailers are looking to push the citrus category in February, it’s important to capitalize on events like Super Bowl Sunday,” explained Sales Representative Sergio Rodriguez. “Cross marketing our lemons near other items, like chips or avocados, can help entice customers to purchase both items while they’re shopping.”

In addition to lemons, Bee Sweet is also reporting great volumes of its Cara Cara Pink Navel Oranges and Blood Oranges—the perfect pink and red color palette for Valentine’s Day.

“There’s no better time to market Blood Oranges and Cara Caras than during Valentine’s Day,”
continued Bienvenue. “Their gorgeous internal hues match the holiday’s pink and red colors, and their
unique flavors set them up to be excellent additions to dessert and cocktail recipes.”

With Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine's Day one day apart, Bee Sweet Citrus has strong supplies of its lemons and specialty citrus to add to promotional displays

Each of these products are available in Bee Sweet’s newly designed packaging and come in both bag and bulk options.

So, whether your shoppers are saying “touchdown!” or “I love you,” Bee Sweet Citrus has what you need to rack up produce aisle sales this month.

Bee Sweet Citrus