Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

NEW ZEALAND - Kourtney Kardashian and—apples? Seems an unlikely fit, but hold onto your hats, produce industry. As one of the richest women in the world, she is more than capable of promoting an apple that has reached cult status. Which apple, you ask? Why, the Envy™ apple, of course!

Kourtney Kardashian, Lifestyle Blogger, POOSHKourtney recently touted Envy on her lifestyle guide, POOSH, as “my favorite apple of all time—so crispy and sweet.” With POOSH’s social media reach that spans well over three million, this is quite the win for Envy!

Cecilia Flores Paez, Global Brand Strategy Manager, T&G Global“With its sweetness—delicately balanced with a zesty hint—and refreshingly crisp and juicy flesh, we believe Envy is the modern every-day apple for shoppers. It makes you feel good, anytime, anywhere,” said Cecilia Flores Paez, T&G’s Global Brand Strategy Manager. “We’re thrilled POOSH, a brand also dedicated to healthy and happy living today, is a fan of Envy and focused on a similar cause.”

T&G Global, Owner of the Envy brand, and POOSH further collaborated to convey the POOSH team’s Envy interest to its followers, now that apple season is underway and the holidays are full steam ahead.

Kourtney Kardashian touted the Envy apple as her favorite apple of all time on her lifestyle blog, POOSH

POOSH touts Envy—whose flesh naturally stays white longer—as key in enjoyment and entertaining, including:

  • Slicing to optimize the flavor experience: tasting Envy’s sweet flesh first versus the skin (Envy ranked No. 1 for flavor, texture, aroma, and appearance and independently tested against category stalwarts like Honeycrisp, Fuji, and Gala and newcomers like Cosmic Crisp)
  • Incorporating Envy within cheese platters and as the lead ingredient in a deconstructed Waldorf salad
  • Substituting chips with Envy—snack throughout the day, just as they are, or with favorite dips

Will all of the Kardashians join in on the Envy hype? Signs point to yes!

Envy™ Apple

Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CORONA, CA - Celebrating the big 3-0 is worth busting out the bubbly, as Veg-Fresh Farms, a third-generation, family-run fresh produce provider, will soon be celebrating its thirtieth year of business in the industry. To mark this anniversary, the company recently announced that it was awarded a Safe Quality Foods (SQF) certification. This certification highlights Veg-Fresh Farms’ dedication to food safety and quality management.

According to a press release, the SQF Certification provides buyers and retailers the much-loved assurance that their partners in produce meet the highest handling standards in the industry.

Veg-Fresh Farms announced it was awarded the Safe Quality Foods (SQF) Certification, which highlights its dedication to food safety and quality management

The benefits of being SQF Certified are abundant, including brand protection and consumer confidence and loyalty. Once consumers understand that Veg-Fresh is compliant with international standards that encourage responsible processes, they’ll be twice as likely to return to its products.

Congratulations to Veg-Fresh Farms from all of us here at AndNowUKnow. We look forward to reporting on the next thirty years of business!

While we continue to cover all news as it relates to produce, keep checking back in with us.

Veg-Fresh Farms

Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

CASHMERE, WA - Crunch Pak® recently announced that it has an exclusive relationship to slice Cosmic Crisp®, the apple that has taken the industry by storm. A new premium variety, this apple is juicy with a firm, crisp texture that boasts of sweet and tart flavor notes.

Ozgur Koc, Senior Vice President of Business and Product Development, Crunch Pak®“It is an excellent eating apple that is perfect for slicing,” stated Ozgur Koc, Senior Vice President of Business and Product Development. “Cosmic Crisp is from Honeycrisp parentage and is best for snacking and other fresh applications. When we tested it, we found it made an ideal apple for slicing; we anticipate our national distribution will help further its growing popularity.”

According to a press release, Cosmic Crisp was created by Washington State University Tree Fruit Research and is grown in Washington State. The first volume will be harvested this fall. It is currently being marketed by Proprietary Varietal Management via multiple channels including influencer outreach, traditional media outreach, and grassroots marketing efforts.

Crunch Pak® recently announced that it has an exclusive relationship to slice Cosmic Crisp®

Cosmic Crisp fresh-cut sliced apples are shipping nationwide now for a limited time.

“Our goal is to provide shoppers with an excellent eating experience, and having the exclusive rights to new varieties with complex flavor profiles helps us meet that goal and keep the category fresh,” Koc concluded.

Interested to see what’s next for Crunch Pak and Cosmic Crisp? Keep reading AndNowUKnow for the latest.

Crunch Pak®

Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

QUINCY, MA - Earlier this autumn, Ahold Delhaize USA teased the possibility of a fully digital store format that sent the industry atwitter over the similarities to models debuted by a few of grocery’s biggest competitors. But, as the saying goes, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and Ahold Delhaize is joining the very best of ‘em with its latest innovative grocery pilot, Lunchbox.

Retail Business Services, the services company of Ahold Delhaize USA, is helping the retailer stay competitive in a fast-paced market with what it describes as frictionless store technology, which will be employed under the Lunchbox pilot.

Paul Scorza, EVP, IT & CIO, Retail Business Services, Ahold Delhaize“Lunchbox is an easy, fresh shopping alternative,” said Paul Scorza, EVP, IT, and CIO for Retail Business Services. “Once registered, shoppers simply scan in, shop, and walk out. It’s that easy. And it offers fresh, healthy options 24/7. You can grab a snack, a salad, fresh fruit, or even a carton of milk on your way home.”

The pilot is being tested in Retail Business Services’ Quincy, Massachusetts, office in partnership with UST Global, a digital transformation solutions company that is lending its articifical intelligence (AI) technology solution and physical infrastructure to the store.

Lunchbox will help deliver frictionless experiences for shoppers seeking a quick, touchless experience

We believed in this concept so much we brought it to our own office,” added Scorza, noting its lean cost and quick application. “Our cafeteria that serves more than 1,000 associates was being remodeled, and we were looking for a quick, cost effective solution to give associates access to beverages, snacks, and fresh items at a variety of hours. We implemented this solution in just six weeks. Today, thousands of shops, with groups of up to 12 in the store at the same time, have been successfully completed.”

But how does the store work you ask? Like much of tech these days, an app admits shoppers into the store where AI running on Intel® Core i5 and i7 processors-based systems monitor which products are being removed from shelves while anonymous body skeletal tracking connects the right products to the right shopper. The app also serves as the check-out kiosk. All of this ground-breaking technology was developed in Retail Business Services’ innovation lab and tech hub.

The pilot is being tested in Retail Business Services’ Quincy, Massachusetts, office in partnership with UST Global

“In the age of e-commerce, there are many opportunities for companies to evolve and better serve shoppers,” said Mahesh Athalye, Senior Director for UST Global. “Combined with AI/ML technology and purpose-built smartphone applications, solutions like Lunchbox, will help deliver frictionless experiences for shoppers seeking a quick, touchless experience.”

According to a press release, the technology will be demoed at the National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show in January in collaboration with UST Global and Intel.

AndNowUKnow will continue to follow those retailers holding the shears that are shaping the grocery landscape, so stick with us!

Ahold Delhaize USA

Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see the latest around all growing regions.


A large tropical disturbance has formed in the Pacific off the southern tip of Baja CA. This storm will produce heavy rains over the growing regions of the southern Baja peninsula and northwest mainland Mexico.

Culiacán, Sinaloa, is expected to receive 4+” of rain starting later tonight and continuing through Friday. This region has started shipping cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, bell peppers, and are on the cusp of beginning their tomato harvest. Look for production to be disrupted by this storm. Culiacán will also see some cooler temperatures associated with the storm with minimums dropping into the 50°s by Saturday and remaining into next week.

Along the southern end of the Baja peninsula expect 2+” of rain around La Paz. This a big shipping area of tomatoes right now. The berry growing region of Ensenada, Baja CA, will receive 2+” of rain with minimum temperatures in the 40°s over the next three days.


The first winter storm of the season is poised to hit California growing regions starting today.

Since we last spoke of the storm on Friday the amount of rainfall has been downgraded from earlier estimates, but the colder temperatures are definitely coming. As of yesterday evening, when we wrote this article, Oxnard and Santa Maria are expected to see .5” over Wednesday and Thursday. Salinas is expected to receive 1+” between today and Thursday. All three regions will see cold minimum temperatures starting tomorrow with temperatures dropping to 33° for Wednesday/Thursday/Friday in Salinas and Santa Maria. Oxnard will dip into the upper 30°s. These are your three main California strawberry regions right now.

The desert regions of Coachella and Yuma will see a chance of rain on Thursday (.50”) and cooler temperatures. Coachella will see minimum temperatures drop into the low 30°s for consecutive nights while Yuma will dip into the low 40°s.


The coastal California regions won’t get much of a chance to dry out before another storm is scheduled to hit Salinas starting Saturday and continuing through Tuesday bringing an additional 1+” of rain to all major regions. This rain will hit further south into Oxnard starting next Monday. Look for a reduction in production of strawberries over the next week.


The growing regions of central and southern Florida will experience high temperatures in the mid 80°s and minimums in the low 60°s through this Sunday without any chance of rain. Come next Monday the temperatures will drop by 10° to 15°s across the board with maximum temperatures in the low 70°s and minimum temperatures in the upper 40°s.

Immokalee will see minimum temperatures of 44° next Monday and Tuesday.

Thank you as always for your support and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

CASTROVILLE, CA - This time of year marks the ever-important transition period for produce companies, as they transport their operations to warmer climes. Ocean Mist® Farms, which is in the midst of transitioning its artichokes and Brussels sprouts, took the time to share with me the ins and outs of this venture. I spoke with Joe Angelo, Sales Manager, to find out more.

Joe Angelo, Sales Manager, Ocean Mist® Farms“Arctichokes started to transition a few weeks ago out of Castroville to Oxnard, California, and Baja Mexico. Coachella will start the week of December 8,” he shared with me. “We are currently growing artichokes in three regions and our Brussels sprouts will not transition to Coachella until the middle of December. All other crops will transition from Salinas to Coachella this week and next.”

Brussels sprouts will transition to Coachella in the middle of December

Although the state of California has experienced slightly chilly conditions, Joe assured me that the growing conditions in Coachella have been ideal.

“Eastern Yuma did receive some rain recently, but we do not expect there to be any significant issues going forward,” Joe remarked.

Throughout the transition, I asked Joe what fluctuations he’s seen in the market and how quality has fared.

Artichokes have started to transition out of Castroville to Oxnard, California, and Baja Mexico, with Coachella crops transitioning the second week of December

“Due to an overlap in growing regions, we have seen markets decline over the last few days and expect that trend to continue into the Thanksgiving holiday week. However, good, steady supplies and excellent quality are expected for the next several weeks,” he stated.

Due to strong promotable volume on most of Ocean Mist’s categories, Joe urges retailers to buy with confidence. With strong quality in the new growing regions, there’s no time like the present.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow for the latest in all things produce.

Ocean Mist® Farms

Tue. November 26th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

RALEIGH, NC - The Fresh Market is strengthening the roots it first planted in 1982. This week, the fresh-focused specialty grocer announced it is investing $5.4 million into its hometown of Greensboro, North Carolina, as it expands its headquarters operations.

Larry Appel, President and CEO, The Fresh Market“Greensboro has been our home for the past 37 years, and we are thrilled to be able to make a long-term commitment to staying in this community and building on our vision,” said Larry Appel, President and CEO of The Fresh Market, in a press release. “We are excited to be able to unite all of our headquarters team members in one building and provide them with as welcoming a place to work as it is for our guests to shop in our stores.”

The Fresh Market has announced it will invest $5.4 million into Greensboro, North Carolina, to expand its headquarters

As part of its latest plan, The Fresh Market is consolidating its corporate headquarters operations from two separate buildings to one new, modern location in downtown Greensboro. The move will create 53 new jobs and support its footprint growth as it continues to enter new markets.

Roy Cooper, Governor, North Carolina“We’re proud that The Fresh Market has chosen to expand its operations at home in Greensboro, where the company began as a single store and continues to grow,” said Governor Roy Cooper. “In this week of Thanksgiving, I’m grateful to all the hardworking North Carolinians who make up our workforce and help us attract great paying jobs like these.”

According to the press release, a performance-based grant of $500,000 from the One North Carolina Fund, which provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and create jobs, will help facilitate The Fresh Market’s expansion in Guilford County. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment.

Since its inception in 1982, The Fresh Market has grown to operate 159 locations across 22 states.

As more retailers expand, grow, and transform, you can bet your bottom dollar AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you the latest.

The Fresh Market

Mon. November 25th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CALIFORNIA - The season for giving and gratitude is becoming one of concern for a core aspect of our industry: romaine lettuce growers. While I am thankful that we are not struggling under a wide net cast out over the entire category, it isn’t without hopefully watching for a quick recovery by those on all sides affected by the most recent E. coli scare. But action and resilience continue to ring in the tone of the industry as it already works to answer the call of this challenge.

Scott Horsfall, CEO, California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement“No one is more frustrated than the producers of leafy greens that outbreaks continue to be associated with our products,” Scott Horsfall, CEO of the California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (LGMA), said in a press release. “For the past year, producers have been voluntarily labeling romaine lettuce with information on harvest date and growing region. Today, this information provides consumers, retailers, and foodservice operators with assurances the products they are purchasing have been identified as safe for consumption. We are hopeful these actions by industry will minimize withdrawal of safe product from stores and restaurants and reduce food waste.”

As we reported yesterday, a recall announced by the USDA on November 21, 2019 shared that Missa Bay, LLC had recalled approximately 75,233 pounds of salad products that contain meat or poultry because the lettuce ingredient may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. The products recalled have “Use By” dates ranging from October 29, 2019, to November 1, 2019, according to the FDA and CDC.

For full reports on the most recent info regarding the romaine warning, please click through here: FDA and CDC.

The root cause of this outbreak, as well as other recent ones linked to romaine lettuce, are still unknown, though LGMA reminded us of the continued concentrated focus on safety by leafy greens producers and government regulators.

“We are very hopeful that what we learn from these recent outbreaks will help us to strengthen our food safety practices,” said Horsfall, who emphasized that since an outbreak linked to romaine last Thanksgiving, California and Arizona leafy greens producers made several changes to the food safety practices required of farmers. The changes include updated protocols for irrigation and increased buffer zones between leafy greens farms and adjacent animal operations.

The Western Growers Association (WGA) is among those trying to help growers stay as ahead of the current outbreak as possible, informing members that the Canadian government has taken actions related to the import and sale of romaine lettuce in Canada.

According to a statement from WGA, additional documentation is now required to confirm the growing region of romaine lettuce and ensure product from the Salinas growing area, including Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, and Santa Clara counties of California, does not enter Canada. Required documentation includes a Certificate of Origin and an attestation in writing, dated and signed, indicating the growing area.

“We have not heard of major issues or delays at this point; however, to avoid border rejections and delays, we strongly encourage Western Growers members to provide documentation via advance notice,” the WGA statement noted.

As the LGMA pointed out, leafy greens in central California is transitioning to growing regions in southern California and Arizona. It appears that romaine lettuce involved in this outbreak was likely harvested in the Salinas Valley growing area in September and October.

The question on everyone’s mind when our team at ANUK asks about the thought that keeps them up is nearly always food safety, no matter the strides taken in the past year and beyond. Weeks like this one are what we all fear and prepare for, no matter the role.

Dan Sutton, Chairman, LGMA“The situation is heartbreaking. I have a very young family and the products we grow go to my family’s dinner table. My children consume the very same products we are sending out to consumers across the nation. That’s something I think about every day,” Dan Sutton, a farmer from Oceano, California, who serves as Chairman of the LGMA, said. He added that farmers never want outbreaks to happen, and that the team will continue to do everything possible to improve current required practices, the way leafy greens are farmed, and to ensure the safety of these products being put out to consumers can be improved.

Romaine from the following regions are currently considered safe: Yuma, Arizona; Phoenix, Arizona; Southern Arizona; Northern Arizona; Northern California; Santa Maria, California; Southern California, Imperial Valley, California; Coachella, California; and Central Valley. Product from Mexico and other states is also cleared, and hydroponically and greenhouse-grown romaine both were not implicated in the outbreak.

As the industry continues to strive for a seamless and safe output of all products, we hope for minimal impact as we look to keep you up to date on the latest for this developing story.

Mon. November 25th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

LEAMINGTON, ON - Following through on sustainability efforts has led to truly innovative solutions and surprising partnerships. NatureFresh™ Farms is partnering with Hiram Walker & Sons Limited for its own innovative solution, using the whisky producer’s whisky cull barrels as a renewable fuel source.

Dave Froese, Energy Manager, NatureFresh Farms™“We are in an industry that has the capacity to produce significant positive change,” said Dave Froese, Energy Manager at NatureFresh Farms “Teaming up with Hiram Walker & Sons gives us the opportunity to continue to make a difference by reducing the amount of materials that end up in landfills.”

In 2018, Hiram Walker & Sons reached out to NatureFresh Farms for help in reducing its surplus of whisky cull barrels. Each month, the greenhouse grower receives approximately 400 barrels that are then shredded and stockpiled for colder seasons, according to a press release. Those wood chips are fed to the biomass boiler’s fire box, heating the water that gets pumped through rails among each row of plants to warm the greenhouse. To date, Hiram Walker & Sons have provided over 25,000 barrels to the grower, equaling about 1,125 tons of wood, producing about 20,000 gigajoules equivalent to nearly 520,000 cubic meters of natural gas. Burning the barrels saves NatureFresh Farms 520,000 cubic meters of natural gas, which is enough to heat the average Canadian home for 192 years, saving a total of 1,000 tons of CO2 emissions.

NatureFresh™ Farms is partnering with Hiram Walker & Sons Limited for its own innovative solution, using the whisky producer’s whisky cull barrels as a renewable fuel source

Due to the massive success of the partnership, the two companies have expanded the program, so in addition to the whisky cull barrels, Hiram Walker & Sons has begun sending other scrap wood material, including used bungs, wood shavings, and damaged pallets.

Darren Taylor, Customer Service and Planning, Bulk Operations, Hiram Walker & Sons“The partnership between Hiram Walker and NatureFresh Farms can best be described as a win-win situation for both companies,” commented Darren Taylor, Customer Service and Planning, Bulk Operations at Hiram Walker & Sons. “Hiram Walker has an environmentally friendly way to dispose of barrels and NatureFresh Farms receives a good supply of clean-burning oak wood.”

This partnership is just one part of NatureFresh Farms' overall energy strategy, as the greenhouse grower continues to prioritize sustainability

Both companies will continue to work together to recycle wood and metal whisky barrel rings, which will ultimately reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Through this partnership, NatureFresh Farms and Hiram Walker & Sons can both maintain their values of sustainability while uncovering new opportunities to integrate eco-friendly alternatives within their operations.

This partnership is just one part of NatureFresh Farms’ overall energy strategy. The grower has prioritized sustainability to make impactful efforts in the world of produce, and that commitment has only become stronger. After 20 years of growing, NatureFresh Farms is still an innovative industry force that continues to introduce more viable and sustainable growing and packaging solutions.

For more news on the latest sustainable innovations, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

NatureFresh™ Farms

Mon. November 25th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

YAKIMA, WA - The excitement of the holiday rush is upon us as suppliers look to build premium programs with their retailer partners. With Thanksgiving and Christmas closing in fast, we cannot say enough about how essential preparation is for retailers, as well as truly partnering with growers to bring the best of the best to produce departments this winter. Superfresh Growers® is one of those companies making an impact this season as it looks to bring more value to the table.

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, Superfresh Growers®“This season, two of our hallmark items are Organic Honeycrisp and Autumn Glory apples,” Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, shares with me. “Both make excellent additions to cheese and charcuterie platters. Organic Honeycrisp pairs well with Gouda, cloth-bandaged Cheddar, and apple-smoked Cheddar. Autumn Glory pairs well with goat cheese, blue cheeses, Stilton, and sharp Cheddar. Autumn Glory also makes an excellent apple pie and, due to its naturally high sugar content, added sugar isn’t needed. Consider cross-merchandising these items across departments to offer inspiration for shoppers and build the consumer’s basket.”

Superfresh Growers®' apples can be cross-merchandised with a variety of products, highlighting their versatility as both a snack and a recipe ingredient

Currently this year, volume is healthy and promotable and there are plenty of organics for Superfresh promotions—both apples and pears. Granny Smith apples have increased in demand as well.

“We are seeing excellent quality. This past summer was moderate in weather with our signature hot days and cool nights. Fruit colored up beautifully. We are seeing fruit a bit smaller than last year,” Catherine expresses. “We are planning on a 138 million box crop, which is comparable to the 2017 crop two years ago."

On the pear side of things, organic continues to increase as orchards transition—providing additional value to what Superfresh brings to partners.

This year, Superfresh Growers® reports that high-quality organic volumes provide ample room for promotions

So, what other ideas does this apple mega-marketer suggest? Co-merchandize apple and squash combos for recipe and decoration collaboration. Apple and squash recipes have been trending on social media, as Catherine adds.

“They both are great table decorations as well. We also have recipes on hand. Reach out to your Superfresh rep for more info and happy holidays,” she shares.

It is never too late or too early to plan the retail holiday spread. With more companies like Superfresh joining the holiday conversation, check back with AndNowUKnow for updates on the opportunities yet to come!

Superfresh Growers®