Fri. June 14th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

OXNARD, CA - In my old stomping ground of Hawaii, it seems as though everyone and their mom has a mango tree in their yard, so my love of the tropical treat developed at an early age. And with consumers becoming more adventurous in their produce predilections, mangos may be the next diamond in the rough to capture shoppers’ hearts and taste buds—a development I would gladly welcome. Tom Hall, Sales Manager at Freska Produce, explained to me the state of the mango market, Freska’s presence in the category, and the quality standards that drive the company.

Right now, Freska is packing Tommy Atkins and Ataulfos (aka Honey Mangos) with limited production on Kents

“As far as quality, we take great pride in bringing a quality product to market and put strict controls in place at the packing shed to ensure just that,” Tom told me. “At each packing shed we have our own quality control (QC) team examining the quality of the lots upon arrival and scrutinizing the mangos over the entire process. Hopefully, those measures reflect in our finished product and reassure our clients, and ultimately the consumer, when they purchase our mangos.”

Right now, Freska is packing Tommy Atkins and Ataulfos aka Honey Mangos, with limited production on Kents—the volume on the Kent variety will be sporadic until July, when retailers will see consistent supplies. The company is both expecting and targeting similar volume as previous years out of Mexico.

“There will be some competitive factors in the month ahead as we see the rise of the traditional summer fruits (cherries, stonefruit, grapes), and with volumes peaking from Mexico, we typically face some challenges this month,” said Tom. “Although things are a bit slower after the Memorial Day holiday, we are still seeing good retail support and hopefully they will drive all the incremental volumes.”

Freska specializes in more than just fresh mangos, with the addition of its Organic Dried Mangos

Demand is beginning to peak on the company’s export program, and though the numbers have been higher than usual, Freska doesn’t expect any supply gaps through summer and into the end of the season in October. Freska got lucky with the growing weather, experiencing some slightly cooler weather that delayed the crop a little, but since the company has transitioned out of those earlier areas, it’s been smooth sailing.

Freska specializes in more than just fresh mangos, with the addition of its Organic Dried Mangos. 100 percent organic, with no sugar added, the dried mangos are a year-round way for consumers to enjoy the exceptional taste of mangos, with none of the guilt associated with other “fruit” snacks. With both fresh and dried options, Freska has retailers and consumers covered all year long.

For more produce news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Fri. June 14th, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.

Temperatures return to normal out west but another round of heat is coming

The heat wave that engulfed most of the western growing areas, bringing above normal temperatures the last six days, came to an end yesterday. Temperatures for the most part have returned close to normal in all regions.

Although the heat is over, you might want to keep a close eye on quality of products coming from certain regions out west at least for a few more days.

The heat can be good for some regions and commodities to help bring on the crop faster, but for other items the heat can be detrimental to the quality. In areas such as the Coachella Valley that saw six days above 110°, peaking at 116° on Wednesday, the heat may have caused some issues to commodities such as tomatoes and melons coming from the region.

In Salinas, where the temperatures last week got above 100° for two consecutive days, you might want to be on the lookout for quality issues for lettuces and other wet veg items.

We have no idea if this is the case, but you might want to check with your shippers to be on the safe side.

Next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, expect these same warmer temperatures to return to most growing regions. The deserts will see temperatures once again above 110° and San Joaquin Valley cities will see maximum temperatures above 100°. The coastal regions will also see warmer temperatures. By Friday, June 21, temperatures will cool off once again.

Warmer temperatures continue in the BC, Canada, cherry regions

The cherry regions of BC, Canada, which have also experienced above average temperatures the last week or so, will continue to see maximum temperatures in the upper 80°s (10° above normal) through Monday. By Tuesday of next week, things will change, and maximum temperatures will drop down into the 70°s with a slight chance of rain next Tuesday and Wednesday, depending on the exact region. Please check the app for more specific information.

Rain coming to Michigan today and tomorrow

There is a 100 percent chance of rain today and tomorrow in the cherry growing regions of Michigan, near Traverse City and Oceana County. Traverse City should see approximately 1.00” today and another 1.00” tomorrow. There is also sporadic rain predicted for other parts of Michigan, affecting other commodities coming from the region. Please check the app for more specifics.

Freezing temps coming to Citrus regions of Chile

The citrus growing regions of Chile (where they are currently in production) will experience five consecutive nights of near freezing temperatures starting today. Next Monday, June 17, will be the coldest night of them all with minimum temperatures dipping down to 30°. Maximum temperatures during this snap will only be in the 50°s. Come Tuesday, things will change with highs back into the 60°s and lows in the 40°s, which is normal for this time of year. Not sure if these low temperatures will have any affect on the crop, but it is definitely something to keep your eye on as things can change and temperatures can drop even further.

Typical seasonal weather in Mexico for the next ten days

Nothing major to report coming from the Mexican growing regions. Areas that should be hot and dry this time of year (such as Torreón, Coahuila) will see highs in the 100°s and lows in the 70°s. Expect volumes and quality of shade house veg coming from this region to remain strong.

Areas in central Mexico have now entered the rainy season with daily possibilities of rain. Please check the app to see specific commodities from these regions.

Baja, California, right now is experiencing perfect weather, with maximum temperatures in the 70°s and minimum temperatures in the low 60°s. Expect volumes on shade house veg to continue strong.

Thanks again, and we'll be back next week with another weather report!

Thu. June 13th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

NEW YORK, NY - Blue Apron has been through the ringer in the past year. After becoming a penny stock, it attempted to stage a comeback by partnering with Weight Watchers (WW) and then hiring a new CEO.

And now, the meal kit provider has revealed the new hire of Irina Krechmer as Chief Technology Officer. She will be responsible for the company’s technology strategy, focusing on enhancing its platform to drive growth, and will report directly to President and Chief Executive Officer Linda Findley Kozlowski. Krechmer will be expected to start June 17.

Irina Krechmer, CTO, Blue Apron"I'm very excited to join the incredibly talented team at Blue Apron and to have the opportunity to make an impact on the company's next chapter,” said Krechmer. “I'm inspired by Linda's customer-centric vision and see a great future ahead for Blue Apron. I believe its technological capabilities will be paramount to its long-term success."

According to the company’s press release, Krechmer has over 20 years of experience in designing, developing, and implementing customer-focused technology solutions, primarily at e-commerce, media, and consumer technology companies.

Starting on June 17, Krechmer brings her 20 years of experience to expand Blue Apron's platform

Linda Findley Kozlowski, President and CEO, Blue ApronLinda Findley Kozlowski, President and CEO, added, “We’re thrilled to welcome a technology executive of Irina’s caliber, an experienced and multifaceted leader with a drive for growth, to the Blue Apron team. Technology fuels our business, from our supply-demand coordination activities and operational effectiveness to how we connect with customers and arm them with tools to manage their relationship with us."

She continued, stating that, "As we chart our strategic roadmap, we’ve identified significant opportunities to enhance our technology platform to deliver the best possible experience to our customers. Irina’s leadership will be critical as we drive an integrated strategy that ensures engaging with Blue Apron is intuitive, convenient and flexible across all of our customer touchpoints.”

Previously, Krechmer served as VP of Engineering at XO Group. She led the successful transformation of the company’s technology platform to drive customer engagement as VP of Engineering. Prior to XO Group, Krechmer was Executive Director of Engineering at Amplify, a curriculum and assessment company where she focused on designing tools and services to improve educators' ability to teach and test students.

Krechmer was also a Director of Enterprise Platform Engineering at Redcats USA before that, where she led its global e-commerce platform implementation. Additonally, Krechmer received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics from Odessa National ‘I.I. Mecnikov’ University in Ukraine.

Congratulations to Irina Krechmer from the AndNowUKnow team!

Blue Apron

Thu. June 13th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - BelleHarvest and Michigan Fresh Marketing recently announced a merger of the two companies so both can market as one unified organization. This merger will then make BelleHarvest and Michigan Fresh Marketing the second largest apple shipper in the state.

Milt Fuehrer, CEO, BelleHarvest “This move is being made to take full advantage of both companies strengths and abilities,” stated BelleHarvest CEO Milt Fuehrer, in a recent press release. “By merging the offices into one company, there will be a robust sales department along with a wider distribution footprint.”

The combined companies will represent approximately 150 growers and will operate seven packing facilities in Michigan and Wisconsin.

This merger will make BelleHarvest and Michigan Fresh Marketing the second largest apple shipper in the state

The press release noted that the organization is targeting 3 million bushels of fresh apples available for sale in the upcoming season.

Joe D’Ottavio, CEO, Michigan Fresh“The growth potential these two organizations bring to the market is exponential,” claimed Michigan Fresh CEO Joe D’Ottavio. “We have an experienced sales team, diverse varieties, and the ability to pack orders quickly and efficiently.”

For the latest in produce mergers, sales, and acquisitions, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

BelleHarvest Michigan Fresh Marketing

Thu. June 13th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MONTEREY, CA - Food activist, author, researcher, mother, and passionate produce lover, Robyn O’Brien is a powerful force guiding a food awakening among consumers, corporations, and political leaders as she seeks to rally support around creating a more secure and smarter food system. This year, Robyn will bring her inspiring words to the stage at the 2019 Organic Produce Summit as one of the event’s keynote speakers.

While her resume most certainly brings the heat in terms of accomplishment and drive, she establishes her foundation around a simple message we all can get behind.

Robyn O'Brien, Vice President, rePlant Capital“We need to focus on restoring the health of American families and the American farm economy. But you can’t fix a broken food system with a broken financial system. All of the initiatives and the work that I put my passion behind align with the changing needs of American families, farmers, and our food system,” Robyn says. “The state of today’s consumer knowledge around food and their access to healthy options is critical to building a healthy food economy. The Organic Produce Summit creates the perfect opportunity for us to discuss what initiatives we can create to impact the supply chain and its far-reaching potential with the consumer.”

Named one of SHAPE Magazine’s “Women To Shape the World,” and honored by Forbes Woman as one of “20 Inspiring Women to Follow on Twitter,” Robyn sees herself as a vehicle for change, and if you ask me, so do I.

This year, Robyn will bring her inspiring words to the stage at the 2019 Organic Produce Summit as one of the event’s keynote speakers

Currently, Robyn is the Vice President of rePlant Capital, an impact investment firm, deploying capital from soil to shelf in order to reverse climate change. The company is providing scalable, innovative financing to farmers who want to convert to organic and/or regenerative practices, practices that both address climate change and meet the demands of 21st-century food companies and consumers—just in case you were wondering where the tie was to our industry and goals.

Robyn is also the Founder of Do Good, a strategic advisory firm, and AllergyKids Foundation, which serves those one-in-three children Robyn spoke about with allergies, asthma, ADHD and autism. In 2009, Random House published Robyn’s book, The Unhealthy Truth, and her TEDx talk has been viewed by millions and translated into multiple languages.

Robyn O'Brien's book, "The Unhealthy Truth"There appears to be very little this woman can’t accomplish if she sets her mind to it. But it was a personal experience that really pivoted her passion and gave it direction.

“When my youngest was almost one, she had an allergic reaction to something in the food she was eating. Suddenly, all this amazing education and academic knowledge that I had when I worked in finance and the corporate world left me feeling like I had no idea what I was going to do now to protect my child. It was very eye-opening and it felt like it cut me down at the knees,” Robyn tells me. “I suddenly realized there was a big gap in what I knew as a mother, and what I could do to protect my child.”

Robyn started asking questions, reaching out to different organizations for answers. Some were really great. Some were really territorial. But she could not find a central source that talked about safety in the food chain in the way she wanted to understand it.

Over the last two decades, Robyn O'Brien has worked on a team that managed $20 billion in assets, created a non-profit to protect children, built a strategic advisory firm, a popular podcast called TakeOut with Ashley and Robyn, and is a best-selling author, public speaker, strategist, and mother of four.

“I thought, ‘This is nuts. Parents just need access to information. If a child was diagnosed with diabetes, you'd get information. You wouldn't have to pay a membership fee,’” she reflects. “But at the end of the day, for many, health is a business.”

Robyn went on to start that non-profit I mentioned a bit earlier called AllergyKids.

“The goal of this non-profit was to help families get basic information about food allergies that they could share with caregivers or preschools because at that point in 2006, it was still sort of one of those conditions where people rolled their eyes and would say that your child was simply sensitive,” she says.

Robyn O’Brien is a powerful force guiding a food awakening among consumers, corporations, and political leaders as she seeks to rally support around creating a more secure and smarter food system

Much has changed from those early days. Over the last two decades, she has worked on a team that managed $20 billion in assets, created a non-profit to protect children, built a strategic advisory firm, a popular podcast called TakeOut with Ashley and Robyn, and is a best-selling author, public speaker, strategist, and mother of four.

Interested to hear more of her story? As much as I would love to unwrap the entire gift for you, I think a front row seat to her story sounds a whole lot better! So don’t miss out on this promising keynote and an even more promising message to change the face of food.

Organic Produce Summit

Thu. June 13th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

BENTONVILLE, AR - While and Walmart have been operating in tandem since the latter acquired the former two years ago—a $3.3 billion acquisition—Walmart will now be absorbing the online platform into its own e-commerce operations. This will include’s President Simon Belsham exiting the company in August of 2019, while the rest of the company’s employees will join Walmart—no layoffs will occur, a source disclosed to Yahoo! Finance.

Marc Lore, President and CEO of E-Commerce U.S., Walmart“Bringing together talent from Jet and Walmart into joint teams has created more opportunity for our business and our people. We’re now merging the rest of our Jet teams, including Retail, Marketing, Technology, Analytics, Product, and several others within Walmart,” Marc Lore, President and CEO of Walmart E-Commerce U.S., wrote in a blog post. “With the teams creating synergy and Jet becoming even more focused, we don’t have the same need for a dedicated leader, so Jet President, Simon Belsham, will be supporting the Jet transition through early August. Simon has been critical in repositioning Jet to reach urban customers. His steadfast leadership, deep knowledge of the retail industry, and passion for our associates and customers had a positive impact on our organization. I can’t thank him enough for all he has done and appreciate his leadership and contributions.”

The merging of Walmart and Jet teams will create more synergy with Walmart's e-commerce

Following Belsham’s departure, Walmart’s own Kieran Shanahan, the current SVP E-Commerce, will manage Jet, in addition to overseeing the Food, Consumables, and Health and Wellness Categories for Walmart E-Commerce. Shanahan first joined the Walmart team through Asda, before transitioning to the Walmart E-Commerce team in 2014. He has helped the retailer build out its U.S. online grocery service, and in his new role, Walmart expects him to be integral in positioning Jet strategically within its portfolio.

“This natural progression of integrating an acquisition allows us to fully leverage Walmart’s assets for Jet and leverage Jet’s talent for Walmart,” Marc continued. “The focus has largely been on N.Y. so far, and we’re looking at other cities where we might bring together Jet’s expertise and the scale and operating model of Walmart…We’re proud of the work our associates have done. Our teams are continuing to innovate, and we’ll be bringing more incredible experiences to customers and associates.”

How will this integration play out on a national and international scale? AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you up to date.


Wed. June 12th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has determined that D2 Doll Partnership, Kris Langley and Jim Langley were not responsibly connected to Chef’d LLC (Chef’d), El Segundo, Calif.

According to a press release, Chef’d violated the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) by failing to pay a reparation award totaling $49,189 in November 2018. As a result, USDA imposed sanctions on the business, including requiring that all principals may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

USDA made an initial determination that D2 Doll Partnership, Kris Langley and Jim Langley were responsibly connected to Chef’d and subject to sanction. D2 Doll Partnership, Kris Langley and Jim Langley contested this initial determination and USDA has now determined that they were not responsibly connected to Chef’d.

As a result, D2 Doll Partnership, Kris Langley and Jim Langley may be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee.

The PACA Division, which is in the Fair Trade Practices Program in the Agricultural Marketing Service, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses that are operating subject to PACA, including buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers and broker within the fruit and vegetable industry.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 3,350 claims involving more than $63 million. PACA staff also assisted more than 8,000 callers with issues valued at approximately $156 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Agency

Wed. June 12th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

SAN CARLOS, CA - A multilevel foodservice research project was conducted by the Chilean Citrus Committee to better understand foodservice operators’ attitudes surrounding lemons from Chile, identify purchase drivers for fresh lemons in the U.S., and gain insights around menu opportunities for fresh lemons.

According to a press release, the Committee teamed up with food industry market research firm Datassential to help with the MenuTrends database, comprised of 4,800 restaurants, and also included Chilean lemons in an eight-question omnibus survey of 400+ foodservice operators nationwide.

The Chilean Citrus Committee partnered up with research groups to better understand the U.S. market for Chilean lemons

Some highlights from the Omnibus and MenuTrends reports include:

  • Top chain operators most often use lemons on spring and summer menus, introducing them most frequently in June—in the heart of Chilean lemon season
  • Many operators aren’t aware that lemons are available from Chile, but when asked about their perception of fruit from Chile, communicated trust in the quality and integrity of the fruit
  • More than 96% of fine dining restaurants use lemons on their menus, but QSR and fast casual restaurants have witnessed the highest increase in lemon usage, at 34% and 20% respectively
  • Use of lemons is projected to grow by 5.5% over the next four years

As stated in the report, 75 percent of consumers report liking the flavor of this citrus fruit. With more than 56,000 tons exported to North America in 2018, lemons from Chile are available between May and October. Over the past four years, the favorability of lemons has increased 9 percent, reaching 70 percent of consumers in restaurants.

For more updates on Fruits from Chile, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.

Fruits from Chile

Wed. June 12th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

FISHERS, NY - It’s lights, camera, action for the New York Apple Association (NYAA) after a recent Bronze Telly Award win for its commercial featuring New York apple growers. The prestigious award was established in 1979 to recognize and honor video and television across all screens and draws in over 12,000 entries from across all 50 states and five continents.

Cynthia Haskins, President and CEO, New York Apple Association"Receiving this award is extra special to us as we had many apple growers involved in the making of it," said President and CEO Cynthia Haskins, in a press release. "The commercial aired in New York state and on social media platforms throughout the year. It will continue to air this coming apple season."

Earning the Bronze Telly Award in the Local-TV, Business-to-Consumer category, the commercial was recognized for outstanding production. The commercial showcases NYAA’s new Apples From New York™ brand and was produced by Rochester-based creative agency Dixon Schwabl. In the commercial, a drone camera shows footage of New York apple growers standing in various positions throughout a commercial apple orchard in New York, as well as shots of individual growers. Clips from the individual interviews popped up on NYAA’s Facebook page and will be used this fall to support the 2019 apple harvest.

The commercial showcases NYAA’s new Apples From New York™ brand and was recognized for outstanding production

Nominees of the Telly Awards are judged by The Telly Awards Judging Council—a body of over 200 leading industry experts that include advertising agencies, production companies, and major television networks that are reflective of the multiscreen industry The Telly Awards celebrates.

The commercial aired on Bravo, Food Network, HGTV, Freeform, Lifetime, TLC, USA, TBS, Spectrum News, and Your Morning Albany during programs such as The Today Show, Early News, The Voice, This is Us, Chicago Fire, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Superstore, Dateline, Saturday Night Live, Meet the Press, and others.

Partners of The Telly Awards include Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP), NAB Show, StudioDaily, Stash Magazine, Storyhunter, ProductionHub, The Wrap Pro, the VR/AR Association, and Digiday.

Clearly, NYAA is ready for its closeup, Mr. DeMille. Congratulations from all of us at ANUK!

New York Apple Association

Wed. June 12th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

WATSONVILLE, CA - Driscoll’s is bringing a rosé-every-day type of mentality to the produce aisle, and I for one am 100 percent for it. The company recently launched two new high-flavor berry offerings: Rosé Berries™ and Sweetest Batch™.

Frances Dillard, Senior Director, Brand and Product Marketing, Driscoll's“Driscoll’s brand promise is to consistently delight consumers with the freshest, most delicious berries, and the release of Rosé Berries and Sweetest Batch does just that,” remarked Fran Dillard, Senior Director, Brand and Product Marketing. “It’s taken a long time to perfect these offerings—not only for the trend-forward color and desirable texture but for the superior taste.”

Available in both strawberry and raspberry varieties, Rosé Berries get their beautiful light-pink hue from the non-GMO breeding methods used by Driscoll’s Joy Makers—a team of agronomists, breeders, sensory analysts, plant health scientists, and entomologists who research and develop proprietary varieties. According to a press release, Rosé Strawberries have a smooth, silky, creamy texture that delivers a sweet, peachy flavor paired with a soft floral finish.

Driscoll's recently launched two new high-flavor berry offerings: Rosé Berries™ and Sweetest Batch™

Rosé Raspberries, on the other hand, get their sunset coloring from their parents, the golden and red raspberries. As with the Rosé Strawberry, the flavor profile promises a sweet taste sensation.

Driscoll’s also unveiled Sweetest Batch, a collection of high-flavor strawberries and raspberries that inspires memorable moments of sweet indulgence, whether consumers are out at a picnic in the park or in the kitchen around the family table.

Naomi Sakoda, Product Marketing Manager, Driscoll's“With Rosé Berries and Sweetest Batch, we’ve introduced a premium new product that offers a depth of flavor variety remarkably different than anything else in the category,” said Naomi Sakoda, Product Marketing Manager. “Our team has worked tirelessly to offer the flavor-forward, highly enjoyable berries consumers have come to expect from Driscoll’s.”

The press release went on to note that Driscoll’s is one of the few berry companies with a dedicated research and development department focused on breeding high-flavor proprietary berries exclusively for its network of independent growers. This limited-edition collection of berries marks the first in a series of offerings designed to give consumers an indulgent new way to experience Only the Finest Berries™.

Rick Harrison, Vice President of Global Variety Development, Driscoll's“Introducing an immersive berry eating experience with both Rosé Berries and Sweetest Batch is a testament to our thoughtful and dedicated breeding process,” stated Rick Harrison, Vice President of Global Variety Development. “We don’t compromise when it comes to excellence.”

For the latest in innovation in the produce space, keep reading AndNowUKnow.
