Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

WILMINGTON, OH - BrightFarms has recently announced a new partnership with Crosset Company to grow its distribution footprint. The team up will expand BrightFarms’ products to over 100 new independent Midwest retailers, most of which are based in Ohio. The new retailers will be supplied with exceptional baby greens from BrightFarms’ newest greenhouse in Wilmington, OH.

Paul Lightfoot, Founder and President, BrightFarms“As we’ve expanded across the country, we’ve been energized by the growth potential of working with the independent market, which serves a large demographic of consumers that care about transparency in food,” said BrightFarms Founder and President, Paul Lightfoot. “Our partnership with Crosset has been instrumental in gaining access to this valuable market.”

This new partnership between BrightFarms and Crosset Company will bring a bigger distribution footprint to Midwest retailers

In the Ohio retail market, BrightFarms products will be stocked in Jungle Jim’s International Market (Cincinnati), Krieger’s Health Foods Market (Cleveland), Walt Churchills Market (Northwest Ohio), and Dorothy Lane Market (Dayton).

Steve Platt, CEO, BrightFarms“Our success with independent retailers comes as no surprise,” Steve Platt, BrightFarms CEO, commented in a press release. “Research shows that nearly all shoppers want local, pesticide-free produce. Our mission at BrightFarms is to provide more access to the freshest, most responsibly grown local produce—whether it’s at a large national retailer or a small, family owned store.”

For BrightFarms, further distribution in the independent retail market in Ohio is a key opportunity for the company, an opportunity made possible by its partnership with Crosset Company.

Greg Kurkjian, Vice President/General Manager, Crosset Company“Helping our independent retail customers differentiate their stores, delight their shoppers, and grow their business by providing access to the latest fresh produce innovations, particularly locally grown and organic, is our core value proposition,” said Greg Kurkjian, Crosset Company Vice President/General Manager. “Our long-standing relationships with the customers in our service area, coupled with our supply chain, logistics, and merchandising solutions, align perfectly with BrightFarms’ growth initiative. We are thrilled to partner with them and look forward to contributing to their continued growth and success.”

For more produce industry news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

BrightFarms Crosset Company

Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Chandler James

KEENE, NH - In a new strategic partnership, C&S Wholesale Grocers will transform the way its supply chain drives growth through innovative technology solutions that provide real-time data and analytics. Joining forces with FourKites®, a leader in predictive supply chain visibility, it will provide customers with unique insight into its operations. Using FourKites’ platform, C&S Delivery Alerts will send logic-based messages to track store deliveries in real time, including when a truck has left the warehouse; when it is approximately one hour away; and when it has arrived.

Chris Smith, Chief Supply Chain Officer, C&S Wholesale Grocers“It’s important that our customers have more visibility into our supply chain, which enables them to manage their businesses more effectively,” said Chris Smith, Chief Supply Chain Officer at C&S. “FourKites’ platform allows us to quickly communicate across our organization to better support our customers and optimize our supply chain performance."

C&S partners with FourKites to provide real-time data and analytics

Used by more than 260 of the world’s largest shippers across all areas of the supply chain operations, including customer service, dispatch, transportation analytics, procurement, and warehousing, the FourKites platform was a no-brainer solution for C&S. Through the use of a predictive platform powered by data from the industry’s largest network of shippers, carriers, and 3PLs, C&S Delivery Alerts has created a 65 percent reduction in internal productivity loss and substantially improved customers’ delivery experience.

Joe Cavaliere, Incoming Chief Commercial Officer, C&S Wholesale Grocers“It’s all about transforming the customer experience and providing superior service from orders to delivery. C&S Delivery Alerts gives our customers all the information they need to plan—from employee schedules to shopper promotions,” said Joe Cavaliere, Chief Commercial Officer at C&S. “When customers know when to expect their deliveries, they can make operational choices that reduce costs and drive their revenue.”

According to a news release, C&S customers will now have unprecedented visibility into delivery status.

Mathew Elenjickal, CEO, FourKites“When it comes to best practices during the initial FourKites implementation phase, C&S has been a true thought leader,” said FourKites CEO Mathew Elenjickal. “They’ve deployed the platform to hundreds of active users throughout their organization, and their adoption of the technology is among the most enthusiastic we’ve ever seen. We’re proud to partner with such a visionary organization.”

Congratulations to C&S Wholesale Grocers on adopting this technological advancement that pushes forward the industry. Keep checking with us at ANUK while we report the latest news in produce.

C&S Wholesale Grocers FourKites

Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

BOISE, ID - I love to cook—love the idea of making easy recipes I find online, recreating complex dishes I’ve never had before, or throwing random things together into the pan and hope for the best. Sometimes, I do stroll through the frozen aisle to see if anything catches my fancy for dinner, and I think I may have found something. Albertsons Companies announced it has revamped its lineup of Own Brands entrees with 55 new items, ranging from organic plant-based meals for the “flexitarian” to premium high-protein power bowls and more.

“We’re in a new age for frozen meals,” said Chad Coester, SVP of Albertsons Companies Own Brands. “Shoppers deserve premium meals that deliver on dietary needs and indulgence. We’ve reimagined our frozen meal lineup with new formats to deliver on quality first.”

Albertsons Companies announced it has revamped its lineup of Own Brands entrees with 55 new items

Before I jet off and grab a cartful of frozen meals next time I go shopping, I had to ask, “Will frozen meals taste good?”

“Flat out, this is delicious food,” Coester added.

Well I guess that assauges my worries. According to the press release, the USDA-certified organic and certified plant-based frozen bowls and frozen meatless patties from O Organics® were crafted in partnership with the Plant Based Foods Association (PBFA). With plant-based meal alternatives shaping up to be a booming industry, the “Certified Plant Based” bowls couldn’t come at a better time.

Julie Emmet, Senior Director, Retail Partnerships Plant Based Foods Association"It's exciting to work with Albertsons Cos. in bringing the first products to market that are both USDA-certified organic and Certified Plant Based," said PBFA Senior Director of Retail Partnerships Julie Emmett.

Albertsons is hitting almost every mark with its revamped lineup with multiple offerings for each category, ranging from hearty comfort food to international flavors crafted by Suji Park. The 55 new products are available in:

  • USDA-certified organic and certified plant-based frozen bowls and frozen meatless patties from O Organics® bowls
  • Signature SELECT premium frozen bowls
  • Convenient, delicious, and indulgent breakfast bowls
  • On-trend cauliflower innovations

For a full list of offerings, click here.

We love seeing innovation take the wheel and vision adapt to the changing flavors, convenience needs, and demands of today's shopper. One debate that truly exists in our industry is the challenges of how private label rubs against supplier product branding and consumer recognition. How are retailers and suppliers addressing this conversation? Only time will tell! And we will keep asking the question. Keep checking back with AndNowUKnow and we will continue to deliver the latest updates.

Albertsons Companies

Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see the latest around all growing regions.


As the blueberry season winds down in the Northwest, the cold weather next week might finally bring it to an end. Starting this Thursday, nightly low temperatures in Oregon and Washington will dip into the 40°s for the first time this season. By Sunday, the low will be 44° and the high will only be 62°. These cooler temperatures will continue through at least the 10-day forecast.

Overall, the blueberry season in the region has been a success. Per USDA data, the states of Oregon and Washington saw a 25 percent increase on total shipments of blueberries this year compared to last. That is great news for the growers in the area.


Michigan is still the main player for the Eastern half of the U.S. with blueberries. With the decent weather in the region, the harvest may continue for several more weeks. Except for tomorrow and Thursday, Michigan will see high temperatures in the 70°s all this week with possible 80°s next Monday and Tuesday. Minimum temperatures will continue in the 60°s.

Peru and Argentina

These two South American countries that are beginning their spring harvest are experiencing great weather now. Peru’s growing regions have high temperatures in the mid 70°s to low 80°s with zero chance of rain over the next 10 days. Argentina is having great weather with highs in the 80°s with some locations reaching into the 90°s this weekend.

Look for volumes to ramp up soon.


Temperatures this week in the main citrus growing regions will be well above average. Highs will be mostly in the lower 80°s with tomorrow being the hottest day of the wave with max temperatures reaching as high as 89° in San Felipe. These warmer temperatures will last through Sunday. By next Monday, expect high temperatures to drop back into the low 70°s and upper 60°s.


Melon growing regions of Southern Arizona may have seen some flooding last night and early this morning. Hurricane Lorena changed courses over the weekend and made its way up the Eastern side of the Baja peninsula through the Sea of Cortez avoiding all major growing regions of Baja, CA. Last night, it was scheduled to cause flash flooding the Phoenix area.


I have never seen such big temperature swings as in South African citrus and grape growing regions. Yesterday’s highs were in the upper 60°s and lower 70°s. Temperatures rise tomorrow and by Thursday the highs will be around 100° and then back into 60°s and lower 70°s with some rain by Sunday.


Salinas can expect highs for today and tomorrow to be 90° before cooling on Thursday. By Saturday, the high will be 65° and a low of 49°. Maximum temperatures will remain in the 60°s through Tuesday before warming in the 70°s on Wednesday.


We are keeping our eye on Tropical Depression Karen in the Atlantic. It is currently due south of Puerto Rico heading north. It will pass over the island this morning and continue North. On Thursday, it is forecasted to possibly turn West. We will update you on Friday.

Thank you as always! We will be back later this week with another report.


Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WYOMING, MI -The time is nearly upon us! After all the buzz this year surrounding Square Roots' and Gordon Food Service's new partnership, the companies are officially opening the newest indoor farm at Gordon's headquarters in Wyoming on September 30th.

Rich Wolowski, CEO, Gordon Food Service“Customers want fresh, locally-grown food all year round,” CEO of Gordon Food Service, Rich Wolowski, stated. “We’re now on a path to do that at scale with Square Roots.”

Square Roots’ will see high-tech farms built on or near Gordon Food Service locations across the continent through this strategic partnership, bringing premium-quality, hyper-local produce to customers throughout the year, according to a press release.

Square Roots is also helping the next generation of food-lovers forge a new career in farming with its Next-Gen Farmer Training Program

Announced in March, how does such a project ramp up with such speed? Thanks to Square Root's modular, scalable farm-tech platform.

As Square Roots notes, Cloud-connected farms and data-empowered farmers learn from each other, enabling the company to replicate success from one location to another. The company's vision of a distributed network of indoor farms, built across the world to bring real food to people in cities while empowering thousands of next-gen leaders in urban farming, is carried on with the Michigan farm's opening.

Square Roots is also helping the next generation of food-lovers forge a new career in farming and contribute to the real food revolution. The Square Roots Next-Gen Farmer Training Program is an incredible opportunity for young, diverse change-makers to leave a mark and build a future in urban agriculture.

Square Roots’ farms simulate day and night—except its plants are on the opposite time schedule to allow farmers cooler temperatures and protection from harsh lighting

The applications have come in droves for the Next-Gen Farmer Training Program, and the demand to join the Michigan farm has been no different. Square Roots has also been fortunate to attract exceptional talent to the management team in Michigan. Brian Mitchell, the team's new Farm Manager, is coming to the team from a 87,000-square-foot indoor aquaponic facility. Also joining the ranks, Assistant Farm Managers including Lauren Niergarth, a horticulture major from Michigan State University, and Eli Zimmer, a former Next-Gen Farmer from its Brooklyn farm.

As the company shares, "We are thrilled to be working with Gordon Food Service to bring this farm to life and empower so many young people to become leaders in urban farming, while supplying local buyers with delicious food, year round."

Congrats, Square Roots and Gordon Food Service, on the evolving partnership and we are all excited to see what happens next as urban farming hits its stride.

Square Roots Gordon Food Service

Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Stemilt Growers is no stranger to milestones and taking historic leaps and bounds as it strives for excellence in the apple category. With that in mind, it is no surprise that the company took its Rave® brand apples back to its roots to help commemorate a celebration that truly aligns with Stemilt’s own playbook. Goldy Gopher, the mascot of the University of Minnesota, and Stemilt Growers’ Rave brand apples joined the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities on Friday, September 20, as the college held its Presidential Inauguration for Joan T.A. Gabel.

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt“It was an honor for our signature apple, Rave, to be part of this historic celebration in Minnesota,” said Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager at Stemilt. “President Gabel wanted a casual event and healthy foods to be served at her inauguration. We were thrilled to be invited to share the University’s newest hit apple, Rave, with attendees.”

President Gabel is the first female president and 17th overall in the University’s 168-year history.

Stemilt donated 4,000 Rave apples to be handed out at the foodservice line during the post-inauguration celebration

So, what are Rave’s ties to the Midwest college? The MN55 cultivar apples are a Honeycrisp-MonArk cross that researcher David Bedford developed through natural cross-pollination methods at the University’s apple breeding program in 1997, according to a press release. Currently, Stemilt has the right to grow and exclusively market Rave in North America as of 2014, and introduced the popular apple to the marketplace in 2017.

“If any college community knows its apples, it’s those who attend the University of Minnesota,” said Shales. “Its famed apple breeding program includes both Honeycrisp and SweeTango® as success stories. Rave certainly had big names to live up to, but we were blown away by the familiarity and sheer excitement people had for our outrageously juicy new apple.”

Stemilt is winding down on its third Rave apple season, which traditionally kicks off in late July in Washington State

In true form, Stemilt donated 4,000 Rave apples to be handed out at the foodservice line during the post-inauguration celebration at Northrop Mall. In addition, the company also had a Rave branded table and tent near the fruit display, where Stemilt’s team shared the story of Rave apples and gave out reusable cotton tote bags with I Raved Today stickers to visitors.

Stemilt is winding down on its third Rave apple season, which traditionally kicks off in late July in Washington State. The early harvest timing gives North American retailers a unique jumpstart to the apple season.

The MN55 cultivar apples are a Honeycrisp-MonArk cross that researcher David Bedford developed through natural cross-pollination methods at the University’s apple breeding program in 1997

“It was a big year for Rave apples with our largest crop yet and so much excitement at retail,” said Shales. “We took it on the road for the #RaveRoadTrip in late August and will wrap the season with this historic inauguration event. Most importantly, we were able to give more consumers their first taste of Rave and something to rave about as we all eagerly await next year’s crop.”

Hip hip hooray, for the historic inauguration and to Stemilt for always bringing marketing prowess together with a great cause.

Stemilt Growers

Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Chandler James

NEWARK, DE - Rallying strong female leadership in the produce industry is one of many ways that we can operate stronger together. This year’s Women’s Fresh Perspectives (WFP) Leadership Breakfast will ensure just that. Center for Growing Talent (CGT) announced that Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing for the California Avocado Commission, will interview the Keynote Speaker, Queen Latifah, at the event as part of Fresh Summit’s programming. Queen Latifah is a well-known actress, musician, producer, entrepreneur, and author. DeLyser will moderate the discussion in order to provide insights that connect the star’s experiences to the industry.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission“Having Queen Latifah serve as speaker at this year’s breakfast and being asked to moderate the discussion is such an honor,” says DeLyser. “Her talent, resilience, influence, and kindness are an inspiration. I look forward to introducing her to our industry and discussing her insights about making meaningful connections, learning from failure, and the importance of inclusion and empowerment in our daily living.”

Queen Latifah In 2006, Queen Latifah became the first hip-hop artist to be awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She is an Oscar and Emmy nominee, Grammy, Golden Globe, and SAG award winner, and is also known for her work off-camera. She is a Producer and Label President of her own production company, Flavor Unit Entertainment. Needless to say, she has more than earned her title as a trailblazer. In addition to her work in film and television, Latifah is an author. Her book Put on Your Crown: Life-Changing Moments on the Path to Queendom, was written to help young women build self-esteem through a series of personal stories and advice.

Alicia Calhoun, Vice President, Talent Portfolio, Center for Growing Talent“The audience at the WFP Breakfast is unlike many events in our industry,” says CGT Vice President, Alicia Calhoun. “We are bringing together new professionals and the most seasoned leaders, both female and male, creating great opportunities for networking and discussion. With the longevity of her career and her ability to adapt and grow with our changing world, Queen Latifah will be a perfect speaker for our breakfast this year. I’m looking forward to Jan drawing connections to our industry and to the Women’s Fresh Perspectives portfolio as a whole.”

Held each year, the Women's Fresh Perspectives Leadership Breakfast recognizes the contributions of women who work in the produce industry

According to a press release, the WFP Leadership Breakfast happens each year at Fresh Summit and provides industry members with a networking opportunity while also gaining relevant career insights from big voices with stories that challenge, inspire, and motivate. WFP is designed exclusively by women for women in the industry. With a competency-based program developed from research conducted in the industry, the portfolio offers the first and most robust leadership development program for women that covers the entire supply chain along the entire career continuum.

Kurt Vetter, President of Sales, Wonderful Produce“The Women’s Fresh Perspectives events by CGT have proved exceptionally valuable to our organization,” says Kurt Vetter, President of Wonderful Sales. “The benefits of the high-quality programming and networking has gone beyond the professional development of the women on our team who attended from Wonderful Sales. These women leaders have been able to share learnings and inspiration broadly with all our associates. The women on our team have grown as leaders within Wonderful Sales and have contributed mightily to our success.”

The Women’s Fresh Perspectives Breakfast will take place on Saturday, October 19 from 8-9:45 a.m. in Grand Ballrooms A-K at the Anaheim Marriott. The event is open to all, even those not registered for Fresh Summit, but seating is limited and going quickly. For more information or to register, go to the CGT website.


Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

NASHVILLE, TN - Publix has been pressing the gas on expansion, recently targeting multiple markets in Virginia and Florida. Now, the retailer is focusing in on a densely-packed urban region, opening its first store in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. The new store is set to open on October 2 at the Capitol View development.

Brenda Reid, Media and Community Relations Manager, Publix, Atlanta“We are proud to be a part of the new Capitol View mixed-use development in downtown Nashville,” Brenda Reid, Media and Community Relations Manager for the Publix Atlanta division. “We look forward to serving our new customers and becoming an integral part of the town and surrounding communities.”

Publix is focusing in on a densely-packed urban region, opening its first store in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. Image Credit: www.bizjournals.com

The 27,000-square-foot-store will be located at the base of a six-story downtown Nashville building at the intersection of Charlotte Avenue and 11th Avenue North, according to Nashville Business Journal. Expected to generate 120 new jobs, the new store will feature all the bells and whistles of other Publix stores, including a full-service deli, full-service pharmacy, and more, the news source reports.

Nashville is a booming Southern metropolis, with a record number of residents ripe for the retail picking. While Publix is eager to enter the region, it is not the only retailer to express interest in the area, as Whole Foods is reportedly working on opening its own downtown Nashville location by the end of the year. According to Fox 17 Nashville, the new Whole Foods store is set to open on the ground floor of a new 26-story luxury apartment building that has been in the works since 2017.

With two big-name retailers claiming space in the downtown area, will this growing market become oversaturated? AndNowUKnow will keep you posted.


Tue. September 24th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

DENVER, CO - Potatoes are a staple category found in every produce aisle, so how do you revamp and boost sales on something as consistent in the American diet as potatoes? Potatoes USA has materials to help retailers further drive the spud category.

Kayla Dome, Marketing Manager, Potatoes USA’s Retail Program, tells me that as the company kicks off the fall season, it's taking aim at athletes and health-focused foodies.

Kayla Dome, Marketing Manager, Potatoes USA“When potatoes are in the basket, consumers spend an average of $79.49. For comparison, when potatoes are not in the basket, consumers spend $42.60,” Kayla shares, providing hard numbers to argue with.

To help bring in those heavy baskets, Potatoes USA is launching a series of campaigns throughout the fall utilizing multiple media platforms to encourage sports men and women of all ages, as well as natural food-seeking consumers, to swap spuds into their get fit diet.

“The media will be in the forms of e-Blast, sponsored e-Newsletters, and print ads. The whole campaign is centered around the idea that potatoes are great fuel for athletic performance, so we will be promoting that message to help retailers increase sales,” Kayla shares.

 Potatoes USA has materials to help retailers further drive the spud category

Side by side with point-of-sale materials designed to help the buy-side make more money in the potato category, as well as increase store revenue overall, the company is supporting retailers throughout the year in a campaign that looks more comparable to an athletic apparel company than to the typical comfort food marketing strategies you might be used to seeing.

Need a visual? Click here to see potatoes in a whole new light and here to find out how your produce program can dig in.

Potatoes USA has design point-of-sale materials to help retailers make more money in the potato category

We may be entering the holidays, when potatoes are a known staple of several traditional and modern dishes, but Kayla assures me that the root veg has potential to hold a strong place in post-celebratory resolutions as well.

"Potatoes answer the needs for increasing nutrition-awareness, perfect for any sports season, while still bringing that delicious flavor we all love," she says. "Because potatoes are so versatile and can pair well with protein or carry the center-of-plate vegetable-forward meal, consumers seek out potatoes as a key to their meals throughout the year."

For all the latest news produce-wise as we get into the final months of 2019, continue to follow AndNowUKnow.

USA Potatoes

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

LAKELAND, FL - The retail giant has recently announced the retirement of a beloved SVP at the end of the year. Publix Super MarketsJeff Chamberlain has announced his decision to retire after 47 years of dedicated service.

Todd Jones, CEO, Publix Super Markets“Jeff has made significant contributions to Publix, particularly in our expansion into newer market areas,” noted CEO Todd Jones. “Throughout his career, he has trained, mentored, and developed his team and those around him. We wish him the very best as he begins the next chapter of his life.”

Jeff Chamberlain, Retiring Senior Vice President of Real Estate and Facilities, Publix Super MarketsAccording to the press release, Chamberlain began his Publix career in 1972 as a front service clerk in Satellite Beach, Florida. From there, he continued climbing the ladder—he became Store Manager in 1983, transferred to Real Estate Manager for North Florida and South Georgia in 1991, became Director of Real Estate Market Strategy in 1999, landed Vice President of Real Estate in 2011, and finally came to where he is today since 2017 as Senior Vice President of Real Estate and Facilities.

Chamberlain began his Publix career in 1972

Jones continues in the press release by stating that Chamberlain will remain in Lakeland, where he and his wife, Jill, are looking forward to enjoying grandparenthood and volunteering in their community. No mention of a successor has been released at this time, but we will continue updating as news becomes available. Until then, we at ANUK wish Chamberlain a wonderful retirement and all the best!

Publix Super Markets