Anthony Innocenti and Carrie Briones Discuss LIV Produce's New Citrus Developments, Expansion, and Market Conditions

Wed. September 11th, 2024 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CAPISTRANO BEACH, CA - As the domestic citrus season quickly approaches here in the United States, suppliers across the category are anticipating an exciting program ahead as they look to reinforce their retailer partnerships and create additional value for new customers. LIV Produce is adding to the season’s promising outlook with exceptional quality across its program and expansions to differentiate and strengthen its retail customers.

Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce

“With the higher markets for citrus during import season, we are hoping that the start of domestic programs will stabilize the market for our partners,” Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, shares with me. “In order to meet the demand of our customers, we recently expanded into Bakersfield, California. This expansion will provide a big value to our customers as they will be able to load several different citrus varieties together at one stop, as well as conventional and organic.”

Well-known for its citrus strategy, surety of supply, high-quality fruit, and excellent customer service, LIV’s ability to provide Bakersfield loading during the fall season as well as its current Los Angeles option, will be a great addition to its partners’ programs.

LIV Produce is reporting exceptional quality across its citrus program and expansions to differentiate and strengthen its retail customers

As Carrie Briones, Head of Sales and Grower Relations, details, retailers can stay up-to-date and well-informed during the current market dynamic.

Carrie Briones, Head of Sales and Grower Relations, LIV Produce

“We keep in close communications with our customers to create a seamless and beneficial program for their shoppers,” she says. “Crop updates are critical to keeping the retailers informed as the crop can change throughout the season, weather being a huge factor.”

New from the company, LIV Produce will be offering both conventional and organic Mandarins as well as Organic Heirloom Navels from November through April on top of its traditional program of Navel oranges, lemons, and more.

The supplier recently expanded into Bakersfield, California, in a move to increase value for its customers, allowing them to load several different citrus varieties at one stop

“We will have some of the earliest California Mandarins available on both organic and conventional. The overall crop this season is looking outstanding!” Carrie reveals. “Organic Navels will also have an early start. They are an heirloom variety with some trees that are over 100 years old.”

Currently, the market is experiencing higher demand and limited supplies. When I asked Carrie what is contributing to the tight market and what pricing trends she is seeing as a result, she breaks it down for me.

LIV Produce will be offering both conventional and organic Mandarins as well as Organic Heirloom Navels from November through April on top of its traditional program of Navel oranges, lemons, and more

“On organic lemons, we are seeing a lot of imports, and the market is really off from last year, with California just about to start. It is also looking like all California crops will be up over last year, including grapefruit, Navels, lemons, and Mandarins,” she tells me. “We are only a couple weeks away from new crop California organic lemons and organic grapefruit. In addition, our fall lineup will have organic Meyers, organic Minneolas, organic Cara Caras, organic Mandarins, and conventional Mandarins.”

To say that the citrus category is a dynamic one would be an understatement. As consumers keep citrus as a basket staple, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we bring you more on the evolving sector.