Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

WATSONVILLE, CA - When looking to the future of the produce industry, Monterey Mushrooms cultivates from within, providing resources to the children of its employees to further their education. Recently, the company awarded $239,000 in scholarships to 99 children of its employees for the 2019-20 academic year. $22,000 went to recipients in Mexico, and $217,000 went to recipients in the U.S. The awards are eligible for dependent children of full-time employees for scholarships up to $3,000 and for up to four years.

Shah Kazemi, President & CEO, Monterey Mushrooms“We don’t just grow mushrooms—we grow people,” commented Shah Kazemi, President and CEO, adding that Monterey Mushrooms is dedicated to providing the next generation of industry professionals the tools needed to be successful in the workplace and society.

Originally launched in 1992, the program was named the Carl Victor Fields Scholarship Program in 2004 to honor the company’s previous Vice President of Marketing, who was passionate about helping young people achieve their full potential, according to a press release. Since it began, 2,217 grants have been awarded for a total of more than $3 million.

Monterey Mushrooms recently awarded $239,000 in scholarships to 99 children of its employees for the 2019-20 academic year (click for higher res)

“This scholarship helps me get the education I want and need without having to make financial decisions that may limit my goals,” Savannah Barnes, scholarship recipient said.

Ana Mejia, another scholarship recipient, commented, “Receiving this scholarship has boosted my self-confidence because it reduced my stress over the lack of money and has given me the opportunity to focus on a well-rounded college experience.”

“This scholarship will help me pay for school tuition, and help me enjoy and focus on academic studies without pressure about debt,” added scholarship recipient Oliver Ramirez. “I would not be where I am if it was not for my parents and family that supported all my endeavors and interest, so I am truly grateful for them.”

The company awards scholarships to students who pursue higher education degrees at accredited universities, colleges, and vocational/technical schools. Part of the application process requires students to share their educational background, academic goals and aspirations, school activities, work experience, and personal achievements.

“The feedback and thanks we receive from the students and their parents is inspiring and we look forward to watching these young leaders succeed in the future,” Kazemi noted.

For more news on industry-enriching programs, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Monterey Mushrooms

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

SUMMERLAND, BC, CANADA - Sometimes the best way to celebrate the end of summer is to celebrate Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF) popular “Bitz of Summer” contest, which just wrapped up after another successful run. This is the second year the company has asked participants to share images or videos of their summer adventures, all while snacking on Arctic ApBitz® dried apple snacks or fresh apples.

Rebecca Catlett, Director of Marketing and Communications, Okanagan Specialty Fruits“This social media contest has proven to be an effective tool in increasing engagement with our followers. Our website,, saw traffic increase by more than 225 percent during the voting period,” said Rebecca Catlett, OSF’s Director of Marketing and Communications. “Our team loves seeing all the creative ways people incorporate our Arctic ApBitz snacks into their summer adventures. Stay tuned for our third annual contest next summer.”

This year’s contest winner, chosen through a public voting process, was James Bartholomew of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. According to a press release, he was the recipient of the $1,000 grand prize travel voucher. Bartholomew’s winning entry was of him enjoying a package of ApBitz dried apples in front of some gorgeous scenery in Iceland.

The company asked participants to share images or videos of their summer adventures, all while snacking on Arctic ApBitz® dried apple snacks or fresh apples

“I suffered ruptured quadriceps and am going to use the Arctic apple travel certificate to fly to work with rehabilitation experts,” explained Bartholomew, who is hoping to also have some of the prize voucher left over for a vacation or to fly to a popular televised athletic competition he competes in.

The second place entry was a video of one family’s summer adventures that included a trip to Niagra Falls, and the third place entry showed some summer fun on a trampoline full of apples.

Arctic ApBitz apple snacks are made of only 100 percent Arctic apples and were created by OSF’s want to reduce waste and use all of their apples regardless of size or shape.

For the latest in what’s going on in the marketing side of our industry, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Okanagan Specialty Fruits

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Chandler James

CAPE CORAL, FL - Businesses in Florida have been battling to take over vacancies in a retail development where the Cape Coral Fire Department once stood. After several complications with permits, a new Lucky’s market location will finally break ground there tomorrow. Back in 2007, developer Dan Creighton set out to turn the lot into a shopping hub for the county, but never expected the amount of work it would take to get there.

After dealing with issues of permitting, Lucky's Market is finally set to break ground

The 30,000-square-foot store was planned to be almost identical to other locations, besides the addition of a liquor license. What the retailer hoped would be an easy way to create revenue turned out to cause extensive complications when it came to obtaining a permit. Despite a few lost years and unwarranted rumors, the Lucky’s location is finally taking the next step towards physical manifestation.

According to News-Press, a groundbreaking ceremony took place this morning in honor of Lucky’s movement to finalize the Cape Coral, Florida, location. To see how the retailer attempts to make up for lost time, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Lucky's Market

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

OXNARD, CA - It is a transitional time for the mango game as Mexico winds down and Brazil ramps up. I checked in with Gary Clevenger, Managing Partner at Freska Produce International, on the current state of one of the world’s favorite fruits.

Gary Clevenger, Managing Principal, Freska Produce International“Brazil has been arriving on the East Coast for about three weeks with minimal arrivals, but looking to increase weekly through peak season in mid October. Ecuador has begun shipping yellow mangos first and will ship some red varieties in a couple weeks,” Gary tells me. “We will stop harvesting in Mexico by the end of this month, so we have already been transitioning into the offshore mangos.”

In terms of quality, Gary shares that Keitt varieties are a very nice piece of large fruit, with a fiber-free creamy interior that's fantastic to eat fresh and in recipes.

Freska International is gearing up for the Brazil peak mango season as the Mexico season winds down

“So far this year we are doing good and not seeing much rain,” he continues. “Demand has been steady for mangos this time of year, with that fruit is moving out to the retail stores. This time of year, the large fruit is especially popular.”

Speaking of popular, Freska’s new Dried Mangos also continue to gain traction as the 100 percent fruit snack helps push the category into the on-the-go market.

“We are seeing a very strong response to our Dried Mangos since we launched them late last year. There are no additives or sugars, just the organic fruit, and we are excited to continue to spread the word about them at this year’s Fresh Summit,” Gary says.

Believe it or not, PMA Fresh Summit is just a few weeks away, just as Brazilian mangos approach their peak! So, don’t forget to swing by booth #2091 to check in with the Freska team in Anaheim, California.

Freska Produce International

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Chandler James

ANAHEIM, CA - As reported last week, this year’s PMA Fresh Summit Conference and Expo is just around the corner, taking place October 18-19. The association recently held a press meeting at which CEO Cathy Burns, Chair Member David Marguleas, and Chair Elect Joe Don Zetzsche detailed their hopes for the event, and went on to describe the success of PMA’s strategic plan. 2020 will be the third and final year of the plan, which aims to create a vision for PMA that is both aspirational and inspirational while moving the industry forward with velocity.

Cathy Burns, CEO, Produce Marketing Association“We started by creating a new vision and that vision is bringing together the produce and floral communities to grow a healthier world,” stated Cathy. “Associations exist to do things that no single organization can do on its own, and I can't think of a better way to galvanize both the produce and floral industry in pursuit of something that's bigger than any one organization, leaving this world healthier than when we entered. As it relates to our mission, it is about finding industry solutions—identifying, creating, and delivering industry solutions that actually improve our members' prosperity.”

Cathy provided an example of this, explaining that during her time with Food Lion, she paid for research that would have likely been free through PMA. With a top-notch research department, information both from consumer and production perspectives on growing trends can be pitched in a way that is understandable for members.

2020 is the third and final year of the strategic plan

“The most significant research launch this year was related to the Global Market Tracker. It's been a question the industry has been wrestling with for a long time. How do we measure consumption by market? This is looking at it from an arrear’s perspective, but we're also planning on adding some predictive analytics to that as well,” Cathy said.

With the continuous efforts PMA is making to contribute to our industry, its members and observers experience a positive impact as well.

Joe Don Zetzsche, Director of Floral and Blooms Floral Shops, H-E-B“I'm really excited to see the industry benefit that's being created from the work we’ve accomplished. I'm also really looking forward to learning from our members and the industry at large about how we can define the next steps to solve the industry's big challenges and take advantage of all the new opportunities that we're seeing,” Joe Don told us.

With that, David went on to emphasize PMA’s efforts to globalize membership offerings.

David Marguleas, CEO, Sun World International“We've spent a lot of energy the last couple of years looking at how to best globalize the membership as well as our programming and services that we offer to members internationally,” said David. “Attendance at Fresh Summit is increasingly populated by people from outside of the United States, and then certainly a lot of the participation that we see in the other PMA conferences and activities that are held in South America, South Africa, China, and elsewhere around the world represent the globalization of that effort.”

PMA’s commitment to improving our industry boils down to one key point: We’re all stronger when we work together. The innovative steps taken throughout the duration of this strategic plan have single-handedly changed Fresh Summit (though there are many cooks in the kitchen). Stay tuned in to AndNowUKnow while we cover PMA’s continuous development.

Produce Marketing Association

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Lilian Diep

LOS ANGELES, CA - Vision Produce Company has recently announced that it’s ready for the mango game. The company is now offering mangos for its latest program, “Ripe & Ready,” for the U.S. after seeing great success in Europe for the past 10 years. Seeing as Phoenix has already garnered a 60 percent increase in sales, I’d say Vision Produce is on the right track.

Jesse Sepulveda, Mango Category Manager, Vision Produce“Our initial results show that the consumer has an extraordinary eating experience, and this can be verified when our retailer reports that their sales have doubled,” commented Jesse Sepulveda, Mango Category Manager. “Our next opportunity for this program is foodservice, where we see huge potential for a consistently ripe product.”

When shopping, consumers sometimes have the misfortune of picking an unripe product, thus leading to a drop in repeat purchases. According to the press release, the Van Gogh Mangos are being ripened locally to guarantee freshness and provide the optimal eating experience for the customer, following the protocol established by the National Mango Board (NMB). Vision Produce hopes to achieve that “second chance” with consumers in its latest campaign.

Vision Produce Company is now offering mangos for its latest program, “Ripe & Ready,” for the U.S. after seeing great success in Europe for the past 10 years

“Mirroring the banana and avocado categories, mangos are the next item we feel can benefit immensely from a ripe and ready program,” continued Sepulveda.

With excellent quality and a sweetness to back it up, the premium mango delivers a memorable taste that will bring in sales and repeat customers. Keep reading ANUK for more updates as the seasons change.

Vision Produce Company

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SPRINGFIELD, IL - We love seeing fresh faces welcomed into the company fold of some of the industry's most leading-edge operations. And that is exactly the news we bring to you, as Brent Young joins Seven Seas as Manager of Sales in the Seven Seas Visalia, California, office.

Brent Young, Manager of Sales, Visalia, Seven Seas“I am excited about the opportunity to join a premier citrus grower such as Seven Seas,” Young said of the new move. “The outstanding quality and service they provide to customers, coupled with their longstanding partnerships with growers, makes this a knockout company. I look forward to contributing to the continued expansion of the California citrus program.”

If you are looking to make waves in the citrus industry, Visalia is an ideal locale to be born and bred. Young was immersed in the heart of the citrus growing region in Visalia where his passion for our industry was planted. Young is a graduate of California Polytechnic State University and has built a 20-year career in the industry, according to a press release.

Brent Scattini, VP, West Coast, Seven Seas“We are excited about Brent joining our team. In an effort to support our growth initiatives, we feel Brent’s past experience, tenacity, and proven sales skills will be valuable assets as we embark towards an even stronger presence in the citrus industry,” Brent Scattini, Vice President of West Coast, shared while speaking about the contributions Young will bring to the California team. “With the right team in place, from the field to the sales desk, we can continue to provide our customer base, and future customers, with the product line, quality, and service they rely on from Seven Seas.”

 Seven Seas appoints Brent Young, who has 20 years of experience in the industry, as its Manager of Sales

Young brings a wealth of expertise and a proven track record in the grower/shipper segment that is enhanced by his knoweldge of implementing commodity and logistics solutions for domestic and international accounts.

Congrats to Brent Young and the entire Seven Seas team on the growing company and ever-evolving program!

Seven Seas

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

NEW YORK CITY, NY - The Big Apple is known to be several rings of heated competition in the grocery sector. That competition seems to have pushed 85-plus-year-old Fairway Market into yet another sale, according to a Bloomberg report.

While the news source said the grocer has not yet replied to requests for comment, its sponsors have begun the formal process of seeking bidders just three years after it rose out of bankruptcy with new ownership and, shortly after, a new President and CEO.

Fairway’s sponsors include Brigade Capital Management LP and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and the chain has already received interest from “potential strategic and financial buyers,” inside sources who asked not to be identified because the process isn’t public, shared with Bloomberg.

Fairway Market has begun the formal process of seeking bidders just three years after it rose out of bankruptcy

Still fresh in the minds of the industry is Fairway’s victorious climb out of its 2016 bankruptcy with a new strategy, leadership, and even plans for new stores. But the heavy competition continues in the New York market, and direct competition comes in the form of increasing delivery partnerships and continued growth from retailers like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods.

For parties interested in the grocer that has been a part of the New York landscape since 1933, Fairway holds prime locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Its years in the area have created a loyal following of shoppers, and Bloomberg reports the stores still see long lines that can wind back into the store and aisles.

We will continue to report as this story develops further.

Fairway Market

Mon. September 23rd, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

LOS ANGELES, CA - In a recent announcement, Kroger banner Food 4 Less appointed Nancy Lebold to the role of Vice President of Merchandising, effective September 23. Lebold succeeds Mike Servold, who has been promoted to Vice President of Operations of Kroger’s Atlanta division. Lebold will report directly to Food 4 Less President, Bryan Kaltenbach.

Nancy Lebold, Vice President of Merchandising, Food 4 Less"I look forward to being part of such an incredible organization and team. Together we will execute our Restock Kroger strategy and position Food 4 Less/Foods Co for continued success in the future," commented Lebold.

Food 4 Less has appointed Nancy Lebold to the role of Vice President of Merchandising, effective September 23, 2019

Lebold brings 26 years of retail experience to the new role, including a variety of store, district, and corporate roles with WinCo Foods. She was named Vice President of General Merchandise at WinCo Foods in 2007, and was later promoted to Vice President of Procurement. Lebold was appointed to Senior Vice President of Operations in 2015, where she led many operational and performance improvements in new markets, along with several other impressive accomplishments.

Bryan Kaltenbach, President, Food 4 Less"We are thrilled to have an operator of Nancy's caliber to lead our merchandising team," Kaltenbach said in a press release. "Nancy exemplifies the strategic vision, leadership, and execution skills needed for the position."

Lebold holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Marketing from Oregon State University and a Food Industry Management Certificate from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business.

Congratulations to Lebold on her new executive role.
