Mon. April 1st, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

THE NETHERLANDS - One of Ahold Delhaize’s banners, Albert Heijn, has announced its acquisition of online nutrition start-up FoodFirst Network (FFN) to bring healthy eating tips and tricks to its customers and 100,000 associates. This is a strategic move, as more and more consumers seek out nutritious products, driving growth of the category sky high.

Marit van Egmond, CEO, Albert Heijn“We want to be the supermarket that helps customers with a healthier lifestyle,” said CEO of Albert Heijn, Marit van Egmond.

FFN offers paid subscribers tips and advice from experts regarding nutrition, health, exercise, and relaxation through newsletters, a digital magazine, and videos. The organization will remain independent within Albert Heijn. No financial details were disclosed.

Albert Heijn has been increasing its efforts to encourage everyone in the Netherlands to live a healthy lifestyle and has begun providing healthier foods to customers. The brand has removed hundreds of thousands of sugar cubes from products and plans to use one billion fewer sugar cubes by the end of 2020, according to the press release. Last year, the brand debuted My Nutritional Value, which is an online tool allowing customers to view the amount of calories, salt, sugar, fiber, and protein present in the products they buy and suggests healthier alternatives.

FFN offers paid subscribers tips and advice from experts regarding nutrition, health, exercise, and relaxation through newsletters, a digital magazine, and videos

“All the ingredients for a better life for everyone—FFN fits perfectly with this ambition,” said van Egmond. “Together we can further fulfill our role in the Netherlands with regard to health. The platform and the knowledge that we acquire is relevant for our customers and for us as a company. I am looking forward to working with the FFN team.”

As a key element of its Leading Together strategy, Ahold and its local brands are ramping up efforts to help consumers make healthier choices. Subject to a number of conditions, the acquisition is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2019.

For more retail acquisition news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Ahold Delhaize Albert Heijn FoodFirst Network

Mon. April 1st, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

KINGSVILLE, ON - Mastronardi Produce continues to lead in sustainability innovation. This week, the greenhouse grower announced that it is the first fresh produce company to join the Sustainable Packaging Coalition® (SPC), a collection of leading companies and thought leaders who believe in the power of industry to make packaging more sustainable.

Paul Mastronardi, President and CEO, Mastronardi Produce“We recognize the importance of this issue, and as a leader in the category, we felt it was important to contribute to addressing this issue on a broad scale,” said Paul Mastronardi, President and CEO of Mastronardi Produce, and the fourth-generation family member to lead the organization. “By joining forces with coalition members and continuing to develop earth-friendly solutions, we hope to inspire change among our retailer partners, consumers, and even more broadly.”

This week, the greenhouse grower announced that it is the first fresh produce company to join the Sustainable Packaging Coalition®

Nicole Balderas, Vice President, Marketing for Mastronardi Produce, added that single-use plastic is one of consumers' rising concerns, which is why Mastronardi Produce made the decision to join the SPC. According to a press release, the SPC is a trademark project of GreenBlue Org, a Charlottesville, VA-based environmental nonprofit dedicated to the sustainable use of materials in society.

Nicole Balderas, Vice President, Marketing, Mastronardi Produce“We recognize consumers are concerned about their impact on the planet,” said Balderas. “We also know that this is a multi-faceted issue, so our goal is to provide a range of packaging solutions to empower consumers and retailers to address it. We know consumers want alternatives to single-use plastic, and we are committed to offering alternatives, so they can make choices they feel good about.”

Mastronardi will showcase its latest sustainable packaging options, including SUNSET® options that are made from renewable sources and are 100% backyard compostable, at this year’s Canadian Produce Marketing Association’s Convention & Tradeshow in Montreal, Quebec. Find the company at booth #1015.

For more fresh produce news ahead of CPMA, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.

Mastronardi Produce

Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, CA - Earthbound Farm has a lot to celebrate this year, including its 35th anniversary! Since 1984, the company has been all organic, all the time, and it’s utilizing this year’s CPMA Convention and Trade Show to highlight this fact. I had the pleasure of speaking with Jessica Harris, Senior Innovation and Marketing Manager, Earthbound Farm, to learn more.

Jessica Harris, Senior Innovation and Marketing Manager, Earthbound Farm“The CPMA Convention and Trade Show provides the best opportunity to connect with, participate in, and demonstrate commitment to the produce industry in Canada,” Jessica said. “We appreciate how successfully they engage so deeply across all aspects of the industry, from grower shippers to students to retailers, and bring them all together in one place. As a result, this is the go-to place to debut and launch new products for the Canadian market.”

Earthbound Farm is celebrating its 35th anniversary at the CPMA Convention and Trade Show

These new products have already shown success in the United States, and Earthbound Farm is excited to get them in front of the Canadian consumer. They include:

  • Mighty Spinach (Organic Baby Spinach, Organic Baby Pay-Choi, Organic Baby Tatsoi, Organic Baby Bok Choy Leaves)
  • Rosé Blend (Organic Baby Butter Lettuce, Organic Baby Oak Leaf, Organic Baby Pak-Choi, Organic Baby Red Leaf, and Organic Radicchio)
  • Red Baby Butter Lettuce

Earthbound Farm is excited to debut new products both at the trade show and in the Canadian marketplace

“Canadian consumers, on the whole, seem to prioritize the food experience,” Jessica shared with me when I asked her what opportunities the Canadian market presents. “They more readily embrace new culinary trends and are less price sensitive when it comes to food. This may be a part of why salad kits are becoming more prevalent there.”

And with an unwavering dedication and belief in organic food, it’s no surprise that Earthbound Farm’s vision of cultivating a healthier world would resonate with buyers and consumers alike.

Earthbound Farm

Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SANTA PAULA, CA - While the produce game is going strong these days, it’s still limited by the fact that fruit and veg are generally for eating. But hold the phone, Limoneira Citrus has innovated the citrus category with a brand new campaign touting alternative uses for lemons. The company is encouraging consumers to change the way they think about citrus, and the environment, by using the fruit for cleaning purposes. And what says ‘clean’ more than a fresh, lemon-y scent?

The company’s new suggested uses for its fruits enables consumers to take a step in the green direction, because the humble lemon’s many household applications preclude the need for harsh and environmentally unfriendly chemicals.

Limoneira has enlisted the help of internationally published author, cooking show host, and nutrition expert Megan Roosevelt to spread the word about sustainable cleaning using citrus. She came up with several household uses for lemons that blew my mind.

Some alternative uses for lemons include:

  • Add citrus peel to your garden: Insects dislike the smell, so the peel acts as a natural bug repellent. When the peels decompose, they release nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium into the soil, naturally fertilizing the ground.
  • Use citrus to clean pots and pans: Rub citrus juice and salt into a pot/pan for easy scouring that is non-toxic and natural.
  • Lemons instead of bleach: Hold on to your lemon halves after juicing them to keep your whites, white. Add the lemon halves to a large pot of water and boil. Then throw in your dingy whites, soak overnight, and wash as usual for stunningly bright whites.

The company will be posting tips, tricks, and recipes to its social media channel weekly for consumers who demand more citrus info.

Limoneira recommends rubbing citrus juice and salt into a pot/pan for easy scouring that is non-toxic and natural

Limoneira is dedicated to doing right by the earth, employing many energy-saving and sustainable practices. The company has six solar installations across the company, producing a total 4.2 million KW annually, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, according to a press release. Another solar project is planned, which will add 2.8 million KW for a total of 75 million KW annually. The company also houses a 12-acre green waste facility that processes an average of 1,000 tons of waste each week that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill. Limoneira has also built a gravity-powered water treatment system—a 24,000-square-foot project, which processes 180,000 gallons of water daily, transforming waste into water that meets California 22 drinking standards.

For more eco-friendly citrus tips, check out the video on the Limoneira channel here.

To stay up to date on sustainable produce news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

MONTREAL, CANADA - Long before the healthy-eating bandwagon left the station, produce and health went hand-in-hand and still go hand-in-hand today. But in an ever-crowded market for healthy food, a few produce folks are stepping up to make sure the messaging of fresh fruit and veg still shines through. Enter the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, which is pushing forward a few programs, both at the CPMA Convention and Trade Show on April 2-4 and beyond, to ensure consumers everywhere not only know the benefits of fresh produce, but celebrate them forever and always.

I sat down with the association’s President Ron Lemaire to find out more about the new Canada’s Food Guide and the Half Your Plate program before the grand trade show kicks off next week.

Ron Lemaire, President, Canadian Produce Marketing Association“The new Canada’s Food Guide is an important pillar of the government’s ambitious Healthy Eating Strategy. CPMA has long advocated for evidence-based policy making in the government, and the new Food Guide is a shining example of this principle. The new Canada’s Food Guide is also a unique opportunity for buyers and suppliers to push the Half Your Plate messaging and encourage Canadians to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables,” Ron explained to me. “Canadians are eager to adopt healthier diets and the new Food Guide is a vital resource for consumers to educate themselves on diet-related habits and recipes. CPMA applauds the government for the release of the new Canada’s Food Guide.”

Much of CPMA’s latest efforts hinge on the fact that over 80 percent of Canadians did not consume the recommended number of fruits and vegetables per day, according to The Economic Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption study by H. Kruger & Associates in 2016. Ron also noted that the economic burden attributable to low produce intake today is $4.4 billion in direct and indirect costs. To remedy these numbers, the Half Your Plate program was established and designed to promote the benefits of filling "Half Your Plate" with produce at every meal. The program also aims to decrease the economic burden that results in eating unhealthy foods and boost the produce industry’s sales.

The new Canada’s Food Guide is also a unique opportunity for buyers and suppliers to push the Half Your Plate messaging and encourage Canadians to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables

“The Half Your Plate message is unmistakable. It’s a clear, easy-to-remember phrase that can guide consumers to living healthier. We’re committed to showing everyone how easy it is to incorporate fruits and vegetables into every meal via tips, tricks, and recipes available on, our Instagram (@HalfYourPlateCanada) or Pinterest (Half Your Plate). Consumers can even ask us directly on any of these platforms,” Ron said. “In addition, the visuals in the new Canada’s Food Guide match our Half Your Plate imaging, amplifying our message. We hope to see fruit and vegetable consumption increase correspondingly. We look forward to continuing to promote this positive messaging.”

Lastly, CPMA is also welcoming a Dietician to its team to amplify their healthy eating initiatives, highlighting the Half Your Plate program as a part of its long-standing partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Public Health Association, and the Canadian Cancer Society. This new position will help the association connect with health practitioners who are looking for usable resources on promoting the consumption of produce.

CPMA is adding a Dietician to its team to boost their eating initiatives

“We’re happy to continue to grow our network of dieticians and offer more assets to our members to drive their business. The success of Half Your Plate is a team effort, and we know that health practitioners, particularly dieticians, are on the front lines when it comes to spreading this message. Not to mention that many retailers are now adding dieticians to their staff to help guide consumers’ healthy decisions. Thus, it’s important to get our messaging out to this tight-knit network,” Ron shared. “We are eagerly anticipating having this new resource available to our members to help everyone develop their business using evidence-based information pertaining to the consumption of fruits and vegetables. We encourage all health practitioners who want to learn more about getting our promotional materials to please contact us.”

There will be Dietician Sessions to give attending dieticians a chance to get close and personal with CPMA's newest resource

Interested in learning more and soon? Dieticians attending the CPMA Cconvention will have the opportunity to partake in the Dieticians Sessions, giving them the chance to get up close and personal with the association’s newest resource. The sessions, both interactive and educational, aim to connect the dietician community and educate attendees on important issues within their profession, including fruits and vegetables for IBS, client-based barriers that dieticians experience, food styling and food photography, Half Your Plate resources, and CPMA food safety and regulatory issues.

Registration is still open for the convention at Register today to take part in the biggest event dedicated to fresh produce in Canada—it is sure to be unforgettable!

For more industry trade show updates, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.


Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

LAKELAND, FL - Publix announced, last week, that one of its most experienced leaders, Vice Chairman Barney Barnett, has announced plans to retire, effective April 30, 2019.

Barney Barnett, outgoing Vice Chairman, PublixBarnett began his Publix career in 1969 as an Internal Auditor in Lakeland, Florida. He was then promoted to Controller in 1977 and Vice President of Administrations in 1986. In 1988, he was again promoted, this time to the role of Executive Vice President. In 1998, he moved into his current role as Vice Chairman.

Todd Jones, CEO and President, Publix“We are grateful for Barney’s 50 years of service to Publix, our associates, our customers, and the communities we serve,” said CEO Todd Jones, in a recent press release. “His commitment to our culture has helped pave the path for our future successes. It has been an honor and privilege to work alongside him. We will miss him but also wish him well as he starts this next chapter of his life.”

According to the press release, Barnett is one of only 20 Publix associates who have reached the milestone of a 50-year-long Publix career. And Barnett will remain on the board of Publx Super Markets Charities and, as Publix’s Board of Director has also named him Vice Chairman Emeritus, Barnett will be recognized at this year’s annual meeting of stockholders.

Publix has announced the departure of one of the company’s most experienced leaders this week, Vice Chairman Barney Barnett

Throughout this Publix career, Barnett has been recognized by a number of organizations for both his leadership and his commitment to the community. The United Way of Central Florida named him Philanthropist of the Year in 2016 and presented him with the Alexis de Tocqueville Society Award in 2002. He was inducted into the Tampa Bay Business Hall of Fame in 2002 and received the Governor’s Business Leader Award in 2010.

Publix noted that Barnett is looking forward to spending more time with his wife, Carol Jenkins Barnett, and continuing to support the communities they’ve served for so long.

Congratulations to Barney from the ANUK team for an incredible career.


Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

IRVING, TX - 7-Eleven sees Whole Foods, Aldi, Hy-Vee, and Lidl's new store formats, and is reminding the lot who the real convenience king is. Last week, 7-Eleven introduced a new store concept in the Lone Star State, and it didn’t come to play. With a whole slew of exciting products and features, 7-Eleven is elevating the convenience retail market and enticing consumers in a revolutionary way.

Chris Tanco, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, 7-Eleven“Convenience retailing is light years away from the days of bread and milk being sold from ice docks in 1927, and the industry is changing at a faster rate than ever before,” said Chris Tanco, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in a press release. “7-Eleven stays at the forefront by pushing the boundaries and being unafraid to try new things. This new lab store will serve as a place to test, learn, and iterate new platforms and products to see what really resonates with customers and how we can use those learnings to influence future store designs.”

The lab store opened in Dallas, Texas, on March 22, and already has spurred some buzz thanks to its revolutionary format. The store's features include made-to-order smoothies and agua frescas, a growler refill station for local craft beers, street tacos on handmade tortillas, baked-in-store cookies and croissants, and a patio and inside dining area. The store also features digital initiatives that will enhance the shopping experience with Scan & Pay technology, allowing customers to skip the checkout line and pay for purchases via smartphone.

7-Eleven's new lab store will house a slew of exciting products and features that the company hopes will elevate the convenience retail market and entice consumers

Undoubtedly, one of the big draws will be the tacos and the fresh tortillas that envelop them (at least it would be for me). The lab store will be the first 7-Eleven store to incorporate the Laredo Taco Company® taqueria and the first Laredo Taco Company location in Dallas. The taqueria was acquired along with Stripes® convenience stores in South Texas as part of a 1,000 store acquisition from Suncoco in 2018. The Laredo Taco company will offer up more than just handmade tortillas, but also a salsa bar, and specialties like carne guisada, carnitas, barbacoa, picadillo bistec, and breakfast tacos.

While many of the new items in the lab store are available for a limited-time, the new concept is still an exciting breakthrough in the realm of convenience stores.

“A lot has changed in retail and continues to change rapidly, especially the shopping experience,” said Tanco. “This lab store is customer-focused and will explore new ideas that weren’t even on the retail radar a few months ago.”

Will this new lab store be the future of convenience retail? And will we see similar concepts from Whole Foods, Alid, Hy-Vee, and Lidl soon, as more grocers try their hand at small format stores? Keep reading AndNowUKnow for all the updates.


Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

MONTREAL, CANADA - Fall is my favorite season, but when I was a kid, I absolutely hated pumpkin carving—it was the guts, you see, I couldn’t stand the ooey gooey-ness. That’s why it’s so exciting for me to now learn that Bay Baby has my back with expertly painted pumpkins harvested in August and shipped in early September—perfect timing! Like many of you, Bay Baby will be presenting at this year’s annual CPMA Convention and Trade Show, and it’s aiming to steal the show! Bay Baby Spokesperson Jennifer Pierce was just as excited as I am for the company to “spread the pumpkin joy” on the expo floor.

“We are a one-stop grower and leader in painted pumpkins, long stem ornamentals, and winter organic squash,” said Jennifer. “Our vast array of fun and unique pumpkin products will fit each individuals’ personality and flavor palate.”

Bay Baby will be spreading the pumpkin joy on the CPMA floor this year

While the company began with two innovative women, Michele Youngquist and Liz Mitchell, and a plot of just 30 acres of soil, it has grown into a leader in painted, decorated, and ornamental pumpkins, and many varieties of winter squash. In 2000 Bay Baby introduced its signature Pumpkin Patch Pals®, a vibrant crew of individually hand-decorated, painted mini pumpkins with festive character faces and distinctive feathery hair and hats—just what I need for my fall decorations! The company’s newest design concept is based on sports, y’all! The pumpkins all come with football- and hockey-inspired designs and would be right at home with fall decorating.

“We are continuing our mission of ‘SPREADING the PUMPKIN JOY’ with our additional line of Sports Painted Pumpkins,” commented Jennifer. “Our new line will continue to excite and bring joy when others see our products in store or give them to others.”

Bay Baby has an additional line of Sports Painted Pumpkins to show off

Bay Baby will be featuring its Hockey and Football Painted Pumpkins at CPMA as well as its Pumpkin Patch Pals, organic hard winter squash, and many other fun and unique ornamental pumpkins. For retailers, the company has half pallet displays available, pre-mixed with an instant Pumpkin Patch display and focal point. There are no single-case picks—cases are already mixed on pallet—and there are instant ready displays for a variety of products. If you thought the football pumpkins and Pumpkin Patch Pals are all the company has to offer, think again! The design options feature silhouettes, skulls, pets, and lots of fun faces. The zany pumpkins will surely entice customers during fall!

A golden opportunity, the CPMA Convention offers companies a chance to connect with produce industry colleagues from all stages of the supply chain.

Bay Baby's Pumpkin Patch Pals® are a vibrant crew of individually hand-decorated, painted mini pumpkins with festive character faces and distinctive feathery hair and hats

“The CPMA Convention offers a variety of networking and learning opportunities to absorb and grow in the Canadian market; as well as open the door of trade opportunities through partnerships with wholesale and retail entities. The investment made to be a part of CPMA, pays dividends for many opportunities to come,” concluded Jennifer.

To optimize retail fall sales and see these festive pumpkins in person, visit booth #724 at CPMA’s annual Convention and Trade Show.

Bay Baby Produce

Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by David Robidoux

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.


On Tuesday we had mentioned it appeared California might be out of the rain cycle, but new storms have developed over the past few days that are predicted to hit next week.

The first storm will hit Monday, bringing possible rain to growing locations in the northern half of the state. Salinas along the coast may see some light showers as well as the Sacramento Valley area in the center of the state.

A chance for heavier rain will come next Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6. This storm is predicted to come further south and hit regions such as Oxnard on the coast and Bakersfield in the San Joaquin Valley. Over the two-day period Salinas and Santa Maria may see up .6” while locations in the northern end of the San Joaquin valley will see up to .75”.

Look for harvests to possibly be affected out of Salinas and Santa Maria during these days. Broccoli and cauliflower are currently coming from these regions. Strawberries are also beginning. Asparagus out of central California has also started and could be affected by the rain.

Obviously, this can all change over the next 10 days so we will keep you informed as we get closer.


The warmer temperatures we talked about on Tuesday are still coming this weekend and into next week. The desert regions will see a maximum temperature of 91° on Sunday and Monday. The citrus regions of Visalia and Bakersfield will see maximum temperatures of 76° on Sunday and 80° on Monday. Oxnard will reach of high of 77° on Sunday and Monday. Temperatures across the state will cool off a bit on Tuesday and Wednesday but will climb again by Thursday. For the regions not affected by rains, look for good volumes and quality.


On Tuesday, we informed you of rain forecasted next week for all regions of Florida. As of today, the possibilities and locations of rain have been greatly reduced.

In the southern half of the state, the current forecast is for a 40% chance of light showers from Tuesday to Thursday. Belle Glade, Homestead, and Immokalee will see 0.1” over the three days.

The heaviest rain will be isolated in the northern section of the state in areas such as Alachua, where the blueberry harvest has begun. This region will see up to .5” on the Monday and Tuesday.

Temperatures across the state will be in the mid-80°s (the high) and mid-60°s (the low).

Cantaloupe regions of Plant City and Zolfo Springs are getting close to the beginning of harvest. Look for the first shipments the week of April 22. Watermelons out of Florida should also begin about the same time.


Temperatures will remain hot for the next ten days, with highs in the 90°s and lows in the upper 50°s. Look for production numbers to remain strong.


Look for temperatures in the 90°s through Monday. Tuesday through Friday will see high temperatures in the upper 80°s and then back in the 90°s by next Saturday. If production hasn’t started already in this area it is close. This production will only add to volumes coming from Culiacan in Nogales. Maybe look for pricing to come off on most items.


Central Mexico region will see perfect conditions over the next ten days with highs in the mid- to upper 80°s and lows in the low 50°s. Lettuces and wet vegetables are coming from these regions.


This major growing region in the northeastern state of Chihuahua is also experiencing perfect growing conditions with high temperatures in the upper 80°s to mid-90°s over the next ten days and low temperatures in the mid-50°s. This is another major spring/summer growing region for shadehouse veg. We should begin to see production out of this area sometime next month.


All avocado and berry regions of Michoacán are experiencing perfect weather. High temperatures range from the mid-80°s to the lower 90°s, depending on the location. Lows range from the upper 40°s to the mid-50°s.


Growing regions of the Baja peninsula will see the same warmer temperatures hitting California over the weekend. San Quintin will max out at 78° on Sunday and Monday, while Vizcaino will see high temperatures of 92° for the same days. Minimum temperatures will be in the mid-50°s. This is great weather for strawberries coming from these regions that ship through San Diego.

Thank you again for your support, and we will be back next week with another update.


Fri. March 29th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

MONTREAL, CANADA - This year’s CPMA Convention and Trade Show is going to be totally bananas. At least it will be once you stop by Chiquita Brands’ booth. The banana company will be ready and waiting to connect with attendees and show off its impressive wares. Chiquita Brands Director of Sales, North America, Jamie Postell, spoke with me about the banana’s strong presence in the Canadian produce market, the company’s marketing prowess, and the evolution of Chiquita’s iconic Blue Sticker.

At CPMA Chiquita will be ready and waiting to connect with attendees and show off its impressive wares

“The banana category continues to be well-positioned in the produce section,” said Jamie. “Bananas are a great source of fiber and heart healthy fats, providing the feeling of staying fuller longer. The fruit also provides a good natural sugar source—fructose—that is slowly digested and absorbed, preventing sugar spikes that leave consumers craving more sugary foods. While consumers know bananas are good for physical well-being, it has also been proven that bananas are good for mental well-being. Bananas include high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce serotonin, a natural substance known to have a calming effect on the brain and naturally boost your mood and promote feelings of relaxation.”

The Canadian market is particularly primed for a banana revolution, because more and more Canadian consumers are becoming concerned about the link between food and health. In fact, according to Nielsen’s Panelviews Canadian survey, in 2018, 70 percent of Canadians said their number one motivation to make healthier food choices is to prevent future health issues. Because most Canadians consider fruits and vegetables to be integral to healthy eating, produce consumption in the country is growing rapidly.

The banana category continues to be well-positioned in the produce section

Chiquita is a produce company with a mind for marketing, and the company continues to invest in research to find unique ways to engage with banana consumers. Chiquita conducts in-store testing and campaign tracking to determine the most successful and innovative ways to engage customers and drive category sales. One way to drum up shoppers’ interest is through the unique and timeless Blue Sticker, which consumers know means high quality. Chiquita introduces a new series of stickers each quarter, whether they be flowery designs to celebrate the arrival of spring or turning the Blue Sticker pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The company has also gotten pretty creative with its stickers, and made a super team-up, this year partnering with the animated adventure movie THE LEGO® MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART. The movie featured the introduction of Banarnar—a LEGO banana character. Over a four-week period though the movie’s February 8 North American release, more than 300 million Blue Stickers in the U.S. and several European countries featured characters from the movie, including Banarnar, of course, as well as a code allowing fans to play online games and win themed prizes in the “Chiquita Build For a Chance to Win” promotion. Unique codes can also be found on the Chiquita Facebook page, which are posted daily throughout the promotion.

Chiquita conducts in-store testing and campaign tracking to determine the most successful and innovative ways to engage customers and drive category sales

And, Jamie added, Chiquita knows the advantages of technology when it comes to marketing and is not shying away from making tech strides.

“In 2018 Chiquita pioneered AR/VR expertise in fresh produce aisles across America, partnering with Shazam to engage with shoppers by taking them on an innovative journey to learn about the brand’s ‘Behind the Blue Sticker’ initiative,” Jamie told me. “By scanning the Chiquita sticker, shoppers accessed an AR experience via the Shazam app that transported them into the tropics and followed the journey of a banana from Chiquita farms in Latin America, to the port facility, right across the Atlantic, and all the way to their kitchen table via their favorite grocery store.”

The partnership paid off for Chiquita, as over 16 percent of users worldwide scanned the sticker, and in the U.S., the campaign captured the brand’s coveted millennial audience—69 percent of total users.

Through the end of May, SnapCodes will appear on 200 million Blue Stickers, allowing fans to virtually “peel back” the sticker to tap into three exciting new experiences

And Chiquita hasn’t stopped there, as the company has most recently partnered with Snapchat to engage shoppers. During the month of April—in honor of World Banana Day on April 17—consumers are encouraged to participate in a new promotion. Through the end of May, SnapCodes will appear on 200 million Blue Stickers, allowing fans to virtually “peel back” the sticker to tap into three exciting new experiences.

With all these promotions and developments, it’s not hard to see why Chiquita is so excited for the show. CPMA offers Chiquita the opportunity to connect with Canadian customers and showcase its product offering across the Canadian market. The unique connections that Chiquita will make at CPMA allows the company to get its message out about its brand values.

“Chiquita’s focus is to bring to market a banana that is premium quality, and that pleases the consumer—not just with the taste and appearance, but also with the intrinsic qualities of the banana itself. Chiquita continues to invest in logistics programs for a fresher and more premium quality banana. At Chiquita, we want to make sure that our iconic Blue Sticker stands for both sustainable bananas and our inspiration for doing well and giving back. Efficient and sustainable business processes throughout the whole supply chain with a healthy, motivated workforce is at the core of how we run our company.”

To go ‘nanners with Chiquita, visit booth #909 at this year’s CPMA Convention and Trade Show.
