Thu. April 18th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

POMPANO BEACH, FL - CAPCO has announced with heavy hearts that both David and Jean Warren passed away earlier this month. David passed on April 15, 2019, less than a month short of his 103rd birthday, while Jean passed eight days prior at the age of 94.

Michael Warren, President and Owner, Central American Produce“The qualities that my father and mother had that made them successful were resilience, persistence, and passion!” Michael Warren, David and Jean’s son, said in a press release. “They demonstrated this daily in business and personal life. My dad would quote my grandfather to live by the golden rule: ‘Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.’ He had a recipe for life and he shared it with my mother and the family.”

David and Jean founded Central American Produce in 1976, working tirelessly for years to develop and increase produce imports from Central America. David, who helped pioneer Guatemala’s melon and vegetable exporting industries, gained much satisfaction working in the industry and provided growers with technical knowledge they can use to successfully grow, pack, and ship their crops. During a 2016 interview he said, “I find the industry is just as exciting now as anytime I’ve been in it. To pack, ship, and warehouse products, to get them to where they have great eating qualities and are very beneficial to people, in terms of health, what more fun could you have?”

David and Jean on their honeymoon

Although son Michael had taken over the business, David continued to come to the office and provide support until last year. But, even though he had stopped coming to the office, he would still call in regularly to get updates from the staff on how things were going.

“The secrets for longevity I observed through my father’s daily routines was to stay connected to family, eat nutritional foods, and exercise regularly. And short phone calls weekly to family and friends just to catch up on what was new and how they were doing. He would eat large volumes of fruits and vegetables all day long—for nutrition to keep the body strong and with a younger look than the years could ever reflect. He generally cared about each and every person, that they would have opportunities to better their lives for the future,” Michael continued. “Both my parents assisted many people in start-up businesses, educational pursuits, and just to help out others with their general needs. Thousands of workers throughout the Americas depend on agriculture to raise families. This was always a driving factor for our own farms as well as working with others. Then there was quality. If it cost another $200 an acre to produce a better product, then what was that? $.25 a box to have a better product. He had to give customers the best product. He was a mentor to man and a tormentor to a few as he always pushed excellence in every pursuit. That was the bar he set and continually raised higher and higher.”

David and Jean founded Central American Produce in 1976, working tirelessly for years to develop and increase produce imports from Central America

Michael added: “They kept up with world events, the stock market and what forces would drive it, they loved watching sports and old movies—especially musicals. The lived life simply and real life events are what excited them about the world. My father would watch Shark Tank. He liked to hear what creative ideas were being pitched and how others responded to them. My parents were examples of how to live life and appreciate what is really important.“

David and Jean Warren are survived by four children: Wendy Warren (Jim Calvert), Jody Miller, Susan (Tom) Drake, and Michael (Janice) Warren; as well as eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

A time for remembrance as they requested is being planned for later this month.

AndNowUKnow offers our deepest condolences to the Warren family and CAPCO team during this time.

Thu. April 18th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

TEXAS-MEXICO BORDER - Late last month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, announced that the CBP would reassign 750 CBP officers to the border to address the “dramatic increase in illegal crossings that continue to occur along the Southwest border.” The reassignment of officers has resulted in significant delays across the U.S.-Mexico border, prompting calls for state and federal assistance to facilitate the movement of perishables across the border.

This week, the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge implemented a new pilot intended to ameliorate delays. I spoke with Luis Bazan, Bridge Director, to learn more about the pilot.

Luis Bazán, Director, Pharr International Bridge“To us, the major concern, like any other port of entry, is our trade—our trucks making it across the border and getting them to their destinations in a timely fashion. Cargo is precious. It’s our number one priority,” Luis told me. “In an effort to speed up the process and reduce border wait times, we decided to take matters into our own hands in communication and collaboration with CBP, with SAT, CBP’s counterpart in Mexico, and some of our stakeholders in Mexico and some of our customs brokers associations both in Mexico and the U.S.”

To facilitate travel across the border, the bridge accelerated a program it had introduced this January and extended that pilot to larger trucks.

Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge provides a safe connection from Mexico to Texas

“In mid-January, we had started a pilot program before any of this negative rhetoric about the border shutdown and CBP officers being sent to combat the immigration crisis on the Southern border,” Luis explained. “We had started a pilot program for small empty conveyances—short trucks not trailers—because we were approaching peak season in produce, and we wanted to ensure that we had enough room inside the import lot for what we expect in terms of traffic for peak season produce. We decided to implement that program—to open up a passenger lane for northbound small empty trucks that met certain CBP requirements, and it has been working really nicely. It’s even exceeded our expectations. As of yesterday, we started sending 40 footers—42 footers—tanker trucks. These are empty tanker trucks. They don’t have any product in them. These are completely empty, so they meet the CBP’s requirements, and now we’re able to release them through that same passenger lane.”

Intended as a simple text pilot, the bridge’s staff is now looking at extending the program through the duration of CBP staffing shortages.

In order to help truckers cross the border, the bridge had implemented a program back in January

“It was only supposed to be a test pilot…next week on Tuesday, we’ll reconvene. We’ll regroup with all the stakeholders and with our trade partners and look at the pros and cons—what worked and what didn’t—and make adjustments if necessary,” said Luis. “We’re solving problems over here. I think it would be really easy to sit around and conference call and complain about the situation—obviously there are a lot of complaints across the board. But Pharr is taking pride in actually setting the example with solutions.”

The need for solutions is critical, Grow Farms Texas’ Director of Sales Tommy Wilkins told me, because the impending holidays mean a ramping up of supply from Mexico and demand from the U.S.

Delays across the U.S.-Mexico border have been caused by the reassignment of officers

Tommy Wilkins, Director of Sales, Grow Farms Texas“Holy Week—or Semana santa—is followed closely by Cinco de Mayo this year, and adding to the issue, labor shuts down for Good Friday and Easter,” Tommy explained. “Right now, we are ramping up inventory to cover the three or four day slowdown on harvest. This has added traffic while staff at the border is stretched thin. And, to add to that, tomatoes seem to be coming in heavier prior to the tariff issue in early May. Immigrants seem to be crossing at high numbers. It’s the perfect storm. And the bridge will be closing at 2 p.m. this Friday to add to the crunch.”

Tommy told me that the effects are not just being felt on the supply side.

“Easter is a big family meal—creating big business at retail,” Tommy said. “This is big family cooking time. Retailers are already reporting that delays are affecting loading, and that could affect inventories at retail.”

Will “the perfect storm” lead to shortages on the shelf and hurt the bottom line of companies up and down the supply chain? AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you updates.

Thu. April 18th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

WILLIAMSVILLE, NY - Tops Markets might still be in the early (very early!) stages of its $40 million capital improvement project, but I don’t doubt many of us in the industry will be asking “Who is she?” by the time the grocer debuts its new store look in its home state. I’m serious! With major floor-to-ceiling interior renovations that will include expanded space for produce, updated exterior facades, and even modifications to its landscaping and parking lots, Tops Markets is going the extra mile to finesse on its competition.

John Persons, President and COO, Tops Friendly Markets“Throughout our stores, shoppers will see expanded refrigerated produce allowing for more variety and convenience, new offerings including an in-store cut fruit and vegetable program, and an increase of antibiotic-free meat and seafood selections,” said John Persons, President and Chief Operating Officer. “We’re also looking to bring a new coffee shop and comfortable sit-down area to a few of our locations which is an exciting addition for our shoppers.”

The remodel will particularly emphasize Tops’ fresh departments. According to a press release, stores will be remodeled to provide customers with a warm, inviting atmosphere that highlights the fresh departments. This will include expanding the produce, bakery, and deli/carry out café departments and bolstering its product selection with more natural, organic, and gluten-free offerings. In addition, new flooring, energy efficient equipment, cart corrals, shopping carts, and new interior décor will refresh Tops’ floor layout with vibrancy.

The $40 million investment will also cover the cost of new convenient services, like online in-store pick up.

Tops Markets is investing $40 million into its New York Stores

“By the end of May 2019, Tops will have twenty stores that will offer grocery pickup service to its customers with expansion into our other major markets on the horizon,” continued Persons. “When we create an even more exceptional shopping experience and help make grocery shopping simple, friendly and easy, our shoppers benefit at the end of the day.”

The first phase of renovations is already underway at the following Tops locations, all of which will stay open during their respective renovation projects so as not to inconvenience shoppers:

  • 1600 Cedar Street, Elmira, NY - This location also includes a new fuel site. Re-grand Opening 5/8/19 11:00 am
  • 156 Church Street, Saranac Lake, NY
  • 700 Thruway Plaza, Cheektowaga, NY – Re-Grand Opening – 6/4/19 2:00 pm
  • 12775 Broadway, Alden, NY – Re-Grand Opening – 6/25/19 – 11:00 am
  • 128 W. Main Street, Leroy, NY- Re-Grand Opening – 7/16/19 – 11:00 am
  • 1740 Sheridan Drive, Buffalo, NY

But these won’t be the last store renovations, as Tops is also pursuing more locations in phase two of the program. These stores will be named at a later date.

Tops Markets

Thu. April 18th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

MONTREAL, CANADA - François J. Coutu is set to retire as President of the Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc., the pharmacy division of Metro Inc. Alain Champagne will succeed him.

“Having devoted most of my professional life to the Jean Coutu Group and seeing how the combination with Metro is now well on track to ensure its sustainability over time, I have decided to retire knowing that I’m leaving in place a great brand, a strong business model, and an excellent team,” stated Coutu in a recent press release.

The press release also discussed Coutu’s contributions to the PJC team, remarking that his leadership contributed to making Jean Coutu pharmacies a leader in its sector, as well as an admired brand.

Eric R. La Flèche, President and CEO, Metro Inc.“I would like to congratulate François for his very significant contribution to the success of the Jean Coutu Group since 1983 and I am pleased to continue to work with him as a member of our Board of Directors,” stated Eric R. La Flèche, President and Chief Executive Officer of Metro.

He continued, stating that, “I am pleased to welcome Alain to our team. We are confident that Alain will be very successful as the leader of our pharmacy division given his extensive experience in the pharmacy and retail sectors as well as his proven ability to deliver results.”

François J. Coutu is set to retire as President of the Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc., the pharmacy division of Metro Inc. Alain Champagne will succeed him

With nearly 30 years of experience in major international companies, Champagne will be responsible for completing the combination of the Jean Coutu Group with Metro, while also ensuring the development of the division.

Alain Champagne, Incoming President, Jean Coutu Group“I am delighted to join Metro to lead its pharmacy division,” said Champagne. “I look forward to contributing to the division’s growth trajectory by leveraging its strong brands, PJC and Brunet, its committed pharmacist-owners and the best team in the industry.”

Congratulations to Alain Champagne on this next step!

Metro Inc.

Wed. April 17th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

PHARR, TX - Effective April 15, 2019, the Pharr International Bridge has implemented new hours of operation, with a pilot program designed to relieve congestion, increase throughput, and reduce wait times that have been exacerbated by the redirection of CBP personnel.

“The following are temporary pilot programs designed to relieve congestion, increase truck throughput, and reduce border wait times at the Pharr Land Port of Entry, due to lack of CBP personnel, as mandated by the federal government to be deployed to the Southern border to deal with the immigration/humanitarian crisis. All pilot programs are temporary. Bridge Staff, Trade Partners, and Stakeholders will regroup on Monday, April 22, 2019 to discuss pros and cons, make adjustments if necessary, or plan for other contingencies,” the Pharr International Bridge issued in a statement.

Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO, Texas International Produce AssociationDante Galeazzi, CEO and President of the Texas International Produce Association (TIPA), noted, “TIPA and many, many others along the border are continuing to push on state and federal agencies to help provide relief to this issue. We encourage you all to take to Social Media, share your issues, and call on our officials like Governor Abbott, CBP Director McAleenan, and our elected representatives to provide immediate solutions to the increasing delays.”

In a letter issued by TIPA on April 5th to Governor Abbott, Galeazzi called for “assistance in providing additional personnel resources to help the growing customs delays at the Texas ports-of-entry (POEs).”

Click to Expand

“As you are likely aware, the humanitarian and security concerns in El Paso have made the reassignment of CBP personnel necessary. Unfortunately, hundreds of agents being repositioned have been moved from our Texas ports-of-entry, where they helped process the tens of thousands of commercial cargo trucks every day....” the statement reads. “We cannot emphasize enough the importance of moving additional resources to the border as quickly as possible to assist the understaffed CBP personnel working at our POEs. Every day we delay, the wait times will continue to grow, industry will continue to suffer, and ultimately jobs will be lost.”

The Pharr International Bridge has implemented new hours of operation, with a pilot program designed to relieve congestion, increase throughput, and reduce wait times

New hours outlined include the following:


  • Small Empty Trucks and Short Trucks (No Trailers)
  • Authorized to cross through Car/Passenger Vehicle Lane
  • Estimated relief: 250 – 300 trucks daily

Monday – Friday / 8:00 am – 4:00 pm


  • Empty Tanker Trailer Trucks
  • Authorized to cross through Car/Passenger Vehicle Lane
  • Estimated relief: 250 – 300 trucks daily

Monday – Friday / 8:00 am – 1:00 pm


  • Car/Passenger Vehicle Lane closed for cars, giving priority to commercial trucks. Empty Trucks and Tanker Trucks can now use car lane on top of bridge.

Monday – Friday / 6:00 am – 4:00 pm


  • Hours of Service remain the same
  • Cars/Passenger Vehicles

Monday – Sunday / 6:00 am – 12:00 am

  • Commercial Trucks

Monday – Friday / 7:00 am – 11:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday / 7:00 am – 4:00 pm

Pharr International Bridge representatives were unavailable for comment. AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the situation at the border and on other issues facing the fresh produce industry.

Pharr International Bridge

Wed. April 17th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL - Topco Associates announced the composition of its 2019 Board of Directors—a group that will be led by new Chairman Pete Van Helden. The 38-year veteran of grocery retail and CEO of Stater Bros. Markets succeeds Chris Coborn, Chairman, President, and CEO of Coborn’s Incorporated, who will remain a member of Topco’s board.

Randy Skoda, President and CEO, Topco"We are excited to have Pete as the new chairman of Topco’s Board of Directors,” said Randy Skoda, Topco’s President and CEO, in a press release. "Pete brings a wealth of strategic insight and industry knowledge that will help Topco advance its priorities and drive value to the membership.”

Topco’s 2019 board includes the following members:

  • Topco Chairman of the Board: Pete Van Helden, Chief Executive Officer, Stater Bros. Markets
  • Topco Vice Chairman of the Board: Randy Edeker, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Hy-Vee, Inc.
  • Neal Berube, President and Chief Executive Officer, Associated Food Stores, Inc.
  • Brad Brookshire, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Brookshire Holdings, Inc.
  • Chris Coborn, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Coborn’s Incorporated
  • Charlie D’Amour, President and Chief Executive Officer, Big Y Foods, Inc.
  • Dave Staples, President and Chief Executive Officer, SpartanNash Company
  • Scott Grimmett, President and Chief Executive Officer, Golub Corporation/Price Chopper
  • Randy Skoda, President and Chief Executive Officer, Topco Associates, LLC
  • Steve Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc.

For more fresh produce news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Topco Associates

Wed. April 17th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

COMMERCE, CA - This week, Smart & Final and a certain investment fund manager came together to keep up with the always moving-and-grooving retail market. The grocer entered into a definitive merger agreement with certain investment funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Global Management. The investment manager acquired all the outstanding shares of Smart & Final’s common stock for $6.50 per share in cash, which amounts to $1.12 billion in total.

David Hirz, President and CEO, Smart & Final"This transaction is a testament to the strength of Smart & Final's franchise, the quality of our store banners, and the talent and expertise of our people. Under the ownership of the Apollo Funds, Smart & Final will benefit from Apollo's strategic guidance, which will help us accelerate our existing strategy in a dynamic industry environment,” David Hirz, Smart & Final's Chief Executive Officer, said. “We are excited about the future as we embark on a new chapter in our almost 150-year history, with a strategic partner that understands our strengths, culture, and customer-centric philosophy. We would like to thank Ares Management for its partnership and support in helping us grow our business to where we are today."

Back in 2007 to 2012, Smart & Final was owned by funds managed by affiliates of Apollo, before its sale to Ares Management in November 2012.

Smart & Final has agreed to a merger with funds run by a affiliate of Apollo Global Mangement

Kennth Tuchman, Chairman of the Strategic Review Committee, Smart & Final"This transaction is the result of diligent analysis and thoughtful strategic deliberations by our Board of Directors over many months,” said Kenneth Tuchman, Chairman of the Strategic Review Committee of Smart & Final's Board of Directors. “Our Board, with the assistance of independent financial and legal advisors, determined that this transaction, upon closing, will deliver immediate, significant and certain cash value to our stockholders."

David Kaplan, Chairman of the Board & Co-Founder, Ares ManagementDavid Kaplan, Smart & Final's Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of Ares Management, added: "We are pleased to fully support this transaction and we would like to thank the Smart & Final management team for its strong commitment and execution over the past seven years. We wish the management team and employees continued success under new ownership."

Smart & Final previously owned by funds managed by affiliates of Apollo, before its sale to Ares Management in November 2012.

According to a press release, the purchase price represents a premium of approximately 25 percent over Smart & Final's average closing share price over the past 24 trading days since the company's earnings announcement on March 13, 2019.

Andrew Jhawar, Senior Partner and Head of the Consumer and Retail Group, Apollo Global Management"We are very excited for our funds to be re-acquiring Smart & Final and expect to leverage Apollo's deep expertise and history of success in food retail to support the company as it embarks on its next chapter,” said Andrew Jhawar, Senior Partner and Head of the Consumer and Retail Group at Apollo. “The unique differentiation and strong value proposition of both the Smart & Final and Smart Foodservice banners are evident to us and we welcome the opportunity to augment and enhance the experience for the company's household and business customers. We look forward to working with the management team as well as the over 12,000 team members to capitalize on the company's position in the marketplace."

For more news on mergers, acquisitions, and sales as they relate to fresh produce, stick around with us at AndNowUKnow.

Smart & Final

Wed. April 17th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

ORANGE COUNTY, CA - With new packaging and a national consumer campaign, Zespri is launching its season in a big way. Its campaign, titled “Let Your Taste Wander,” is designed to reach more consumers than before, with several in-store elements to drive traffic at retail. Additionally, Zespri’s retail trade campaign, “Get with the Program,” encourages retailers to meet with Zespri’s market development managers to create customized retail programs designed for their unique shoppers.

Sarah Deaton, Shopper Marketing Manager, Zespri“Zespri is investing in growing consumer demand,” explained Sarah Deaton, Shopper Marketing Manager. “Our SunGold brand awareness has increased over 41 percent nationally and over 117 percent in top U.S. cities year over year. We finished last season with a strong 47 percent growth in our proprietary SunGold variety, with plans to continue to invest for growth in the coming season.”

According to a recent press release, Zespri’s SunGold Kiwifruit is a healthy snack consumers can eat on the go. Simply cut, scoop, and enjoy! Zespri’s new packaging conveys the nutritional information as well as care instructions. Its consumer campaign helps drive this message in addition to encouraging consumers to “let your taste wander.”

Zespri is launching its season with a campaign, titled “Let Your Taste Wander," designed to reach more consumers than before, with several in-store elements to drive traffic at retail

The consumer campaign is also aimed at helping shoppers explore outside of their typical fruit selections. As part of the promotion, Zespri encourages consumers to wander and experience new things in their daily lives. Shoppers can earn badges to win prizes, including airline miles and family adventure vacations. The promotion will be featured in Hulu TV, People magazine, Martha Stewart Living, and a variety of health publications.

The company also noted that on average, retailers who fully execute Zespri’s SunGold Kiwifruit programs receive increases in their incremental sales. In fact, a recent third-party study has shown a 96 percent dollar increase when doubling the size of the kiwifruit display to 6 ft x 2 ft. Multiple display locations also help increase sales. Additionally, the third party study indicated that merchandising kiwifruit next to berries and grapes increased kiwifruit sales by 80 percent.

Zespri’s market development managers are available to meet with retailers to customize programs and provide in-store signage along with a digital integrated campaign to geo-target shoppers to reach them at different touch points throughout their day. These digital tools help bring top-of-mind awareness to SunGold and other varieties of Zespri Kiwifruit.

Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit will be available May through February

SunGold, Green, and Organic varieties will be available at retail in bulk, one-pound and two-pound clam packs.

Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit will be available May through February. The New Zealand season ends in November and Zespri Kiwifruit from Italy will extend the season through February. The company noted that SunGold Kiwifruit from Italy is grown to the same strict standards, producing kiwifruit that is consistently sweet and delicious.

For the latest in fresh produce updates, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Wed. April 17th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

CORAL GABLES, FL - Fyffes fights for a crucial cause for many people. The produce importer and distributor supported thousands by donating more than 2,500 bananas to participants who walked to end pancreatic cancer, at this year's PurpleStride New York City at Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.

The 5K community event is aimed at promoting awareness and raising funds for the fight against pancreatic cancer. It was hosted by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) New York City Affiliate.

Marion Tabard, VP of Marketing, Fyffes North America“Fyffes is committed to recognizing and supporting community members who are inspiring change and making a difference in the lives of others,” said Marion Tabard, VP of Marketing for Fyffes North America. “We are honored to be able to support PurpleStride and its incredible community of survivors, families, loved ones, researchers, and more who are working tirelessly to bring awareness and change the future of this deadly disease.”

Fyffes supported thousands by donating more than 2,500 bananas to participants who walked to end pancreatic cancer, at this year's PurpleStride New York City at Brooklyn’s Prospect Park

According to the company’s press release, pancreatic cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. with a five-year survival rate of just nine percent. Funds raised through PurpleStride support critical pancreatic cancer research as well as PanCANs clinical initiatives and patient services, including Know Your Tumor ®, Precision Promise SM, Clinical Trial Finder, and the Patient Registry.

Elite Rubin, Event Experience Chair, PurpleStride New York City“We’re so appreciative of our sponsor Fyffes for donating fresh bananas to all our participants,” said Elite Rubin, Event Experience Chair, PurpleStride New York City. “Funds raised through this event support critical pancreatic cancer research as well as the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s clinical initiatives and patient services.”

Providing fresh produce since 1888, Fyffes partnered with PurpleStride as part of the company’s “Fuel with Fyffes” initiative

Providing fresh produce since 1888, Fyffes partnered with PurpleStride as part of the company’s “Fuel with Fyffes” initiative, which is focused on inspiring, empowering, and encouraging people's will to create a better future.

For updates on Fyffes and PurpleStride's partnership, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Wed. April 17th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

BAKERSFIELD, CA - Bako Sweet® has become a brand you can trust for fresh, flavorful sweet potatoes from California. But Country Sweet Produce is celebrating the sweeter things across a different category this spring and summer with its San Joaquin Valley-grown sweet onions.

Gina Pettit, Director of Sales and Marketing, Country Sweet Produce“Our sweet onion season will begin June first for both conventional and organic,” Gina Pettit, Director of Sales and Marketing, told me. “We are looking forward to another successfully season of sweet onions, expecting the quality to meet or exceed our high expectations and standards.”

Though wet weather earlier in the year suggested a late harvest might be on its way, recent sunshine in the Golden State is helping Country Sweet Produce close the gap, and the company anticipates consistent supply of sweet onions come June.

Country Sweet Produce is celebrating the sweeter things across a different category this spring and summer with its San Joaquin Valley-grown sweet onions

“Our farm team grows the Century Flat sweet onion very well,” Gina continued. “The Southern San Joaquin Valley’s rich soil and climate are ideal for this variety and growing season. The sweet onions grown in the valley have a low pyruvic acid rating making the Bako Sweet sweet onion sweeter than most. There has been incremental growth in the sweet onion market year over year and we anticipate this upward trend moving forward in to 2019.”

Country Sweet Produce offers a sweet onion in a variety of pack styles and sizes.

“Although our bulk sweet onions are still the favorite, interest has grown in the 2lb and 3lb handle bags,” Gina added. “The packaging is vibrant and electric, and we will offer all pack styles during the summer season.”

For more on fresh seasonal offerings primed to propel produce department sales, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Bako Sweet®