DMA Solutions Provides Marketing Tune-Up Insights; Jordan Confer Details

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Fri. May 12th, 2023 - by Lilian Diep

DALLAS, TX - Marketing! Whether you’re in the marketing department or you’re reaping the benefits your marketing team provides, this branch is essential for any industry. DMA Solutions, our industry’s produce marketing whiz, has just the tips and tricks to spice up your strategy.

Jordan Confer, Communications Manager, DMA Solutions“...With growing to-do lists and meeting-filled days, it’s easy to hit ‘autopilot’ on marketing activities and let them coast by without a proper tune-up or refresh,” wrote Jordan Confer, Communications Manager, in DMA Solutions’ latest blog post, detailing the five signs that it’s time for a marketing tune-up.

What are some things to keep in mind? Confer noted that they could be:

  • Your messaging isn’t clear
  • Your social media communities aren’t growing
  • You can’t remember the last time you distributed a press release
  • Your website isn’t updated
  • Your photography/recipes are out of date

DMA Solutions has shared some useful tips and tricks to give your marketing strategy a tune-up

Don’t fret! DMA has your back to liven up your marketing plan and bring you front and center in the produce aisles. Check out the post now to find the ways to breathe new life into your messaging and communications.

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DMA Solutions