Wed. October 9th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - As with all things in business, partnerships are not always set in stone. When Instacart and Whole Foods paired up, it seemed a match made in grocery heaven. However, the two parted ways in December of last year, and those behind Instacart feared the worst. Would severing ties with one of its largest partners signal its end?

According to a report from Bloomberg, this hasn’t been the case at all. In fact, the grocery delivery platform has risen to new heights ever since it departed from the organic grocer. It’s picked up multiple big-name partners, including Costco, Publix, and Wegmans, which has more than made up for the loss of Whole Foods.

After parting ways with Whole Foods in December, Instacart seems to show no signs of slowing down

Turning to an e-commerce intelligence company, Edison Trends, the news source noted that Instacart rebounded significantly after a slight dip in June. An Instacart spokesperson informed Bloomberg that this rebound has been even higher than the Edison numbers indicate, noting that order numbers have increased each month since Whole Foods left.

With retailers and consumers relying on grocery delivery services like Instacart, it seems likely that the company’s numbers will only keep growing. Stick with AndNowUKnow as we navigate the waters of grocery, delivery, and more.


Wed. October 9th, 2019 - by Chandler James

BENTONVILLE, AR - Remember when artificial intelligence (AI) was a far-off fiction we only heard about in movies? I never imagined that I would live to see a time when RoboCop actually makes sense, and yet here we are. Walmart is one of the biggest retailers pursuing artificial intelligence and machine learning. According to Business Insider, the company employs 1,500 data scientists and 50,000 software engineers and is still looking for more. Chief Data Officer Bill Groves oversees 100 of the tech workers and is determined to continue making progress.

Bill Groves, Chief Data Officer, Walmart"I do more work in the AI and [machine learning] space than I have ever done in my life," Groves said at the MLOps NYC conference two weeks ago. "We're involved in robotics, we're involved in micro-personalization, we're involved in probably the biggest supply chain in the world.”

One of Walmart’s current projects includes AI-powered cameras that monitor theft, but over 100,000 similar projects are also in the works. To keep up with the company’s rapid technological developments, Walmart is hiring even more experts. The most highly sought after candidates are Data Scientists with a background in voice-activated applications. Although the technology is already implemented in delivery operations, Walmart is still looking for 67 Data Scientists, 43 Software Development Experts, and 90 Data Analysis Experts.

Walmart is one of the biggest retailers pursuing artificial intelligence and machine learning, including AI-powered cameras

With a success rate of only 75 percent, the company is eager to lean into these projects. One of Walmart’s standard evaluation procedures includes a series of three questions that qualify the high-tech initiatives: “Why are you doing it?”, “Can you explain it?”, and “Can you implement it?”

"If the answer is 'no' to any of these three, we'll typically put a stop to the project immediately, so that way we aren't spending money that we shouldn't spend," Groves said.

The questions are intended to avoid projects with no tangible benefits for the company, an inability to integrate into business operations, and costs that outweigh profits. All of these place an emphasis on simplifying processes that are otherwise extremely complex.

The future is here, people! Keep an eye on all the high-tech initiatives in the industry by staying with us at ANUK.


Wed. October 9th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

WATSONVILLE, CA - With PMA Fresh Summit right around the corner (is it the 9th already?!), the entire industry is buzzing with the anticipation and excitement that precedes every show. Monterey Mushrooms is pumping itself up (possibly to “Eye of the Tiger”) and readying its wares to wow show-goers with its collection of nutritious, vitamin D-packed mushrooms.

Mike O'Brien, VP of Sales and Marketing, Monterey Mushrooms“We want people to know it’s easy to incorporate vitamin D into a daily diet with the help of mushrooms,” said Mike O’Brien, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Many people are vitamin D deficient, and mushrooms specially labeled as being high in vitamin D are the only natural food in the produce aisle that may help boost this important vitamin in your diet.”

The company’s mission is to put a spotlight on how its mushrooms can serve as a much-needed nutrition boost. Monterey Mushrooms worked with the USDA to ensure high vitamin D levels in its mushrooms through the use of indoor replicated sunlight. This lighting method results in a much higher concentration of the vitamin than is normally available in mushrooms. The lighting technique forces mushrooms to convert ergosterol into vitamin D, creating a plant-based dietary source of the bone-building vitamin.

Monterey Mushrooms want consumers to know that they can get their dose of Vitamin D from its mushrooms

“Long celebrated as a superfood, fresh mushrooms contribute powerful nutrients to any meal,” O’Brien commented, in a press release. “Our message this year is to share how simple it is to incorporate vitamin D into your diet with the help of mushrooms. For example, sautéed mushrooms can be easily added to favorite foods such as avocado toast, steaks, burgers, and salads.”

To underscore that message, the company will have a registered nurse on hand to educate attendees on how vitamin D contributes to overall health and well-being. Monterey Mushrooms will also be passing out at-home test kits that retail and foodservice buyers can use to learn their personal vitamin D level and compare it to healthy ranges.

The company’s vitamin-rich mushrooms are available nationwide in 8- and 16-ounce packages of sliced baby bellas, whole portabella caps, and sliced whites.

Looking to up your nutritional intake? Or are you ready to provide your customers with an exceptional, healthy product? Head to booth #2848 for all the deets on these fabulous fungi.

AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you all the latest news as PMA Fresh Summit approaches.

Monterey Mushrooms

Wed. October 9th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

BAKERSFIELD, CA - Each year, the best and brightest in produce gather at PMA Fresh Summit to share knowledge and know-how. This year’s event addresses crucial industry topics like sustainability, innovation, organics, and more, while offering a golden opportunity to reconnect with friends, business associates, and other produce pros. Each company is poised to showcase their latest and greatest, so there will be no shortage of spectacular produce. But if you’re craving something sweet, you’d be well advised to take a trip to the Country Sweet booth, where you’ll find a bounty of Baby Sweet Potatoes.

Bob Haarhues, Director of Sales and Marketing, Country Sweet Produce“Baby Sweet Potatoes are the perfect side, they’re as versatile as they are nutritious,” Bob Haarhues, Director of Sales and Marketing, told me. “These enjoyable little sweet potatoes come in 24-ounce bags and weigh about two to four ounces each and are three to four inches long, while a typical medium-sized sweet potato may weigh between six and eight ounces and can be up to eight inches in length.”

Those Baby Sweets are real crowd pleasers—aside from being delicious, they are available year round in both organic and conventional varieties, so there’s something for everyone. With the holiday season fast approaching, buyers would do well to stock up on the versatile veg that always delivers on nutrition and taste.

Bako Sweet’s Baby Sweet Potatoes pack a nutritious punch, despite their tiny size

“Consumers have been totally hooked on these miniature Baby Sweet Potatoes,” Bob said. “Quoting consumer feedback: ‘Baby Sweet Potatoes are our new favorite side, the smaller size of these sweet potatoes makes for a much faster cooking time, whether in the microwave or oven. We easily make these even when time is short!’”

At the show, the company will be featuring show-stopping offerings that include the aforementioned Baby Sweet Potatoes, as well as several packaging innovations like Country Sweet’s Steam in Bag, Organic three-pound bags, and trays.

Care to check out Country Sweet’s spectacular spuds and friendly faces for yourself? Head over to booth #1860.

AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you all the news in industry expos.

Country Sweet Produce

Tue. October 8th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Avocados are coveted within our industry and for good reason. An absolute score with consumers, these fruits promise higher ring at retail and add a must-have quality to every foodservice menu. How then do we as an industry work to maintain a viable avocado supply?

Karen Nardozza, CEO of Moxxy Marketing, and Todd Linsky, Principal and Owner of Todd Linsky Consulting, have taken a boots-to-the-ground approach this past week, visiting with Dominican Republic avocado growers at the invitation of the International Executive Service Corps (IESC). The purpose of their visit was to develop a better understanding of challenges facing the growers, the nuances of the avocado market, and create export opportunities for Tropical Avocados from the Dominican Republic to the United States. Karen and Todd’s mission? Create a winning strategy for their partners, long term commerce goals, enhance economic development and provide a viable alternative to American consumers.

Karen Nardozza and Todd Linsky's visit to the Dominican republic was to create export opportunities and see the challenges the farmers face

Karen Nardozza, Co-Founder, President, and CEO, Moxxy Marketing“We had the good fortune to be able to tour packing facilities through the countryside,” Karen shared with me, detailing how both she and Todd spent their time evaluating and talking to multiple growers to better understand their operations, varieties, worker welfare, food safety, sustainability initiatives, and growth opportunities. “We were quite impressed with the activities around infrastructure improvements at every facility. We were able to see the enhanced utilization of modern technology and packaging methodology. There’s an inescapable level of excitement when a grower shares his and her vision for the future.”

The varieties of avocados grown in this region, both reported, looked luscious and fresh. Not intended to be an alternative to currently available fruit, Tropical Avocados from the Dominican Republic enhance the category and grow its potential.

Left to Right: Karel Castillo, President of AIOSA; Karen Nardozza of Moxxy Marketing; Todd Linsky of TLC

Todd Linsky, Principal and Owner, TLC Consulting“Being able to try—first-hand—tree-ripened Tropical Avocados from the Dominican Republic was one of the most impactful experiences of our trip. The outstanding flavor, texture profile and the usability of this fruit exponentially grew our enthusiasm for the project and the people growing these unique avocados,” Todd explained. “I can see why this is a highly coveted commodity. These varieties are different from what most consumers have come to expect from an avocado. They stay green, don’t oxidize after being cut or sliced, and they’re really great served cold!”

As they talked with multiple growers, several points of differentiation cropped up, particularly their attention to adhering to food safety guidelines. “The issue of food safety was brought to our attention proactively by every grower-shipper we met, with a sense of pride and accomplishment for Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) readiness,” Karen remarked. Worker welfare is also of utmost importance, as many growers are from small family farms. Meals are prepared daily in a communal style that allows everyone to participate. The farmers see proof that they are creating better lives for their families and communities. You can’t help but get caught up in the joy these emerging entrepreneurs display.

Left to Right: Karen Nardozza (Moxxy), Todd Linsky (TLC), Brian Rudert, Chief of Party, IESC; Eduardo Tavárez, President, Tavárez; Joselin Tavárez, Administrator, Tavárez

Todd went on to share, “On top of food safety, the Dominicans are putting an emphasis on better understanding and development of new varietal opportunities, as well as working on increased organic production for this emerging category.” Areas of importance include proper organic handling facilities, actively pursuing alternative energy sources, recycling, and creating meaningful sustainability practices.

“In leaving the Dominican Republic, it was wonderful to reflect on just how prepared these producers are becoming for the growth opportunities ahead,” Todd explained. “The industry here is committed and positioned for great things. I look forward to educating wholesalers and retailers about my time in the country, I can only hope my words will do it justice!”

Intrigued by the chance to learn more about Tropical Avocados from the Dominican Republic? Reach out to Karen or Todd for more information and Mark booth #4471 at PMA Fresh Summit as one to visit if you're interested in understanding how they’re filling in supply gaps and boosting retail programs in the United States.

Moxxy Marketing 

TLC - Todd Linsky Consulting

Tue. October 8th, 2019 - by Chandler James

CANADA - The Star Group recently announced the loss of a great friend and partner, Co-Founder Leo Baribeau. As a Founder of the company, Baribeau was deeply-invested and well-known in the industry.

Baribeau was born on March 22, 1946, in Edam, SK, and was one of six children raised by Gregoire and Maria Baribeau. In 1989, he aided in the founding of Star Produce, which is now The Star Group, and remained there until his retirement in 2006.

Throughout his career, he was Chairman of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, Chairman of the Canadian Horticultural Roundtable, and sat in on many national, international, and provincial fruit and vegetable boards and task forces. He received the CPMA Lifetime Achievement Award and The Packer Canadian Produce Person of the Year award in 2004.

Friends, family, and colleagues note, in a press release, that Baribeau was a great storyteller and could always capture a crowd with his sense of humor. His true gift was that he always had time for people. Baribeau would spend the time to mentor, teach, and coach so many.

He leaves to remember him, his wife, Virginia, and daughter, Sheila; brother, Robert, sister, Denise (Bob) Buckley; and sister-in-law Wyonne Baribeau; in-laws David (Adele) Wiegers, Gerald (Bernadette) Wiegers, Anne (Doug) Sandbeck, Theresa (Kelly) Oliphant, and Janet (Louis) Christ; and numerous nieces and nephews.

An iconic presence in the industry, Leo Baribeau will be dearly missed by all who had the chance to know him. We at ANUK send our condolences to those he has left behind.

Tue. October 8th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CHANDLER, AZ - Bashas’ Family of Stores is looking to the future of retail, employing NCR Corporation’s next-generation, cloud-enabled point-of-sale (POS) platform. Bashas’ signed the agreement with NCR just this last August, hoping to simplify its store operations and drive efficiencies through NCR Emerald’s complete solution of software, hardware, and services.

Edward N. Basha III, Chief Executive Officer, Bashas’“After many years using NCR technology in our stores, we evaluated other vendors and chose to keep NCR in the family,” said Edward N. Basha III, Chief Executive Officer and grandson of Eddie Basha, Sr., who founded the business in 1932.

According to a press release, Bashas’ needed a strategic partner to help it compete on price while maintaining the special experiences that make it unique. Enter NCR Emerald, an end-to-end solution to help grocery stores run more simply, including point-of-sale, loyalty and promotions, merchandising, integrated payments, and self-service.

Jim Buhr, Chief Information Officer, Bashas’“NCR has upped its game with this all-in-one solution, ready out-of-the-box and easy to connect our store operations,” said Jim Buhr, Bashas’ Chief Information Officer. “NCR Emerald has the right product architecture to help grocery retailers like us grow and compete. Equally important, the NCR team has demonstrated true partnership and commitment to us as a valued client.”

Bashas’ signed the agreement with NCR in August

With its cloud-enabled, API-first infrastructure, NCR Emerald integrates with other applications in the retailer ecosystem and promotes consistency of capabilities across physical stores and digital channels. NCR noted that its Emerald’s subscription pricing model lowers upfront investment, so retailers can redirect resources to enhance the customer experience.

David Wilkinson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, NCR Retail“Like Bashas’, NCR has deep experience from decades of innovation. We’re inspired by the best of those traditions to power today’s advanced technology and propel retailers into the digital-first future,” said David Wilkinson, Senior Vice President and General Manager of NCR Retail. “We’re proud to help the Bashas’ Family of Stores compete, grow and continue to make a positive difference for their customers and community.”

As big-box retail continues to encroach upon smaller grocers, what kind of competition will they create? AndNowUKnow will report the latest.

Bashas' Family of Stores NCR Retail

Tue. October 8th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

PARMA, ID - There’s no more tears left to cry this fall because Sunions® tearless onions are back, baby! Not only is the special onion variety back, but it’s hitting produce aisles across the States with four times the crop after its strongest season yet.

Lyndon Johnson, Crop Sales Manager, Bayer CropScience Vegetable Seeds“With the success of last year, our growers made a significant expansion of acreage this year,” said Lyndon Johnson, Crop Sales Manager of Bayer CropScience Vegetable Seeds. “With their support, we’re able to offer Sunions to more retailers and expect to be in over 10,000 stores. The consumer feedback has been tremendous, not only do they love the tearless aspect but also the incredible sweet flavor of the onion.”

Developed by Nunhems Vegetable Seeds and bred using traditional methods, Sunions' tearless onions are a long-day sweet onion variety grown in Washington and Nevada with a distinct crunch and sweet flavor.

These tearless onions are shedding tears of joy with a record-setting crop harvest this year

“Sunions are unique in that they become sweeter and even more tearless the longer they store. We triple test them and don’t release until they’re ready," Johnson added.

Alongside the launch of this season’s crop, Sunions® will be backed by a comprehensive marketing plan that will include geotargeted digital advertising, point-of-sale materials, produce manager education, social media content, and a consumer advertising and public relations campaign.

To learn more about the tearless variety, stop by the Onions 52 booth (#743) or Peri & Sons Farms booth (#2442) at PMA Fresh Summit.


Tue. October 8th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SALINAS, CA - This industry has heart—a sentiment that takes many forms and touches lives in many ways. When it comes to honoring those that have made sacrifices for the good of all, D’Arrigo California is doing its part this year by becoming a proud supporter of the Fallen Heroes Highway Memorial Project.

John D'Arrigo, President. CEO, and Chairman of the Board, D'Arrigo California“When Supervisor Luis Alejo called me to support the Fallen Heroes Highway Memorial Project, I agreed immediately,” John D’Arrigo, D’Arrigo California President and CEO, as well as Chairman of the Board stated. “Sandy and I are committed to honor the veterans and the gold star families who have lost loved ones in Afghanistan. I believe it is our civic duty to participate in the project as a family and company to honor not only the fallen soldiers but all soldiers around the world serving and protecting our country.”

According to a press release, in 2017, the California State Legislature gave approval to name highway stretches after five fallen Monterey County veterans. The Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 57 is designated for the Fallen Heroes Highway Memorial Project which was authored by State Senator Anthony Cannella (R-Ceres) and State Senator Bill Monning (D-Carmel). The resolution was sponsored by the County of Monterey as Supervisor Alejo originally proposed the legislation.

The project was created to honor five local veterans for serving, protecting and giving their lives for our freedom. The five Monterey County veterans who were killed in combat in Afghanistan were Edward Balli, Ricardo Cerros Jr., Javier Sanchez Jr., Vilmar Galarza, and Conrado Javier.

Luis Alejo, Supervisor, County of Monterey"These highway stretches will now forever carry the names of our five fallen heroes of Monterey County," said Supervisor Alejo. "These veterans paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country and now, we can honor them by installing highway signs that will make sure their names and sacrifice will never be forgotten by our local communities. We applaud our biggest supporters John and Sandy D’Arrigo for helping make this project a reality for the five Gold Star families.”

D’Arrigo California is doing its part this year by becoming a proud supporter of the Fallen Heroes Highway Memorial Project

The signs will carry the names of these five veterans who died in combat:

U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Edward Balli

Age 42, from Salinas, California and a North Salinas High School graduate, was killed in action in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan on January 20, 2014. He received two Bronze Stars for his service in Iraq and Afghanistan. A portion of State Route 183 in the City of Salinas from Davis Road to Espinosa Road will be designated as the "United States Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Edward Balli Memorial Highway."

U.S. Army Ranger and Specialist Ricardo Cerros, Jr.

Age 24, from Salinas, California and an Everett Alvarez High School graduate, was killed in action in Logar Province, Afghanistan on October 8, 2011. He received the Purple Heart. A portion of State Highway 101 from Esperanza Road to Gould Road will be designated as the "United States Army Specialist Ricardo Cerros, Jr. Memorial Highway.”

U.S. Army Sgt. Javier Sanchez

Age 28, from Greenfield, California and a Ventana Continuation High School graduate, was killed in action in Sar Rowzah, Afghanistan on June 23, 2013. He received the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals. A portion of State Highway 101 from Hudson Road near the City of Soledad to Espinosa Road near the City of Greenfield will be designated as the "United States Army Sgt. Javier Sanchez Memorial Highway."

U.S. Army Specialist Vilmar Galarza Hernandez

Age 21, of Salinas, California and an Everett Alvarez High School graduate, was killed in action in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan on May 26, 2012. He received a Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal. A portion of State Highway 183 in the City of Salinas from Highway 101 to Davis Road will be designated as the "United States Army Specialist Vilmar Galarza Hernandez Memorial Highway."

U.S. Army Private First Class Conrado D. Javier

Age 19, from Marina, California, and a Seaside High School graduate, was killed in action in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, on December 19, 2010. A portion of State Highway 218 between the junction of State Route 68 in the City of Del Rey Oaks to the junction of State Highway 1 in the City of Seaside will be designated as the "United States Army Private First Class Conrado D. Javier Memorial Highway."

"Our family is proud to see this effort launch to install these highway signs that will honor my son and other Monterey County veterans who were killed in action," said Ricardo Cerros, Sr., Father of U.S. Army Ranger Ricardo Cerros, Jr. "We feel supported knowing our local communities have not forgotten their sacrifice and that we will have help to raise these necessary funds."

To commemorate the gesture, John D’Arrigo and his wife Sandy D’Arrigo presented a check to support the Fallen Heroes Highway Memorial Project to Monterey County Supervisor Luis Alejo. If you would like to donate, visit the Go Fund Me site and search Fallen Heroes Highway Memorial Project.

D'Arrigo California

Tue. October 8th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - GrubMarket is once again widening the net it's cast over the California market. This time around the company has completed the acquisitions of Golden Greek Fresh and Happy Farm Produce, two prominent California-based wholesalers with a penchant for fresh produce. Both companies have carved out quite the niche in their respective markets of California and are excited about the growth opportunities available to them under the wings of GrubMarket.

"We specialize in sourcing a wide variety of fresh produce from numerous California Central Valley farms, and we take great pride in supporting these farmers,” said Leon To, CEO of Happy Farm Produce. “We were thrilled to learn that GrubMarket shares this same mission of providing support and dedication to its farmers, and we sincerely look forward to joining the GrubMarket Team."

Happy Farm Produce sources fresh vegetables and fruits from the California Central Valley, exclusively for grocery stores of all sizes across the San Francisco Bay Area. Golden Greek Fresh, on the other hand, is a family-owned wholesaler with a portfolio of over 60 restaurant clients across the Southern California region.

Nick Kontes, CEO, Golden Greek Fresh"At Golden Greek Fresh, we consider our clients to be family first, and customers second,” Nick Kontes, CEO of Golden Greek Fresh, added. “We've worked with many of our clients for a very long time, and our mentality of treating them like family is exactly what our business was founded on."

According to a press release, Golden Greek Fresh will now be able to utilize GrubMarket's robust produce supply chain network and proprietary cutting-edge software technologies to quickly expand its offerings to even more restaurants across the West Coast. Despite its new ownership, the wholesaler’s headquarters will remain in Southern California, with Kontes and his wife, Christina—who have led Golden Greek Fresh for over 15 years—remaining at the head of the company.

GrubMarket has completed the acquisitions of Golden Greek Fresh and Happy Farm Produce, two prominent California-based wholesalers with a penchant for fresh produce

The acquisition will also transition both wholesalers’ technology foundations onto WholeSaleWare, GrubMarket’s Software-as-a-Service platform. This platform provides the following services—all of which will allow both companies to maximize their corporate efficiencies while doubling down on expansion across the West Coast—to food industry suppliers and vendors:

  • seamless financial management
  • easy-to-use online ordering and sales
  • precise inventory management
  • engaging CRM tools

For more exciting acquisitions like this, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.
