NEWARK, DE - Balloons. Streamers. Confetti. Cake. Don’t mind me—I’m just drafting up a checklist for an exciting industry celebration, because Oppy is looking back at three decades of growth and success for its Oppy Transport division, sharing its vigorous expansion plans for the future.
Stewart Lapage, Executive Director of Operations and Logistics, Oppy Transport“It’s been an evolution over 30 years to develop Oppy Transport into the premier logistics choice for any industry,” shared Executive Director of Operations and Logistics Stewart Lapage. “It’s an honor to be a part of this segment of the business that’s emerged from Oppy’s nearly 165-year history and built upon the trust the brand has established throughout the industry and beyond. Which is why our vision is to build our logistics network to service an array of external customers beyond Oppy growers.”
Oppy Transport was originally established in 1992 as David Oppenheimer Transport (DOT) before being rebranded to its current name in 2016.
Oppy is looking back at three decades of growth and success for its Oppy Transport division, sharing its vigorous expansion plans for the future
Similar to Oppy, Oppy Transport is a full-service operation, with dry and cold storage facilities where it’s able to warehouse, recondition, convert pallets, inspect and grade product, and more. Its large network of facilities grants the company a strong advantage in distributing shipments effectively and efficiently to all customers regardless of location, especially as its customer base comprises some of the largest grower-shippers, manufacturers, and retailers in North America. As explained in a press release, the company not only contracts with carrier partners on fruit and vegetable transportation but moves both dry and temperature-controlled freight as well.
Chase Wrightson, U.S. Transportation Manager, Oppy Transport“Our proprietary technology system enables us to consistently upgrade and meet the unique needs of our customers. We are also closely aligned with Oppy’s internal sustainability committee, routinely seeking sustainable initiatives to broaden our targets—something that is very important to us,” said U.S. Transportation Manager Chase Wrightson.
Oppy Transport is currently moving over $100 million worth of freight and an excess of 60,000 shipments annually, but further expansion and development is definitely still in the works.
Oppy Transport is a full-service operation, with dry and cold storage facilities where it’s able to warehouse, recondition, convert pallets, inspect and grade product, and more
“We look toward aggressive expansion plans for the U.S. and Canada for our fresh and non-produce transportation customer base,” added Lapage. “Our intention is to work with you for the long haul, providing a wide array of solutions to help manage the ongoing impacts of the supply chain as we look toward the next 30 years and beyond.”
Congrats to Oppy Transport on three decades of success!