Scott Reade Details Pandol Brothers' Retail Advantages and Benefits as California Table Grapes Take Off

Mon. August 5th, 2024 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

DELANO, CA - Each year, California table grapes bring excitement and an allure that spark sales, drive traffic, and keep retailers looking for consistent supplies of quality varieties throughout the season. With the 2024 California harvest ramping up, our friends at Pandol Brothers are welcoming retailers to a robust program and helping to elevate Golden State table grapes from a rising tide into a wave of promotional opportunities.

Scott Reade, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Pandol Brothers
Scott Reade, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Pandol Brothers

“We are seeing excellent size in the mid-season and late-season varieties, which has been great!” Scott Reade, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, shares with me. “Sugar levels seem to be normal with good eating quality. Volumes are a bit lower than projected to start the season, but a number of mid- and late-season varieties look to have better yields.”

Currently, Pandol is harvesting in both California’s South Valley and up into the Earlimart Area. All San Joaquin zones in California are picking grapes at this time.

Pandol Brothers reports that its Sugar Crunch green seedless grapes are already more than halfway through harvest

The beauty of the California season is its length and promotional periods. As Scott tells me, there are a number of months to go, so it is hard to say what the later season will be like. But at this juncture, Pandol anticipates shipping fruit through the Christmas holiday, as always, to supply customers.

“As of the beginning of August, we are more than halfway through our Sugar Crunch fruit and starting a few Sweet Globes for green seedless. The Krissy variety is our main variety for the red seedless at this time,” Scott details.

Later this month, Pandol will bring customers Sweet Celebrations which are presenting with great size and high sugars.

Pandol Brothers is harvesting in California’s South Valley and up into the Earlimart Area

“The fruit quality remains good. I see the industry having good supplies of green and red seedless as we move into the mid-season varieties, which means we can support promotions going into August and September,” Scott determines.

With so much opportunity in the California table grape category, we anticipate a wave of fruitful news to continue. Please check back with AndNowUKnow as we bring you the latest on Golden State table grape advantages and benefits in 2024.