Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.


Although the hurricane season doesn’t officially start until June 1, the National Hurricane Center has already identified the first tropical disturbance of the season. A trough of low pressure that extends from South Florida northeastward several hundred miles over the western Atlantic is producing disorganized shower and thunderstorm activity. Expect locally heavy rains over certain regions of Florida today and tomorrow.

Belle Glade received over 1.5” of rain yesterday and will see more than 1” of rain over the next three days. Orlando in the center of the state will receive roughly 1” of total rain over the next three days.

Southern Georgia will also see some rain this weekend, receiving over 1” of total rain over the next three days.


To say this winter and spring has been very unusual in California would be an understatement. The amount of rain, snow, and chilling hours the state has received this year have been way out of the norm, maybe something we haven’t seen in over a decade. Just when we thought it was over, here comes another cold front this weekend with possible rain in certain areas.

The colder temperatures will be experienced Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Look for coastal regions to see highs in the low 60°s and lows in the upper 40°s.

The deserts will drop from a high of 99° today to a max of 82° on Monday and 87° on Tuesday with a low of 61° before climbing back in to the 90°s later in the week.

The San Joaquin Valley will drop down from a high today of 89° to the mid 70°s for a high on Sunday and Monday.

There is chance of rain for Monday in the coastal growing regions from Salinas in the north all the way south to the avocado growing regions of San Diego. Many locations will also see high winds associated with the front. Some locations in the SJ Valley may also see some light rain.


Asparagus has begun out of Michigan and Washington. If you are looking for domestic asparagus, look no further than the states of Michigan, Washington, and California.

Michigan can expect temperatures in the 60°s for a high and mid 40°s to mid 50°s for a low over the next 10 days. There is a decent chance of rain next Tuesday, Wednesday, and then again on Friday and Saturday.

In the Walla Walla and Yakima valleys of Washington, look for high temperatures in the mid 70°s to low 80°s and min temperatures in the mid 40°s to low 50°s over the next 10 days. There is no chance of rain in the 10 day forecast.

Mexican asparagus has transitioned from the northern desert regions down into central Mexico and also some from the Baja Peninsula.


Mexican grapes have begun. Mexico has a little hidden gem of a growing location in the state of Jalisco that is producing first-to-market shipments of Ivory, Cotton Candy, and Sweet Ivory Varieties. The valley is well known as being the home to some of the larger veg and tomato growers in Mexico, as well as tequilla blue agave plants, but is starting to build a name for itself for the production of table grapes. This region usually comes on sooner than the more famous area of northern Sonora.

The largest village in this region of Jalisco is San Gabriel. We are reporting weather from this region in our grape section of the app. The next 10 days will see max temperatures in the mid 80°s and minimums in the low 60°s. There is no rain in the 10 day forecast.

Hermosillo in the state of Sonora will see max temperatures this weekend in the high 90°s but will then cool off to the mid 80°s for next week. There is no chance of rain in the 10 day forecast.


Shadehouse tomatoes and bells should be starting out of this are of northeastern Mexico any day now. Temperatures over the next 10 days will be in the mid to upper 90°s and lows in the low 60°s. No rain in the 10 day forecast.


Currently seeing production of shadehouse tomato and veg coming from this region of Mexico. This area can expect highs in the upper 80°s to low 90°s and min temps in the upper 50°s.

Thanks again, and we'll be back next week with more weather reports!


Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

MONTEREY, CA - This April, the Monterey County Sustainability Working Group (MCSWG) held a groundbreaking Reimagining Organic Waste event with the express purpose of addressing—and improving—management of organic waste (culls)—byproduct generated from chopping, slicing, and dicing fresh vegetables. In the face of increasing disposal costs and regulations, voices from throughout the $4.4 billion dollar Monterey County ag industry shared their views and addressed ways in which the industry could curb waste, reduce costs, and create a better, more sustainable system of organic waste management.

Nikki Rodoni, Founder and CEO, Measure to Improve“In the beginning this material was a revenue generator, it had value as animal feed. That was great when we had feed lots within close proximity to the packing sheds. Over the years, as value-added—ready to eat salads, and chopped vegetables—became more mainstream, the industry has been generating more of this byproduct,” Nikki Rodoni, Founder and CEO of Measure to Improve and Reimagining Organic Waste's organizer, told attendees during the event’s opening presentation. “Unfortunately, at the same time the livestock feedlots have been moving away or shutting down, regulations started eliminating landfill as an option (albeit expensive) and our remaining solution— composting operations—are reaching capacity. Fast forward to the present and what was once a revenue generator is now becoming an ever-increasing cost of doing business and new regulatory mandates are on their way. Today's meeting is a unique opportunity to begin this discussion about solutions before solutions become dictated in a way that doesn’t make sense or are cost prohibitive.”

Speaker Melissa Kendrick, Executive Director, Food Bank of Monterey County

Presenters included Hank Brady, SB 1383 Manager for the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery; Melissa Kendrick, Executive Director for the Food Bank of Monterey County; Patrick Mathews, General Manager, Chief Analytics Officer of Salinas Valley Recycles; Tim Flanagan, General Manager, Monterey Regional Waste Management District; and Keith Day, Owner of Gabilan Ag Services.

Presentations touched on solutions to food waste issues and ways in which the Monterey County Ag community could work together the meet changing regulations and improve operations.

The morning’s proceedings were capped off by a panel Q&A and series of “speed presentations” and introductions offered by Dr. Sara Pace of UC Davis, Brian Curtis, CEO of Concentric Power, and Dan Morash, Founder of California Safe Soils.

Attendees listen to speaker Tim Flanagan, General Manager of the Monterey Regional Waste Management District

Patrick Mathews, who was on hand to discuss the new de-bagging equipment at Johnson Canyon Landfill, was impressed by the spirit of solidarity and collaboration attendees felt.

Patrick Matthews, General Manager, Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority“It was wonderful to see all of us, Ag, government and solid waste industry, come together to discuss the many challenges and solutions to meet the complex new State mandates to reduce organic waste going to landfills,” Mathews told me. “These new laws affect us all and requires a collaborative solution to control costs and maintain business efficiencies.”

Melissa Kendrick discussed a new facility the Food Bank of Monterey County opened in 2019 and ways in which the Food Bank can help those in the Ag industry meet new Commercial Edible Food Requirements that are included in SB 1383.

Melissa Kendrick, Executive Director, Monterey County Foodbank“We are excited to work with Ag on food diversion programs to both address the aggressive mandates of SB 1383 and to help alleviate hunger in Monterey County,” said Kendrick. “34 percent of County residents are food insecure. When such a large swath of the community is hungry, it has a detrimental effect on the economy, schools, workplaces, healthcare systems, and neighborhoods. If we want our county to flourish, we must first nourish our friends and neighbors in need. By supplying produce with the help of our generous Ag partners, we are making a meaningful impact on the lives of our most vulnerable residents.”

Speaker Brian Curtis, CEO of Concentric Power

“It’s encouraging to see local stakeholders in the agriculture and produce industry work together to develop solutions to key environmental issues,” said presenter Hank Brady. “In order for California to meet its recycling and climate change targets, every sector will need to do its part to reduce organic waste disposal.”

Reimagining Organic Waste was sponsored by Azevedo Cattle Company, Dole, Mann Packing, Gabilan Ag Services, Measure to Improve, Ippolito International, True Leaf Farms, CSS, Concentric Power, MRWMD, Salina Valley Recycles, and Waste Management.

“With more than 75 people in attendance, the Ag industry has taken its first step to finding new solutions that can turn our organic byproducts into something of value—for people, companies and the environment,” Nikki told me after the event. “The next steps and Call to Action for participants are: 1) rename organic waste to highlight its value, 2) remove contamination from organic waste stream to reduce disposal costs and increase value, and 3) measure and characterize what is being generated and how much. Then we can work together to attract entrepreneurs and investors to create new solutions.”

The Monterey County Sustainability Working Group was formed to network and share current successful sustainability efforts among agricultural producers and processors in the Central Coast region. The group hopes to lead the industry in taking a proactive approach to meeting the present and future sustainability challenges.

For more fresh produce news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Measure to Improve Monterey County Sustainability Working Group

Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

FOWLER, CA - Bee Sweet Citrus announced some sweet news that has consumers buzzin'! Now through the end of California's citrus domestic season, consumers can expect Heirloom navels to be available. Grown under the close watch of Bee Sweet's growers, the company assures that this variety is a seasonal favorite. 

Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming, Bee Sweet Citrus"Heirloom Navels definitely set the bar for delicious citrus varieties," said Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming. "Less acidic than other navel varieties, they are revered for their tasty flavor and exceptional nutritional benefits."

Now through the end of California's citrus domestic season, consumers can expect Heirloom navels A subset variety of a Washington navel, Bee Sweet’s Heirloom navels are harvested on older blocks of well-aged trees, according to the company’s press release. They are grown the same way that Washington navels were grown over a century ago and possess a sweet flavor that “complements numerous seasonal meals.”

Joe Berberian, Sales Manager, Bee Sweet Citrus"Heirloom navels are never compromised by acidity and are a seasonal favorite amongst many of our consumers," stated Joe Berberian, Sales Manager. "The work of our farm and production teams, coupled with the technology of our Brix machines, guarantee that our consumers will receive exceptional Heirlooms every time they turn to our brand."

Bee Sweet's Heirloom navels stand out in its black carton box and matching three- and four-pound bags available in attention-grabbing packaging. Consumers are encouraged to try them while they're still in season and the variety is expected to be available through June.

For more sweet updates on the citrus domestic season, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Bee Sweet Citrus

Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

COLORADO - After months of negotiations, Albertsons and Kroger-owned retailers King Soopers and City Market have reached an agreement with union workers, averting the threat of an imminent strike. The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 7, which had been pushing for improved employee benefits, has been satiated by the deal which largely concedes to workers’ demands.

Adam Williamson, Spokesman, King Soopers “King Soopers/City Market and UFCW Local 7 have reached an agreement and the members have ratified it. This is good news for our associates, customers, and communities,” King Soopers spokesman Adam Williamson said in an email.

Union members voted in February to end their contract extension, opening up the possibility of a strike. Months of contentious negotiations followed before reaching the current agreement.

After months of negotiations, Albertsons and Kroger-owned retailers King Soopers and City Market have reached an agreement with union workers

The announcement came Thursday night, when 12,200 union members voted to approve the deal, reports The Denver Post. Bringing about “solid wage increases for all workers” at both King Sooper and City Market stores, the deal improves upon a number of employee concerns, including improved vacation time, affordable healthcare, stable pensions, and sick leave, among many others.

Kroger was not the only retailer in negotiations with UFCW Local 7, as Albertsons and its Safeway banner also approved a new contract, though The Denver Post reports that negotiations between the union and Albertsons were far less tense than those that took place with Kroger.

According to the UFCW, over 20,000 union workers in Colorado and Wyoming cast their votes on the deals in 85 different voting sessions in Colorado starting April 4. Though UFCW spokesmen declined to provide exact numbers, membership was said to have “overwhelmingly” supported the bill.

Will a new era of employee satisfaction rise with the adoption of this new agreement? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Kroger Albertsons

Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

SAN ANTONIO, TX - This year’s Viva Fresh Produce Expo did not disappoint. Crowds converged on South Texas to learn, network, and experience the incredible innovation and bountiful agricultural opportunities inherent to the Texas-Mexico corridor.

And while many know Viva Fresh, some may not be aware of the contributions of Full Tilt Marketing, Heidi McIntyre, and her team, who have worked tirelessly to promote and organize the event as it’s grown from a regional startup to a must-attend draw.

Heidi McIntyre, Managing Partner, Full Tilt Marketing“The measure of success for any event has always been attendance. Sell-out crowds and packed events have felt like a win since day one, especially as we’ve grown to include nearly 400 buyers who make this show a priority and come back year after year,” said Heidi McIntyre, Managing Partner, Full Tilt Marketing. “What’s harder to measure, but just as important to the measure of success, are the intangibles like excitement and positive feedback we receive from sponsors, exhibitors, buyers, and even vendors who participate in this show.”

The record-breaking event, held April 25-27 at the JW Marriott San Antonio, Texas, boasted 2,300 attendees—including more than 370 representatives from retail and foodservice companies.

This year's Viva Fresh included more that 370 representatives from retail and foodservice companies

Heidi noted that, across all these categories, Viva Fresh 2019 was an unequivocal smash success—with excellent feedback redoubling the impression with which the show’s record numbers left the attendees and organizers.

“Since day one we’ve sought to be different. To create education that inspires, food and flavors that transcend traditional banquet food, signage that wows and tells stories, and even space for meaningful and personal networking,” noted Heidi. “The explosive growth of the Tex-Mex corridor is vital to our industry, and this show has always been a tool to reflect the vitality and energy this region brings to the fresh produce industry. That is the true success story of Viva Fresh.”

Viva Fresh 2019 boasted record attendance, with more than 2,300 attendees

From the show’s opening golf tournament to its impressive slate of education sessions, its Innovations Showcase feature, and its impressive show floor experience, the growth of the show mirrored the growth of the produce industry throughout the region.

Since its inception in 2015, Viva Fresh has grown from a small show celebrating the Lower Rio Grande Valley, to a must-attend event boasting an intimate setting and a near-ideal buyer-supplier ratio.

Jon Holder, Director of Produce, Superior Grocers“The 2019 Viva Fresh Expo did not disappoint. It was very informative, at a fantastic venue, and intimate enough to not feel rushed to get through the show floor.” said Jon Holder, Superior Grocers. "The expo was just the right size for a regional event and I am excited to see what the team at TIPA comes up with next.”

Viva Fresh 2019's proceedings included a gold tournament, education sessions, an Innovations Showcase, and an impressive showfloor experience

And while it may seem gauche to focus too heavily on it, Viva Fresh 2019 brought, perhaps above all else, value. Rex Lawrence, President of Joe Produce told us that return on investment is on of the biggest draws for a show like Viva Fresh.

Rex Lawrence, President, Joe Produce“What an event!—from the City and venue to the time of year, and of course the people and execution,” Rex exclaimed, “and most importantly—ROI, everyone I spoke thought it was worth the investment of time and money. They had worthwhile meetings and conversations with both customers and suppliers. At the end of the day, fun is fun, and we all had plenty of that, but ROI is where the 'rubber meets the road," and Viva Fresh 2019 delivered! My one request is that they extend the expo to 6 hours.”

The return on investment from Viva Fresh is one of its biggest draws, according to Joe Produce's Rex Lawrence

Service providers, exhibitors, and retailers alike were drawn to the show’s remarkable value proposition.

Joseph Bunting, Produce Business Director, United Supermarkets“I thought the 2019 Viva Fresh Expo was another huge success! This show continues to improve each year and continues to provide great opportunities to strengthen current relationships and develop new relationships to help move our business forward. This show also offers some great educational classes that helps keep us on trend with what is going on in the industry,” Joseph Bunting, Produce Business Director at United Supermarkets and Advisory Board member shared with me. “This show is a true regional event that we look forward to attending again next year.”

AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you more coverage of the action-packed 2019 event. And we’ll see you in San Antonio next year for what’s sure to be another excellent Viva Fresh.

Viva Fresh

Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

LOS ANGELES, CA - It's a good time to be Beyond Meat®. After making newswire waves when it announced its IPO launch, the plant-based meat company only continues to rock the boat. In what many analysts have declared as the year’s best first day for a U.S. initial public offering, the company’s historic Nasdaq debut saw its shares opening at $46 and closing at $65.75—a 163% increase. Beyond Meat ended the day with a market value of $3.8 billion.

Beyond Meat's historic Nasdaq debut saw its shares opening at $46 and closing at $65.75

CEO Ethan Brown told The Associated Press that the IPO timing was “right.” Along with plans to expand overseas, Brown also disclosed that he hopes consumers will be able to buy shares, since they’ve been key to the company’s growth.

Ethan Brown, Founder and CEO, Beyond Meat®“It really is a wonderful feeling to be able to welcome people in who have helped this brand,” Brown expressed.

Beyond Meat’s popularity can be seen in nearly all aspects of our industry—in retail and across every aspect of foodservice, from restaurants to fast food chains. Indeed, some restaurants have even complained of product shortages due to the extreme popularity of plant-based meat alternative items.

Beyond Meat ended the day with a market value of $3.8 billion

“Consumers are looking for products that enable them to be healthier and reduce their footprint,” Brown said in a separate interview reported on by Bloomberg. “Every time we’re making a sale we’re furthering our mission and increasing sales.”

Since its inception, the ten-year-old company has attracted the attention of celebrity investors such as Bill Gates and Leonardo DiCaprio, and has brokered deals with chains like Carl’s Jr. and Del Taco.

Will Beyond Meat deliver on its promise to expand overseas? Will its competitors feel similarly compelled to launch their own IPO? AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you informed on the latest.

Beyond Meat®

Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ONTARIO, CANADA - CHEP is expanding work with major retailers throughout the Ontario market, having recently unveiled a case study with wholesaler and re-packer Mike & Mike's Organics that shows improvement for the company’s competitive edge, as well as those it works with. Coming off of the case, CHEP’s Jason Peattie, Director of Sales and Marketing for CHEP Canada, and Mike & Mike’s General Manager, Marco Capizzo, took the time to tell me the origins of the partnership and how it has come along.

Marco Capizzo, General Manager, Mike & Mike’s Organics“We were founded in 2004 and are still one of the only certified organic warehouses in our region. We pride ourselves on doing that and doing it correctly,” Marco explains. “We want to operate as clean as we can and tie up all loose ends, so the CHEP pallet program works better for us than what we were doing prior. Our customers are looking for it, so therefore we want to participate in that and are asking our vendors to do so well.”

Organic and sustainability are inherently intertwined to me, a bridge that is shown further in the study the two organizations unveiled. According to a press release, CHEP’s 48x40 blue pallets provide an annual reduction of 3,156 pounds of solid waste and 2,381 pounds of CO2 versus white wood.

Jason Peattie, Director of Sales and Marketing, CHEP Canada“We just started really enhancing our sustainability initiatives, so we’ve been really focused on trying to help some of our customers drive more sustainable and efficient operations,” Jason shares. “We’re looking to help people understand that CHEP is a pioneer of the circular economy. Our reuse model is really the way to go as we move into the future. A lot of linear operating models are disappearing, while we can use, recycle, and do all these things faster, taking waste out of the supply chain and enhancing the way the product moves to the store from show room.”

Use of high-quality pallets are reportedly expected to reduce damage and increase customer satisfaction. To that, Marco adds benefits he didn’t expect when he learned more about and integrated CHEP.

“It is much easier to obtain good-quality pallets that are consistent, rather than dealing with their being broken, falling apart, or any possible contamination," he says. "It’s cleaned up our warehouse—you have no idea how many pieces of pallet board are around a warehouse! That alone was such a help to us.”

CHEP is expanding work with major retailers throughout the Ontario market

Looking back just a few years prior, CHEP was not yet a fit for Mike & Mike’s. Marco explains to me that the wholesaler initially worked mostly with independent retailers in the Canadian market who couldn’t accommodate the pallets, but has since grown into serving more chain retailers.

Jason describes CHEP as the ‘invisible backbone’ of the supply chain, serving as the partner everyone in the business forgets is there to make the process more seamless. But when it comes to how it can serve retailers, he doesn’t hesitate.

“One of the biggest things retailers are looking at it is how to take labor out of the store. So, we are working right now to replenish a static bin of 'X.’ Rather than having to continually replenish, or deploy labor to refill, if you put something in a fractional asset that can ship store-ready, whether on a shelf or in an aisle, it’s simple and puts labor-savings back into the displays and marketing and other areas,” Jason says.

Use of high-quality pallets are reportedly expected to reduce damage and increase customer satisfaction

As both operations continue to look toward a more sustainable, synchronized future, Marco tells me that the benefits can only increase.

“Overall, the CHEP team really helped educate us all, myself included, on the program. Education and learning about what the program is really all about really drove me to look into it further. Once that happened, Eliza Debski, Business Development Manager–Central Region, CHEP Canada, came in, talked us through it and helped us work out a program that worked for us. It’s really beneficial with no negatives, and the relationship continues to grow as we continue to grow in customers that fit the program,” he concludes.

As CHEP, Mike & Mike’s, and other industry organizations in our industry continue to expand sustainable efforts, AndNowUKnow will report the latest.

CHEPMike & Mike's Organics

Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA - Dole has a new line of all-fresh, ready-to-eat salad kits that combine plant-based protein with original dressings and hearty, on-trend ingredients to give restaurant-inspired salads to its consumers.

Lisa Overman, Director of Marketing, Dole“Dole designed Bountiful Kits from the ground up to fulfill simultaneous consumer demands for clean eating, plant-based protein, vegan and flexitarian diets, ketogenic foods, and a preference for complete calories over empty calories,” said Lisa Overman, Director of Marketing. “Since a third of American shoppers now consider themselves to be flexitarian, meaning they actively incorporate more plant-based protein into their diets, we set out to create a more robust, satiating salad consistent with the top superfood trends of seeds, nuts, ancient grains, and kale, among others.”

According to the company’s press release, Dole Bountiful Kits™ target flexitarian and paleo consumers with a ready-to-eat blend of Dole lettuces and vegetables topped with an innovative Fresh Pouch packet of all-fresh grains, nuts, seeds, and other ingredients not often associated with this category. The result is a more satiating salad that eats like a meal.

Dole has a new line of all-fresh, ready-to-eat salad kits that combines plant-based protein with original dressings and hearty, on-trend ingredients to give restaurant-inspired salads to its consumers

“When combined with fresh-cut Dole lettuces and vegetables, plus an original Dole dressing, these clean-burning, plant-based proteins offer produce shoppers a far more satisfying salad experience than they’d expect to find at favorite restaurants or delis,” stated Overman.

Four new Dole Bountiful Kit SKUs shipped March 25, 2019, for national distribution by early May:

  • Dole Sweet Thai Bountiful Kit: Fresh Dole chopped iceberg, green leaf and carrots combined with a Dole Bountiful Blend of edamame, black beans, red rice, and sesame seeds in a Fresh Pouch and topped with Dole’s Sweet Thai Chili Dressing
  • Dole Lentil Cucumber Bountiful Kit: Fresh Dole chopped green leaf, iceberg, radishes, and red cabbage combined with a Dole Bountiful Blend of marinated green, black, and red lentils in a Fresh Pouch and topped with Dole’s Cucumber Vinaigrette
  • Dole Fiesta Ranch Bountiful Kit: Fresh Dole chopped green leaf, iceberg, red cabbage, and carrots combined with a Dole Bountiful Blend of corn, black beans, and red bell peppers in a Fresh Pouch and topped with Dole’s Taco Ranch Dressing

Dole Bountiful Kits Offer Plant Based Protein for Flexitarian and Paleo Lifestyles:

  • Dole Triple Quinoa Bountiful Kit: Fresh Dole chopped kale and carrots combined with a Dole Bountiful Blend of red, white, and black quinoa and chickpeas in a Fresh Pouch and topped with Dole’s Lemon Basil Vinaigrette

Overman said a key product innovation is the Fresh Pouch in each Dole Bountiful Kit containing all-fresh ingredients ranging from edamame, beans, lentils, and bell peppers to rice, corn, quinoa, and chickpeas.

Dole Bountiful Kits target flexitarian and paleo consumers with a ready-to-eat blend of Dole lettuces and vegetables topped with an innovative Fresh Pouch packet

Dole Bountiful Kits were developed and are being marketed as an extension of Dole’s popular Chopped! Kits line. They offer the protein necessary to be enjoyed as a meal, as the foundation for a larger recipe or paired with other lean protein options as part of a flexitarian lifestyle as stated in the press release.

Dole Bountiful Kits will carry a suggested retail price (SRP) of $4.29 reflecting its denser ingredient mix. Dole will be incorporating Bountiful Kits in original recipes and healthy-living initiatives later this year to demonstrate the recipe possibilities of its new line.

For updates on Dole’s new salad kits and anything fresh produce, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

BERLIN, GERMANY - I, like many consumers, suffer from getting-bored-itis when it comes to my food choices. Always looking for fun, new flavors, I was stoked to hear about HelloFresh’s expanded meal kit offerings, and you can bet that shoppers will be too. Just in time for summer, the meal kit provider has unveiled three new kits with sharp, fresh taste perfect for warmer days.

According to a press release, the kits are available in the deli section at over 500 stores, including Giant, Hannaford, H-E-B, Fareway, and more, start at an affordable $14.99, and take only 30 minutes to prepare, so even the most impatient consumer will be satisfied.

The Truffle Steak meal kit brings fancy restaurant flavors right into consumers’ homes. A perfectly cooked steak is lovingly drizzled with truffle-flecked pan sauce is accompanied by creamy mashed potatoes and roasted Brussels sprouts for a truly mind-blowing meal.

HelloFresh Honey Sriracha Chicken Kit

For spice lovers there’s the Honey Sriracha Chicken kit, which features a delectable honey sriracha pan sauce bursting with sweet heat—more timid home chefs can even adjust the level of sriracha to their liking, because in their kitchen, they’re the boss! The sweet-spicy sauce gets spooned over juicy, seared chicken breasts that are joined by fluffy lime rice and sesame-studded green beans.

HelloFresh Teriyaki Beef Tacos

Last, and certainly not least, are the Teriyaki Beef Tacos, taking a popular street taco and infusing it with Asian flavor. The steamy tortillas are packed with savory-sweet teriyaki beef, and topped off with fruity pineapple salsa, pickled onion, and dollops of tangy lime crema.

Want to know more about the ever-expanding world of meal kits? Keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Fri. May 3rd, 2019 - by Anne Allen

ARVIN, CA - Spring has officially sprung, and that means I’ll soon be daydreaming of summertime. (I can’t seem to keep my mind on one season.) With summertime so close, an essential warm weather staple is also on my mind, and I’m sure you know what it is: It’s potato salad! Here to make my—and consumers—dreams come true, Tasteful Selections® is offering Fresh & Easy Potato Salad in two flavors: Traditional and Mediterranean.

Tim Huffcutt, Marketing Director, RPE“Potato salad is a time-honored dish that often signifies summer and gatherings of family and friends,” said Marketing Director Tim Huffcut. “Although a fan-favorite, fresh potato salad prep can take hours. With this value-added kit from Tasteful Selections, Fresh & Easy Potato Salad comes together in minutes with the easy addition of mayonnaise and minimal prep.”

According to a press release, Fresh & Easy Potato Salad combines fresh, bite-size potatoes with a chef-inspired seasoning packet. Consumers can microwave, stir, chill, and serve the potato salad all in the same container, which makes prep and clean-up a breeze.

Both Tasteful Selections Fresh & Easy Traditional and Mediterranean Potato Salad will be available for a limited time at select Walmart stores

“Consumers want to cook at home and are looking for products that assist rather than replace, which makes Fresh & Easy Potato Salad from Tasteful Selections a delightful compliment to any meal or gathering,” added Huffcutt.

  • Traditional pairs fresh, Honey Gold® bite-size potatoes with a creamy blend of home-style potato salad flavors including onion, mustard, parsley, and celery.
  • Mediterranean pairs fresh, Sunburst Blend™ bite-size red and yellow potatoes with fresh flavors including red bell pepper, garlic, and lemon.

Russell Wysocki, President and CEO, RPE“We’re excited to offer a fresh solution to the family favorite—potato salad,” said Russell Wysocki, CEO of RPE. “RPE has an industry reputation as the fresh potato category experts. We’re continuously striving to bring on-trend solutions to our customers and consumers. With this new item from Tasteful Selections, consumers can make potato salad in minutes. It’s just another way to excite, captivate and delight our customers and consumers about fresh potatoes.”

Just in time for Memorial Day, both Tasteful Selections Fresh & Easy Traditional and Mediterranean Potato Salad will be available for a limited time at select Walmart stores.

Stick with us here at AndNowUKnow for the latest in new offerings, innovations, and more.