Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

ORLANDO, FL - The National Mango Board (NMB) held its ninth annual Mango Mania Display contest this past June. Retailers nationwide gunning for the cash prize submitted impressive, eye-catching displays that had to be displayed at least a week to be qualified. After seeing the resulting pictures, I can say on behalf of everybody that yes, they deserved to be crowned the winners.

Valda Coryat, Director of Marketing, National Mango Board“The level of creativity and the hard work that our retail partners put into building their mango displays deserve to be applauded,” stated Valda Coryat, Director of Marketing at the NMB. “The retailers’ excitement to promote this super fun superfruit is energizing! This contest continues to be a great way to engage our retailers while boosting mango sales and movement.”

Display of one of the first place winners: Lacy Dunn, Safeway, Springfield, OR

Over $1,500 in cash incentives were awarded to the six winning stores. Every store that participated, however, won a $15 digital gift card just by entering the contest. Not only that, but stores that chose to include Tajín products in their displays received an additional $15 incentive. The incentives garnered tremendous excitement throughout produce departments across the country. According to the press release, stores were encouraged to use NMB’s point-of-sale (POS) materials that showcased selection, cutting, and nutrition messages to educate shoppers, as well as use their own creativity and props into the catchy displays.

Display of one of the first place winners: Russell Varga, Chuck’s Produce, Vancouver, WA

Of the 120 eligible entries, unfortunately only six winners were able to be chosen. To make matters more interesting, NMB decided to split the contest into two categories—one category consisted of retailers with six or less registers, the second was for seven or more registers. The judges based their decision on creativity of the display, visual appeal, and effectiveness in educating customers about mangos.

The top winners in each category were:

1 to 6 registers

  • 1st Place, $500 prize: Lacy Dunn, Safeway, Springfield, OR
  • 2nd Place, $250 prize: Carlos Gomez, Foodland Markets, Waxahachie, TX
  • 3rd Place, $100 prize: Ryan Petralia, Price Rite, Rochester, NY

7 or more registers

  • 1st Place, $500 prize: Russell Varga, Chuck’s Produce, Vancouver, WA
  • 2nd Place, $250 prize: Allen Thomas, Chuck’s Produce, Vancouver, WA
  • 3rd Place, $100 prize: Willie Szabo, Price Rite Marketplace, Rochester, NY

Are trade news publication sites allowed to get in on this next year? We’ll see. Keep following ANUK for more excitement-inducing news of the produce world.

National Mango Board

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WASHINGTON, DC - Some of the greatest innovations in our industry occur within the foodservice sector. To honor those chefs and foodservice operators, FreshEdge™, a collection of industry leading produce and specialty food distributors and fresh-cut operations, has teamed up with United Fresh Produce Association to sponsor the 2020 United Fresh Produce Excellence in Foodservice Awards Program. Developed to honor the foodservice industry’s most innovative produce performers, the program pays special tribute to chefs and foodservice operators for excellence in their use of fresh produce in the culinary arts. The program will begin accepting nominations this October.

Tom Stenzel, President and CEO, United Fresh“More and more retailers are incorporating foodservice as a strategy to create a memorable experience for their customers,” said Tom Stenzel, President and CEO of United Fresh. “The new Supermarkets & Retail Operators category will recognize culinary professionals at retail who lead the way in incorporating fresh produce into their foodservice concepts.”

Since 2008, the program has recognized more than 60 foodservice leaders for their exceptional work incorporating a variety of fresh produce on their menus, a press release stated. The award also recognizes culinarians for their creative use of fresh produce in concept development and menu design, their knowledge of fresh produce handling procedures, participation in produce-related special events and community service, and overall recognition by the foodservice community.

The winners of the 2019 Excellence in Foodservice Awards

This year, the awards program will include a new category for Supermarkets & Retail Operators, recognizing foodservice innovators who drive menus for in-store restaurant concepts, salad and prepared food bars, and grab-and-go options. Additional categories include Business in Industry, Casual & Family Dining Restaurants, Colleges & Universities, Fine Dining Restaurants, Hospitals & Healthcare, Hotels & Resorts, K-12 School Foodservice, and Quick Service Restaurants.

Winners will be selected by United Fresh Produce Association and will be recognized at United Fresh 2020 Convention & Expo, June 16-19, in San Diego, at the event’s Retail-Foodservice Celebration. The nine winning chefs, along with a corporate purchasing executive, also will receive complimentary airfare, hotel accommodations, and registrations to United Fresh 2020.

The 2019 winners in each category were:

  • Business in Industry: Chef Allan Wambaa, Executive Chef PCIII, CEC, pacificwild Catering, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR
  • Casual & Family Dining Restaurants: Peter Rosenberg, Director of Operations Support, and Jason Mennie, Senior Director of Legendary Food, Texas Roadhouse, Louisville, KY
  • Colleges & Universities: Chef Lesa Holford, Corporate Executive Chef, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
  • Fine Dining Restaurants: Chef Brian Clevenger, Owner, General Harvest Restaurants, Seattle, WA
  • Hospitals & Healthcare: Chef Jeffrey Quasha, Corporate Executive R & D Chef, Morrison Healthcare, Savannah, GA
  • Hotels & Resorts: Chef Lance S. Cook, CEC, CCA, WCEC, CFBE, FSM, Executive Chef, Hammock Dunes Club, Palm Coast, FL
  • K-12 School Foodservice: Bertrand Weber, Director of Culinary & Wellness Services, Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis, MN
  • Quick Service Restaurants: Chef Brandon Hudson, Corporate Chef, Jason’s Deli, Grand Prairie, TX

Steve Grinstead, CEO, FreshEdge“We are proud to sponsor the Produce Excellence in Foodservice Awards and have the opportunity to recognize chefs and foodservice operations who showcase creativity and ingenuity in incorporating fresh produce in their menus,” said Steve Grinstead, Chief Executive Officer of FreshEdge. “Fresh produce plays an important role in menu development and delighting customers around the globe, and this award gives us the opportunity to recognize the best of the best.”

Know of anyone you believe deserves recognition? Be on the lookout for that nomination period.

United Fresh Produce Association

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

LONDON, ENGLAND - U.K.-based grocer Sainsbury’s has announced a mass closing of several stores across multiple banners. The retailer plans to close 100 of its Sainsbury’s Local and Argos stores, but is sticking to its five-year plan of opening 120 new stores.

According to Daily Mail, Sainsbury’s will be closing and opening new stores concurrently, announcing it will close 70 Argos stores, but will open 80 more inside its supermarket locations. The news source reports that up to 15 of the retailer’s large supermarkets, and nearly 40 convenience stores will close, but 10 more large stores and 110 convenience-format stores will open.

Sainsbury's has announced closure of 100 Local and Argos stores

The company may be focusing on restructuring as a result of its recently-blocked $9 billion merger with Walmart-owned Asda that was torpedoed by a British competition watchdog group. The series of store closures is estimated to save the retailer nearly $615 million (USD). Sainsbury’s has not yet released which stores will be closing, but revealed that the locations chosen will be stores that have been underperforming.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow for more retail news.


Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

VALENCIA, CA - In just my short eight years in the industry, I have watched the promotional and merchandising opportunities for retail citrus programs grow and grow. As companies find ways of diversifying their programs, reinvigorating varieties, and introducing new ones, the possibilities for citrus have hit their year-round stride in very exciting ways. Sunkist Growers is one of those industry leaders that is helping to rally and elevate that category, and with a team of minds like it has, it is pretty easy to see the execution in spades. Now with PMA Fresh Summit just around the corner, the Sunkist banner is flying high.

Christina Ward, Director of Communications, Sunkist“We continue to celebrate WE ARE CITRUS® at PMA Fresh Summit this year, highlighting our farm-to-table offerings of California-grown fruit. Sunkist is a 125-year-old cooperative, and we proudly offer more than 40 varieties of fresh citrus, with customizable marketing programs to drive sales,” Christina Ward, Director of Communications, shares with me. “This year, we are encouraging real talk, real food, and real experiences using Sunkist citrus, and attendees can stop by booth number 3037 to Share What’s Real™. Sharing is in our DNA; through our resources, our land, and our products. We exist to connect people.”

Sunkist proudly offers more than 40 varieties of fresh citrus

This year, Sunkist is truly helping customers differentiate with a wide array of retail marketing programs, including sampling, digital coupons, high-graphic secondary display bins and in-store point of sale materials that highlight flavor profiles, nutritional benefits, and recipes to build awareness, drive trial, and increase sales.

“We will be showcasing our vast portfolio of fresh citrus offerings including navels oranges, lemons, grapefruit, mandarins, and specialty varieties, such as blood oranges, Cara Cara navel oranges, and Minneola tangelos,” Christina says. “We also have new packaging for specialty organic citrus and a new Lunar New Year design for the Year of the Rat.”

Sunkist has new packaging for a variety of its citrus offerings

On top of that, and in conjunction with new packaging and Sunkist’s abundance of citrus offerings, the company will be rolling out a citrus-forward campaign showcasing how consumers can share innovative ways to bring citrus to the table.

“Being a California fresh citrus cooperative, Sunkist is excited that PMA Fresh Summit is in our backyard this year. The Anaheim Convention is around the corner (not literally) from an original Sunkist packinghouse, which was converted into a foodie destination. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Sunkist recently joined the Anaheim Packing District as they celebrated the building’s centennial anniversary,” Christina expresses. “Sunkist loves to collaborate with chefs on fun and unique ways to utilize Sunkist citrus in various dishes and drinks, and for this year’s PMA Fresh Summit, we’re partnering with three local Anaheim artisans to bring citrus-forward flavors to the event.”

So attendees, be on the lookout for the rotating menu schedule. PMA Fresh Summit brings the industry together, and offers a great venue to kick off the upcoming citrus season. Check out booth #3037 to experience local fare featuring Sunkist oranges, lemons, and grapefruit—and we will see you all there!

Sunkist Growers

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

SACRAMENTO, CA - We learn lessons in various ways, and for Chris Meyer, a lifelong entrepreneur who most recently began a loan company, Magilla Loans in 2015, his career has taught him plenty. Recently, Meyer released a book titled Life in 20 Lessons: What a Funeral Guy Discovered About Life, from Death, in which he memorializes the lessons he learned after working in the funeral business.

Chris Meyer, Co-Founder, Magilla LoansSince 2001, Meyer has owned three funeral homes in Northern California. According to a press release, his work required him to sit with families and listen to their regrets, those moments of “I wish I had done this.” The should have, could have, and would have’s, if you will. In doing so, he learned many lessons, lessons that repeated themselves year after year. Due to this, Meyer knew that he could help people by distributing this information. Some of these lessons, he noted, were simple, others profound, others still practical. All of them, however, are lessons about life and death and surviving.

This book is not a book about dying, but one about life and living. It is sold through Amazon and all Ingram Spark retail channels.

Chris Meyer has released a book titled Life in 20 Lessons: What a Funeral Guy Discovered About Life, from Death, in which he memorializes the lessons he learned after working in the funeral business

Meyer, as I mentioned earlier, has been an entrepreneur his whole life. He has worked in screenwriting and filmmaking, touring a number of music festivals, and even creating a low-budget movie himself while he lived in New York City. He is a graduate of Brandeis University with a BA in Politics and History and obtained his JD and Masters in Environmental Law and Policy, graduating magna cum laude from Vermont Law School.

Rob Lambert, President & CEO, AndNowUKnow“This is a book for everyone: grandparents, parents, and children alike,” Robert Lambert, our President and CEO shares. “While in genre, the book can be considered a Self-Help candidate, it really is much more than that. Authentic lessons surrounding the meaning of our lives can be found in these pages—no matter the industry, age group, or society in which you live.”

I, for one, am curious about how these lessons could apply to our industry, so I'll have to read the book to find out!

Keep with us here at AndNowUKnow for the latest on what's going on in the industry.

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see the latest around all growing regions.


It appears summer in Michigan might finally be coming to an end next week. Next Thursday, October 3, minimum temperatures in the state will dip into the mid 40°s and highs will only reach into the upper 50°s. These cooler temperatures will continue through the weekend of 4th and 5th. Expect production to slow down at the end of next week.

In the meantime, temperatures will remain warm with highs in the upper 70°s this weekend. There is still quite a bit of production coming out of Michigan such as tomatoes, blueberries, and watermelons.

Take advantage of the warm temperatures this weekend to pick up an extra load or two before temperatures and production drop late next week.


The entire state of California will see a major cool down starting today that will last through next Wednesday. All major growing regions from Salinas South to San Diego and inland to the San Joaquin Valley will be affected.

Minimum temperatures in all areas will drop from the 60°s into the 40°s by Saturday night where they will remain through next Wednesday. The coldest night of the snap will be Monday with Salinas and Santa Maria dropping into the low 40°s and the SJ Valley in the upper 40°s. Temperatures will begin to rise again starting Thursday.

Expect production to drop next week in all growing regions.

The desert regions of Coachella and Imperial Valley will not participate in the cold.


The coastal regions of Michoacán, Colima, and Jalisco can expect high rain totals over the next four days as a storm spins off the coast. Expect to see accumulated rain totals well above 4.00” over the next four days. The heaviest rain will come Sunday. Items growing in these regions which could affected are key limes, blueberries, blackberries, and avocados.


If you are still buying berries out of Oregon and Washington, expect a slowdown in production next week as the minimum temperatures will begin to drop into the 40°s tonight and will reach a low of 38° on Monday. Starting Tuesday, October 1, the minimum temperatures will gradually begin to warm again throughout the week but will remain in the 40°s. Expect the remaining production still coming out of this area to drop even more.


Argentina will see some extreme weather over the next week that may affect qualities of the berries. Cooler weather during the last month has caused a delay to the start of their blueberry season, but this weekend temperatures will heat up jumping 15˚ to 20° over the next few days, peaking at a high of 100° and a low of 81° on Monday. However, next Wednesday a storm will come through bringing rain to the growing regions and dropping the temperatures by as much as 30° overnight with highs only in the upper 60°s and lows back into the 50°s.

Thank you as always! We will be back next week with another report.


Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

LOS ALAMITOS, CA - Fruits and vegetables are life, literally. It’s always been known that to eat more fresh produce is to have a more healthy and nutrient-rich lifestyle, but sometimes people need a little reminder. Frieda’s Specialty Produce wants to be an advocate in helping people achieve that lifestyle, just in time for World Vegetarian Day on October 1.

Karen Caplan, CEO, Frieda’s Specialty Produce“Shoppers are becoming more aware of their health and the positive impacts of having a more plant-centric diet,” says Karen Caplan, CEO. “I have been vegan for about nine months now and have experienced more energy, lower cholesterol, and a lower overall body mass index (BMI). One of my favorite guilty pleasures is using Frieda’s jackfruit as a meat substitute for an amazing meatless stew, which is perfect for fall!”

Frieda’s Specialty Produce is advocating for a healthier, plant-filled lifestyle on World Vegetarian Day

Plant-based meals are becoming more and more popular lately. Frieda’s press release states that a third of Americans consider themselves to be “flexitarians,” someone who fluctuates between enjoying a plant-based and a non plant-based diet. So signs and full-scale displays of plant-based meal ideas in your produce department—such as using jackfruit as pulled pork for Meatless Mondays or Frieda’s Stokes Purple® sweet potatoes for things like curries, power bowls, and vegetarian enchiladas—is a sure way to inspire shoppers.

Whatever the day, it's important to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into everyone's daily lifestyle. So take advantage and nudge customers a little leading up to the holiday, and keep reading AndNowUKnow for more fresh produce updates.

Frieda's Specialty Produce

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Chandler James

SACRAMENTO, CA - We never set a 24-hour limit when it comes to The Snack’s Find the Apple Contest, but that didn’t stop participants from racing into our inbox the moment we announced it. This was an especially difficult round for me, so I was blown away by our readers finding the apple with lightning speed. Maybe I tipped them off with the flashlight tip, or maybe they are super geniuses. Either way, seeing those pearly whites was a triumph in itself.

David Liesenfelt, President of Fresh Concepts, represents the supply-side with his successful search for our ANUK logo. Merely minutes after sending out our newsletter, David sported a proud grin as he pointed at Greg Sagan’s lapel, earning him the $100 cash prize.

David Liesenfelt, President, Fresh Concepts

Kelly Mejia-Cruz, the new Buyer for Regional Programs at Denny’s, was the reigning buy-side champ this round. Shared with her by Senior Purchasing Manager, Gene Harris, Kelly’s jubilant selfie blessed our inboxes shortly after we announced the competition. I’d assume the $100 prize is an especially sweet way to begin her time with the company.

Kelly Mejia-Cruz, Buyer for Regional Programs, Denny's

“That is great!” Kelly said when she learned of her triumph. “I love how your company keeps the audience engaged.”

If you didn’t have luck this round, not to worry! Subscribe to The Snack Magazine here (subscription is valued at $129 per year), and keep an eye out for future contest announcements on ANUK for another chance at winning our cash prize.

September 2019 Snack Magazine-Volume 43

Remember that contest rules require that submissions include a person pointing out the logo on the cover of The Snack Magazine, and the countdown only begins once we announce the contest in AndNowUKnow’s newsletter.

Congratulations to our September winners! And we’ll see the rest of you produce purveyors in our October round next month!

The Snack Magazine

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

CHICAGO, IL - New foodservice formats are all the rage lately, as consumers’ palates and preferences are seemingly changing with the wind. More companies are testing out different formats that put convenience front and center, and now, famed foodie publication Bon Appétit is throwing its hat in the ring as well. The magazine has teamed up with Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises and Grubhub to expand the former’s virtual restaurant offerings.

The new venture is a convenience-centric delivery model, where consumers place orders from a specially curated menu of delicacies, that are then delivered to them. Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises launched its first virtual restaurant with Grubhub last month, according to Crain’s Chicago Business. The new concept allows chefs and restaurant owners to quickly react to changing food trends, without having to contend with the challenges of brick-and-mortar.

Adam Rapoport, Editor-in-Chief, Bon Appétit“For those times when you just don’t want to cook, we’re making our favorite things to eat right now available for delivery,” Bon Appétit Editor-in-Chief Adam Rapoport.

Bon Appétit has teamed up with Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises and Grubhub to expand the former’s virtual restaurant offerings

Bon Appétit has joined the two companies to offer menu options based on recipes from the magazine, to be served up to the Chicago market. Residents of Lincoln Park, Lakeview, and River North will now have access to lunch and dinner items like cider-braised pork shoulder with butternut squash and rib skewers with peanut-chile oil and bok choy—all available for delivery. Entrees range from $8.95 to $22.95, and are based off of recipes developed by Bon Appétit and Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises. With a shifting menu, the virtual restaurant’s offerings will reflect the changing seasons and availability of items.

R.J. Melman, President, Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises"We're excited to continue our partnership with Grubhub to offer some of Bon Appetit's most beloved dishes for delivery in Chicago," R.J. Melman, President of Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, commented.

The new virtual restaurant, like Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises’ first, will have its food prepared at the company’s existing kitchens at Stratford on the Park in Lincoln Park, and another in River North, the news source reports.

As the world of foodservice continues to expand, will other non-food-producing companies join in? AndNowUKnow will let you know if we ever decide to get in on the game.

Bon Appétit Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises

Fri. September 27th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

LAFAYETTE, LA - On October 9 at 8:30 a.m., residents of Lafayette will be able to shop at Natural Grocers for the first time. Store officials recently announced that the Colorado-based specialty supermarket chain will open its first doors in Louisiana with gift bags and goodies galore. The store will be taking over the former location of The Chandler Room at 1925 Kaliste Saloom Road.

Natural Grocers will open its first store in Louisiana on October 9th

In celebration of the new store opening, Natural Grocers will be hosting a Grocery Giveaway Sweepstakes in which nine customers will win gift cards ranging in value from $10 to $100 per week for six months, store officials said according to the The Acadiana Advocate. Customers can enter by filling out an entry form at the store between 7:30 and 8:25 a.m. before the store opens; the drawing will be held at 9 a.m. For those that can’t make it pre-opening, the first 100 customers will receive a free gift bag.

We're always excited for new store openings, especially their firsts in new markets. For more new store openings, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Natural Grocers