Thu. February 28th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

WENATCHEE, WA - It’s that time of year again, produce lovers! Everyone is packing their bags in anticipation for the flight down to Florida to attend Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) Southern Exposure. Here to hype us up even further is CMI Orchard’s George Harter, Vice President of Marketing, and Danelle Huber, Marketing Specialist, who let me in on what the company’s plans are for the show.

George Harter, Vice President of Marketing, CMI Orchards“We are really exited to showcase our Flavor of the World™ promotion, which allows retailers to highlight some of the tastiest apples discovered from orchards all around the world, grown both conventional and organically,” George shares. “We will also be showing our American Dream™ promotion, a promotion that is close to our hearts and allows retailers to give back to veterans and military families in their own communities.”

CMI Orchards will be showcasing its top apple brands at Southern Exposure with its marketing campaign, Apple Flavors of the World

In addition to these two programs, Danelle explains to me that CMI wants to highlight its 4th tier method of selling in the apple category.

Danelle Huber, Marketing Specialist, CMI Orchards“As the average retail price of branded and organic apples stays strong—or in some cases continues to rise—the additional designation of ‘branded organics’ can increase category sales even more,” she tells me. “Most retailers carry first, second, and third tier items, which are the conventional core varieties, organic core varieties, and conventional branded apples. The retailers that are benefitting from large profits in their apple category recognize the value in adding a fourth tier of selling to drive interest and excitement by offering an additional price point.”

CMI Orchards will be stressing the importance of 4th tier selling, which increases category sales

These fourth tier items are none other than CMI’s branded apples: KIKU®, Kanzi®, Ambrosia Gold™, and Envy®, all of which will be on display at Southern Exposure and readily available for samples.

“CMI is extremely focused on being our customers’ ‘one stop shop’ and proving assistance in all areas of our business relationship,” George adds when I ask him to elaborate on his intentions going into the show. “On top of growing quality pears and cherries, CMI offers seven of the top fifteen branded apples in sales dollars—according to Nielsen data—five of which we currently offer in our Daisy Girl Organics™ label, as well as all of the quality core varieties in both conventional and organic.”

Flavors of the World features seven of the top twelve performing branded apples from all over the world

Given the quality of Southern Exposure, its retailer attendance, and the networking opportunities available, Danelle impresses upon me that this show is especially valuable to CMI Orchards.

Be sure to pop on over and say hello to the team at booth #301! And for the latest in SEPC coverage, keep following us here at AndNowUKnow.

CMI Orchards

Thu. February 28th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

HOUSTON, TX - While fresh produce is meant to be enjoyed by everyone, we know that this tends to be a goal rather than a reality. But with Brighter Bites' boots-on-the-ground approach, this goal could just be achieved, and soon at that. With partners like Sysco/Freshpoint, Mann Packing, Taylor Farms, Southern Specialties, Church Brothers Farms, The Coastal Companies Foundation, Lipman Family Farms, D'Arrigo New York, Brothers Produce, PMA, Walmart, Target, and H-E-B, Brighter Bites is building produce-centric communities and assembling the next generation of fruit and veg enthusiasts.

Lisa Helfman, Founder of Brighter Bites packages produce. As more families get in on the action, communities across the country are coming together to live a healthier lifestyle

At the helm of this ginormous feat is Lisa Helfman, Founder of Brighter Bites and self-monikered the produce industry’s best friend—all I’m saying is that if you know Lisa, you know there’s no one who fits this role more. I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with the produce industry’s bff to learn more about the company that is turning a grandiose idea into the foundation of America’s grocery shopping and eating culture.

Lisa Helfman, Founder, Brighter Bites“Brighter Bites is unique in that we go the extra mile to get fresh produce into homes. We’re not just a children’s program because we’re influencing the decision-maker, the adult and parent, to get food to their families and help healthy behaviors become normal,” Lisa shared with me. “We’re also not just delivering products but creating co-ops in our schools that act as touch points. We’re not just handing out produce and we’re not just educating people—we are creating communities that eat fresh food.”

As part of its programs in Houston, Dallas, Austin, New York, Washington D.C., Florida, and soon an undisclosed West Coast location (stay tuned!), Brighter Bites requires parents to volunteer and participate in the co-ops. This requirement has brought an unforeseen wave of parent volunteers to schools where this has not been the norm. And as more families get in on the action, communities across the country are coming together to live a healthier lifestyle and support each other on that journey.

Brighter Bites is building produce-centric communities and assembling the next generation of fruit and veg enthusiasts

“Brighter Bites is introducing excitement and passion centered around produce, which is creating a better environment for people. As a result, things are happening that are bigger than the mission. The communities we align ourselves with feel cared for and empowered to live healthier lives,” Lisa said.

In addition, Brighter Bites sends kids home with 20-25 pounds of fresh produce per week, which includes 8 to 10 different varieties. But rather than leave the kids and their families to it, Brighter Bites takes the time to educate communities on the benefits and uses of fresh produce via in-class curriculum and information and recipes included in each student's produce bags. This has helped over 20 million pounds of produce reach and be incorporated into the lives of 265,000 individuals (including teachers) across more than 240 schools and summer camps since 2012. This year alone, Brighter Bites is working with nearly 25,000 families across the country, which Lisa noted wouldn’t be possible without its produce partners.

Brighter Bites takes the time to educate communities on the benefits and uses of fresh produce via in-class curriculum

“We are dependent on produce donations. The more produce we get donated, the more families and communities we can reach. We are so grateful to the organizations we’re already working with and are always on the lookout for new growers to partner with,” Lisa concluded.

If you’re a numbers person, check out Brighter Bites’ website for some hard-hitting data showcasing the truth behind the company’s efforts.

And, if you’re looking to see Lisa in action, she and the Brighter Bites team are headed to SXSW in Austin, Texas, to reach new audiences and change the conversation around fresh produce.

I’ll be the first to say it: Lisa Helfman for President 2020! It’s time to put produce back in the U. S. of A!

For more company profiles on those going great lengths to bring produce to the masses, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.

Brighter Bites

Thu. February 28th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

NEWARK, DE - It’s change time for the Produce Marketing Association and Center for Growing Talent, as the organization has recently named Doug Bohr as its next Executive Director. Longtime leader Margi Prueitt will be retiring after nine years at the helm, making way for Bohr to join the organization on March 20. Bohr’s role will be to oversee leadership for CGT, help advance its fundraising efforts, and continue to work to provide solutions to attract, develop, and retain the talent essential to the growth of the produce and floral communities.

Marty Craner, Board of Directors, Center For Growing Talent, and President, B&C Fresh Sales“The mission of CGT is hugely important to the future of our industry,” said Marty Craner, CGT Board Chair. “For those of us on the search committee, it was critical that the new Executive Director would be able to continue the work establishing CGT as the source of solutions and initiatives to attract and retain the best talent in our industry. We have definitely found that with Doug.”

In his role as Executive Director, Doug Bohr will oversee leadership for CGT, help advance its fundraising efforts, and continue to work to provide solutions to attract, develop, and retain talent

Bohr brings with him extensive experience in public programming in the nonprofit sector, serving most recently as Vice President of the Philadelphia Zoo—a position he held since 2017. His role as Vice President included overseeing the strategic planning, development, and implementation of new initiatives. Bohr also initiated a planning and evaluation unit aimed at improving the organization’s collection and use of data to measure impact and improve business intelligence. Before the Philadelphia Zoo, Bohr spent 12 years at the Pew Charitable Trusts where one of his successes was a three-part research study on the creation of a talent attraction and retention strategy for the city of Philadelphia. Margi Prueitt commented that Bohr’s wealth of experience in fundraising, program design, and public engagement will be crucial for his new role.

Margi Prueitt, Retiring PMA Senior Vice President, Center for Growing Talent“CGT is able to offer invaluable programs and initiatives for the produce and floral industry because of the great support of our board, volunteers, and our contributors,” said Prueitt in a press release. “I’m thrilled someone of Doug’s caliber and background will be taking the reins to continue to grow CGT’s impact.”

CGT’s portfolio serves individuals at all levels of their professional journey within the produce and floral industy. As business needs change based on factors like consumer demand and technological disruption, so does the need for high quality talent. It is essential to attract new talent, especially from the new batch of young people entering the workforce—something Bohr is eager to do.

Doug Bohr, Incoming Executive Director, Center for Growing Talent“This sector is poised for growth, particularly as issues of lifestyle, health, and sustainability are increasingly front-of-mind for today’s consumers and likely will be for generations to come,” Bohr said. “What will drive this growth is talent. Thanks to Margi’s leadership, CGT, working in close partnership with PMA, is well positioned to support the industry’s efforts to attract, develop, and retain talent with the diverse skills necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing world. Our ability to do so going forward will enrich the sector and benefit individual businesses across the supply chain. I look forward to leading CGT into this next chapter and working with our partners to tell the story of this industry as one of growth and opportunity.”

For more updates on corporate management musical chairs, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Produce Marketing Association Center for Growing Talent

Wed. February 27th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

WINDSOR, ONTARIO - LABELPAC is heading into March with renewed gusto, announcing an international expansion plan, a new partnership with Australia-based Label Press, and a revamped strategy to develop trust and relationships with growers around the world via its MOTOHEAD™ labeling system product.

LABELPAC offers its partners and customers 30 years of produce labeling experience. This experience coupled with its MOTOHEAD Print and Apply on-demand PLU labeling systems differentiates the company, which is one reason Label Press chose LABELPAC as its new strategic partner.

Sam Sleiman, President and Owner, LABELPAC“At LABELPAC, we are always seeking strategic partners that place customer values first and offer local support and service. With nearly 40 years, Label Press has proven their reputation working with packing houses in Australia to provide labeling solutions while building long-lasting relationships,” said Sam Sleiman, President and Owner of LABELPAC. “We look forward to working with and supporting Label Press, which will bring positive changes and options to the Australian and New Zealand markets. Our systems are offered in a multitude of configurations to accommodate [customers’] labeling requirements.”

LABELPAC announced an international expansion plan, a new partnership with Australia-based Label Press, and a revamped strategy to share its MOTOHEAD product

According to a press release, MOTOHEAD is the only labeler of its kind thanks to its ability to print on both high-quality, thin eco-friendly biodegradable glossy paper and polyethylene labels. In addition, the product touts the advantage of tracing back to the root of contamination via LABELPAC’s enhanced Item Level Traceability. It also helps customers save on label inventory because of the labeling system’s use of a multitude of generic PLU labels without the need to stock large label inventory.

“Since 1980, Label Press has provided quality printed labels and tags as well as innovative packing house solutions to the Australasian fresh produce industry. Along with LABELPAC’s expertise in fruit labeling technology and their internationally patent-pending and innovative Produce Lookup (PLU) labeling systems, Label Press can now offer unique options to PLU labeling requirements for the Australasian and New Zealand market,” said Cecil Hornbuckle, Director of Label Press. “Label Press has identified the MOTOHEAD system as proven technology that will facilitate smoother operations for Australasian growers and packing houses.”

On top of this new partnership, LABELPAC also has its eyes on expanding internationally.

“Recently, we added Peru, Germany, Australia/New Zealand, and Chile to the international team of distributors and label manufacturers,” continued Sleiman.

To stay apprised of powerhouse produce team-ups as they occur, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.


Wed. February 27th, 2019 - by Jessica Donnel

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Another hurdle has been placed in the way of President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall plan. The House of Representatives voted to pass legislation to cancel President Trump’s declaration of an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border that would allow his administration to build a wall there.

The House of Representatives voted to pass legislation to cancel President Trump’s declaration of an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border

The House passed this resolution by a vote of 245-182, according to Reuters, with all but 13 of the in-favor votes belonging to Democratic representatives. Next, a vote on the resolution will go to the Republican-controlled Senate. Though, regardless of the Senate’s vote, both chambers of Congress would need to rally a two-thirds majority ruling to override what seems to be an inevitable veto of the resolution by President Trump.

Representatives that supported the resolution, including Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, argue that President Trump’s unilateral declaration of an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border circumvents the powers given to Congress by the U.S. Constitution to allocate government funding. They believe this would set a dangerous precedent for future lawmakers.

President Trump, on the other hand, has pointed out that he believes he has the power to declare this emergency as a way to direct existing money for building a border wall because Congress has refused to fully fund the project thus far.

The House passed the resolution by a vote of 245-182

“The current situation at the southern border presents a humanitarian and security crisis that threatens core national security interests and constitutes a national emergency,” a White House-issued statement said.

Again, the resolution will make its next stop for a vote at the Senate, but garnering support for the two-thirds majority required for Congress to override President Trump’s likely veto of the resolution is doubtful at this point in time.

AndNowUKnow is continuing to monitor the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border closely, so keep checking back in with us for the latest.

Tue. February 26th, 2019 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

MCFARLAND, CA - Happy Carnival Day! Today is a day for widening the scope of what it means to partake in the joys of a carnival. I’m sure we all imagine the rides, the shows (both magical and musical), and who doesn’t think about the treats?

It’s Carnival Day, celebrating a classic way towns around the world see a bit more excitement than usual, and Sunview wants to bring that flavor directly to the produce aisle.

Mitchell Wetzel, Vice President of Sales, Sunview Marketing InternationalSunview has developed a brand that we call Sweet Carnival™. The flavor closely resembles a sweet carnival treat,” Mitch Wetzel, VP of Sales, shares with me. “We introduced the brand last year with smaller volumes for the market. This year, we are excited to say we will have commercial volumes of the brand.”

Today might be Carnival Day, but Sweet Carnival season is on its way to keep the flavor and fun in produce aisles through autumn.

“The timing of Sunview’s Sweet Carnival for 2019 will be from the end of August through October. Our availability will be longer and we will have more volume than other similar varieties,” Mitch says.

Sweet Carnival grapes are ‘as sweet as any carnival treat' according to VP of Sales Mitch Wetzel

This new variety is grown in California exclusively by Sunview Marketing, after having been naturally developed by combining several different varieties together to create a unique taste.

“It is actually fun to get people to guess and think about the grape if they don’t get the flavor immediately,” he smiles. “This engages the consumer in the sampling and purchase.”

Crisp to slightly soft in texture, Sweet Carnival is easy to bite through for kids and medium-sized, making it a great fit for any grape eater. The amber/yellow color, Mitch explains, is natural for this grape and means it’s sweet and flavorful.

Keep on the lookout for this exciting new addition at the end of next summer, just when consumers think they might have to bid farewell to carnivals!

Sunview Marketing

Tue. February 26th, 2019 - by Jessica Donnel

WASHINGTON, D.C. - I’m sure I don’t have to tell you all, but imports are a huge chunk of the U.S. economy’s fresh produce business. In fact, imports make up 32 percent of the fresh vegetables and 55 of the fresh fruit that U.S. consumers enjoy, according to the most recent FDA data. In support of that information, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., and Deputy Commissioner Frank Yiannas have outlined a new strategy to assure that all imports to the U.S. go through the same rigorous food safety standards that domestic product does.

Frank Yiannas, Deputy Commissioner, FDA, and Scott Gottlieb, M.D., Commissioner, FDA

“Today, we’re taking an important, new step to communicate how the FDA intends to use our modern toolkit by introducing a new, comprehensive, imported food safety strategy to address these challenges and opportunities,” said Gottlieb and Yiannis in a joint statement. Our new strategy is designed to meet four important goals…”

The four goals as outlined by Gottlieb and Yiannis are:

  • Preventing food safety problems in the foreign supply chain prior to entry into the U.S.
  • Effectively detecting and refusing entry of unsafe foods at U.S. borders
  • Responding quickly when the FDA learns of unsafe imported foods
  • Measuring our progress to ensure that our imported food safety program remains effective and efficient

The FDA outlined a new strategy to assure that all imports to the U.S. go through the same rigorous food safety standards that domestic product does

While the statement outlines several new and continuing FDA initiatives designed to help achieve those four goals, here are a few highlights:

  • The FDA will continue to inspect for the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) rule—this requires importers to verify that their suppliers are meeting U.S. food safety standards
  • The FDA has launched the Accredited Third-Party Certification program to prevent imported food safety problems prior to entry into the U.S.
  • Importers can apply for the Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP), which offers expedited review and entry of their food based on the safety assurances that the audits provide
  • The FDA will utilize a systems recognition program that recognizes other countries’ food safety systems and oversight activities, therefore the FDA can avoid conducting separate and repetitive inspectional oversight activities
  • The FDA will update its import screening and review processes at the U.S. border using its Predictive Risk-based Evaluation for Dynamic Import Compliance Targeting (PREDICT)—this is an automated import screening tool that helps the FDA to identify high-risk shipments of food offered for import
  • The FDA intends to optimize PREDICT by incorporating new sources of data from foreign supplier verification programs, voluntary importer incentive programs, accredited third-party auditors, foreign regulatory authorities, and domestic supply chain activities
  • The FDA will use data from multiple sources to optimize use of physical examination and to develop strategic and targeted surveillance sampling that targets the highest-risk products for sampling assignments
  • The FDA will improve the efficiency of its response to food safety incidents by using mandatory recall authority, import alerts, and improved information sharing with our regulatory partners as appropriate.
  • The FDA will be developing an improved global inventory of food facilities and farms to help optimize the FDA’s resource allocation for imported food safety oversight to areas of higher risk and help us strategically employ the full range of our regulatory tools as effectively as possible

To learn more about the FDA’s new strategy for food safety in imports, visit the administration’s dedicated website here. AndNowUKnow will be continuing to investigate just how this will affect suppliers and buyers in the produce industry, so keep coming back for the latest updates.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Tue. February 26th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

FALLBROOK, CA - Clearly, the avocado boom will not be slowing down anytime soon, as evidenced by Del Rey Avocado Company’s further expansion into Southern California. The company has been operating out of the same facilities in Fallbrook, CA, (in northern San Diego County) for five decades. In the last few years, the company has determined that it will soon outgrow the current Fallbrook facility, necessitating the search for a suitable location in the surrounding area.

The planned new facility comes on the heels of the company’s purchase of its latest facility in Vineland, NJ, in January 2017, which made Del Rey one of the few California-based companies with facilities on both coasts. The company then had to double its capacity to keep up with increased avocado consumption and outstanding customer relationships.

Bob Lucy, President, Del Rey Avocado“Our growth and expansion would not be possible without the support of our customers and the tremendous relationships we enjoy with them,” said Bob Lucy, President. “In addition to our customers, our employees are the key to our growth and success. Not a day goes by that we don’t count our blessings.”

Over many months the partner families—the Lucy’s and the Siemer’s—scoured the area for suitable land for the new facility. In a rare find, the search led to the discovery of a functional, modern existing warehouse facility in Vista, CA—only a short drive away from the company’s Fallbrook headquarters. The existing facility will allow the company to become operational in half the time, compared to building a new, custom facility. The new facility will add an additional 43,000 square feet of cold storage and ripening rooms to the existing footprint in San Diego County and will be conveniently located next to major transportation routes.

Del Rey Avocado doubles down on expansion with a new facility, upping its presence on both coasts

According to the press release, the Vista facility will service customers in the Western U.S. (primarily areas west of the Rocky Mountains) and imports from Mexico. As avocados become more of a staple in the American diet, the market in the Western and Southwestern U.S. only continues to grow. More and more retailers are adding additional SKUs where they traditionally carried only bulk avocados. Many retailers carry at least three different pack options, which research has shown increases consumer purchases. Rather than taking away from bulk sales, the addition of the SKUs has actually increased the overall sales of avocados. A Nielsen market research conducted on “berry patch” merchandising and other specialty commodities like artichokes proved that this merchandising strategy is extremely effective.

Bob Siemer, Chief Agronomist/Partner, Del Rey Avocado“Opening a new facility has long been our goal and desire to streamline our operations, improve efficiencies, and offer us an opportunity to be innovative in meeting the need of our customers,” commented Bob Siemer, Chief Agronomist/Partner. “The new Vista facility will also provide our growers many benefits as it will allow us to receive fruit faster and get products to market faster.”

The company anticipates that the demand for its fruit will only continue to increase over the next five to seven years, and is well positioned with strong growers and international procurement to keep up with the demand from retailers, foodservice, and, of course, consumers who are bonkers for avocados.

Will this new facility help Del Rey keep up with consumer demand? AndNowUKnow will keep you posted.

Del Rey Avocado

Tue. February 26th, 2019 - by Kayla Webb

AUSTIN, TX - Whole Foods is pulling a Mariah because she (Whole Foods) doesn’t know discount chain 365 anymore. Last month, CEO John Mackey informed staff in an internal email that Whole Foods was halting the growth of its 365 stores. This week, Yahoo Finance broke the news that the grocery retailer is moving forward with that plan. Rather than close the 12-store chain, Whole Foods will be converting its 365 stores into its original Whole Foods banner.

John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods Market“We have decided that it’s in the best long-term interest of the company to concentrate our efforts on growing the core Whole Foods Market brand moving forward,” Mackey wrote in the initial email.

While people close to the matter noted that the transformation will not be too disruptive, store signages, product assortments, and back-end distributions will be changing as Whole Foods refurbishes its 25,000- to 30,000-square-foot 365 stores to conventional supermarkets.

Phil Lempert, Grocery Industry Analyst, Supermarket Guru“Amazon is focused on making Whole Foods for the general population, not just an upscale more healthy minded population. They’re focused on Amazon Go, those stores, and they’re focused on delivery,” Phil Lempert, Grocery Industry Analyst at Supermarket Guru, told Yahoo Finance. “So, it [365 stores] really didn’t have a place to fit in what I think is the plan that Amazon has.”

Whole Foods has already converted a few of its 365 stores and is even working on turning unopened locations into its original brand. The plan in-full is set to be completed by the end of the year.

Whole Foods will be converting its 365 stores into its original Whole Foods banner

While many close to the matter have cited prices and low performance as reasons for this shift, could this new strategy also allude to something bigger up Amazon and Whole Foods’ sleeves? AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you up-to-date.

Whole Foods Market

Tue. February 26th, 2019 - by Robert Schaulis

PORTERVILLE, CA - Organic fresh produce marketer Homegrown Organic Farms recently added an experienced hand to its team in Parker Anderson. And this week, the company announced that Anderson has been promoted to the role of Sales Category Manager.

Parker Anderson, Sales Category Manager, Homegrown Organic Farms“I am excited to join this new organic adventure with the Homegrown team,” said Anderson, in a press release. “I appreciate the strong leadership and team mentality within the company as well as the strong focus on their core values.”

Parker brings eight years of industry experience to his new role—most recently serving as Sales Account Manager for a San Joaquin Valley grower/shipper.

In his new role with Homegrown Organic Farms, Anderson's initial responsibilities include a focus on sales and account management for the tree fruit and blueberry team

According to the company’s press release, Anderson will use his task-oriented nature to learn and promote the growth of the company. His initial responsibilities include a focus on sales and account management for the tree fruit and blueberry team at Homegrown.

Stephen Paul, Stonefruit and Blueberry Category Director, Homegrown Organic Farms“I’m excited to work with Parker,” noted Stephen Paul, Homegrown Organic Farms’ Stonefruit and Blueberry Category Director. “He’s dynamic and young and possesses solid skills and industry experience. With Parker’s extensive stonefruit knowledge our team will be poised and ready to service our growers and customers for the upcoming season.”

We at the AndNowUKnow team extend our congratulations to Parker and wish him and the Homegrown Organic Farms team the best.

Homegrown Organic Farms