Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

RIO RICO, AZ - The end of the year may be approaching, but the opening of a new chapter is beginning for Fresh Farms and its newest team member. The company recently appointed Scott Rossi to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing.

“We look forward to Scott’s leadership in taking us to the next level," Juan Pablo Molina, General Manager, tells us. "The Fresh Farms team is excited for the road ahead and the contributions Scott will bring to the table."

Fresh Farms is excited to have an industry veteran join its team in the way of Scott Rossi

According to a statement released by Fresh Farms—a DBA of MJ International Marketing—Rossi will lead and develop the sales and marketing strategy of the company as it continues to expand its Mexican grape and vegetable programs. He will also be instrumental in developing Fresh Farms’ California grape and specialty fruit programs.

Scott Rossi, Director of Sales and Marketing, Fresh FarmsThroughout his time in the industry, Rossi has proven himself time and time again to be a leader within this space. After beginning his career in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with Castle & Cook and Dole, he continued to gain Executive Sales experience with Four Star Sales and Pandol Bros.

Congratulations to Scott on this new role!

Fresh Farms

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

ZAANDAM, THE NETHERLANDS - In September, Ahold’s current CFO, Jeff Carr, announced that he would no longer be with the company once his term ended in April 2020. As the retailer scouted for new talent to take his place, they tapped Natalie Knight, a retail veteran with nearly two decades of experience in the sector. Knight has been appointed to Executive Vice President of Finance and member of the Executive Committee, effective March 1, 2020. She will be nominated by the Supervisory Board to be appointed as Chief Financial Officer, officially succeeding Carr in April of the same year.

Natalie Knight, Executive Vice President of Finance, Ahold Delhaize“I am excited to join Ahold Delhaize,” stated Knight. “With its Leading Together strategy and its brand-led model, I believe the company is well positioned to thrive in this new era of digital transformation in the food retail industry. I look forward to working with Jeff to ensure a smooth transition and support the company as it continues to win in its local markets.”

Knight most recently worked with Arla Foods, where she served as Chief Financial Officer and oversaw the company’s finance, legal, and IT functions. Prior to joining Arla Foods, Natalie worked 17 years at adidas, serving in several financial roles including Investor Relations and M&A, where she led the acquisition of Reebok for adidas. She then served as CFO of adidas North America, where she led major cross-functional cost reductions and operational transformation efforts. Her final role with adidas was as SVP of Group Functions Finance, leading a finance team in strategic and financial support for the Group’s Global Operations, Procurement, Finance, Real Estate, Legal, HR, IT, and Executive functions.

Natalie Knight has been appointed to Executive Vice President of Finance and member of the Executive Committee, effective March 1, 2020

The press release noted that Knight holds a Master of Economics from the University of Berlin, Germany, and a Bachelor of Business and German from the University of Arizona.

Frans Muller, President and CEO, Ahold Delhaize“I’m thrilled to have Natalie join Ahold Delhaize. She has worked in both the U.S. and Europe, across a variety of industries, including branded consumer goods and food products,” said Frans Muller, President and CEO. “With her broad experience across several finance areas, her commercial mindset, and her demonstrated leadership in cost reduction and business transformation efforts, she is the right leader to help accelerate Ahold Delhaize’s Leading Together strategy. I look forward to working with her.”

Jan Hommen, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ahold DelhaizeJan Hommen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board added, “I would like to welcome Natalie to Ahold Delhaize and look forward to nominating her to the Management Board. I would also like to thank Jeff Carr for his distinguished service to Ahold Delhaize during the past eight years. During his tenure, he brought focus to both cost control and cash generation as well as financial leadership to both the acquisition of bol.com and the merger of Ahold and Delhaize. I wish him well in his future endeavors.”

Keep reading AndNowUKnow as we cover the latest in executive shakeups across the industry.

Ahold Delhaize

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

UNITED STATES - While the industry was able to take a breath last month after a new Tomato Suspension Agreement was signed, the investigation is back underway at the request of the Florida Tomato Exchange, who submitted a request on October 11, and Red Sun Farms, who submitted a request on October 15. As a result, the Department of Commerce will continue the antidumping duty investigation of fresh tomatoes from Mexico and will also issue a final affirmative determination of dumping. Despite the renewed investigation, the new agreement will remain in force pending the outcome of an investigation by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC).

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce“At the request of domestic producers, the Department is completing the investigation into imports of Mexican fresh tomatoes,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in a press release. “Now it is up to the International Trade Commission to determine whether dumped imports harm the American tomato industry—and whether, as a consequence, the suspension agreement will remain in place.”

The Department of Commerce will continue the antidumping duty investigation of fresh tomatoes from Mexico and will also issue a final affirmative determination of dumping

Under the current antidumping law, Section 734(g) of the Tariff Act of 1930, Commerce can be requested to continue the suspended antidumping investigation—even if the new agreement signed on September 19, 2019 eliminated the injurious effects of unfairly priced tomatoes, prevented price suppression and undercutting, extinguished all dumping, and removed major uncertainties for growers and workers in Mexico.

Michael Schadler, Executive Vice President, Florida Tomato Exchange“The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced a final dumping margin of 21 percent in the resumed antidumping investigation of Mexican tomatoes. This result comes as no surprise to American tomato farmers who have seen domestic production decline significantly in the face of unfairly traded Mexican imports,” wrote Michael Schadler, Executive Vice President of the Florida Tomato Exchange in a press release. “The U.S. tomato industry looks forward to presenting its case before the International Trade Commission in the coming weeks.”

Due to the requests from U.S. growers, the ITC will continue the suspended investigation of whether imports of fresh tomatoes from Mexico injure or threaten injury to Stateside producers. Commerce has also instructed Customs and Border Protection to lift suspensions of liquidation and to return importers’ cash deposits.

If the ITC’s final determination is affirmative, then the suspension agreement will remain in place. However, if the ITC’s final determination is negative, then Commerce and ITC will terminate their investigations, and the suspension agreement will have no force or effect, allowing tomatoes from Mexico to enter the United States free of antidumping duties.

As more developments unfold, AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Chandler James

RIVERSIDE, CA - Index Fresh is inviting the industry to come one, come all to its 22nd Seminar Series this month in San Luis Obispo (10/17), Ventura (10/23), and Fallbrook (10/31), California. The global avocado marketer has been hosting its seminar series since 2011 as part of its commitment to support growers and grower organizations.

Keith Blanchard, California Field Manager, Index Fresh“Our seminars have always had great reception in all three growing regions. We’re grateful to be connected to leading experts in our industry to host an annual series that is truly beneficial to our growers,” said Keith Blanchard, California Field Manager.

Gerardo Aldunate, an agronomist and fruit production consultant, will present the seminar, “Fall Management Practices to Improve Spring Flower.” During this Seminar Series, the ag expert will outline tasks that growers should address and implement during the fall to optimize next year’s fruit set and crop size, according to a press release.

Index Fresh is inviting growers to attend its 22nd Seminar Series in San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Fallbrook California

“One of the critical time frames in avocado farming occurs during the spring bloom, but if you wait until then to prepare your trees, you’re too late. You can make a big difference in the outcome of next year’s crop if you anticipate and know what’s within your control, and address those needs now,” said Aldunate.

Aldunate works closely with growers in California and around the world. He serves as Index Fresh’s Consulting Agronomist, in which he regularly visits the company’s growers and groves, assists with grove management and fruit production practices, and helps Index Fresh fulfill its grower commitment.

For more of the freshest produce news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Index Fresh

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LEAMINGTON, ON, CANADA - We at AndNowUKnow will never get tired of hearing what industry mover and shakers are doing to promote sustainability. Since NatureFresh Farms introduced its compostable Mini Cucumber trays to its customers, it has focused its waste reduction efforts on “leaving less and leading more,” teaming up with local manufacturer Pulp Molded Products (PMP) to make sustainability central to all of its packaging processes.

Luci Faas, Product Development Specialist, NatureFresh™ Farms“This has been a project that I’ve had a lot of interest in developing and has been on my mind for a while,” stated Luci Faas, Product Development Specialist. “NatureFresh has given me the opportunity to really pursue this innovative packaging design and have supported the effort to introduce greener alternatives into their packaging. Working with PMP has helped us achieve our goals of becoming more sustainable.”

Since June 2018, NatureFresh has distributed 6 million compostable molded fiber trays within the marketplace. Interest from retailers helped fuel the growth for this product, a press release noted, given that it provides them with an alternative to polystyrene foam trays. Due to this, the company has saved 67,200 pounds of Styrofoam trays from entering landfills—which equals to roughly 12 truckloads.

Since NatureFresh Farms introduced its compostable Mini Cucumber trays to its customers, it has focused its waste reduction efforts on “leaving less and leading more”

The compostable tray is made from 100 percent post-industrial paper waste, which is then ground up and mixed with water for a pulp-based material. During biodegradation, no toxic or hazardous waste materials are expelled into the environment.

Frank Neufeld, Sales Manager, NatureFresh™ Farms“Seeing the actual numbers from the past year gives us a greater awareness of the considerable difference we are making to the environment by being more sustainable in our packaging,” said Frank Neufeld, Sales Manager. “We are inspired by the positive effect one company can have—but think about the kind of impact we could have collectively if plastic-free packaging were to become an industry standard.”

By recognizing the extent to which products in the produce industry have contributed to the escalating plastic and pollution crisis, the greenhouse grower decided that it needed to take significant steps toward reducing its impact on the environment. Given these positive results, it hopes to inspire even greater change within the industry.

As it looks to the horizon, NatureFresh Farms is committed to expanding the compostable tray program.

A huge shoutout to NatureFresh Farms for tackling such an important issue! AndNowUKnow salutes all who support industry-changing initiatives.

NatureFresh Farms

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

ANAHEIM, CA - It goes without saying but, of course I will, because what is a trade news writer without words—the excitement around this year's PMA Fresh Summit was palpable. It is as if that wave of innovation, of progressive ideas around sustainability and social responsibility, came to a critical mass that overflowed onto the show floor this year.

With nearly 24,000 attendees driving the demand for excellence in fresh produce, this was one Fresh Summit not to be missed. With so much buzz carrying over into this week, we reached out to some of our industry friends for their takes on the show and what stood out for them in Anaheim.

Julie Olivarria, Vice President of Produce, Sysco

Julie Olivarria, Incoming Vice President of Produce, Sysco“I thought the show this year was outstanding! I loved seeing representation from all of the different countries and segments of the industry as well as all of our core suppliers. Fresh Summit is so impactful because it is the biggest industry event of the year and affords us the opportunity to connect with our suppliers and customers face to face.”

Nicole Hulstein, Fruit Category Manager, Food Lion

Nicole Hulstein, Fruit Category Manager, Food Lion“The State of the Industry conversation was robust, informative, and motivating to continue the innovation driving our industry. On top of that, the educational sessions on data/science technology, global trade, and talent management were relevant and timely conversations that I was eager to engage with. Emerging trends in varieties, packaging, and supply chain opportunities have been discovered during the expo and this year’s Fresh Summit did not disappoint!"

Mark Munger, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, 4Earth Farms

Mark Munger, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, 4Earth Farms"We always attend Fresh Summit, but this was our first year exhibiting, so we had an entirely different experience. We planned to meet with a large number of customers and suppliers, yet the show completely exceeded our expectations! The hall was packed with high-quality decision makers and we stayed consistently busy both days of the exposition. My favorite part of the show, however, was visiting the large number of engaged college students. I continue to be very thankful to the Center for Growing Talent for their tireless efforts to bring students to the Fresh Summit. They are our future!"

Gabriela D’Arrigo, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, D'Arrigo Bros. of New York

Gabriela D’Arrigo, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, D'Arrigo Bros. of New York“PMA manages to become more and more impactful each year that we attend. As the industry continues to advance and change, the members are right there with it, and PMA is there to support all along the way. Collaboration is key for the future success of our industry, and if the show is any indication of how our futures look, I’d say it’s pretty bright.”

Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing, Sunkist Growers

Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing, Sunkist Growers“I’ve been attending Fresh Summit for 15 years and both the energy and attendance were at an all-time high for 2019. There was so much traffic, a fantastic lineup of speakers and education, and amazing networking opportunities. Nearly every customer we do business with was there, which is a testament to PMA’s influence in our industry. We’re proud to support them in driving the consumption and innovation that make fresh produce increasingly relevant and exciting to consumers worldwide.”

Fiona McLean, Marketing Manager, DelFrescoPure®

Fiona McLean, Marketing Manager, DelFrescoPure®“This year’s PMA Fresh Summit was an incredible experience for our team. Introducing new commodities and packaging concepts to our current and new customers at PMA is invaluable to DelFrescoPure®.”

We would love to hear your thoughts on this year's PMA Fresh Summit, so drop us a line or shoot us an email. And rest up, my friends—if possible, that is!

Produce Marketing Association

Tue. October 22nd, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

EDINBURG, TX - J&D showed up for the Burger Championship at the 8th Annual World Food Championships (WFC) located at the Reunion Tower Lawn in Dallas, Texas. Little Bear Brand HoneySweet® Onions were named the Official Infusion Ingredient at the high stakes food competition that has drawn in 1,500 contestants on nearly 500 official teams, garnered more than 6.9 billion media impressions, and connected 150+ food brands with food fans, food bloggers, and food media.

Mike McCloud, President and CEO, World Food Championships“We [were] extremely excited to welcome J&D Produce to this year’s food fight,” said Mike McCloud, President and CEO of WFC. “Fresh, local Texas produce from brands like Little Bear ensure that our Food Champs can create the flavorful and innovative recipes that surprise and delight us at our Main Event.”

HoneySweet Onions makes its first debut at WFC as the Official Infusion Ingredient for the Burger Championship

Since its inception in 2012, WFC has given birth to 30 TV food stars and awarded more than $1.8 million in prize money. According to the press release, J&D Produce was the Official World Burger Championship Infusion Sponsor in the Top Ten Burger competition held this past Sunday, October 20. Burger competitors infused Little Bear’s HoneySweet Onions into their creations as they prepared their dishes for the $10,000 prize in the 2019 World Burger Championship. While the majority of competitors were familiar with sweet onions, Little Bear was on hand to provide cooking and flavor insights on their proprietary HoneySweets.

Jimmy Bassetti, President and CEO, J&D Produce“We’re committed to growing the highest quality produce and making sure it’s as fresh as possible when it reaches the table,” commented Jimmy Bassetti, Founder and President of J&D Produce. “We couldn’t [have been] more excited to represent Texas in this competition with our delicious HoneySweet Onions. We love these super-mild onions, and we couldn’t wait to see how the inventive competitors infuse them into their burger creations.”

Available year-round, the HoneySweet is the mildest onion on the market, due to the lowest levels of Pyruvic Acid, the acid that makes onions taste pungent and spicy. The World Burger Champion title was awarded to James Cheek from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, for his burger The Hometown Smashburger. Next May, the ten champions will be moving on to the Indianapolis Final Table to compete once more.

We at ANUK congratulate all competitors and can't wait for more competition news.

World Food Championships Little Bear Produce

Mon. October 21st, 2019 - by Chandler James

SEATTLE, WA - There’s only two months of the year during which it’s acceptable to be a total pumpkin head. With October almost over, that only leaves me one month to incorporate the seasonal gourd into every aspect of my diet. Pumpkin bread? Duh! Pumpkin pasta? Okay! Pumpkin hummus? Er—why not!? Today, Starbucks made sure I never run out of ways to shake things up with pumpkin, as the new Pumpkin Birthday Cake Latte was added to its secret menu.

Starbucks costumers can enjoy another pumpkin spiced latte drink: the Pumpkin Birthday Cake Latte (photo credit: Starbucks)

According to Marie Claire, the new drink follows a Nightmare Before Christmas number, which features pumpkin spice, chai syrup, mocha drizzle, java chips, and espresso. The Pumpkin Birthday Cake Latte, however, features two pumps of pumpkin sauce and one pump each of hazelnut and vanilla. The news source even mentions a Cinderella Latte that trades in hazelnut and vanilla for two pumps of white mocha. Excuse me while I sprint to the nearest Starbs.

Like all good things, the time for pumpkin spice must come to an end. These seasonal secret drinks will only be available while Starbucks stocks its pumpkin sauce. Meanwhile, I’m filling the storm cellar with every pumpkin product in my path. To see how flavors keep changing with the seasons, stay with us at ANUK.


Mon. October 21st, 2019 - by Anne Allen

ARKANSAS - Brookshire Grocery Company (BGC), which operates banners Super 1 Foods, FRESH by Brookshire’s, and Spring Market, recently entered into an agreement with Cranford’s Supermarkets. In this agreement, BGC will acquire three stores in central Arkansas.

Brad Brookshire, Chairman and CEO, Brookshire Grocery Co."We are excited about this agreement and the opportunity it provides us to further grow and expand in this region. These stores are a strong fit for our Brookshire's and Spring Market banners, and we look forward to welcoming new customers and employees in these communities," Brad Brookshire, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer for BGC, said in a news release. "We're a fourth-generation family business that has operated in our region for over 90 years, and we look forward to a great future here."

Brookshire Grocery Company recently entered into an agreement with Cranford’s Supermarkets (Source: The Fourney Post)

The release explained that the Cranford's in White Hall, Arkansas, and the FoodWise in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, will become part of the Brookshire's Food Store banner, and the ShopWise Market location in Redfield will be converted to a Spring Market location.

Larry Cranford, President and CEO, Cranford’s"We are pleased to have secured a strong partner in Brookshire Grocery Company, who shares our focus on customers and who respects and values their employees. We know BGC very well and are confident that the three stores being transitioned will see continued success in their communities," stated Larry Cranford, President and CEO of Cranford’s. “We would like to thank our loyal customers who have faithfully supported Cranford's and our team of hardworking associates for their commitment to serving our customers over the past 30 years."

Both companies noted that they are working closely together to ensure a smooth transition for team members in those stores. After the closing process is completed, the stores will undergo a brief transition period with the goal of reopening within a matter of days under the Brookshire's and Spring Market banners.

Curious to see the latest in retail news? Keep your eye on AndNowUKnow for updates.

Brookshire Grocery Company

Mon. October 21st, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see the latest around all growing regions.


A warming trend is coming to coastal growing regions of California this week and will most likely cause production to increase. The coastal regions of Salinas, Santa Maria, and Oxnard will all see maximum temperatures in the mid to upper 80°s with some isolated 90°s this week through Friday. These temperatures are 15 to 20° above normal.

The warmer temperatures started yesterday in Oxnard and Santa Maria with a maximum of 84° and 88° respectively. In Salinas, the warmer temperatures will begin today reaching 84°. Temperatures will continue to rise throughout the week peaking on Thursday where Salinas will get up to 90°. The warmer temperatures will continue through Friday before beginning the cooldown on Saturday.

If you are a buyer, you may want to take advantage of any pricing opportunities that may present themselves due to a flush because come next Monday, the temperatures will swing the opposite direction with highs in the mid 60°s and minimum temperatures in the low 40°s. These cooler temperatures should slow production back down. Out of these regions are still coming heavy supplies of strawberries, broccoli, lettuces, etc.

SJ Valley and Coachella Valley will also see warmer temperatures this week in the 80°s and 90°s but the temperature increase compared to current conditions will not be as dramatic.

San Quintin and Vizcaino, Baja CA, Mexico will also participate in this warming trend will high temperatures in the mid 80°s and mid 90°s respectively. Maybe we see an increase of production out of these veg shade house growing regions this week?


The Catalonia region of Spain which is a strong producer of citrus will receive approximate 2.50” of rain today. Something to be aware of if doing business in this area of the world.


Many parts of central Mexico are still experiencing daily rains as part of the warmer tropical weather this time of year. There however are no major storms currently to make note of. The Sinaloa regions of Culiacan and Los Mochis are experiencing perfect weather with no rain in the 10-day forecast. Expect early production out of this region something next month with early crops such as eggplant and cukes. Roma tomatoes should start sometime in late November or early December.


Tropical Storm Nestor came across the Florida panhandle and through Georgia over the weekend without much fanfare. Rain totals associated with the storm were relatively low, well under 1.00” throughout the areas. I don’t see this storm having much effect on production. The storm that came though the same area early in the week on the 14th and 15th had higher totals, around 3.00”.

Currently, there are no storms being reported by the National Hurricane Center in either the Atlantic or Pacific. They track activities about 48 hours in advance.

Thank you as always for your support. We will be back later this week with another report.
