Tue. October 15th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA - DelFrescoPure® is growing YES!Berries Your Everyday Snack!™ strawberries inside 17 acres of cutting-edge greenhouses, all while leveraging decades of greenhouse growing experience to become the first grower in North America to grow SCS Certified Pesticide Free strawberries.

The Pesticide Free certification is conducted by SCS Global Services (SCS), a third-party certifier of environmental, sustainability, and food safety claims. In order to get certified, companies must offer full disclosure of pest management practices, sit through an evaluation of pest management practices, on-site “worst-case” sampling of products, and laboratory testing to confirm that there are no pesticide residues present at levels above laboratory detection capabilities.

Carl Mastronardi, President, DelFrescoPure®Consumers are demanding more, and rightfully so,” stated Carl Mastronardi, President. “Delivering delicious, nutritious snacks all-year-round is no longer enough. They want to reduce their risk of exposure to pesticide residues in foods they consume, and rightfully so. This certification independently assures consumers that our greenhouse-grown strawberries do not have pesticide residue.”

DelFrescoPure's YES!Berries Your Everyday Snack! strawberries are the first in North America to be grown SCS Certified Pesticide Free

According to a press release, DelFrescoPure has taken its expertise in integrated pest management—normally reserved for growing tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers—and applied it to growing strawberries. The results, the greenhouse grower noted, are pesticide-free, delicious strawberries that are available year-round.

YES!Berries Your Everyday Snack! strawberries are available in retail stores across Canada and the United States.

Congratulations to DelFrescoPure on this achievement! To see the greenhouse grower at this year’s PMA Fresh Summit, stop by booth #2259.


Tue. October 15th, 2019 - by Chandler James

MURRIETA, CA - After weeks of anticipation, the Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) Fresh Summit event is finally (almost) here! Whether it be packing, rehearsing, or traveling, industry exhibitors are bustling about in preparation. At West Pak Avocado, this means the Sales and Marketing team is kicking it into high gear. Recent hire Joe Nava, the company’s Vice President of Sales and Business Development, will spearhead the event as he continues to expand the marketing, research, and development campaigns.

Joe Nava, Vice President of Sales and Business Development, West Pak Avocado“At West Pak, we can team up with key customers to help them grow their business in the avocado category in different ways,” Nava elaborated when explaining the moniker. “Rather than just offering the enticement of promotional pricing, we’re looking to help drive consumption at the consumer level and increase a retailer’s foot traffic in the produce section.”

According to a press release, Nava and the team will unveil a new exhibit and showcase their highly-successful bagged avocado program and retail-supporting Avo-Opportunities marketing offerings at Fresh Summit. The team will also offer Regional Category Reviews, or what they affectionately call Avo-Audits.

“Fresh Summit is the perfect opportunity to sit down with our customers and do a Regional Category Review. That’s where we help drive the avocado category by identifying and actively targeting what motivates consumption in their region,” Nava continued. “For example: do their customers prefer a size 60 avocado or a size 40, or can they drive sales by adding bagged avocados? We dive right into what the consumer wants and work with them to come up with ways to help promote and engage with their target audience.”

West Pak Avocado will unveil a new exhibit and showcase its highly-successful bagged avocado program and retail-supporting Avo-Opportunities marketing offerings

Designed to help support retailers, West Pak’s Avo-Opportunities program provides effective packaging, POS, marketing, sales, and educational materials. There are also outreach and social media programs to connect with regional talent such as chefs, nutritionists, or influencers, creating an engaging promotional campaign that appeals to a retailer’s target demographic.

“At West Pak, we work very hard to fulfill our customer’s needs so that they are feeding what their customers want. Avo-Audits are the first step to getting there!” concluded Nava.

To meet Joe Nava or any member of the sales and marketing team at PMA Fresh Summit 2019, stop by booth #1577. Stick with us at ANUK as we divulge the exciting news leading up to Fresh Summit.

West Pak Avocado

Tue. October 15th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SOLVANG, CA - Day two started before the crack of dawn as riders loaded up their bags and their bikes to get back in the saddle. No easy feat after finishing nearly 100 miles in said saddle less than 24 hours before. But sitting at breakfast watching everyone exchange stories about soreness, as well as catch up on family, kids, and life in between tours, the energy level was contagious.

By the time we were in the vans on the way to the starting point at Morro Rock, riders were singing song ideas for anthems that would get them through an 85 mile day, albeit smoother and shorter than the Sunday Funday they just experienced.

Tom Smith, Director of Foodservice, California Giant Berry Farms“I’ve supported riders in the past but getting to see and experience it from this side has been really great, it’s definitely different from what I imagined,” Tom Smith, Director of Foodservice, says between stops. “I feel like I know everyone I see in one form or another through various forms of the business, and they are all doing so well.”

The Tour de Fresh prides itself not only on being a unique event to invest and raise awareness for the next generation’s access to fresh produce, but also being an event that anyone in the industry can be a part of. The riders this year have proven that there is a group for anyone’s riding level, staying together and aiding each other along the California coast in true “Tour de Family” fashion, but there is so much more to it than that.

Gold Coast Packing welcomed riders to its facility in Santa Maria, about 60 miles into today’s ride, with a shaded tent, food, treats, and places to rest

We have two first-time drivers that joined the team of vehicles ensuring those riders can commute as safely as possible, keeping traffic at bay, providing water and supplies, taking unneeded items, or even just giving a boost.

Sponsors in the past have provided much needed “Feed Zones” where cyclists break on the route to refuel and rest before carrying on, with one sponsor taking it even further this year.

Gold Coast Packing welcomed riders to its facility in Santa Maria, about 60 miles into today’s ride, with a shaded tent, food, treats, and places to rest.

Crystal Chavez, Marketing Coordinator, Gold Coast Packing“We love what the riders are doing for kids across America. It’s wonderful for them to spend their free time raising funds for salad bars for schools. It’s a great cause, we love being a part of Tour de Fresh and we look forward to being a part of it for years to come,” Crystal Chavez, Marketing Coordinator, said as we met at the stop.

Sponsors in the past have provided much needed “Feed Zones” where cyclists break on the route to refuel and rest before carrying on

As riders clipped into their pedals to take off, “Thank you Gold Coast” could be heard as they took on the remaining 25 miles of the course, and it reminded me of how important moves like this by companies who want to get involved are.

Click here to donate for salad bars in schools

Each salad bar in a school makes for a win-win investment by anyone in our industry who wants to create customers both in the education district and down the road when those children become consumers. As this message continues to spread, the Tour de Fresh becomes a stronger event and even more successful in its mission to privately finance new salad bars to be placed in school districts across the country.

Brandon Gritters pedaling hard through the 85 mile leg of the second day of Tour de Fresh

“The very first ride I got invited to join last minute, with no expectations,” Brandon Gritters, Sales, Interfresh, says of the inaugural Tour de Fresh. “I’ve done four rides now, and it’s definitely getting smoother. The food is getting so much better, the organization of it is really locked in, and with all the same people returning it’s like family.”

That family continues to grow, to change, to pursue how it can be better. We are now officially over halfway down the road to Anaheim, California, with the riders clocking not only 181 miles in two days (or 201 miles for those that did the “extra credit” route) but also more than $172,000 raised for fresh salad bars! Hope to see you at this year’s Finish Line Ceremony, where we celebrate all these amazing industry ambassadors.

Tour de Fresh

Tue. October 15th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CORAL GABLES, FL - PMA Fresh Summit is only days away, which might as well be hours in fresh produce time. All the excitement innovators of our industry have teased will finally be unveiled, and among those known for delivering on the new and cutting-edge is Del Monte Fresh. Having already debuted a new Better Break™ convenience line of prepared meals in recent weeks, and being known for keeping its lips sealed, the company is sure to have more for us when PMA leaders cut that red ribbon in Anaheim, California.

Youssef Zakharia, President and COO, Del Monte FreshAmong those to be present on the floor is longtime leader and current President and Chief Operating Officer (COO), Youssef Zakharia, who has held his current position since November 2016, but was a decision maker for the company long before that.

According to the company, Zakharia served as Executive Vice President in the months leading up to being named President and COO, and was Vice President, Europe and Africa, from January to August of that same year.

Del Monte Fresh prepares to wow showgoers at the upcoming PMA Fresh Summit

Zakharia’s expertise stretches into sealing solutions, applications expertise, and equipment reliability products, an industry he worked as a leader in for several years before jumping to the food business with Del Monte Fresh in 2000. Since then, he has continued to prove a valuable captain with global prowess spanning Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and, most recently, North America.

Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman & CEO, Del Monte FreshLongtime Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh has stated that Zakharia’s impressive track record of strategic and operational accomplishments and wealth of experience across Del Monte Fresh’s global operations make him the ideal person for his position, and that he has proven to be a successful and trusted leader to the organization—words not to be taken lightly from a man who has held his current post for more than 20 years.

When looking at how to gain ground in the constant race for premium grocery real estate, brands that have built something of a household name for themselves like Del Monte Fresh grab attention, as do, of course, those that lead them.

So, as we peruse the show floor this weekend for what 2020 and beyond holds for our industry, believe that we will be stopping by booth #1036 for a sneak peek and to say hello to the Del Monte Fresh team.

Del Monte Fresh

Tue. October 15th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

GLENMONT, NY - PMA Fresh Summit is right around the corner, and with opportunities to connect with old friends, network with new ones, and marvel over the smorgasboard of fruits and veg on display, it’s sort of like summer camp for the produce crowd (but with slightly less lanyards). New York Apple Sales, Inc. (NYAS) will be on hand to represent the apple category from back east, and highlight its Yes! Apples™ brand to kick off the season.

“We wanted to adapt a fresh look, with a contemporary design that fits well into the buying habits and preferences of today’s consumers” said Tenley Allen Fitzgerald, Director of Brand Marketing. “As a millennial and brand specialist, I respond favorably to product messaging that addresses my interests and often includes a reason to purchase. Our message is simple, say YES! Apples, Family Owned in New York Since 1919. We continue this message, with YES! to Family Farms, YES! to Fresh, YES! to Locally Grown, and YES! to Juicy. All these statements answer the top questions that consumers want to know and especially when deciding on what fresh fruit to purchase, YES! Apples can be the choice.”

New York Apple Sales will be on hand at PMA Fresh Summit to represent the apple category from back east and highlight its Yes! Apples™ brand to kick off the season

The organization’s Honeycrisp, Gala, Fuji, McIntosh, Pink Lady, and Red Delicious varieties will all be sporting the vibrant Yes! Apples packaging, starting in late fall, as NYAS gradually rolls out the new look, according to a press release.

The new branding is intended to communicate the organization’s ethos and history—as an apple category staple since 1919, and women-owned since 1999—and was developed using extensive consumer research, customer focus groups, survey panels, and market analysis to identify consumer-grabbing designs.

For years, NYAS has used only its business name or a generic state brand when labeling its bags and cartons, but after analyzing consumer preferences and purchasing trends, the organization found that generic names do not target or appeal to customers. Research shows that consumers are more likely to respond favorably to a specific brand than a company’s identification.

The organization’s Honeycrisp, Gala, Fuji, McIntosh, Pink Lady, and Red Delicious varieties will all be sporting the vibrant Yes! Apples packaging, starting in late fall

The Yes! Apples brand (exclusively distributed by NYAS) was introduced to more than 100 apple growers at its annual meeting this summer, and was met with resounding enthusiasm. Growers can rest assured that their exceptional apples will now feature a new brand that will build equity in the marketplace for the future.

Itching to check out the new look for yourself? Head over to New York Apple Sales booth #3061 or the New Products Showcase to see the organization’s latest and greatest, first-hand.

AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you all the biggest news from industry expos.

New York Apple Sales

Mon. October 14th, 2019 - by ANUK Staff

SYRACUSE, UT - Onions 52 is reinforcing their commitment to food safety through the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Gold Circle Campaign for Food Safety.

By participating in the PMA Gold Circle Campaign for Food Safety, Onions 52 joins more than 350 fresh produce suppliers and buyers—from growers and distributors to retailers, foodservice operators and solutions providers.

Falon Brawley, Director of Marketing & Business Development, Onions 52“We wanted to make a difference and take a leadership role within the industry,” says Falon Brawley. She continues, “Research and continuing education are indispensable measures for recall-prevention throughout the produce supply-chain. Initiating comprehensive, prevention-based controls to prevent or significantly minimize the likelihood of food safety issues arising is essential in our industry.” In addition to PMA’s Gold Circle Campaign for Food Safety, Onions 52 is certified by PrimusGFS and the Equitable Food Initiative (EFI).

Onions 52 is reinforcing its commitment to food safety through the Gold Circle Campaign for Food Safety

PMA, a global trade organization representing companies from every segment of the global fresh produce and floral supply chain, founded the Gold Circle Campaign to address the industry’s challenge of increasing food production with fewer resources while bolstering confidence in the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. In particular, the Campaign funds critical research and education delivered by dozens of research-based organizations, including the Center for Produce Safety (CPS) at the University of California, Davis. CPS focuses on prevention research that delivers real-world solutions applicable to the entire produce supply chain.

To learn more about Onions 52’s commitment to food safety, visit onions52.com and see what’s fresh at booth #743 at PMA Fresh Summit.

Onions 52

Mon. October 14th, 2019 - by ANUK Staff

RANCHO CORDOVA, CA - Renaissance Food Group (RFG), a fresh food company that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Calavo Growers, Inc., will feature its newly created Chef Veggie Starters™ at PMA Fresh Summit this October in Anaheim, CA. The product line can be viewed in the booth and will be featured in the Fresh Ideas Showcase.

Garden Highway Chef Veggie Starters™ were created in response to consumer demand for versatile, healthy, and convenient meal components, featured in three on-trend flavors: Onion & Celery, Sweet Potato & Butternut, and Cauliflower & Carrot.

Onion & Celery Chef Veggie Starter is a pre-cut blend of yellow onion, celery, and fresh herbs. These foundational flavors are a year-round staple for stuffing, soups, and sauces.

Chef Veggie Starters™ will be featured at PMA Fresh Summit

Sweet Potato & Butternut Chef Veggie Starter is a hearty blend of sweet potatoes, butternut squash, red onion, celery, and fresh herbs. A savory alternative to traditional potatoes, this adventurous blend made for foodies offers even more added value with tough to prep veggies ready to roast, hash, or use in soups.

Cauliflower & Carrot Chef Veggie Starter is a diet-friendly mix of cauliflower, carrots, yellow onion, and fresh herbs. This grain-free rice substitute has a surprisingly subtle sweet flavor perfect for use in stuffing, soups, or sauté.

Packed in square cup containers with a tamper-evident tear-away strip, Garden Highway Chef Veggie Starters™ merchandise beautifully at retail, where their versatility drives incremental sales throughout the store. A newly designed, high graphic label features the Garden Highway logo and includes multiple usage suggestions, inspiring consumers to get creative with cooking applications for a fun and flavorful dish.

Nelia Alamo, Vice President of Communications, Renaissance Food Group“We are very excited to debut this innovative line of Chef Veggie Starters™ at PMA Fresh Summit,” said Nelia Alamo, VP of communications. “Our carefully curated blends of fresh vegetables and herbs make cooking fun for the end consumer by offering a variety of uses within each flavor. Chef Veggie Starters™ can be used in a multitude of dishes from stuffing to soups to scrambles and provide consumers with a solution for healthy alternatives in their favorite dishes.”

Garden Highway Chef Veggie Starters™ will be featured in the Calavo Growers / Renaissance Food Group booth #1837 at PMA Fresh Summit in Anaheim, as well as on display in the Fresh Ideas Showcase.

Renaissance Food Group

Mon. October 14th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

VENTURA, CA - The countdown to PMA Fresh Summit has begun, signifying another hot ticket event just around the corner. Whether you are a buyer, retailer, or foodservice operator in our industry, if you want to succeed in your sustainability ventures the best place to glean the most valuable insights is at this year’s exclusive 2019 California Central Coast Sustainability Exchange (CCCSE) on October 15 and 16. One of the elements of this coveted schedule is the Supply Chain Sustainability Panel during the CCCSE event and invite-only opportunity. Founder of Measure to Improve, Nikki Rodoni, and the mind behind the CCCSE, has just a few seats left for this special occasion.

Nikki Rodoni, Founder and CEO, Measure to Improve“Our goal for the Supply Chain Sustainability Panel is to drive home the fact that the only way to accomplish our sustainability goals in a timely manner is by working collaboratively,” Nikki tells me. “There are many parallels across the entire industry. We all want to save money. We’re all looking to take responsibility for our environmental impact—after all, that’s what customers, consumers, and government regulators are demanding. As an industry, we are facing continuous pressure to implement more effective and broad sustainability practices. The need to fast track our efforts and take a proactive approach in the area of sustainability is profound. Implementing sustainability practices can no longer be ignored or disregarded as a secondary issue.”

Panelists included:

  • Tom Stenzel, President and CEO, United Fresh Produce Association
  • Ed Treacy, Vice President of Supply Chain and Sustainability, PMA
  • Chris White, Managing Director, Fruitnet Media International
  • Alex Teague, Senior VP and COO, Limoneira
  • Mimmo Franzone, Director of Produce and Floral, Longo’s

Lori Taylor, CEO and Founder of The Produce Moms, will moderate the panel.

John Chamberlain, Vice President of Marketing, Limoneira“We’re excited to host the California Central Coast Sustainability Exchange,” John Chamberlain, Vice President of Marketing, Limoneira, tells me. “There are many innovative sustainable solutions for our produce customers that we will be discussing that can help address this important, top-of-mind subject. We’re also thrilled to have Tom Stenzel, Ed Treacy, Chris White, Mimmo Franzone, and our own Alex Teague on what is anticipated to be a thought-provoking panel.”

Founder of Measure to Improve, Nikki Rodoni, will head up the Supply Chain Sustainability Panel during the event

Through the CCCSE, the intention of this panel is to begin the conversation around sustainability and find ways to work collaboratively supply-chain-wide. By sharing and understanding different strategies, attendees may reduce duplicate work, find efficiencies, and potentially create more substantial partnerships or programs shared between companies along the supply chain, Nikki adds.

Immediately following the panel, the group will hear from "pop-up speakers," who represent some of the sustainability solution providers in our industry. These speakers will remain in the audience and speak for three to five minutes on their potential solution. Pop-up speakers include:

  • Dana Gunders, Principal, Next Course - Theme: Food Waste and Food Loss
  • Jim Knutzon, Vice President, SCS Global Services - Theme: Sustainable Sourcing and Certification
  • Bob Daviduk, Co-CEO, rPlanetEarth - Theme: Sustainable Packaging
  • Chuck Bates, Market Segment Leader, Netafim - Theme: Circular Economy

This panel will help the industry take a step in the right direction toward increased sustainability action across the produce supply chain.

“The panel will bring together representatives and solution providers from varying aspects of the produce value chain,” Nikki adds. “It will be a great opportunity to showcase multiple perspectives on sustainability issues and provide a starting point to create more meaningful partnerships that bring cost savings, and improved environmental and social impacts along the way.”

Along with the opportunity to listen and share sustainability experiences at this intimate event at Limoneira Ranch in Ventura, California, there will be an opportunity to tour the latest sustainability innovations at Limoneira and Calavo, along with a farm-to-table dinner, specialty cocktails, and more—courtesy of the sponsors: Limoneira, Calavo, San Miguel Produce, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Measure to Improve, and AndNowUKnow.

For more information about how you can get a seat at the table, contact Nikki Rodoni at [email protected]

I hope your minds and bellies are ready for a few courses of insight and delight and we will see you all there!

California Central Coast Sustainability Exchange

Mon. October 14th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO - You can always bet that I have Red Sun Farms on my list of companies to see at PMA Fresh Summit every year. The team's fresh ideas, vision, and execution come through in its products, brand, and identity, time and time again—and it is always a gift to witness. This year, the company will be submitting products for the New Product Showcase and you can be sure they will have a message to rival.

Leona Neill, Director of Marketing and Packaging, Red Sun Farms“First, we shook the tomato category with the launch of Sweetpops at PMA 2018, then we Picked a Pack of Perfect Sweetpeps as our 2nd member of the 'Sweets Family' in March of 2019,” Leona Neill, Director of Marketing and Packaging, shares with me. “Now, our Master Growers have taken it to the next level, crafting the newest member of our Sweets family. Come by booth number 455 to be one of the first to see our newest family edition!”

The team at Red Sun Farms is looking forward to debuting an innovative new product at PMA Fresh Summit

So what is this super-secret addition to the Red Sun portfolio? Well, this newest family member is a product packed with ingenuity, bringing consumers everything they seek with new varieties to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. But drumroll, please...you will have to check out the booth to discover this soon-to-be-uncovered gem!

“By investing in new healthy options that delight our consumers through intense flavors, textures, and innovative ways to snack, we can help them fulfill this goal,” Leona says. “We look forward to showcasing the results of our Seed to Plate approach which delivers quality produce available year-round throughout the booth. The team will also be sharing our Sustainable in Nature approach to greenhouse practices throughout the growing cycle and a sneak ‘peak’ at some new sustainable packaging solutions coming to our customers.”

The team at Red Sun Farms is looking forward to the energy that PMA brings to the industry’s innovations and technologies as an essential platform to launch new ideas in the fresh category.

“Fresh Summit is an excellent opportunity to connect with our customer partners and create new connections all under one roof,” Leona adds.

Have booth #455 marked down yet? Take a gander, my friends, and I will see you all there!

Red Sun Farms

Mon. October 14th, 2019 - by Chandler James

LANDOVER, MD - While many grocery delivery services are just getting started, Giant Food’s has been serving customers in Washington DC for 30 years. Formerly known as Peapod, the service recently began a tremendous rebranding effort. Not only will the delivery trucks transform from a zingy green to a vibrant purple, they will now be emblazoned with the service’s new name: Giant Delivers.

According to wtop, Giant Food’s grocery delivery service currently reaches over 300 zip codes in DC and offers same-day delivery downtown. Making the deal even sweeter, customers can opt for a year-long unlimited delivery deal for just $99.

Not only will the delivery trucks transform from a zingy green to a vibrant purple, they will now be emblazoned with the service’s new name: Giant Delivers

Aside from the Giant Delivers initiative, the company has made grocery pickup available at 65 DC stores, planning for 100 by the year’s end. Additionally, the services will promote Good Food’s expanding line of meal kits, which are locally made with products from Capital Baking Company, Capital City Mambo Sauce, Soupergirl, Logan’s Sausage Company, Otterbein’s Cookies, and more.

The company is taking the “slow and steady wins the race” approach when it comes to growing its grocery delivery service. And with a track record of 30 successful years, I’d say it’s on to something. Keep checking in on us at ANUK as we cover the bases.

Giant Food