Lipman Family Farms Wraps Third Annual 'Day of Good'; Jaime Weisinger and Karim Ortiz Detail

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Tue. November 8th, 2022 - by Lilian Diep

IMMOKALEE, FL - Dedicating a day to providing good for its communities, the tomato grower continues to set an example. Recently, Lipman Family Farms employees across North America participated in the third annual ‘Day of Good,’ a day dedicated to giving back to local communities.

Jaime Weisinger, Director of Community Relations, Lipman Family Farms“The pursuit of giving back is central to our success as a company, and it is incredible to see how our employees join together to dedicate their time and effort to their communities,” said Jaime Weisinger, Director of Community Relations.

The company-wide service day is a continued part of Lipman’s community-driven culture. Each year, employees give back in meaningful and impactful ways by providing service to a cause significant to them and their community. Lipman employees spent their workday volunteering with a variety of organizations, including the Child Abuse Prevention Council, many local food pantries, and hurricane relief groups.

Recently, Lipman Family Farms employees across North America participated in the third annual ‘Day of Good,’ a day dedicated to giving back to local communities

According to the release, over 250 employees volunteered, over 1,000 hours were committed, and support was provided to over 500 children. In Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Lipman employees volunteered to take 50 children living in vulnerable situations to the movie theater for the first time in their lives. This was through an organization called Atrevete Foundation, founded by Karim Ortiz.

Karim Ortiz, Maintenance Manager, Lipman Family Farms“It is so meaningful to work for a company that believes in the greater good of looking out for one another,” said Karim, Maintenance Manager. “To see the direct positive impact we can make on our neighbors and see the smiles on these children’s faces makes for a stronger community, and as a result, a healthier working environment.”

In Southwest Florida, the Lipman team dedicated their time to assisting residents that still faced impacts and damage from Hurricane Ian. Hitting close to home with direct impacts on Lipman’s farms and packing houses, the hurricane continues to affect Lipman’s operations and its employees at the headquartered location.

Over 250 employees volunteered and committed more than 1,000 hours to support over 500 children

“As an industry with the greater purpose of providing fresh, healthy foods 365 days a year, we are inexplicably tied to the communities we service,” said Weisinger. “Everything we grow is consumed by our families, our employees, our employees’ families, as well as the greater population. It is ingrained in our values to look out for one another; this is what it means to be good from the ground up at Lipman.”

A wonderful day is kept as a glowing part of Lipman’s and our industry’s dedication to keeping our communities strong, and one we always keep an eye out for.

Lipman Family Farms