Over $393 Million Worth of Cocaine Discovered Within Banana Shipment; Peter Stevens Comments

Fri. April 8th, 2022 - by Peggy Packer

THE UNITED KINGDOM - Officials in the United Kingdom just busted the largest shipment of cocaine in the country since 2015, uncovering a massive drug trafficking ploy. Upon investigation, authorities in Southampton uncovered £302 million (393.5 million USD) worth of the drug disguised amongst five pallets of bananas.

On March 17, Border Force examined the five pallets of bananas at Southampton docks, where they found nearly 3.7 tons of the illicit substance. According to BBC, the container had arrived in Southampton from Colombia, carrying 20 pallets of fresh bananas. The shipment was targeted for examination by Border Force and NCA officers, leading to the discovery of the illegal drugs.

United Kingdom officials in Southampton recently uncovered £302 million (393.5 million USD) worth of cocaine disguised amongst five pallets of bananas

“This was a monumental seizure of cocaine with a street value of around £300m,” Peter Stevens, NCA Regional Head of Investigations, told the source. “The organized crime group behind this importation has been denied massive profits, which it would have plowed back into more offending.”

The entire team at ANUK applauds the efforts of these officials for protecting beloved bananas and all the other produce that falls victim to the crime of drug trafficking.