Fri. October 18th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

SOUTH CAROLINA - October is my favorite month of the year. It’s spooky; the leaves become a gorgeous kaleidoscope of red, yellow, and orange; and it’s socially acceptable for me to eat candy corn whenever I want. However much I might love Halloween season, major retailers have their eyes set on November and December. As the holidays creep up, grocers like Kroger are preparing to add upwards of 1,000 people to its workforce.

The 1,000-employee addition to Kroger’s holiday workforce will help to balance the seasonal spike of activity

For its Atlanta division stores, Kroger is hosting a one-day job fair October 19. This includes all of its Georgia and South Carolina stores.

Felix Turner, Corporate Affairs Manager, Atlanta Division, Kroger“The ‘Fall into a New Career at Kroger’ hiring event will help us meet our staffing needs for the holiday season and beyond,” stated Felix Turner, Manager of Corporate of Affairs for Kroger’s Atlanta Division, in a press release. “It will also help our Division address increased staffing needs due to Kroger’s focus on grocery pick-up, especially during the busy holiday season.”

Those interested can apply prior to the job fair. Interviews will be held between 11 a.m and 4 p.m.

Will this holiday growth trajectory continue into 2020? AndNowUKnow will keep its eyes on the newswire.


Fri. October 18th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NYSSA, OR - Owyhee Produce is hitting the show circuit this week with big news about all-new packaging that even the likes of the ANUK team has yet to see. Owyhee Produce’s new regenerative bags aren’t just taking a page out of sustainability’s book, but reusing that page in an innovative way. With an official launch slated for spring of 2020, the new regenerative produce bags will rely on converted hemp fibers sourced from the grower’s own crops—talk about the future!

Shay Myers, General Manager, Owyhee Produce“We know not everyone can commit to these types of standards today. However, for the most demanding companies out there, those companies who have made the massive commitment to reduce carbon emissions, pollution, and waste, we are here,” explained General Manager Shay Myers. “We are among the most climate conscience and progressive farmers in the country, and we want to partner with the best companies to make a difference.”

In order to supply the materials for its new onion bags, Owyhee Produce will start growing 500 acres of industrial hemp on its Oregon farmland—a first in the company’s farming history. The industrial hemp will then be used to create CBD oil, while the leftover fibers will be the basis of the compostable bags and other materials. This process furthers Owyhee Produce’s efforts to reduce its carbon emissions, pollution, and waste.

Owyhee Produce’s new regenerative bags aren’t just taking a page out of sustainability’s book, but reusing that page in an innovative way

According to a press release, Owyhee Produce has plans to strengthen the foundation of its motto, “There’s a difference!” by being responsible farmers for the future. The company plans for a cleaner, greener future by 2022, with the following initiatives:

  • 100 percent Compostable, Biodegradable or Recyclable Packaging
  • 100 percent Regenerative
  • 100 percent Carbon Neutral
  • 25 percent Water Usage Reduction Per Acre
  • 25 percent Fuel Use Reduction Per Acre
  • 0 percent Monoculture

But that’s not to say Owyhee Produce is new to the whole “going green” concept. In fact, the company only grows onions in each field every five to six years in order to restore the soil’s health naturally and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizer or fumigants. This, overall, mitigates Owyhee Produce’s impact on the environment, while also maintaining its commitment to grow, yield, and offer high-quality produce.

“It is our duty to ensure that tomorrow’s farmers are able to efficiently farm from our sustainable farming practices of today,” continued Myers.

In addition, Owyhee Produce plants beans and peas to fix nitrogen levels in its soil; beets, alfalfa, and corn for weed control; corn, wheat, and hemp to increase organic matter and soil health; and mustard and mint to prevent pest infestations and other soil born diseases. On top of all this soil goodness, the compostable bags only improve the soil’s health, as well!

For more up close looks at the latest and greatest innovations to grace the produce industry’s grand stage, stay in your front-row seat at AndNowUKnow.

Owyhee Produce

Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by Chandler James

WATSONVILLE, CA - The long and winding road that leads to a sustainable future is continuously moving through the produce industry. Between global warming and waning resources, Mother Nature has us pressed for time. Ceres and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have teamed up to promote the AgWater Challenge in an effort to manage natural resources. Today Driscoll’s announced its participation in the challenge, reinforcing a commitment to water stewardship and supporting its network of more than 750 independent growers within local agricultural communities.

Miles Reiter, CEO, Driscoll's“Driscoll’s recognizes that driving to solutions for sustainable water management requires coordinated efforts from all stakeholders,” explained Miles Reiter, Driscoll’s CEO. "Our team will leverage the expertise of Ceres and WWF, as well as Challenge participants like Danone and Target, to advance comprehensive solutions that protect our most precious resource.”

The AgWater Challenge encourages companies to set ambitious goals that address the global water crisis. Time-bound commitments that Driscoll’s and other companies have made include assessing water risks in key regions, collaborating at the watershed level to protect resources in high-risk areas, and supporting farmers to manage water resources.

Kirsten James, Director of Water, Ceres"Building upon a solid foundation of stewardship, Driscoll's new water commitments take the company’s work to the next level," said Kirsten James, Director of Water at Ceres. "Driscoll’s participation in the AgWater Challenge sends an important signal that smart water management is increasingly a business imperative."

Driscoll's, Ceres,  and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have teamed up to promote the AgWater Challenge in an effort to manage natural resources

Driscoll’s has long been a leader in the sustainable management of natural resources like water. Reiter, the company’s Chairman and CEO, was one of the earliest supporters of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), which mandates aquifer balance in California. It also established a community-led forum called the Pajaro Valley Community Dialogue, which led to the establishment of a wireless irrigation network that has significantly reduced the amount of water needed in the fields.

Nicole Tanner, Water Stewardship Lead, World Wildlife Fund“The availability and quality of water is one of the most critical issues of the 21st century. With agriculture using 70 percent of our water resources, food and beverage companies must seize the opportunity now to act in order to ensure our water systems are resilient in the future,” said Nicole Tanner, WWF’s Water Stewardship Lead. “By participating in the AgWater Challenge and committing to strategic action, Driscoll’s solidifies its place as a water stewardship champion and exemplifies what it means to work locally on water security efforts.”

The commitment to the Ceres/WWF AgWater Challenge is just one part of Driscoll’s emphasis on enriching communities in which its berries are grown, harvested, and sold. Family-owned for generations, Driscoll’s is comprised of thousands of individuals—each with a unique story of hard work, dedication, setbacks, and success. Collectively, they make up one interwoven family that is greater than the sum of its parts. Driscoll’s vision is to enrich lives by growing in harmony with the communities and the environment it depends upon.

Congratulations to Driscoll’s on taking yet another step toward a more sustainable world. Keep reading AndNowUKnow to see how the industry is making moves for the environment.


Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

CLAIR COUNTY, MI - The seasons have changed, the weather has chilled, and the Pumpkin Spiced Lattes at Starbs, Peet’s, and everything in between have emerged. As we get more cozy and festive leading up to the end of the year, holiday favorites like pumpkin carving, pie making, and produce picking start becoming popular again. That is until a thief throws a knife into the plans. October began with the first pumpkin heist of the year, and now we have another at a farm in St. Clair County, Michigan. Ray Peltier, the owner of McCallum’s Orchard & Cider Mill in Grant Township, claims that hundreds of pumpkins were stolen in a matter of hours last week.

“Every single pumpkin was taken out of there,” said Peltier in disbelief. Peltier has been the owner of the farm for two years, and he describes it as "80-acres of family fun."

Detroit’s 7 Action News reports that at least 350 pumpkins were stolen early Monday morning between the hours of 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. To make matters worse, that number doesn’t even include the pumpkin patch; the farm revealed that the number could double to 700 stolen pumpkins.

Syma Chowdhry of 7 Action News reported on the pumpkin heist while on-site, writing that a possible 700 pumpkins could've been stolen

“I couldn’t do it that quick,” Peltier said. “[It's] mind-boggling to think how they could be taken that fast,” Peltier said. “It wasn’t just two guys and a little truck.”

Peltier stated that he and the staff didn’t even realize the pumpkins were missing until hours later. He told the local news station that the thieves carefully took the pumpkins, not breaking the stems. With each gourd estimated to go up to $10 each, Peltier believes that the clean picks were stolen for illicit profit, valuing a loss of thousands of dollars for the farm. After battling a drought this year, the pumpkin theft was a crushing blow.

“Our people lost sleep because they don’t see it as a pumpkin, they see it as all our efforts,” Peltier said.

The pumpkins were meant for painting and making pies McCallum’s sells in the shop. A silver lining, however, was the community response; Peltier is now getting help from other local farmers as they give McCallum’s some of their pumpkins.

“[It] gives you goosebumps with these people helping,” he said.

We here at AndNowUKnow hope that the people responsible will receive their “just deserts.”

Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

SALINAS, CA - The very best of the produce world will be on display this weekend at PMA Fresh Summit, and while everyone will be showcasing a star-studded selection of fruits and veg, there are some growers who will be strutting into the show with fresh varieties in tow. Naturipe is ready to take center stage, so to speak, with Pacific Centennial™, a brand new proprietary raspberry that is poised to shake up the category.

CarrieAnn Arias, VP of Marketing, Naturipe Farms“At Naturipe, we’re about doing more than just providing flavorful, fresh berries. Certainly, that’s a big part of what we do, but we’re also dedicated to growing better. That means working with our grower families to find varieties that are capable of handling our wonderful, unpredictable Mother Nature,” said CarrieAnn Arias, Vice President of Marketing. “We hope that our berries are a little bundle of sweetness that create real connections between consumers, our growers, and the wonderful environment that makes it all possible.”

The Pacific Centennial delivers all the juicy sweetness a consumer could want, while maintaining a unique firmness that enhances shelf stability. The new jumbo berry is said to have a classic red raspberry flavor with a dash of pomegranate undertones. Consumers will be scrambling to the produce aisle to snatch up a package of the new berry, which is already available nationwide at grocery stores that carry Naturipe Farms products.

The variety is expertly crafted to satisfy berry lovers’ palettes, while remaining adaptable to growing environments and offering retailers a product with a longer shelf life. This variety was crafted by Pacific Berry Breeding, a program established by Hortifrut and Naturipe Berry Growers in 2003 to offer consumers the best-tasting berries possible. Pacific Berry Breeding is one of the most highly specialized berry breeding programs in the world, dedicated to finding new varieties of berries that offer high yield and exceptional taste.

So where can you get a glimpse (and taste!) of the new variety? The new Pacific Centennial berry is set to showcase at PMA Fresh Summit, where Naturipe Farms will also be serving up inventive and tantalizing recipes that incorporate the new variety and its other berries, such as Berry Bacon Salsa with Avocados, Blackberry Bourbon Manhattans, and more—all at booth #4173.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow to learn about the best of the best at PMA Fresh Summit.

Naturipe Farms

Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ANGELES, CA - As Progressive Produce builds out its citrus team, it announced the hire of Christine Toy as Sales Manager and Seth Tillery as Grower Relations Manager.

Cory Stahl, Vice President of Sales, Progressive Produce“We are excited to have two experienced industry professionals joining the company,” stated Vice President of Sales, Cory Stahl, in a press release. “Christine and Seth are an excellent fit with Progressive’s core values. Their knowledge of the produce industry as well as organics will assist us to drive our straetgy forward. Both will be located in our new Visalia citrus office.”

Christine Toy and Seth Tillery bring over 40 years of experience combined to the Progressive Produce team

With over 25 years of industry experience in citrus and grapes, Toy brings a wealth of knowledge to her new role. Her expertise in organics has enabled her to develop many categories and items while working closely to bring both knowledge and information to both the grower and retail/foodservice communities.

Christine Toy, Sales Manager, Progressive Produce“Progressive Produce is well known for its innovative quality products, top-tier customer service, and a dedicated work force focused on pursuing excellence,” stated Toy. “I am very excited about this opportunity and using my experience in the industry to drive growth and sales for our customers.”

Tillery brings over 20 years of industry experience to Progressive Produce. Over his career, he has worked in every aspect of the supply chain. In his new role, Seth will be responsible for the communication, coordination, and development of the company’s grower partners along with added sales and account responsibility.

Seth Tillery, Grower Relations Manager, Progressive Produce“I look forward to working with the dedicated growers and packers working closely with Progressive Produce. It will be my objective to drive customer satisfaction and growth for our citrus business,“ he explained.

Congratulations to Christina and Seth and to the entire Progressive Produce team!

Progressive Produce

Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

SANDPOINT, ID - Were a songster, a crooner, or a modern-day troubadour to tour the exhibits of PMA Fresh Summit, I’m pretty darn sure we would have a new medley of love songs playing on the radio. I mean, how could you peruse the newest wares, goodies, and items showcased at the expo this week and not find a muse? Though no songstress myself, I for one have found my new muse at Litehouse’s booth, where a variety of line extensions and new products are on display!

The refrigerated salad dressing provider has expanded a few of its leading lines just in time for PMA. Specifically, Litehouse went back to the innovation board to drum up some additional items designed with convenience, health, and flavor in mind. The end result is new products in its core line of salad dressings and freeze dried herbs, reformulated Pourable Vinaigrettes, and new protein-packed Greek Yogurt Smoothies.

Litehouse looks to wow attendees at PMA with new additions to its lineup

According to a press release, the following consist of all that’s new at the Litehouse booth this show circuit:

Avocado Ranch: Volume Driving and On-Trend Flavors

This new flavor is a twist (the twist being avocado!) on the top-selling Homestyle Ranch dressing and is available in a 13 oz. or 20 oz. size. According to a press release, national IRI data shows that ranch and avocado products are up 13 percent and 3 percent respectively, indicating continued consumer interest in these popular flavors.

Dill Ranch: A New Member of the 20 oz. Family

Not only is ranch a top seller, but flavored ranch dressing has been capturing consumers’ taste buds as well, with the category up 43 percent for more than half of the total U.S. value segment. As a result, Litehouse’s new Dill Ranch dressing builds on this category by introducing a creamy blend of sour cream, dill, and spices to the masses and in a family-size squeeze bottle that makes it easy to add this dressing to any dish.

Reformulated Pourable Vinaigrettes: Less Fat and Sugar, Only 50 Calories or Less

These days, consumers are on the prowl for high quality ingredients, which is why Litehouse reformulated its core line of Pourable Vinaigrettes, featuring flavors like Balsamic, Sesame Ginger, Poppyseed, and Raspberry. Now the line is made with less fat and sugar, while still touting the same delicious taste consumers know and love.

Freeze Dried Jalapeño: Spicy Green Pepper Flavor, No Chopping Required

Hot and spicy are two trends that won’t ever go out of style. To build on the heat of these trends, Litehouse is adding a Freeze Dried Jalapeño to its mix of products. Each jar is packed with the equivalent of 22 jalapeños and delivers the same spice, aroma, and vibrant flavor as freshly picked peppers from the garden. And with no picking, chopping, slicing, or dicing required, this jalapeño product is the perfect addition to an array of culinary endeavors.

Greek Yogurt Smoothies: Protein-Packed, Single-Serving Convenience

Our elementary school playground days are over, which means the golden rule of “sharing is caring” is no more. These days, it’s all about that single-serving size, baby! To tap into this trend, Litehouse is introducing its single-serving Greek Yogurt Smoothies to the produce department. Packed with 13 grams of protein per bottle and made without artificial preservatives and dyes, the grab-and-go beverages are available in five delicious flavors: Peach Mango, Super Berry, Raspberry Passion, Blueberry Banana, and Tangerine Vanilla.

Feeling inspired? So are we! We’ll see you at booth #1803 to wax poetic together about Litehouse’s newest product debuts!


Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by Chandler James

BOISE, ID - Yesterday, Albertsons Companies reported results for the second quarter of fiscal 2019, which ended September 7. With multiple strategic investments made in the business, Albertsons is leveraging its programs to promote growth.

The results showed another consecutive quarter (the seventh, to be exact) of identical sales growth at 2.4 percent. This is accounted for by the company’s continuous momentum. Additionally, net income rose to $294.8 million as opposed to the net loss of $32.4 million the previous year.

Vivek Sankaran, President and CEO, Albertsons"The strong momentum in the business continued in the second quarter," said Vivek Sankaran, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our identical sales were positive for the seventh consecutive quarter and represented our strongest identical sales performance in over three years as we continue to elevate the shopping experience for our customers. We are focused on driving sales growth by running the best stores, growing our loyal customer base, winning in e-commerce, and enhancing our Own Brands portfolio. At the same time, we are making strategic investments in the business to better leverage our scale, which is improving productivity and driving cost reductions."

Albertsons is riding the wave of its strategic investments and leveraging its programs to continue to push growth

Furthermore, adjusted EBITDA rose to $567.6 million, a 3.5 percent increase compared to 2018. As mentioned above, the enhanced Own Brands portfolio has also driven growth, as the report mentioned its sales penetration of 25.3 percent. Perhaps the most progressive program that paid off for Albertsons was its Online home delivery and Drive Up and Go services, which turned up sales growth by 40 percent.

According to a report, a handful of strategic technological investments led to the company’s net debt decrease to 2.9x. How will the retail powerhouse keep up its momentum? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by ANUK Staff

LOS ANGELES, CA - The Wonderful Company—known for its iconic brands Wonderful Pistachios, Wonderful Halos, and POM Wonderful—continues to position itself as a leader in produce with a strong company-wide focus on innovation and a comprehensive approach to disrupting the market, in turn creating value for its partners. That trend continues this fall, as the company premieres a family-friendly Wonderful Halos animated YouTube series, a produce industry first. The Wonderful Company also welcomes a new brand to the Wonderful family with Wonderful Seedless Lemons launching in November, while enjoying the success of their new Wonderful Pistachios No Shells flavors.

Adam Cooper, Senior Vice President of Marketing, The Wonderful Company“We’re constantly challenging our team to think bigger and better,” said Adam Cooper, senior vice president of marketing, The Wonderful Company. “It’s the Wonderful Way to be innovative, entrepreneurial, nimble and bold. That’s what we will continue delivering across all Wonderful brands.”

Innovative brand efforts include:

Wonderful Halos

To build upon the existing brand love among families across America, Wonderful Halos is unveiling a new multimillion-dollar marketing adventure, the family-friendly animated series “Camp Halohead,” set to debut on YouTube in November. Quite simply, Camp Halohead is summer camp for mandarins, a wondrous place full of exciting adventures, challenging tests, and lifelong lessons. At Camp Halohead, young mandarins learn what it takes to achieve Pure Goodness through the good and bad choices they make in everyday situations. They have one goal in mind: to be good enough to earn their halo and a coveted spot in the big blue Halos box. The series is sure to deepen connections with Wonderful Halos fans beyond snack time with family-fun entertainment, while leveraging a popular platform for all ages. In its first season, “Camp Halohead” will launch with five episodes, each lasting between four and six minutes.

Wonderful Seedless Lemons

Another citrus disruptor will be Wonderful Seedless Lemons, a naturally seedless, Non-GMO Project verified variety of lemon that will make its way into retailers and American households this November. Wonderful Seedless Lemons are juicy and zesty—everything consumers love about lemons minus the inconvenient seeds. This makes preparing cocktails and cooking even easier with seedless lemons. In its rollout, Wonderful Seedless Lemons will be available from November through May, with anticipated year-round volume by 2021.

Attendees at the 2019 Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit Expo will have the opportunity to sample the revolutionary lemon at The Wonderful Company booth #4137. The Wonderful Company owns the exclusive rights to this new, premium quality seedless lemon variety available in North America.

Wonderful Pistachios No Shells

To further prove itself as an innovation trailblazer, The Wonderful Company introduced two new Wonderful Pistachios No Shells flavor varieties, Chili Roasted and Honey Roasted. These two distinctive flavors have allowed the brand to reach two different categories of snacking fans: those seeking heat, and those who enjoy a sweet escape. Since its retail debut in 55,000 stores nationwide, the Wonderful Pistachios No Shells portfolio has experienced 27 percent-dollar growth, providing proof that consumers want more flavor innovation when it comes to pistachios. Given the consumer demand and the incremental nature of the flavor business, the brand plans to continue innovating in this area in years to come.

For more information on “Camp Halohead,” visit the “Camp Halohead” YouTube page. To learn more about Wonderful Seedless Lemons, visit And, for more details about Wonderful Pistachios No Shells, visit

Wonderful Company

Thu. October 17th, 2019 - by ANUK Staff

FORT PIERCE, FL - Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company announced today that it will showcase the two newest members of its popular Holistic Juice line at the Fall PMA Fresh Summit Convention and Expo being held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim on October 18 and 19, 2019.

The two new, ready-to-drink, functional beverages are:

Aura, which is made from blood orange, strawberry puree, and the exotic Indian herb ashwagandha, is specially formulated to help ease anxiety and improve sleep, while boosting and regulating the immune system.

Replenish, which is made from a blend of cucumber juice, celery juice, apple juice, lime juice with holy basil extract, aloe, jalapeno extract and sweet basil, is a hydrating mixture that helps detoxify and invigorate.

Natalie's Juice Company has added two new ready-to-drink flavors to its Holistic juice line

Attendees can stop by Natalie’s Booth #2017 on the expo floor to sample the new juices. Anaheim Convention Center is located at 800 W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA

The juice company first introduced their next generation of cold-pressed juices, which feature unique function and holistic properties, in 2018. Since then, the innovative line has taken off and offered customers an authentic choice in functional juices.

Marygrace Sexton, the Founder and CEO, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company“We welcome these two new additions to Natalie’s growing family of functional ready-to-drink Holistic Juices because they continue our mission of promoting customer health, wellness and nutrition,” said Marygrace Sexton, the Founder and CEO of Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company. “We love discovering fresh new ways to offer our customers juices that will improve every aspect of their lives.”

Aura and Replenish join Natalie’s other three holistic cold-pressed juices:

  • Purify – made from blood orange, grapefruit, dandelion and ginger to help reduce inflammation and improve digestion.
  • Relax – made from orange, pineapple, chamomile and passion flower to help calm the mind and relax the soul.
  • Resilient – made from blood orange, elderberry, turmeric, black pepper and ginger to help boost the immune system and lower inflammation.

Natalie Sexton, Vice President of Marketing, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company“Natalie’s remains one of the only brands on the shelf to provide customers with an authentic functional juice line,” said Natalie Sexton, Vice President of Marketing. “We take time to find just the right mix of special ingredients that will ensure our customers an authentic approach to clean living."

All of Natalie’s Holistic Juices, including Aura and Replenish, will be available on supermarket shelves and through the company’s special direct-to-consumer ecommerce site. To learn more about how to purchase Natalie’s Holistic Juices directly, visit:

To learn more about Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company’s award-winning juices, visit

For more information about the PMA Fresh Summit Convention and Expo visit:

Natalie's Juice Company