Wed. October 23rd, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

DOWNERS GROVE, IL - Throughout the year, Fresh Thyme has made significant progress in its quest for growth and expansion. The retailer has made new executive appointments to bolster its team, and has been riding high on its successes in 2018. Now, it seems that the retailer is taking a close look inward to identify which stores are thriving and which are flailing. Fresh Thyme has recently announced the closing of its stores in its Lakeside location in Omaha, and Grand Island and Ames locations in Nebraska, in a move to redirect resources and energy toward higher-performing stores.

Chris Sherrell, CEO, Fresh Thyme“Fresh Thyme will be closing our Grand Island, Nebraska, store on November 16,” CEO Chris Sherrell said in a statement. “Like any organization experiencing rapid growth and expansion, sometimes we need to optimize our approach and make changes if something isn’t working. We are continuing to refine our real estate strategy, but sometimes certain stores are simply not as successful as others. We take the well-being of our staff very seriously—this was not an easy decision for us. We will do everything we can to ease this transition for them. We will continue our mission of making fresh, organic food accessible and affordable.”

Fresh Thyme is strategizing ways to manage its growth in the retail sector

According to The Grand Island Independent, the store had opened less than two years ago, in February 2018, but since then has not performed as well as expected. The retailer has also, this year, closed stores in Sugarcreek Township in Dayton, Ohio, according to WHIOTV7, and Louisville, Kentucky, according to The Louisville Courier Jornal.

Will Fresh Thyme seek to target different regions in the state? Or is the retailer looking elsewhere to continue its expansion? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Fresh Thyme

Wed. October 23rd, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

SALINAS, CA - GreenGate Fresh, which shares ownership with Fresh Avenue under the Barkley Ag family of businesses, is splashing more green into its already verdant lineup. In addition to its high-quality fresh-cut lettuce, cabbage, tender greens, broccoli, and more, washed cilantro and parsley will join its foodservice selection beginning November 1, 2019.

Scott Bricker, Director of Sales and Partner, Fresh Avenue“Our customers have been asking for washed cilantro and parsley to add to their orders. It’s these value-added items from GreenGate that streamlines restaurant operations by bringing more food safety, compact storage, and less shipping costs to customers.” said Scott Bricker, Fresh Avenue’s Sales Director and Partner.

In addition to Fresh Avenue’s high-quality fresh-cut lettuce, cabbage, tender greens, broccoli, and more, washed cilantro and parsley will join its foodservice selection

According to a press release, GreenGate Fresh is a farmer and processor of fresh produce, backed by the 100 year farming heritage of the Barkley family. Today, the foodservice provider focuses on fresh-cut items that are high quality, safe, and short cut in order to retain maximum shelf life.

Mark Vaughan, Managing Partner, Fresh Avenue“We are always looking for ways to meet our customer’s needs and very pleased to be adding washed cilantro and parsley to the many quality products from our primary producer partner. But it isn’t just the item we deliver. It's a spectrum of services to ensure our customers save time, money, and hassle in their operations and are fully supported by our region-based team,” added Mark Vaughan, Managing Partner.

As the sales, logistics, and marketing arm of the Barkley Ag family of businesses, Fresh Avenue works to expand the reach of GreenGate Fresh’s line of products in the national market.

Keep checking back with AndNowUKnow to stay ahead of the greenest produce news.

Fresh Avenue GreenGate Fresh

Wed. October 23rd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

FOWLER, CA - Easy-peel mandarins are a household staple. Just ask my folks, who keep bags of the delicious fruits on their counter throughout the year! As households continue to keep these varieties in stock, retailers need a partner that will help them keep up with consumer demand. Enter Bee Sweet Citrus, which just announced the arrival of the California domestic season of most of its popular mandarin varieties.

Joe Berberian, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus"Mandarins check off all the qualities that consumers look for in citrus," stated Sales Representative Joe Berberian. "Their unique flavor combined with their versatile characteristics make them a great fit for anyone looking to incorporate healthy snacks into their diet."

California's citrus domestic season ramps up with the availability of Clementine mandarins, which kicks-off during the first week of November. Grown and harvested in California's Central Valley, this variety is popular for its sweet flavor and vibrant color, a press release noted.

Monique Bienvenue, Director of Communications, Bee Sweet Citrus"With the holiday season right around the corner, there's no better time to stock up on sweet mandarins than now," said Director of Communications Monique Bienvenue. "Parents and educators often look for healthy snack alternatives to celebrate the holiday season, and Clementines are perfect for curbing a child's sweet tooth."

Bee Sweet Citrus announced the arrival of its California domestic season for several of its popular mandarin varieties

Not only are Clementine mandarins sodium free, cholesterol free, and an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber, they run at approximately 50 calories per serving—a nutritional powerhouse! Joining Clementine in both the delicious and nutritious categories is the W. Murcott mandarin variety.

"Clememtines will be available to kick off the start of the holiday season, and Murcotts will be able to close it," continued Berberian. "Both varieties are known for their easy-peel characteristics and their sharp, rich flavor."

Both Clementines and W. Murcott mandarins are seedless, easy-peelers. Popular for their unique taste, both varieties are in high demand while they're in season. Clementines are expected to be available at the start of November through mid-December and W. Murcott mandarins will be available mid-January through May.

"There's no doubt about it, mandarins have taken the produce industry by storm," added Bienvenue. "Fortunately, our team has the volume and variety customers need to meet market demand."

As we follow the domestic citrus season, keep reading AndNowUKnow for the latest.

Bee Sweet Citrus

Wed. October 23rd, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

UNITED STATES - While our industry is a competitive one, there’s no denying what we can accomplish when we all lock arms for the greater good of produce. Recently, food safety has been one topic of interest that rivals up and down the supply chain have united on in order to establish and implement solutions across all categories. The Leafy Greens Safety (LGS) Coalition is but one example of this, with Kroger, Walmart, Costco, Wegmans, and Yum! Brands leading the charge of setting aside their differences in order to work together on the safety of all leafy greens.

“The Leafy Greens Safety Coalition supports the recommendations of the Romaine Task Force to strengthen prevention practices and traceback and to improve the scientific basis for assuring the safety of romaine and other leafy greens,” the coalition wrote in a statement. “We are committed to the principle of continuous improvement and will work with our suppliers to further tighten food safety specifications.”

The LGSC is a result of the industry uniting on food safety improvements, with Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Wegmans, and Yum! Brands leading the charge

Specifically, the coalition is focused on strengthening prevention and modernizing traceability by ensuring that the best science and principles of continuous improvement are applied to the production of leafy greens. One way it is accomplishing this is by encouraging and supporting industry-wide efforts to improve prevention practices and traceability. The coalition has even made strides to work directly with their suppliers to implement emerging best practices.

Wegmans, Kroger, Walmart, and Costco have all applauded the work of the Romaine Task Force, as well as pledged to do their part to build upon the task force's work, improve the safety of leafy greens, and overall prevent future outbreaks. The following include statements from each of the retailers:

  • Wegmans: “We applaud the recommendations of the Romaine Task Force. We endorse them and will continue to tighten our food safety specifications especially around water quality, CAFO distances, and dust particles, as more scientific research becomes available.”
  • Kroger: “As a leader in food safety, The Kroger Co. recognizes the need for an integrated food safety approach to ensure fresh leafy greens remain safe and readily available for our customers. We commend the efforts of the industry produce task force and full support its recommendations."
  • Walmart: “We commend the work of the Romaine Task Force and support its recommendations. Walmart, working with our suppliers, will continue to update our food safety programs based on the latest available science to help protect our customers and members.”
  • Costco: “We certainly support the recommendations of the task force and see them as a great first step.”

The Leafy Greens Safety Coalition meets on a regular basis as a group, as well as has met face-to-face with the FDA

As Kroger, Walmart, Costco, Wegmans, and Yum! Brands continue to work together to crack the code on food safety, AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you updated on the latest developments.

Kroger Walmart Costco Wegmans Yum! Brands

Wed. October 23rd, 2019 - by ANUK Staff

YERINGTON, NV - With health and wellness continuing to impact consumers' decisions at the grocery store, Peri & Sons Farms’ promotional Breast Cancer Awareness onion packages are doubly attractive.

First, onions are a natural immune booster, detoxifying the body, and promoting good gut health, which helps to prevent cancer. Health is top of mind and onions top the list for prebiotic benefits.

Second, consumers enjoy being engaged. Voting for the BCA Charity to receive Peri & Sons Farms’ $5,000 annual donation is fun and easy. Their vote costs nothing and they get a free gift.

With health top of mind for many consumers, the health benefits of onions make them an attractive option at retail

Peri & Sons’ high-graphic BCA packs are filled with Sweetie Sweet® onions and are now available in premium and organic. They make eye-catching displays and can be supported with POS materials. These pink packs are one more way that retailers can tie into the growing national campaign.

We go further than most to help retailers sell more packs and increase profits. Our new BCA website provides free information on everything from health and wellness to videos and recipes to help your customers cook delicious, healthy meals. We’re supporting the promotional packs with B2C social media, online ads, recipe development, videos, and a “I Pink I Can” sweepstakes.

Think Pink. Learn more at

Peri & Sons Farms

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

ANAHEIM, CA - It’s always nice when PMA comes to California, and as a West Coast kid, you can bet that the home state energy really takes it up a notch for me and our AndNowUKnow team. The feedback has truly been incredible this year as PMA has taken its traditional trade show format and, in many ways, transformed the current of the show from a rush into an electrical charge. Everyone seemed taken by the new energy, but I am just one witness to it all! Let’s have a few of our industry friends share their thoughts on the 2019 event and what sparked their excitement and passion.

Michael Schutt, Sr. Category Manager, Produce and Floral, Raley's

Michael Schutt, Sr. Category Manager, Produce and Floral, Raley's“I can easily say, ‘West Coast Best Coast’ when it comes to what is being lauded as a record attendance for this year's PMA Fresh Summit. In a time when well-attended, intimate region shows threatened to lessen the impact of what has long been dubbed the ground zero expo and trade show for the fresh produce and floral industry...the giant has flexed its muscles. For me, the people in the room, or in this case the exposition hall, equals energy and this show had lots of it. Whether it was in my interactions on the floor with fellow retailers or with the exciting first-time exhibitors, the one common buzz was a well-attended, high-energy show, complete with huge celeb draws such as Magic Johnson and Queen Latifah. This year, as we are deep into the MLB postseason, it would seem that PMA has made the right adjustments to its swing and hit this one out of the park.”

Dan'l Mackey Almy, President and CEO, DMA Solutions

Dan'l Mackey Almy, President and CEO, DMA Solutions“This year’s Fresh Summit marked my 25th year attending the conference and I feel it was among the best yet. While it is reported to be among the largest attended, I felt it to be more personal and special than ever. The Produce Marketing Association deserves a toast for the many unforgettable moments and star-studded speaker line-up that exceeded expectations and left us with so much energy and inspiration. It was a vibrant expo like nothing I have ever seen and recognition was given to several inspiring leaders that have done so much for our industry. With our headquarters in Dallas, we are so thrilled Fresh Summit is coming to our home in 2020!”

Lori Taylor, CEO and Founder, The Produce Moms

Lori Taylor, CEO, Produce Moms"I have attended Fresh Summit annually since 2014. The 2019 event was without question the best Fresh Summit experience of my career. I appreciated the organization of the updated expo layout. It allowed easy and efficient navigation of the show floor. The quality of the speakers was unparalleled: Magic Johnson on the mic at Fresh Summit was as perfect as his no-look pass in the Lakers jersey! The Produce Moms team was able to meet with a ton of industry thought-leaders, Founders, and CEOs, many of my colleagues from Kroger, and more--the action on the expo floor didn't slow down until the event ended on day two! The board meeting for Global Women Fresh was a memorable and powerful gathering of female leaders from our global industry; it was a nice reminder of the global reach and impact of PMA."

Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager, Stemilt Growers LLC

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt"We’re feeling energized about produce after another amazing PMA Fresh Summit in sunny California! Our team raved about this year’s Forums of the Future, including Cathy Burns’ address on trends and hearing from the legendary Magic Johnson. We also enjoyed the magic of our own with our favorite magician, David Harris, joining us at the Stemilt booth. We can’t wait to see what Dallas has in store next year!”

Mike Mauti, Managing Partner and SVP Client Services, EXECULYTICS CONSULTING

Mike Mauti, Managing Partner and Senior Vice President, Execulytics Consulting“Another Fresh Summit has come and gone and once again it delivered. What a great way to meet with existing partners building on big collaborations over the last year. But, it also opened the door to many new opportunities, some that seemed to be right in front of us the whole time, while others seemed to materialize out of nowhere. That’s what happens at Fresh Summit, and I can’t wait until next year.”

Matt Mandel, Vice President of Operations, SunFed

Matt Mandel, Vice President of Operations, SunFed"Apart from the glitz and glamour associated with the Fresh Summit, it is a great opportunity for some good old-fashioned elbow rubbing. Whether you are catching up with old friends you see once a year, meeting people you've only spoken to on the phone for the first time, or finally getting that precious facetime with the customer you've been chasing, in the midst of it all, it is a great time for human connection. It really reminds me that beyond the daily grind, and the buying and selling, that this industry is filled with some of the greatest people on earth and I cherish the opportunity Fresh Summit gives me every year."

Rex Lawrence, President, Joe Produce

Rex Lawrence, President, Joe Produce"What great PMA Fresh Summit this year! Honestly, I thought it was the best ever, and this was my 30th straight one. Although it was record attendance, I thought it never felt too crowded. It did, however, have a wonderful buzz about it the entire time: nice wide aisles and easy to get around. It felt more organized and flowed really well. Of course, we got to network, do business, and make new friends throughout the event, and that's why we're there! The speakers and sessions were excellent as well. I wish we could have it on the West Coast at least every other year--Anaheim or even Vegas in the West, Orlando in the East, and Dallas in the middle. Nice job PMA!"

That was a hell of a show, PMA! Thank you again for the amazing event and we are sure to feel the ripple of excitement for the year to come.

Produce Marketing Association

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Chandler James

ORLANDO, FL - There’s nothing quite like a perfectly-ripe mango. I remember being introduced to the fruit when it was considered an exotic flavor in the U.S. Today, mango is a staple flavor for many, and we can thank big industry players like Wegmans for that. Over the weekend at Fresh Summit, the National Mango Board (NMB) recognized Wegmans as the 2019 Mango Retailer of the Year. Mary Zink, Produce Category Merchant at Wegmans, was present to accept the award, along with members of the Wegmans produce team, mango industry leaders, and several NMB board members.

Valda Coryat, Director of Marketing, National Mango Board“Wegmans truly embodies passion and enthusiasm when selling and promoting mangos,” stated Valda Coryat, Director of Marketing at the NMB. “Its commitment to delivering high quality mangos year-round coupled with strong, knowledge-based sales and marketing has delivered excellent results. By showcasing the flavor and versatility of mangos all year long, retailers such as Wegmans play a crucial role in the mango industry and support our mission to move mangos from exotic to a daily necessity in the U.S. We look forward to our continued work with Mary and the Wegmans team, as well as all our retail partners, in helping them to drive mango awareness and consumption year-round.”

At this year's PMA Fresh Summit 2019, Wegmans was awarded the 2019 Mango Retailer of the Year

The Mango Retailer of the Year award identifies those that go above and beyond to offer strong, consistent support to the mango industry, delivering outstanding results. Wegmans was selected from over 100 retailers that partner with the NMB across the U.S. This New York-based retailer has excelled in promoting and highlighting both whole and fresh-cut mangos via integrated retail marketing, including Knowledge Based Selling (KBS), expanded displays, demos, recipes, and social media.

Mary Zink, Produce Category Merchant, Wegmans Food Markets“We continue to see incredible growth in total mango sales. It takes an entire village, from our buyers to our ripeners, to make sure that the fruit is at the perfect ripeness for our customers to purchase,” stated Mary Zink, Produce Category Merchant at Wegmans. “It’s our store teams that drive sales through displays, KBS, commitment, and passion.”

Wegmans has promoted mangos year-round using KBS and an emphasis on unique and creative in-store displays that attract and educate customers. These displays highlight fresh-cut mangos beside fresh whole mangos, a tactic that has proven extremely successful in driving sales. This year, promotions during the first half of the year saw incredible results and Wegmans surpassed its sales goal by 20 percent. According to a press release, its winning KBS strategy prepares team members with in-depth knowledge about mangos, including recipes, pairings, equipment needed for demonstration stations, how to serve, and more. This empowers the Wegmans team to be champions of the fruit and master storytellers when speaking to customers.

Another major factor influencing the growth of mangos at Wegmans was the introduction of product ripening. In 2017, Wegmans worked together with the NMB to establish an in-house mango ripening program, which has been a great success. It ripens mangos at all its warehouses and all fresh-cut mango is cut in-house using ripened product. It highlights this “ripe and ready” advantage on signage and displays in-store. Combining quality ripe mangos with an empowered sales team has proven to be key in driving repeat purchases and impressive results for Wegmans.

Congrats to Wegmans on this high honor! For more of the latest news in produce, keep reading ANUK.

National Mango Board Wegmans Markets

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

AUSTIN, TX - Whole Foods Market has been on the prowl. For what you ask? Why, the industry's biggest trends of course! For the fifth year in a row, Whole Foods Market has released its list of what it believes to be the most anticipated and innovative food trends for the upcoming year—with produce and plant-based goodies taking up a big chunk of this year's list.

Over 50 Whole Foods team members, including local foragers, regional and global buyers, and culinary experts, worked to finalize this top ten food trends for 2020 list

Per usual, over 50 Whole Foods team members, including local foragers, regional and global buyers, and culinary experts, compiled a list of the top ten trends for 2020. Here's what they picked:

Meat-Plant Blends

For the health-conscious at-home chef, adding plant-based ingredients to meatballs and burgers has an added bonus—it’s budget-friendly! Flexitarians looking to strike a tasty balance between meats and plants can expect more blended products in their future.

Regenerative Agriculture

In general, farming and grazing practices that restore degraded soil, improve biodiversity, and increase carbon capture to create long-lasting environmental benefits, such as positively impacting climate change.

Flour Power

2020 will bring more interesting fruit and vegetable flours like banana, cauliflower, and tigernut flour to the forefront of consumers' culinary imagination.

Everything Butters and Spreads

Has (insert nut, seed, snack) been made into a butter yet? It’s likely to happen in 2020. Think tahini, pumpkin, macadamia, and even chickpea butters (no, it’s not a new name for hummus).

Foods from West Africa

The 16 nations within West Africa share similar foods, but each have their own specialties based on subtle influences from the Middle East and Western Europe. Brands are looking to West Africa for its superfoods too like moringa and tamarind, and lesser known cereal grains sorghum, fonio, teff and millet.

Out-of-the-Box, Into-the-Fridge Snacking

The keyword is “fresh” in this new generation of grabbing and going—hard-boiled eggs with savory toppings, pickled vegetables, drinkable soups, and mini dips and dippers of all kinds, all perfectly portioned and in convenient single-serve packaging.

Plant-Based, Beyond Soy

As the plant-based movement gains traction with flexitarian eaters, brands are looking to avoid as many of the top allergens as possible, so look for plant-based prepared foods (especially meat alternatives) and traditionally soy-based condiments going soy-less!

Rethinking the Kids’ Menu

Food brands are taking notice for the next generation and expanding the menu beyond nostalgic foods with better-for-you ingredients, such as organic chicken nuggets, non-breaded salmon fish sticks, and colorful pastas in fun shapes made from alternative flours.

Not-So-Simple Sugars

For those seeking sweetness outside of the usual suspects like sugar, stevia, honey, and maple syrup, there’s lots more to choose from for your cooking, baking, and tea- or coffee-stirring needs.

Zero-Proof Drinks

With so many consumers seeking out alternatives to alcohol, unique non-alcoholic options are popping up everywhere, from menus at the world’s most acclaimed bars to specialty stores.

“Try the Trend” products and brands illustrating 2020 food trends include a variety of products available now or coming to Whole Foods Market stores in 2020 for either local or national distribution.

To savor every trend to its fullest, check out the official press release here. As these trends play out in 2020, stay right here with AndNowUKnow for the latest.

Whole Foods Market

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

PHARR, TX - The annual “Start of the Produce Season” event took place in Pharr, Texas, on October 10. So what better place to celebrate than at the Pharr–Reynosa International Bridge? The bridge stood as the stage for the day as the city played host to the 2019-2020 Produce Season starting celebration, making the bridge the hottest place to be in the produce industry. Those in attendance included produce growers, importers, distributors, and consumers from the United States and Mexico.

Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez, M.D, Pharr“Pharr continues to remain the leader as the port with the largest amount of produce entering the United States,” said Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez, M.D. “Our Pharr International Bridge director, board, and staff have done a wonderful job working with all our partners to continue to expand growth and access through our bridge, and we look forward to another record-setting season.”

Pharr city officials, as well as special guest State Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, among other notable representatives from the produce industry on both sides of the border, attended the event for the traditional ‘Cutting of the Fruit.’

The annual “Start of the Produce Season” event took place in Pharr, Texas, on October 10

According to a press release, the U.S. consistently remains Mexico’s number one trading partner for produce and goods, and Pharr’s ideal geographical location has resulted in a great partnership between the two countries as well as facilitating the growth of the two country’s produce trading capacity. The Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge has evolved into the largest land port for fruits and vegetables in the nation, surpassing Nogales, Arizona, as the leading port of entry for Mexican produce and goods. Currently, the Pharr International Bridge crosses more than 60 percent of all the fresh produce coming from Mexico through Texas land ports of entry.

Luiz Bazan, Pharr Bridge Director“The Pharr International Bridge has forged strong partnerships on both sides of the border with distributors, growers, and importers, to ensure that we are meeting the demands of the industry,” said Pharr Bridge Director Luiz Bazan. “Although we experienced a few rough months during the threatened closing of the border, we came up with innovative schedules for our commercial trucks which paid off. Our figures show that we have already exceeded the number of trucks and produce that entered through Pharr this year compared to the same period last year. Pharr continues to invest, plan, and work together with all our partners to expand our opportunities.”

A symbolic place for a vital partnership between the U.S. and Mexico—now that’s a party I can get behind! For more fun and exciting news in the produce world, keep up with us here at ANUK.


Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

ISSAQUAH, WA - Over the past three years, Vanguard has strengthened all areas of its business with strategic moves in Peru. This has included acquiring Agricola Challapampa in 2016 and developing a brand-new packing house in Ica to support a 52-week-per-year supply solution of fresh produce to global customers. To keep building on this success, Vanguard has also implemented a Total Quality Management (TQM) team upon acquisition, which has continued to grow, thrive, and help the company further delight consumers.

“Between expanding operations in Peru, and partnering with Sun World Innovations to add their top-quality grape varieties to our growing program, it was clear that quality management of our program would be critical,” said Dirk Winkelmann, Business Development Officer of Vanguard International and President of Vanguard Direct. “We’ve seen major advances in productivity and technologies that continue to deliver quality we can be proud of.”

Upon the acquisition, Vanguard implemented a Total Quality Management (TQM) team

According to a press release, Vanguard Peru’s TQM team monitors quality and efficiencies for the whole of operations: from plant installation and plant growth, to farming, harvest, package, storage, and dispatching. Since its implementation in 2016, the TQM team’s score card has racked up quite a few wins, including migration to a fully digital recording system, developing an improved evaluation system for all suppliers, and introducing a software that assists with loading and container control.

Manuel Yzaga, President, Vanguard Peru“What differentiates our TQM program is our control system. We are consistently using indicators of work efficiency housed in a state-of-the-art data house that controls development, speed, and quality of work,” added Manuel Yzaga, President of Vanguard Peru. “Errors or inefficiencies are identified immediately and communicated through chain of command as quickly as possible.”

All in all, Vanguard is pretty pleased with the TQM team’s contributions to the company’s ability to stand as a reliable pillar in the seedless grape market over the past three years. With 2020 just around the corner, the company expects to continue this trend while also increasing its emphasis on quality, condition, berry size, bunch size, and flavor.

For more produce success stories, stay right here with AndNowUKnow.

Vanguard International