SALINAS, CA - The Nunes Company, Inc. is pleased to announce that Joe Mollner has become Vice President of Operations for Nunes Vegetables, Inc.
Joe Mollner, Vice President of Operations, Nunes Vegetables, Inc.Since starting in the industry with Harvest Management, LLC, in 2005, Joe has worked in all aspects of harvesting, becoming their Vice President of Operations in 2014.
His experience includes working for growers in Oxnard, Huron, Salinas, Yuma, and Yerington on all facets of production, including schedules and varietal selection. Joe has coordinated cooling companies transition periods and he has been engaged closely with sales on crop plans for all the growing regions.
The Nunes Company, Inc. recently appointed Joe Mollner as the Vice President of Operations for Nunes Vegetables, Inc.
Tom Nunes V (T5), President, The Nunes Company"Having known Joe for over 30 years and having worked closely with him for the last 18, we are excited to bring such a great leader into our management team. He has shown tremendous loyalty and work ethic over the years and will bring great energy to Nunes Vegetables," says, Tom Nunes V, President of The Nunes Company, Inc.