Fri. March 15th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

WOODBURY, MN - I recently had the opportunity to speak with Christy and Chuck Krejci, Co-Founders of Vegetarian Traveler, to learn about the product line that’s helping vegans, vegetarians, and the health-conscious alike add plant-based protein to their diets and their stores’ departments.

As vegetarian eaters for nearly four decades, Christy and Chuck often struggled to find an adequate amount of protein while on-the-go, in social settings, or traveling. Their answer? Develop Vegetarian Traveler Protein Toppers®, an easy addition of 15 to 17 grams of plant protein to virtually any meal.

Christy Krejci, Co-Founder, Vegetarian Traveler“Up until we introduced Protein Toppers®, there was not a product like it—where you could have 15-17 grams of protein and open up the package and drop it, really, on any type of food you’re eating—whether it’s a salad, yogurt, an entree,” Christy told me. “Our customers drop it on spaghetti, soups, sandwiches, stir fries, on cereals hot and cold. So, wherever you are, you can get that additional plant protein.”

Christy and Chuck let me know that, while the impetus behind the product seems intuitive, they waited nearly 20 years, thinking that the easy on-the-go protein addition was sure to come about any day. Eventually, the two decided, they would introduce the product themselves.

“We decided that, not only vegans and vegetarians, but also flexitarians and specialty groups like fitness enthusiasts and people with special medical diets want to eat more vegan or plant protein. We’re finding a wide range of groups, actually, that are interested in plant protein. It’s on-trend, as you know,” Christy explained. “So, a few years ago, we started in our kitchen. We came up with some recipes. We tested them on our family and friends, who we called our brave recruits.”

Vegetarian Traveler’s Protein Toppers line allows eaters to supplement their meals with protein—without sacrificing taste

From those humble beginnings, Christy and Chuck would put together a Vegetarian Traveler’s Protein Toppers line that allows eaters to supplement their meals—without sacrificing taste—regardless of flavor profile or day-part.

Chuck Krejci, Co-Founder, Vegetarian Traveler“Our brand promise is that you can put it on almost any food and it works harmoniously. The trick was figuring out what’s going to work as well on top of a salad as it will on a stir fry as it will on top of a yogurt as it will on top of a cold cereal that you’re having for breakfast in the morning,” Chuck noted. “Until now very few people—probably nobody—would think, ‘Oh, I’ll put some roasted legumes and protein crisps on my breakfast cereal in the morning.’ That just doesn’t happen. But this food that we’ve created is so perfect for putting on top of a cold cereal—or an oatmeal.”

Vegetarian Traveler is currently available in three varieties—a Tri-Soy Medley, a Pepita & Soy-Pea Medley, and a Garbanzo & Soy Medley—to foodservice and retail customers—as well as directly, online. The company continues to produce product and is beginning to push into national retail markets and into colleges and universities—where Protein Toppers are fast finding traction with students embracing plant-based eating trends. Vegetarian Traveler products are currently available from UNFI and SuperValu.

The product keeps up with all these trends: convenience, portability, very clean label,” Chuck explained. “It’s certified vegan, made with all non-GMO products (some organic ingredients), and all of them are naturally gluten free—just like avocados are gluten free. We just don’t engage in the use of products that contain gluten. We’re not grain-based in any way. And no nuts for that matter either. It is the easiest and most versatile way to add a lot of clean plant protein to any meal, anytime and anywhere!”

For more fresh food news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Vegetarian Traveler

Fri. March 15th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

VALENCIA, CA - Sunkist is packing its bags and bringing a bit of bright California sun to Eastern Canada this April. The marketing cooperative that offers more than 40 varieties of fresh quality citrus is gearing up to bring fresh California and Arizona-grown fruit to the 2019 Canada Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) in Montreal, Canada.

Christina Ward, Director of Communications, Sunkist GrowersFor generations, our cooperative of thousands of citrus growers across California and Arizona have shared the highest quality citrus with the world,” said Christina Ward, Director of Communications. “Our fruit is eating great, and we’re excited to bring this experience and our excellent quality citrus to CPMA.”

According to a press release, Sunkist’s more-than 40 varieties include oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, tangerines and tangelos, lemons, and limes, with seasonal favorites including: Sunkist Navel oranges, Blood oranges, Sunkist Delite® and Gold Nugget mandarins, Cara Cara Navel oranges, lemons, Minneola tangelos, Ojai Pixie tangerines, and California Star Ruby grapefruit. All these and more will be featured and ready for tasting at the Sunkist “We Are Citrus” booth.

Sunkist offers more than 40 varieties of fresh quality citrus

With California citrus season in full swing, Sunkist has a massive variety to choose from as a result. This season, Sunkist will offer customizable promotional and merchandising programs that support the ample volumes available.

Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing, Sunkist“Our volumes are up across all citrus categories, and retailers have a great opportunity to promote their favorite varieties with a number of different marketing vehicles,” said Director of Retail Marketing Julie DeWolf. “Oranges, mandarins, and Minneola tangelos have larger crops with smaller fruit sizes, and as a result, it’s a great season to promote bagged citrus. We have the ability to cater to our customers’ unique needs, and we take this customizable approach to drive demand.”

 Sunkist citrus is at the top of its 2019 season including oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, tangerines and tangelos, lemons, and limes

Throughout the season, the strong need for juicy, sweet, and seedless Sunkist Navel oranges continues to increase, alongside its specialty counterparts, the Cara Cara Navel and Blood oranges. In addition, Sunkist fresh citrus will be available now through May, including Minneola tangelos, California W. Murcott and Gold Nugget mandarins, and Ojai Pixie tangerines. Sunkist typically offers limes and grapefruit all year-round and now the California Star Ruby grapefruit is available through October. Sunkist will be providing a spectrum of organic citrus as well.

CPMA attendees can visit the Sunkist “We Are Citrus™” booth (#1315) for a live demonstration by Chef Jill Davie, who will be preparing and sampling several varieties.

Sunkist Growers

Thu. March 14th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

YAKIMA, WA - Superfresh Growers’ signature apple, the Autumn Glory®, enjoyed a boost in sales in the month of January. As stated in a press release, the apple was up 103% in volume and 83% in sales, which was higher than any other variety in the top 20. Autumn Glory also broke into the top 20 at #17. Superfresh Growers expects continued growth as the apple’s momentum stretches out over the nation.

Mike Preacher, Director of Marketing, Domex Superfresh Growers®“The 2018-2019 apple and pear season started out slowly, but we are happy to see this turn around in January. We hope retailers continue to promote pears and apples into the summer months,” said Mike Preacher, Director of Marketing.

The root varieties such as Gala and Honeycrisp have been the workhorses of the apple category, according to a press release. The two varieties represented nearly half of all apple dollar sales in January. The top five apple varieties were rounded out by fan favorites (in order) Fuji, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious. Gala apples are flying off the shelves, with double-digit dollar growth. Gala topped Honeycrisp in volume, with 56.8 million pounds, followed by Honeycrisp at 35.9 million pounds.

Superfresh Growers’ signature apple, the Autumn Glory®, enjoyed a boost in sales in the month of January

Organic momentum persists in both apples and pears. Organic apples accelerated to 10% growth in January. Double-digit growth should continue to be the norm as this category continues its momentum. In organics, Gala dominates as number one, at $14.4 million, and accounting for 33.6% of organic apple dollars. Honeycrisp follows at $9.5 million. The top five organics are rounded out by Fuji, Granny Smith, and Pink Lady, pushing Red Delicious to number six, as reported in the press release.

Organic momentum persists in both apples and pears

Pears are seeing powerful growth conventionally, and phenomenal growth in the organic category. Formally, Bartlett is on top with double digit growth in both volume and dollars. Anjou, Bosc, Red Pears (all varieties combined), and Asian pears round out the top five. According to the press release, in organics, Anjou dominates, accounting for 47.6% of the category in dollars. Superfresh Growers is one of the largest organic pear growers, and anticipates continuing its year-long Northwest pear supply based on IRI Freshlook™ data.

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, Domex Superfresh Growers®“We have been receiving amazing feedback this year from chefs, consumers, and retailers. Rachael Ray Every Day told us how delicious they are. It is such an honor to represent an apple that makes people happy and feel inspired to create something delicious in the kitchen,” explained Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager.

Superfresh Growers owns the Autumn Glory apple and holds the exclusive worldwide rights to grow and sell this uncommon apple variety. Autumn Glory apples have a very sweet, firm flesh with hints of cinnamon and subtle notes of caramel. The apple will be available this season from November through April, but as volumes increase, the apple will be available year-round.

Domex Superfresh Growers®

Thu. March 14th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

BAKERSFIELD, CA - New varieties and a new packing house? Is it Christmas already? Not for me, but for Vanguard Direct, it certainly seems like it. I spoke with the company’s CEO, Craig Stauffer, and Chief Business Development Officer, Dirk Winkelmann, to learn more about how the fully integrated company continues to expand its global grape empire.

“Our new varieties offer consumers great taste with large, crispy, and crunchy berries. We are introducing ‘new’ consumers to the category who did not know until now just how delicious and satisfying a grape could be,” Dirk told me. “They are perfect for the lunch box, snacking, on the dinner plate or in a salad—not just on the charcuterie board! For retailers and wholesalers, we have ignited excitement in the category, creating merchandising opportunities, higher retail rings that the consumer has demonstrated a willingness to pay.”

With its new grape varieties, Vanguard Direct is introducing ‘new’ consumers to the category

The new varieties of which he speaks include:

  • Sweet Celebration ® - Red Seedless
  • Jack’s Salute ® - Red Seedless
  • Sugar Crisp® - Green Seedless
  • Sweet Globe ® - Green Seedless
  • Ivory ( Sheegene 21) - Green Seedless
  • Sweet Sapphire ® - Black Seedless
  • Sweet Favor® - Black Seedless

With all these new varieties, you want to ensure their utmost freshness. Craig informed me that the latest tech in its packing house gives Vanguard the capability of pre-conditioning its grapes, which means that the team gets the fruit out of the field and into a controlled environment quickly.

Craig Stauffer, CEO, Vanguard“This is where a more efficient and humidity-controlled pre-conditioning and first stage packing process exists, all with state-of-the-art cold chain management,” Craig explained. “The new facility also allows for a range of packing styles and types—a significant advantage when packing multiple varieties for all types of customers (retail, wholesale, foodservice, e–commerce) in over 25 countries—with superior cooling and cold chain control.”

Vanguard Direct's new packing house features the latest tech that gives it the capability of pre-conditioning grapes

For next season, buyers and consumers should look forward to the following new varieties:

  • AUTUMNCRISP® - Green Seedless - March / April 2019 - 2020
  • Midnight Beauty ® - Black Seedless - January / Feb 2019 / 2020
  • Adora ® - Black Seedless - March / April 2019/2020
  • Icon Firestar(s) - Red Seedless - January / February 2019 /2020
  • Allison® - Red Seedless - March/April 2019 /2020
  • Candy Hearts ® - Red Seedless - February/ March 2019 / 2020

“We grow only seedless IP varieties, proven to produce the best possible eating experience for the consumers, which means repeat sales and increased velocity of sale for our retail partners,” Craig said.

To keep up with the latest in fresh produce, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Vanguard Direct

Thu. March 14th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

JAKARTA, INDONESIA - You’ve heard of expensive melons, berries, and mangos, now get ready for price-defying durian! That’s right, the notoriously pungent fruit is joining the upper echelon of pricy produce after a rare variety hit a market in Indonesia with a price tag of $1,000.

The Guardian reported that the extravagant durians first popped up in a shopping center in Tasikmalaya, West Java, where they were displayed lavishly atop red satin and fake flowers—the only way to sell luxury fruit if you ask me.

According to news source LatestLY, the expensive durians are known as “J-Queen,” a new, rare variety created by Aka, a 32-year-old psychology major, after he crossbred two different Indonesian durians. Unlike its conventional kin, the new variety is round and yellow gold with a peanut butter taste. In addition, the J-Queen tree allegedly only bears fruit once every three years, adding that once-in-a-while allure to the price tag of the buzzy item.

Unlike its conventional kin, the new variety is round and yellow gold with a peanut butter taste

“My intention is to improve the welfare of farmers by creating superior durians,” Aka said to the news source. “I have had durian gardens in Kendal, Pekalongan, Banyumas, Pangandaran, and Gunung Tanjung, Manonjaya,Tasikmalaya.”

While a social media frenzy occurred back in January when headlines first proclaimed the upscale durians were available for purchasing, at the time of publishing, only two durians had been sold.

Will this rare and luxurious variety make its way onto menus celebrating the King of Fruits, giving it a new market to wow consumers? Stick with us at AndNowUKnow as we continue to bring you the best fruit and veg coverage.

Thu. March 14th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

HOUSTON, TX - One of the U.S.’s largest grocers is partnering with tech company Nuro to launch a new program and bring autonomous grocery delivery services to Texans. The two companies first launched their autonomous delivery fleet in Scottsdale, Arizona, in August last year, and later expanded to include Nuro's custom vehicle, R1, marking the nation's first fully unmanned delivery service available to the general public.

Yael Cosset, Chief Digital Officer, Kroger“Our Arizona pilot program confirmed the flexibility and benefits provided by autonomous vehicles and how much customers are open to more innovative solutions,” said Yael Cosset, Kroger's Chief Digital Officer, in a press release. “It's always been our shared vision to scale this initiative to new markets, using world-changing technology to enable a new type of delivery service for our customers. We operate 102 stores in Houston—an energetic market that embraces digital and technology advancement. The launch is one more way we are committed to sustainably providing our customers with anything, anytime, and anywhere, the way they want it.”

Through their first pilot, both companies have successfully and safely completed thousands of deliveries to customers in Scottsdale. According to that press release, Kroger and Nuro’s Scottsdale pilot proved the companies' combined technology and digital expertise can transform the grocery delivery experience.

Kroger is partnering with tech company Nuro to launch a new program and bring autonomous grocery delivery services to Texans

With the upcoming launch, Kroger and Nuro will transfer the autonomous grocery delivery program to Houston for the next phase of the pilot, creating precedent for the two to scale up operations throughout the U.S.

Dave Ferguson, Co-Founder, Nuro “We've seen first-hand in Arizona how enthusiastic customers are about getting their Kroger groceries delivered by a Nuro self-driving vehicle,” said Nuro Co-Founder, Dave Ferguson. “Texas has been a leader in encouraging self-driving innovation, and we're excited to help deliver that future for Houston—a dynamic, diverse, and welcoming metropolitan city that we're excited to soon explore and serve with this autonomous delivery service.”

Kroger and Nuro will begin the service with Nuro's self-driving Toyota Prius fleet and will introduce the next generation of the custom driverless vehicle later this year. Autonomous same-day and next-day delivery services will be available seven days a week through, servicing Houston residents in four local zip codes through its 0306 South Post Oak Road, Houston, TX, and 5150 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, TX, locations.

With the upcoming launch, Kroger and Nuro will transfer the autonomous grocery delivery program to Houston, Texas, for the next phase of the pilot

Will Kroger and Nuro continue to expand their partnership, scaling their autonomous delivery services nationwide? Could a fleet of robots be the next step in getting fresh food into customers’ hands? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Nuro Kroger

Wed. March 13th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

NOGALES, AZ - The tomato situation in Mexico is getting a whole lot more complicated, as the Department of Commerce announced its intent to withdraw from the Tomato Suspension Agreement, according to the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA). The association claims that up to 33,000 American jobs will be at risk and tomato prices for U.S. consumers will rise.

According to the FPAA press release, a small group of wealthy tomato farmers associated with the politically connected Florida Tomato Exchange (FTE) are pushing for changes to interstate commerce norms, in an attempt to dominate the tomato market. The FPAA recently submitted a letter to Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to voice its concerns.

Lance Jungmeyer, President, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas“The truth appears to be that leaders of the Florida Tomato Exchange (FTE) are on a campaign to portray themselves as the victims to trade while leveraging U.S. trade law to corner the market and drive out competition,” said FPAA President Lance Jungmeyer in a press release.

The FPAA has estimated that even with a conservative 5 percent reduction in supplies of Mexican tomatoes, consumers would wind up paying up to 25 cents more per pound at the grocery store, or up to $790 million per year more for tomatoes, according to a cited University of Arizona report.

“This decision has an immediate bearing on the future of our businesses,” wrote Jungmeyer in the letter to Secretary Ross. “Our sole purpose is to fulfill the needs of American consumers, who have voted with their pocketbooks and taste buds in favor of Mexican tomatoes.”

The Department of Commerce announced its intent to withdraw form the Tomato Suspension Agreement, with the FPAA claiming that up to 33,000 American jobs will be at risk and tomato prices for U.S. consumers will rise

America’s demands for vine-ripened tomatoes, tomatoes-on-the-vine, romas, cherry and grape tomatoes, and organics in recent decades has been increasingly filled by farms in Mexico—a region with a climate uniquely suited to tomatoes. A supply chain has built up that supports over 33,000 U.S. jobs and nearly $3 billion in U.S. GDP.

The FPAA urged the DOC to continue the Tomato Suspension Agreement, which prevents expensive duties on Mexican tomatoes, ensuring continued supplies of consumers’ preferred tomatoes. The letter also makes major claims about the nature of the FTE’s interest in pulling out of the Suspension Agreement.

“In the tomato suspension agreement case, our members are being besieged by a handful of wealthy Florida tomato grower/importers intent on reducing competition from their U.S. import competitors,” the letter said.

Florida farmers continue to grow gassed-green tomatoes—a process from before World War II, where tomatoes are picked green and then artificially “de-greened” in gas rooms with ethylene gas. Consumer demand for the gassed tomatoes has soured, with shoppers instead preferring vine-ripened tomatoes from other growing regions. The FPAA claims that instead of focusing on Mexico, the FTE should be looking internally to improve the products it is delivering to consumers.

According to a FPAA press release, a small group of wealthy tomato farmers associated with the politically connected Florida Tomato Exchange (FTE) are pushing for changes to interstate commerce norms, in an attempt to dominate the tomato market

“Meanwhile, Florida Tomato Exchange and its handful of large, wealthy growers blame Mexico for their change in production totals over the last 15 years, instead of pursuing innovations that would win consumer favor,” said the letter.

According to the press release, the FTE claims harm coming from Mexican tomato imports, despite having been driving investments and partnerships in Mexico.

“It simply is not fair for Commerce to bow to pressure from these few FTE companies and hold hostage the renegotiation of the Tomato Suspension Agreement,” stated the letter. “This is especially unfair when you consider that a significant portion of these same companies are major growers, importers, purchasers and resellers of the very Mexican tomatoes they claim as the source of their demise.”

AndNowUKnow will continue to deliver updates on the Tomato Suspension Agreement as the story develops.

Fresh Produce Association of the Americas

Wed. March 13th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

CAMP HILL, PA - Like Ariana and Pete, Albertsons and Rite Aid just weren’t meant to be. After months of courtship, the powers that be (read: investors) just couldn’t fathom a grocery darling and a drug store giant uniting and, ultimately, the two chains agreed to part ways. Now, post-failed-merger, Rite Aid is focusing on itself, announcing organizational restructuring, worth $38 million, and a leadership shakeup that will include John Standley stepping down from the CEO position.

Bruce Bodaken, Chairman of Board of Directors, Rite Aid“Rite Aid’s Board of Directors is committed to more closely aligning the structure and leadership of the company with our present scale and today’s announcement is an important step in positioning Rite Aid for future success,” Bruce Bodaken, Chairman of Rite Aid’s Board of Directors, said in a press release. “These are difficult decisions and we recognize the implications they have for individuals across our organization. However, it is imperative we take action to reduce the cost of current operations and become a more efficient and profitable company.”

Moving forward, Rite Aid plans to consolidate and even eliminate senior leadership and managerial roles, which could amount to cutting over 400 jobs—20 percent of the corporate positions located at the chain’s headquarters. The job cuts will be implemented immediately and completed by 2020 and aim to save approximately $55 million.

Rite Aid is announcing organizational restructuring, worth $38 million, and a leadership shakeup that will include John Standley stepping down from the CEO position

Additional leadership changes include the following, all effective immediately:

  • Bryan Everett will succeed Kermit Crawford as Chief Operating Officer of the company as Crawford exits Rite Aid
  • Matt Schroeder, former Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer, has been promoted to Chief Financial Officer, succeeding Darren Karst who is leaving the company
  • Brian Hoover, former Group Vice President, Pharmacy, has been promoted to Chief Accounting Officer
  • Jocelyn Konrad, former Executive Vice President, has been promoted to Vice President, Pharmacy and Retail Operations
  • Derek Griffith, former Executive Vice President, Store Operations, is leaving the company

"The Board believes that now is the right time to undertake a leadership transition,” Bodaken continued. "We will be focused on recruiting a leader that will best position Rite Aid to create long-term value for shareholders. As we conduct the search process, John has agreed to stay until we appoint his successor. We thank John for his outstanding leadership in guiding the Company over the past several years. His leadership and expertise has been critical to ensuring the company's stability and success through an extremely challenging environment. In addition, we are confident that Bryan, Matt, and our senior leadership team have the capabilities and experience necessary to effectively guide Rite Aid forward. On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Kermit, Darren, and all the other departing associates for their service and contributions to the company.”

For more information regarding the leadership transition and Rite Aid’s restructuring plan, click here.

Will Rite Aid’s restructuring strategy place it back on its path, and even set it up for the possibility of a future grocery partner (a.k.a its Kate Beckinsale)? AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the latest news as it relates to grocery.

Rite Aid

Wed. March 13th, 2019 - by Alexis Schreiber

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has cited Paradise Produce LLC, Las Vegas, NV, for failure to pay for produce.

According to a press release, the company failed to pay $694,922 to 32 sellers for produce, which was purchased, received, and accepted in interstate and foreign commerce from February 2017 through November 2017. This is in violation of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). As a result of these actions, Paradise Produce LLC, is prohibited from operating in the produce industry until March 4, 2021, and then only after it applies for and is issued a new PACA license by USDA.

The company’s principals, Eugene Hickey, Michael Rosenblum, and William Rosenblum, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee until March 4, 2020, and then only with the posting of a USDA approved surety bond.

USDA is required to publish the finding that a business has committed willful, repeated, and flagrant violations of PACA, as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business during the violation period. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

The PACA Division, which is in the Fair Trade Practices Program in the Agricultural Marketing Service, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses that are operating subject to PACA, including buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers, and brokers within the fruit and vegetable industry.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 3,350 PACA claims involving more than $63 million. PACA staff also assisted more than 8,000 callers with issues valued at approximately $156 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service

Wed. March 13th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

KINGSVILLE, ON and AUSTIN, TX - Preeminent North American greenhouse company Mastronardi Produce® has announced a new partnership with John Paul DeJoria designed to increase access to quality, flavorful produce.

Paul Mastronardi, CEO, Mastronardi Produce“We believe everyone should have healthy and fresh produce options. John Paul shares our commitment, and we saw the potential to work together on this global high-tech farming initiative, which will focus on growing healthy food where it’s needed most,” said Paul Mastronardi, President, CEO, and the fourth-generation family member to lead Mastronardi Produce, in a press release.

According to that press release, the partnership will focus on developing Advanced High-Density Farming Systems to grow local fresh food in underserved markets around the globe.

Advanced High-Density Farming Systems are individual collections of existing and developing high-tech growing innovations and equipment. Each customized system will include cutting-edge growing facilities, revolutionary automation, water-saving irrigation, energy-efficient lighting, and state-of-the-art systems for monitoring growing conditions.

Mastronardi Produce® and John Paul DeJoria's partnership will focus on developing Advanced High-Density Farming Systems

The visionary behind Patrón® Spirits, the original ultra-premium tequila that was acquired by Bacardi Limited in 2018, DeJoria is a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, business leader, and mentor with a veritable rags-to-riches story. DeJoria is the Co-Founder & Chairman of John Paul Mitchell Systems®, the global luxury hair care brand, as well as ROK Group of Companies, which offers a diverse portfolio of products that improve the lifestyle of mankind around the world. Its latest launch, ROKiT, provides state-of-the-art mobile handsets and wireless connectivity to consumers at an unbeatable value.

John Paul DeJoria, Entrepreneur“Partnering with Mastronardi Produce was an easy choice,” said DeJoria. “I want to help revolutionize this industry so more people have access to fresh produce, and finally found the opportunity in partnering with Paul, who is a trailblazing force in the category. He pioneered high-tech berry growing, branded the first tomato, and led the way in plastic reduction—it is apparent that we share a passion for disruptive innovation.”

Mastronardi Produce, which operates under the SUNSET® brand, developed the first commercial greenhouses in North America and launched leading produce brands, including Campari® and Angel Sweet®. Both parties share a passion for creating environmentally sustainable and socially accountable businesses.

For more on this partnership and its efforts to provide the healthiest, freshest, and most flavorful produce possible to those who need it most, keep reading AndNowUKnow.