ZAG Technical Services Celebrates World Password Day; Allen Santana Discusses

Wed. May 1st, 2024 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SAN JOSE, CA - Today is World Password Day, and ZAG Technical Services is making sure cybersecurity is top of mind. The industry partner released a downloadable infographic containing helpful tips companies can easily implement to keep their systems safer.

“I hope ag organizations continue to educate their workers on current threats and how to avoid them. Threats are constantly changing,” Allen Santana, ZAG Cybersecurity Operations Manager for IT Security and Compliance, shared when asked what he hopes readers take away from the infographic.

The graphic is full of helpful information, including:

  • Five simple ways to keep your email account safe
  • The dos and don’ts of safe online interactions
  • Incredible statistics about the cost and impacts of recent breaches
In honor of World Password Day, ZAG Technical Services released a downloadable infographic containing helpful tips companies can easily implement to keep their systems safer

Easy to follow, ZAG offers this infographic in hopes readers share it with their teams, a press release stated. Verizon reports that 74 percent of breaches involve a human element, such as clicking malicious links, highlighting the need to educate employees.

“If I had to pick one tip from the infographic, what I hope readers remember is multifactor authentication,” Santana continued. “As users of email and productivity apps in the field ourselves, we understand this extra step isn’t always popular, but it greatly reduces the chance of a cybersecurity breach. Protecting your digital infrastructure is not just about safeguarding your business—it's also about ensuring the certainty of supply and integrity of the food supply chain.”

Keep reading ANUK for more cybersecurity updates from ZAG.