Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

THE INTERWEBS - Like the allusive treasure many great questers have chased after in mythology, literature, and tales of old, so too is the industry perusing the interwebs for official Trader Joe’s news. Official news from TJ’s doesn’t even happen once in a blue moon—that’s how rare it is to hear from the cult grocery icon itself: i.e. never. You might be wondering at this point how Trader Joe’s promotes itself and its products? We had a similar question, which led us on a wild goose chase to unravel the tightly spun web Trader Joe’s weaves.

Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on how you look at it—Vox beat us to the punch in uncovering one of Trader Joe’s allegedly unbeknownst secret weapons: Instagrammers. According to the news source, dozens of Instagram accounts lay in waiting for new products to grace their lord and savior’s shelves and then report on said products to their thousands and thousands of followers (we're talking upwards of 50K!).

Accounts like traderjoesglutenfree promote Trader Joe's goods

Accounts like @traderjoesglutenfree, @traderjoeslist, @traderjoesaficionado, @traderjoeskitchen, and more have all garnered their own mass followings simply by doing what Trader Joe’s chooses not to. And while the retailer hasn’t laid claim to any of these accounts—Vox even reports that representatives from Trader Joe’s have sent letters to some influencers urging them to clarify they are not affiliated with the grocer—no one can say TJ’s isn’t benefitting from the free publicity. It’s a unique strategy, and one that only continues to stoke the flames of adoration found in the hearts of its Trader Beaus.

Like a stereotypical bad boy in any of our favorite romcoms, is Trader Joe’s mysteriousness, on the internet and IRL (in real life), one of its key promotional tactics, with its fleet of Instagrammers being another? And should more retailers look to social media to find their next taskforce of promotional manpower? AndNowUKnow will continue to be your guide to the latest movements in grocery retail.

Trader Joe's

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - The Allen Lund Company recently announced the promotion of one of its distinguished employees. Michael Patrick, who joined the company in January 2018 with nearly 20 years of experience in the transportation business, will now be known as the Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics.

Jim McGuire, Executive Vice President, Allen Lund Company“Since joining our team in January 2018, Michael has done a great job creating processes to put our data to work for us,” stated Executive Vice President Jim McGuire. “We look forward to what he and his team can do next as our new Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics. Congratulations Michael on a well-deserved promotion!”

Allen Lund Company has announced Michael Patrick has been promoted to Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics

Patrick first started out as an Account Manager, then transitioned to Branch Manager before his last role as a Business Analyst. Graduating from Winthrop University with a B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing, Patrick then went on to earn his Masters in Business Administration from The Citadel, according to the press release. With his background, Patrick will now lead and manage a team of business analysts that will design and create effective reports for branch offices, the sales team, as well as support groups. His team is also in charge of designing and implementing customer, carrier, office, and executive reporting as well as pricing strategy, rate analysis, and bid tool management.

Michael Patrick, Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics, Allen Lund Company“I would like to thank the entire ALC Executive Team for their ongoing support toward our Business Intelligence program,” Patrick comments on his new role. “Special thanks to Jim McGuire for taking a chance on me two years ago. I look forward to working with an awesome team in order to build an industry-leading analytics team. As a team, we will strive to build impactful reporting for offices, customers, carriers, and support departments. I have full confidence our analytics team will help lead the organization to growth for years into the future.”

Congrats again to Michael Patrick on his new role! For more exciting announcements within the industry, keep reading ANUK.

Allen Lund Company

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

BAKERSFIELD, CA - Was it really last month that industry members gathered to celebrate Grimmway Farms’ 50th Anniversary in Anaheim? A big milestone calls for equally big fanfare, and as this golden year is tied not just to the company, but to it having been a part of the Bakersfield, California, community, it held two local events to mark the occasion.

Dana Brennan, Director of Corporate and Government Affairs, Grimmway Farms“Grimmway Farms and its employees are deeply committed to the local community. This year’s Farm-To-Fork event and our Annual Community Cleanup Project are two important ways we demonstrate our dedication,” said Dana Brennan, VP Government and Public Affairs. “We’re pleased that we could not only host community leaders at our farms and facilities, but also mobilize our employees to give back to Bakersfield through our work at Heritage Park.”

The Farm-to-Fork Tour and Luncheon acknowledged and honored community partnerships with local stakeholders and leaders, followed by the company’s 6th Annual Cleanup Day at Heritage Park in East Bakersfield.

Brandon Grimm, Manager, Grimmway Farms“We are founded on a unique set of family values. My father and uncle believed in investing in the people who work with us and for us, and this philosophy remains at the core of our success. From community cleanups to establishing edible gardens in school districts and dozens of other annual charitable efforts, Grimmway endeavors to make the world a better place,” Grimm family and leadership team member Brandon Grimm shared.

 According to a press release, the Farm-to-Fork gathering provided key community stakeholders with direct insight into Grimmway’s local and global operations. Among these was the chance to view organic vegetable harvesting and tour Grimmway’s state-of-the-art baby carrot processing facility. In short, guests saw the lifecycle of Grimmway’s products from field to distribution.

Among the honorary guests were:

  • Kern County Supervisor David Couch
  • Mayor Karen Goh, City of Bakersfield
  • Staff from federal, state, and local elected officials’ offices
  • Representatives from the local healthcare industry
  • Major stakeholders in Kern County’s education arena

The volunteer day was led by Grimmway employees and their families, focusing on restoring a neighborhood park. The restoration effort helped provide local residents and commuters with clean walkways and safer recreation areas as volunteers cleaned up trash, painted over graffiti, and planted trees. The company noted that it has created several opportunities to give back to the greater Bakersfield community since its inception half a century ago.

Congratulations to the Grimmway team on 50 years of success and stewardship in our industry and beyond!

Grimmway Farms

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LOS ANGELES, CA - Every year, PMA Fresh Summit is always a flurry of activity. From booth to booth we are looking for the latest innovations that are pushing the produce envelope forward. This year, Owyhee Produce took the cake as one grower combining a few of our industry’s biggest trends into one knock-out item.

Intrigued? So was I. To learn more about the latest from Owyhee, we chatted with Shay Myers, General Manager and third-generation farmer, to glean as many details as possible on its new sustainable packaging.

Shay Myers, General Manager, Owyhee Produce“We have a farmed-fresh packaging, which is hemp-based,” Shay began. “We started growing hemp this year for the first time on our farm. We have about 600 acres, and the idea was to try and figure out what to do with the byproduct.”

This innovative thinking ultimately led the Owyhee Produce team to go down the path of packaging—regenerative, environmentally-sustainable hemp packaging that is.

Owyhee Produce is growing its own hemp to make its regenerative and sustainable packaging

“We’re literally growing the packaging that we’re using. We wanted to make a difference,” Shay continued, before noting that it isn’t always easy to make a difference, but the Owyhee Produce team insisted on trying. This led the grower to now offer consumers, distributors, and retailers the opportunity to purchase packaging that is like no other on the market.

Owyhee Produce has dedicated 600 acres to growing and harvesting the hemp for its new packaging innovation

While Shay explained that the packaging will cost a dollar to a dollar twenty-five more than typical packaging, the pay-off is worth it for more reasons than one. Obviously, sending the earth some extra TLC in any way possible is always rewarding. This, coupled with the fact that the packaging is what consumers have been demanding, makes Owyhee Produce’s latest innovation a hot commodity.

To learn more from Shay himself, check out our exclusive video above. And for more of the most exciting produce news, keep on keeping on with AndNowUKnow.

Owyhee Produce

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SANDPOINT, ID - Litehouse announced a change-up in its leadership structure as its Board of Directors promoted Kelly Prior to President and CEO, an expansion of his previous role as company President. This new move is effective immediately.

Kelly Prior, President and CEO, Litehouse“The success of Litehouse is in large part due to the hard work and perseverance of our employee owners,” Prior, who joined the company in 2002, said in a press release. “It’s crucial we have a forward-thinking strategy to ensure we continue to build a sustainable business that provides our employee owners with opportunities for years to come. I am honored to work with my fellow employee owners to ensure that we maintain our position as the No. 1 RSD brand while also expanding our footprint into other categories of the store.”

Prior became CFO within just a few years of joining the team. In 2010, he was appointed Executive Vice President of the company and then took on the role of Interim President in 2018. Prior was officially named President in February of this year.

Litehouse's Board of Directors has promoted Kelly Prior to President and CEO, an expansion of his previous role as company President

Now, in his newly expanded role, Prior will be responsible for setting the company’s strategic direction and vision.

“The past year has been a dynamic and exciting time for Litehouse,” said Curt Hecker, Litehouse Board Member. “Along with becoming the No. 1 RSD brand in the United States, we also acquired two new brands, Sky Valley and Organicville. This acquisition took us from a manufacturer in the produce and deli departments to a manufacturer across multiple categories throughout the grocery store. With this expanded scope, it’s imperative we put an individual in the CEO role who has vision and a reputation of moving the business forward. Kelly’s track record of strategic thinking, strong business acumen and outstanding relationship skills made him the right choice for the role.”

As the company’s President, Prior noted that he has made it a priority to focus his time and energy on developing a long-term business strategy for Litehouse over the past year. As he and the team enter this new chapter of that goal, AndNowUKnow congratulates both on the next step in that story.

Litehouse, Inc.

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

U.S. & CHINA - This past summer, we reported how the tariffs from China affected the import and export sales of cherries. Now, we have news that California Republican Representatives Kevin McCarthy and Ken Calvert want to save the citrus program by having U.S. citrus products included in the Trump Administration’s latest trade deal with China as well as in any agricultural product purchases made by China. U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) also joined the congressmen in penning an October 29 letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer regarding U.S. citrus access in China, a top export destination for California’s citrus.

Kevin McCarthy, (R) Representative, California“Unfair Chinese tariffs on our country’s fresh citrus, however, have unfortunately caused devastating implications on California fresh citrus producers who anticipate losses of more than 50 percent in exports to China and Hong Kong this upcoming shipping season,” McCarthy noted in a separate statement following the letter.

California Representatives look to protect the citrus trade with China

According to The Ripon Advance, the congressmen noted their support of what the Trump Administration calls the first phase of a trade deal with China, which was announced earlier this month. Under the agreement, Beijing will make concessions on intellectual property, financial services, and agriculture. In return, the United States agreed not to implement the proposed tariffs on Chinese goods on October 15.

Devin Nunes, (R) Representative, California“The initial trade deal with China is a big step toward ending Beijing’s unfair trade practices. I commend the administration for its hard work as Republicans fight to ensure that the citrus industry maintains access to the Chinese market, which is essential for the future of the citrus industry,” commented Nunes in the statement.

The Chinese market is essential for most of California citrus growers. California Citrus Mutual reported that President Trump held a press conference on October 11 to announce a Phase 1 agreement with China. Supposedly, the deal documented that China would be purchasing $40 to $50 billion of agricultural products from the United States and would suspend additional tariffs. However, further details weren’t immediately available.

Ken Calvert, (R) Representative, California“America’s citrus industry continues to be subjected an effective Chinese tariff of approximately 75 percent. As a result, citrus producers, which are predominantly from California, are experiencing tremendous difficulty selling their products in one of their most significant export markets. The Trump Administration has made significant progress in its ongoing attempt to restore fairness in our trade relationship with China. Along with my colleagues, I strongly encourage Trade Representative Lighthizer to advocate for relief from these harmful tariffs on American citrus as these trade talks continue,” said Calvert.

McCarthy said he would continue to work with the administration to curb China’s ongoing trade abuses and fight for access to China for U.S. agricultural products, particularly those from California.

AndNowUKnow will keep you updated on more news with the citrus industry as well as all fresh produce.

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SANTA BARBARA, CA - In the crosshairs of organic, category, and varietal expansion, companies are eager to grow their business with a new and competitive edge. As this extends to retailers, techies, and growers alike, the fruits of this labor often bear new partnerships. Yesterday Apeel Sciences announced a strategic partnership with Sage Fruit Company, launching itself into the organic apple category.

Apeel and Sage Fruit have teamed up to make this new offering a reality. Combining the advanced technology of Apeel with the premium quality of Sage Fruit, this new launch will bring a new kind of apple to the market. Several popular varieties will be offered, including Honeycrisp, Fuji, Gala, Pink Lady, and Granny Smith.

Gordon Robertson, Chief Revenue Officer at Apeel Sciences“This partnership marks a significant milestone for the organic produce industry. With Apeel, Sage can now offer greater availability of their premium organic apples. And because our technology keeps produce fresher for longer, retailers can sell more fruit at a greater weight while the consumer enjoys a delicious, crisp apple at home,” stated Gordon Robertson, Chief Revenue Officer at Apeel Sciences.

Apeel’s niche offering is an edible, plant-derived solution for the organic fresh produce industry to extend the freshness of fruits and vegetables, providing greater value to already premium fruit categories. Additionally, the company’s technology maintains moisture, which means less money evaporating off of store shelves and higher margins for retailers.

Apeel Sciences has partnered with Sage Fruit Company to break into the organic apple category, offering several popular varieties including Honeycrisp, Fuji, Gala, Pink Lady, and Granny Smith

Because 1-MCP cannot be used on organic apples, they have much less availability than those in the conventional category. The apple industry’s adoption of Apeel, which is approved for organics, means organic-conscious consumers can enjoy this iconic fruit during times of the year that were never possible before.

Congrats to Apeel Sciences and Sage Fruit Company on this exciting partnership!

Apeel Sciences Sage Fruit Company

Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

CINCINNATI, OH - Whispers in the industry have been spreading over a possible brand refresh from Kroger since last week, but now there is a definitive answer. The retailer announced its ambitious brand transformation campaign and new logo that will celebrate its history and future as one of America’s favorite grocers.

Mike Donnelly, Executive Vice President and COO, Kroger"Kroger's new brand launch is a unifying framework for our seamless shopping experience that is designed to deepen our connection with customers and associates today and into the future, support our business transformation, and provide an elevated creative approach," said Mike Donnelly, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. "Kroger chose Fresh for Everyone as our leading brand message because it is inclusive, clear and memorable, and supports our vision of serving America through food inspiration and uplift.”

The retailer tapped DDB New York as its first creative agency of record, according to a press release. DDB brought its creative horsepower and ingenuity to bring Kroger’s passion for customer service, innovation, and fresh-forward attitude new life.

"Kroger believes that everyone deserves to have access to fresh, affordable, and delicious food, no matter who you are, how you shop, or what you like to eat,” Donnelly continued. “Kroger's winning combination of assets puts our team in a unique position to deliver fresh…for everyone."

The full brand refresh is designed to break through the grocery retail industry’s “sea of sameness,” the press release states, and create a stronger brand identity, both internally among associates and externally among customers and other valuable stakeholders.

Lisa Topol, Co-Chief Creative Officer, DDB New York"Kroger already stands apart from its competitors in terms of quality, loyalty to customers, and real-world actions that speak to its purpose to Feed the Human Spirit," said Lisa Topol, Co-Chief Creative Officer of DDB New York. "Advertising in the grocery space was universally a sea of sameness: generic aisles of groceries and close-ups of people cutting carrots. Yet, Kroger is anything but generic. So, we wanted to take their inclusive and uplifting promise to their customers and find an effective and creative way to share it with the world."

While the brand refresh will be enacted throughout Kroger’s operations, the retailer’s 20+ banners across the country will continue to operate under their existing names, while incorporating the new brand attributes.

Kroger announced its ambitious brand transformation campaign and new logo that will celebrate its history and future as one of America’s favorite grocers (Image Credit: Kroger)

Some of Kroger’s new brand attributes include:

  • New Logo - Redesigned with a contemporary feel, the new logo reflects the retailer’s strong, food-rich heritage, retaining the shape and movement of the iconic “K” and “G” that its customers have known and loved for generations
  • New Tagline - The “Fresh for Everyone” tagline communicates the brand’s ethos, designed to drive an instant understanding of the Kroger brand and its belief that everyone should have access to fresh, affordable, and delicious food
  • Primary Brand Color - Blue will continue to be the brand’s signature color, representing Kroger’s heritage of food savvy, safety, dedication to its customers
  • Color Accent Palette - The rest of the colors used in branding will be bright and modern, to signify the fun and inclusive spirit of the new campaign
  • Animation - Kroger is introducing the Kroji (Kroger+emoji), a loveable cast of characters that represent the retailer’s customers, associates, and communities in a relatable, inclusive, optimistic, and fun way
  • Photography and Video Style - Exiting visual narratives that stand out to customers, featuring real, delicious, fresh food with movement placed next to animation

Kroger will be launching a massive media campaign to promote its new brand transformation and will target advertising channels including, retail, television and radio broadcast, digital, print, social, podcast, cinema, outdoor, and TV and music streaming services.

Mandy Rassi, Vice President of Marketing, Kroger"We know that consumers make 221 food-related decisions a day, so Kroger's brand campaign was developed using the deep insights we have about our customers, their needs, and how we can help make it easier for them to achieve their food aspirations," Mandy Rassi, Vice President of Marketing, commented, citing a Cornell Chronicle study on food purchasing decisions.

Kroger’s brand refresh puts a focus on better serving its customers and making their lives easier. The rebranding will also include a promotion for the retailer’s grocery pickup service, offering free pickup through January 1, 2020, in honor of the refresh. As always, the new branding seeks to communicate Kroger’s commitment to delivering fresh food at a fair price.

"Fresh and friendly underpin Kroger's new brand identity because product quality and the total customer experience—across physical and digital—are key to bringing our brand promise to life," Rassi continued. "Kroger's new brand celebrates our love of people and our love of food, cutting through the 'sea of sameness' that has beset grocery retail advertising for far too long. Having a more consistent and recognizable brand enables Kroger to stand out and engage our customers in an even more compelling way."

For more news on the evolution of retail brands, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Wed. November 6th, 2019 - by Chandler James

WENATCHEE, WA - When we think of farm to fork, we often conjure an image of fruits being plucked from the tree and plopped onto our plate. This is a lofty ideation of what farm to fork means, as said fruit must be passed between many hands before arriving at the table. That being said, it’s integral that team members throughout the supply chain receive the same training as farmers in the field. To encourage this, Stemilt Growers recently launched an online courseware series to help retailers train their produce teams on the farm-to-fork process. Dubbed Stemilt University: Online, the program is a continuation of a long-time, in-person program at Stemilt, and will help participating retailers expand the number of team members that receive training on key produce categories.

Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager Stemilt Growers“Stemilt University: Online is an easy-to-use digital experience that makes learning quick and interesting,” stated Senior Marketing Manager, Brianna Shales. “Our marketing team has put in a lot of time and effort to create a tool that is user-friendly so all different types of learners can get something from our classes.”

While Stemilt University originally started with visits out to the field and classroom sessions held at Stemilt headquarters, the company found it could easily digitize this experience so more people could have the opportunity to learn in the comfort of their own workplaces. Today, Stemilt offers online classes focused on apples and cherries, with other fruits coming in the future. Each class is a digital experience where students can learn what it takes to produce World Famous Fruit through an online platform. It works on computers, tablets, or mobile devices, which gives students the option to learn anytime and even on-the-go.

Stemilt Growers recently launched an online courseware series to help retailers train their produce teams on the farm-to-fork process, dubbed Stemilt University: Online

“In a perfect world, we would love to have every Produce Manager, Buyer, and Category Manager out to our farms to experience everything first-hand,” said Shales. “But since that is not a realistic expectation, yet we have so much good content to share, we felt this was the next best thing.”

The online training is modeled after the farm to fork process and covers the same major lessons that are covered in the field. During the six-part video series, Stemilt goes in-depth to cover FAQs that consumers have about fresh produce, giving those who work in the department a better, broader understanding of where fruits like apples are grown and how they are farmed, harvested, and packed.

“When we designed this courseware, we mapped it out just like we do when a partner comes out to visit,” said Shales. “We encompass every element that is involved in the process and we have organized that information into six videos that are all under four minutes or less. It’s really just that easy.”

Stemilt University will help participating retailers expand the number of team members that receive training on key produce categories

According to a press release, each video covers a different topic: how fruit is grown; where it is grown; the volume of fruit grown; different varieties; packing and shipping; nutrition; and FAQs. After students have completed the videos, they will be prompted to take a 15-question quiz on the materials they learned. If students pass with a 70 percent or better, they will be awarded a Stemilt University: Online courseware certificate that they can print out or share on their LinkedIn profiles. If students do not pass on the first try, they can study and take the quiz again 14 days later.

“The whole purpose of this online education course is to ensure that our retailers have the tools they need to be successful on the floor,” said Shales. “Anyone who is working with our product and the consumer becomes an instant brand ambassador and we want them to feel confident in what they’re selling. We hope that all students who enroll leave feeling like they’ve accomplished something and are inspired to use it.”

The original Stemilt University courseware material used to be captured in a very detailed textbook that would be sent home with retail partners after their trips out west. However, as the world evolved digitally, the company needed to accommodate those needs, which resulted in a video-based classroom.

The online training is modeled after the farm to fork process and covers the same major lessons that are covered in the field

“Video is the way that everyone is getting their information in today’s world,” explained Shales. “Stemilt University: Online makes continuing education easy with short, easy-to-digest videos. After watching these videos, students will feel like they are part of the Stemilt family and can represent our brands with their best foot forward.”

To check out Stemilt University: Online for yourself, click here. For all the latest news in produce, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.

Stemilt Growers

Tue. November 5th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

CALGARY, CANADA - As smaller grocers continue to struggle under the weight of mega retailers, alliances can go far. Canadian grocer Calgary Co-op has made its own move to accelerate growth and sharpen its competitive edge, with the recent acquisition of Community Natural Foods.

Ken Keelor, CEO, Calgary Co-op "For Calgary Co-op's food business to survive and thrive in the long term, we must work locally to increase the relevance of our unique offering of products and services to members' lifestyles," said Calgary Co-op CEO, Ken Keelor, in a press release.

According to Yahoo! News, Calgary Co-op intends to run its newly-acquired banner as an independent subsidiary, allowing Community Natural Foods to retain its current staff and management structure. Calgary Co-op generates annual sales of $1.3 billion, and the retailer has stores throughout the city of Calgary and its neighboring communities.

Canadian grocer Calgary Co-op has acquired Community Natural Foods

Community Natural Foods was founded in 1977 and has since expanded to three stores, while maintaining its commitment to local and organic products.

"It's been an amazing 42-year journey and it was my personal wish to sell to a buyer who would steward the Community Natural Foods business and brand carefully and thoughtfully," Garry Wilkes, Co-Founder of Community Natural Foods, commented.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow for more news on the changing grocery retail landscape.

Calgary Co-op