Mastronardi Produce® Launches Limited-Edition WOW® MOM Strawberry Pack; Andrea Meloche Discusses

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Mon. April 15th, 2024 - by Chandler James

KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA - Every mom deserves to have a treat that is as wow-worthy as she is. With the limited-edition WOW® MOM Strawberry pack from Mastronardi Produce®, this Mother’s Day is sure to be a success. The offering will be packed with the WOW brand’s famous ruby red Dreamberry strawberries, taking the well-known “WOW” wordmark and flipping it upside down to read “MOM” with the call-out “You’re the sweetest.”

Andrea Meloche, Innovation Manager, Mastronardi Produce Ltd

“We’re so excited to celebrate moms with the WOW MOM campaign,” said Andrea Meloche, Innovation Manager at Mastronardi Produce Ltd. “We produced an eye-catching label that will make these exceptionally sweet strawberries a special gift for the sweetest woman in your life.”

To help differentiate from its traditional branding and capture consumers’ attention, Mastronardi Produce swapped the traditional black WOW label for a bright purple and a spring-inspired icon. According to a press release, the special pack is well-suited for creative merchandising opportunities in retail stores around Mother’s Day.

With the limited-edition WOW® MOM Strawberry pack from Mastronardi Produce®, this Mother’s Day is sure to be a success

“We expect that the branding differentiation, combined with a fun suggestion to surprise mom, will encourage impulse purchases and increase berry consumption,” added Meloche. “Not to mention, offering a fan-favorite product for everyone’s favorite person seemed like a perfect match.”

The limited-edition WOW MOM strawberries will be in-store as of April 29, providing ample time for consumers to take note of the new offering ahead of Mother’s Day on May 12. Mastronardi Produce will also be executing local marketing activities in its headquarters region of Windsor-Essex County as well as encouraging social media activation among its @sunsetgrown followers.

The special pack is well-suited for creative merchandising opportunities in retail stores around Mother’s Day

Plus, WOW MOM strawberry packs will be on display ahead of their retail launch at booth #1130 during the upcoming CPMA Convention and Trade Show.

Help your shoppers wow mom this Mother’s Day with this special offering from Mastronardi Produce.