DELANO, CA - As we all begin looking ahead to the new year, Four Star Fruit is taking some time to reflect on the 2022 California grape season as it concludes. Finishing strong, the grower is now preparing to transition to the Peruvian and Chilean import season, kicking off harvest this month.
Jack Campbell, President, Four Star Fruit“At Four Star Fruit, we take pride in being able to provide premium fruit 52 weeks a year,” said Jack Campbell, President of Four Star Fruit. “Our team is continually developing and expanding our grape offerings, so be on the lookout for our new high-flavor varieties in 2023!”
Throughout the California growing season this year, things were a bit unpredictable due to the extremely hot weather that created difficult growing conditions, a report explained. On top of that, higher input costs resulted in a strain on retail prices. However, Four Star Fruit came out ahead, seeing the success of its proprietary Pristine® and Holiday® seedless grape varieties among consumers.
Finishing the California table grape season out strong, the grower is now preparing to transition to the Peruvian and Chilean import season, kicking off harvest this month
Looking toward the 2023 season, Four Star Fruit announced that it will increase its Southern Hemisphere volume by 20 percent.
Currently, the supplier offers conventional and organic grapes in a variety of pack styles, including sustainable options.
What will the import season hold for Four Star Fruit? Stay in the know with AndNowUKnow.