Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

LYNDONVILLE, NY - United Apple Sales has been growing and marketing a new apple called Ruby Frost. As part of these efforts, the company has developed a comprehensive plan to extend the market for the new variety.

Ward Dobbins, Grower and Owner, United Apple Sales“Our commitment is to be a strategic supplier for our retail partners and plan for their needs to provide a sustainable advantage,” said Ward Dobbins, Owner and fourth-generation grower. “With our CA expertise, Ruby Frost’s flavor and quality holds extremely well into the summer season at a time when some varieties start losing their ‘pop.’ By offering bulk and bagged options with consistent quality, Ruby Frost has become a consumer favorite and sought-after variety from January into the summer with the United Apple retail programs.”

According to the company’s press release, since making its debut in 2014, Ruby Frost has gained a strong consumer following for its late season balance of sweet and tart flavor and its delicate but firm texture.

To give retail partners a distinct market advantage with Ruby Frost late in the season, United Apple Sales has developed a strategic approach to managing inventories and its Controlled Atmosphere (CA) program. Dobbins said it is easy to load the system with fruit and then quickly run through inventory in a short period but that doesn’t help retailers.

Brett Baker, International Accounts Manager, United Apple Sales“It is perceived as a great American apple with its crunchy, fresh taste, large size and shiny red appearance,” said Brett Baker, International Accounts Manager. “We know how to handle the logistics with our export team, and the fruit arrives in great shape with the flavor that has made Ruby Frost a favorite in the States. Ruby Frost is a good door opener and introduces our expertise as a full line grower with new varieties under development.”

As stated in the press release, domestic success and recognition of Ruby Frost’s strong storage qualities has helped United Apple Sales leverage the crop with some of its export partners in the Middle East and Canada. These markets look to the U.S. as a leader in developing new varieties and providing consistent quality fruit. Ruby Frost fills that role very efficiently and is growing in popularity in export markets. Baker indicated that Ruby Frost has been well received by its partners.

Since making its debut in 2014, Ruby Frost has gained a strong consumer following for its late season balance of sweet and tart flavor and its delicate but firm texture

“Now during the month of May, Ruby Frost is offering its best flavor profiles of this season,” stated Baker. “The tartness has mellowed and the Ruby Frost is really a sweet, crunchy, and refreshing spring treat! We hope to have our customers continuing to enjoy them into July and beyond.”

Baker also mentioned Ruby Frost is a strong asset to the spring and summer apple offerings with its long shelf life and great keeping ability.

For more updates on the Ruby Frost season, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.

Ruby Frost United Apple Sales

Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

WATSONVILLE, CA - Boasting a family farming lineage that dates back to the 1800s and an all-organic assortment that began in the 1990s, Lakeside Organic Gardens has been a pioneer in the California organic growing scene. I recently had the opportunity to chat with the company’s Owner and Grower Dick Peixoto—about the company’s efforts to expand acreage and grow its already impressive assortment of organic offerings to include new and exciting categories that thrive on the California coast.

Because of its setup in the Pajaro Valley, along the state’s Central Coast, Dick noted, Lakeside Organic Gardens is able to hang its hat on a number of staples that grow extraordinarily well along the coastline.

Dick Peixoto, Owner and Grower, Lakeside Organic Gardens “Our artichokes are a big part of our program. Because we’re able to grow along the coast, we can grow a variety that tastes more like the old artichokes used to, and I think we have some of the best artichokes right here along the coast for that reason,” Dick said. “Our sweet baby broccoli is kind of a signature item for us. We went to the breeders and told them what we wanted. All the breeding that went on was focused on the taste of the product as opposed to ease of production, and we’ve been working together with those breeders for over ten years to bring that to light. The variety that we have right now, we think, is probably the best in terms of taste.”

Additionally, Dick told me, the company is coming into season on several new items this late spring and early summer, items that will add to Lakeside Organic Garden's already comprehensive 45-plus assortment of organic offerings.

Lakeside Organic Gardens has expanded its acreage to grow its already impressive assortment of organic offerings

Romanesco is another product that we’ve brought on in the last few years that’s really expanding. It’s a very unique item and has a unique texture. It grows really well along the coast here in the summertime. When it grows inland it tends to spread and just get this off-color to it. But on the coast it gets a nice green color; it’s a beautiful item,” Dick noted. “And another new item that we’re starting now that will come into production around July or August is the purple Brussels sprout, which is similar in color to a red cabbage.”

And the company is rolling out Nantes carrots as well.

Lakeside Organic Gardens will begin rolling out Nantes carrots a month from now

“It’s a better eating, better tasting carrot. We’re going to come into production on that about a month from now, and that will be a good addition to our product line,” Dick concluded.

With a newly-remodeled 55,000-square-foot cooler, increased through-put, and the convenience of offering almost 45 different organic categories in a single loading location, Lakeside Organic is primed to take advantage of this spring and summer and help its partners do the same.

For more fresh produce news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Lakeside Organic Gardens

Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WATSONVILLE, CA - I cannot believe this year marks six years for the Tour de Fresh, presented by The California Giant Foundation. What was once a relatively small band of produce professionals riding hundreds of miles over three to four days to benefit the Salad Bars to Schools initiative now no longer needs introduction.

This year, Tour de Fresh returns to its inaugural route and tradeshow: PMA’s Fresh Summit in Anaheim, California. To inspire other industry members to join the cause and commemorate the event, Tour de Fresh is recognizing three individuals who made an impact with the program, each with a compelling story behind why they contribute. As stated in a press release, they, like the many others behind Tour de Fresh, take ownership of the event for the cause.

Charles Nelson, Senior Director of Research and Development, Mission Produce“I love the produce industry,” said Charles Nelson, Senior Director of Research and Development at Mission Produce. “I admire and respect the people that work so hard to bring the best products to the marketplace. I want to help support making these great products accessible to children across the nation through the Salad Bars to Schools program.”

This year, the Tour de Fresh returns to its inaugural route and tradeshow: PMA’s Fresh Summit in Anaheim, CA

Charles has been cycling for 10 years, but it wasn’t until 2016 when he participated in Tour de Fresh that he realized he was involved in something bigger than just another philanthropy event. In the two years that Charles has participated in the ride, he raised more than $18,000 to provide the school district of his choice with salad bars.

Drew McDonald, Vice President of Quality and Food Safety, Taylor Farms“Tour de Fresh directly puts the equipment in place to make fresh, healthy produce available to all,” said Drew McDonald, Vice President of Quality and Food Safety at Taylor Farms. “On top of this, riding along other produce professionals who all support this amazing cause is special, indeed. The camaraderie and bonding that occurs during the ride is awesome and its own reward. It is long and hard, but worth the effort.”

Drew will ride in his fifth Tour de Fresh this year. Being a fresh produce professional and a father of three school-aged girls, he ensures that his daughters’ lunches are packed with fresh produce. But Drew also recognizes that is not the case for everyone else, giving him a special motivation during the ride.

Each year, Tour de Fresh participants have a goal to raise funds for 50 salad bars that will benefit a least 25,000 students across the nation

Brock Nemecek, North American Marketing Manager at T&G Global, has similar motivations to return to the cause.

Brock Nemecek, Regional Marketing Manager, T&G Global“My nieces and nephews are fortunate in that they have access to the freshest produce, not to mention an uncle and other family members who regularly encourage them to try the wide variety of fruits and vegetables that are available to them,” said Brock. “We sponsor the Tour de Fresh to deliver that same experience to students across the country who may not live in a household that is so passionate about produce.”

Similar to Drew, Brock acknowledges that not every child has the opportunity or access to healthier meal options. He is returning as a premier sponsor for the second time.

Since the start of Tour de Fresh in 2014, the organization has provided more than 230 salad bars, which has provided approximately 120,000 kids access to fresh produce

Sponsoring events like Tour de Fresh is key to ending this issue among students in America, and for that our peers and associates unite to ride more than 300 miles over four days.

Since the start of Tour de Fresh in 2014, the organization has provided more than 230 salad bars, which has provided approximately 120,000 kids access to fresh produce during school lunch, according to the release. This would not be possible without the support from the industry’s riders and sponsors.

Each year, Tour de Fresh participants have a goal to raise funds for 50 salad bars that will benefit a least 25,000 students across the nation. Premier sponsors have the opportunity to elevate their brands through logo placement on jerseys, consumer- and industry-focused mentions, and more.

Tour de Fresh is presented by The California Giant Foundation

You can also sponsor the finish line celebration in Anaheim (riders and their families love this!) or the “feed zone” nutrition stations at each stop.

Should you join the cause and take up this marketing opportunity leading up to Fresh Summit, you will join current sponsors like:

Visit www.tourdefresh.com or contact the Tour de Fresh team directly at [email protected] to find out how you can be a part of this movement that is making a difference in the level of childhood produce consumption.

Tour de Fresh

Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

CHICAGO, IL - Trader Joe’s is making the most of its competition’s recent fall on hard times. As we reported in October of last year, Treasure Island shuttered its six-store network in the Chicago area, and Trader Joe’s has scooped up a building the grocer once occupied. This new store, located at Lake Park Avenue and 54th Place in the Hyde Park Shopping Center, is planned to open in the fall and is the retailer’s first location on the South Side of Chicago.

Trader Joe’s has scooped up a building in South Chicago once owned by Treasure Island

A statement issued by the University of Chicago and Trader Joe’s, according to a report from The Chicago Maroon, detailed that residents of the area advocated for Trader Joe’s in lieu of other options.

Angie Marks, Associate Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Operations, University of Chicago“We recognize the importance of a grocery store in this location to the community, and we carefully selected Trader Joe’s based on a number of factors, including community input and timelines to opening,” stated Angie Marks, Associate Vice President of the University of Chicago’s Commercial Real Estate Operations.

The new store will, admittedly, only take up part of the space that Treasure Island once occupied. A Trader Joe’s spokesperson informed the news source that as more information rolls out—such as hiring efforts—the retailer will share further details.

Stick with us here at AndNowUKnow for the latest in retailer takeovers.

Trader Joe's

Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

EMERYVILLE, CA - After first filing its IPO confidentially on March 26, 2019, Grocery Outlet made another move to go public this week. The grocer reportedly filed on Monday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering, according to a report by Nasdaq. The filing was first announced on IPO investment manager Renaissance Capital’s website.

While Grocery Outlet did not disclose pricing details, many in the industry believe the retailer is well positioned to meet its goal mark. Specifically, the news source noted that Grocery Outlet hit $2.3 billion in sales for the 12 months ended December 31, 2018, and $2.1 billion in the same period during 2017.

Grocery Outlet reportedly filed on Monday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering, according to a report by Nasdaq

BofA Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Jefferies, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Guggenheim Securities, UBS Investment Bank, and Cowen are the joint bookrunners on the deal, according to the news source.

For more breaking news like this, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Grocery Outlet

Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

ISSAQUAH, WA - Last week, Costco Wholesale Corporation reported sales results for April. The four-week period ending May 5, 2019, saw the company’s sales rise prodigiously—increasing 7.3 percent to $11.60 billion from $10.81 billion last year.

And as a result of those positive numbers, analysts at The Motley Fool report, Costco’s stock soared last week. The company’s stock charted as high as $248.26 per share, according to Google Finance, belaying fears, the analysts suggested, brought on by slow March comparative sales increases.

(Image Credit: Google Finance)

The company also reported net sales of $99.89 billion for the thirty-five weeks ended May 5, 2019—an increase of 8.3 percent from $92.24 billion during that same period last year.

Describing comparative sales growth headed into March, The Motley Fool noted: “Costco's comp sales growth would have been a little below 5% without the Easter shift. Most retailers would be delighted with a result like that, but Costco shareholders were hoping for more. In the first half of fiscal 2019, comp sales rose about 7% year over year.”

Costco's stock rose as high as $248.26 per share last week, approaching an all-time high

This week, Costco’s numbers slid back from a $248.26 per share high last Friday. Will Costco continue to reap the rewards of strong sales and investors’ confidence? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

WENATCHEE, WA - Cherries are my number one summertime fruit. I know that come July, I’ll be eating cherries by the handful, so you can imagine my delight at the fact that CMI Orchard’s American Dream® retail program is expanding from apples to include cherries.

George Harter, Vice President of Marketing, CMI Orchards“Our cherry program follows hot on the heels of CMI’s recent launch of our American Dream apple carton, which was presented at PMA in October 2018 and kicked off commercially with several retailers in alignment with Veterans Day last November,” George Harter, Vice President of Marketing, said in a recent press release. “We experienced tremendous momentum and support for this program with apples and adding cherries just makes sense—especially with stores looking to continue American Dream promotions into the summer. CMI is expecting cherry harvest to commence around the second week of June and the crop, and sizing looks like it’s shaping up to be a great season.”

Harter also noted that this move will bring about opportunities for holiday retail promotions, kicking off with Independence Day and running through the month of July when Northwest cherries are peaking.

CMI Orchards’ American Dream® retail program is expanding from apples to include cherries

For those wondering just how a retail display would look, the American Dream cherry program will be shipping in a new 5 kg lid for export plus an 18/20 lb lid for domestic shipments. Rochelle Bohm, Brand Manager for CMI Orchards, said that the boxes can be stacked to create an eye-catching patriotic billboard. According to Bohm, cherry displays can boost sales by more than 30 percent as most customers do not go shopping specifically to buy cherries, but instead pick them up when they catch their eye in store.

Rochelle Bohm, Brand Manager, CMI Orchards“We’re eager to work with retailers to set up American Dream promotions this summer,” Bohm said. “With Independence Day hitting prime cherry season where volumes will be ramping up, retailers can use the boxes to drive even more of those important impulse cherry purchases in stores for holiday promotions and throughout the summer selling months. Like CMI’s American Dream apple program, the cherry program is tied to a feel-good component. We return a portion of proceeds from the sale of each box to the military or veteran cause deemed most important to each of our participating retail customers. We’ll have display contests and lots of exciting things happening in alignment with this program, so stay tuned and look for our American Dream cherry boxes this cherry season.”

Harter added, “We are proud to honor and celebrate the service and sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. Give us a call so we can get some great retail promotions set up and talk about ways to give back to causes that are important to your company and region.”

For the latest in how our industry is making the most of summertime produce, keep reading us here at AndNowUKnow.

CMI Orchards

Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

BENTONVILLE, AR - While Walmart and Amazon have been neck-in-neck in the grocery retail race, the former might have just played its wild card—and the industry is shook. This week, Walmart revealed that it is adding a new perk to its grocery delivery services to complement its same-day delivery option; the retailer announced it is adding free NextDay delivery for all shoppers, no membership fee required—which could be a direct hit to Amazon’s own membership-required one-day Prime delivery service.

Currently, NextDay delivery, which includes up to 220,000 Walmart items and is available on eligible orders of $35 or more, is only offered to shoppers in Phoenix and Las Vegas. The retailer did disclose, however, that it does plan to roll out this delivery service to more cities in the coming months, ultimately reaching approximately 75 percent of the U.S. population in 2019 and 40 of the top 50 major U.S. metro areas.

Walmart announced it is adding free NextDay delivery for all shoppers, no membership fee required

News source MarketWatch believes that this move on Walmart's behalf is not without major costs of up to $215 million. Analysts ascertained, based on Walmart’s online sales, that matching Amazon’s one-day shipping will force Walmart to make incremental investments—investments that will ultimately “win over the long term” since analysts believe Walmart has “enough infrastructure in place to keep the impact quite manageable.”

Walmart, however, refuted analysts and said its new delivery option will help costs, rather than hinder them.

Marc Lore, President and CEO of eCommerce U.S., Walmart“Our new NextDay delivery isn’t just great for customers, it also makes good business sense. Contrary to what you might think, it will cost us less—not more—to deliver orders the next day,” said Marc Lore, President and CEO of Walmart E-Commerce U.S., in a press release. “That’s because eligible items come from a single fulfillment center located closest to the customer. This means the order ships in one box, or as few as possible, and it travels a shorter distance via inexpensive ground shipping. That’s in contrast to online orders that come in multiple boxes from multiple locations, which can be quite costly.”

Lore continued: “We can offer fast, convenient shipping options because we’ve built a network of fulfillment assets that are strategically located across the U.S. We’ve also done extensive work to ensure we have the right products in the right fulfillment centers based on where customers are located and what they’re ordering.”

Will Amazon hit Walmart back with an unforeseen move? And will Walmart’s new NextDay delivery actually help it pull off a big win over one of its biggest competitors? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Tue. May 14th, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.


Two major storms and colder temperatures are lining up to hit San Joaquin Valley growing regions that have the possibility to take out the cherry crop and cause serious damage to the stonefruit crop.

Starting Wednesday night into Thursday, a storm is anticipated to hit all growing regions up and down the SJ Valley dropping between .5” to 1” of rain over the two-day period. There is a second storm scheduled to hit this Sunday with up to 1” of rain and a third storm potentially for next Tuesday, May 21. Along with the rain will come cooler temperatures starting Wednesday with highs only in the low 70°s (with some isolated 60°s) and minimums in the low 50°s for the next 10 days. Although this weather is not unprecedented for this time of year, it is extremely unusual.

Tony Taviano from B&B Imports in Fresno said these storms have the potential to wipe out a large part of the Bing cherry crop and might cause shippers to call for an “act of god” on contracts. Furthermore, Tony said this weather may sow the seeds for a challenging summer marketing season of stonefruit and potential ramifications that extend into the fall for table grapes.

Stonefruit, as we mentioned last week, can experience issues with staining from rain and possible hail damage.

We wish only the best for the growers who have their crops in peril and their investments on the line, but we need to make everyone aware of the possibilities.


Storms brewing in the Pacific may affect harvest of strawberry crops and lettuces

The same storms hitting the SJ Valley will also hit the coastal California growing regions of Salinas, Santa Maria, and Oxnard causing definite harvest issues. As of right now, Salinas is expected to receive approximately 1” this Wednesday and Thursday. The second storm on Saturday and Sunday may bring up to .5” and next Tuesday has the potential of .25” of rain. There, rains could affect the harvest of strawberry crops and lettuces.


Desert regions are not expected to see any rain from these storms, but they will experience cooler temperatures with maximum temperatures in the 80°s and minimum temperatures in the low 60°s over the next 10 days.

Thanks again, and we'll be back later this week with another weather report!


Mon. May 13th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NEWARK, DE - For those attending this year’s Fresh Connections, hosted by Produce Marketing Association (PMA), you’re in for a show that is out of this world. With former astronaut José Hernández as the featured speaker, and retailers from Walmart Mexico, H-E-B Mexico, and Super del Norte joining together to discuss consumer trends and retail development, its an event that should not be missed.

Nancy Tucker, Regional Vice President for Latin America, PMA“Most of Mexico’s major retailers attend this event, offering an unparalleled networking experience. PMA Fresh Connections: Mexico does what its name says—it connects people with each other, opportunities, new products, information, technology, and more,” said Nancy Tucker, PMA Regional Vice President for Latin America, in a recent press release. “Our conference sessions and speaker lineup are impressive, and participants will learn from experts in their fields. We also can’t wait to hear what former astronaut José Hernández has to share with our industry about overcoming adversity and helping others to succeed.”

The press release noted that the event, which is now in its 12th year, brings together U.S., Canadian buyers, and Mexican retailers, with Mexican produce growers and business solutions providers. Along with networking opportunities, activities include education sessions and an expo. The event will be held in Guadalajara for the first time since 2013, at the Hotel Hard Rock in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, from May 29-30.

Prior to the keynote address presented by José Hernández, those attending will learn about consumer trends in Mexico and how retailers are both anticipating and responding to these trends. Speakers include Pedro Varela Mansur, Director of Fruits and Vegetables Purchasing, Walmart Mexico; José Luis Rodriguez, Deputy Director, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, H-E-B México; Servando Carbajal Ruiz, Founding Partner and General Director of Super del Norte and President of Corporativo del Norte.

The expo, which features fruit and vegetable growers, as well as business solution providers that serve the industry, will be open from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on May 29

Hernández will then present his keynote, titled “The Star Harvester,” on May 29 prior to the expo opening. Growing up in both Mexico and the United States, Hernández did not learn English until he was 12 years old. As a young man, he worked alongside his Mexican immigrant parents and other farmworkers harvesting crops. He then went on to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering, and became an expert in x-ray physics. He is currently an advisor to the Mexican Space Agency.

The expo, which features fruit and vegetable growers, as well as business solution providers that serve the industry, will be open from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on May 29. The day’s activities also include a networking lunch and evening reception.

Attendees will then start the day on May 30 with breakfast and a keynote presentation on “New Leadership and the Impact on Mexico’s Fresh Produce Industry.” The speakers will explore political and governmental shifts, and how they impact the fruit and vegetable supply chain. These speakers are: Georgius Ricardo Gotsis Fontes, CEO, Eleven Rivers Growers LLC; Aldo Mares, President, Aneberries (National Berry Exporters Association); and Lizeth Quintero, CEO, Mexico Calidad Suprema.

After this presentation, the expo will continue from 10:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. on May 30.

PMA released a list of buyers attending Fresh Connections, which include: Baldor Specialty Foods, Charlie's Produce, Hello Fresh, LA & SF Specialty, Superking Market, Sealdsweet/Greenyard, Fru-Veg Marketing, Inc., Interrupcion Fair Trade, The Vanguard International Group LP, Lakeside Produce, Walmart Mexico, H-E-B Mexico, Super Del Norte, Chedraui, Frutas Y Verduras San Miguel, Tiendas Soriana, Super San Francisco de Asis, and more.

For the latest on what’s happening in the produce trade's world, keep reading us here at AndNowUKnow.

Produce Marketing Association