Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by ANUK Staff

THERMAL, CA - North Shore Living® Herbs + Greens to debut new packaging innovation this week at PMA Fresh Summit in Orlando, FL.

Chris Wada, Marketing Manager, North Shore LivingChris Wada, Marketing Manager said, “Put simply, the products we grow, pack, and ship are truly unique because everything we deliver is quite literally still living with the roots connected for freshness. This means any changes—to packaging, for example—challenge us to create something entirely new. We believe this patent-pending Root Lock Technology helps illustrate that what we do is 100% rooted in providing every customer the freshest herbs and microgreens.”

North Shore Living® Herbs + Greens to debut new packaging innovation this week at PMA Fresh Summit in Orlando, FL

For context, North Shore Living® Herbs + Greens are grown in an organic growing medium, similar to peat moss, creating a “root ball” that locks in the herbs’ freshness. Since the late 90’s, they have spent years refining their 10+ acres of proprietary hydroponic greenhouse systems to achieve 3x longer shelf life than cut herbs.

Chris comments, “While being original is important to us, listening to customer feedback is critical to any future success we hope to achieve. That is why we are quite pleased that this latest packaging innovation – developed exclusively for our clamshell line of fresh herbs, checks both of those boxes.”

As the company behind The Original Living Herbs®, they find satisfaction from inventing customer-centric solutions. That’s why this year at PMA Fresh Summit they are excited to add the all new Root Lock™ Technology to their existing clamshell line of Mini Greenhouse™ packaging.

This year at PMA Fresh Summit, North Shore Living® is excited to add the all new Root Lock™ Technology to its existing clamshell line of Mini Greenhouse™ packaging

Benefits of Root Lock™

  • Eliminates potential for loose debris in package
    • Separate compartments for plant and roots
  • Enclosed roots are held secure in-transit
    • Limits damage during shipping by air or truck
  • Root compartment doubles as watering cavity
    • Convenient solution for consumers
  • Improved merchandising for retailers
    • All plants are perfectly positioned to highlight the roots

The new patent-pending clamshell design will be applied to all 3 of their clamshell sizes currently offered, starting with the regular clamshell towards the end of next month. For existing customers, there are no changes required, the new packaging fits in all existing merchandising displays.

To learn more, check it out in the New Product Showcase or visit them at PMA booth 4163 (where they are handing out ice cream popsicles made with their living herbs and drizzled with dark chocolate).

North Shore Living®

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

OXNARD, CA - Something big happened to me this year: I turned 30! This huge milestone was one I was so excited to reach, but Mission Produce has got me beat. The avocado distributor is ringing in its 35th year of providing the pretty green fruit by announcing its 35 Years of Innovation intiative at PMA Fresh Summit. There, the company will highlight its ingenuity over the years and showcase what’s ahead, as Mission Produce continues to carve out its path and lead the industry in exciting new ways.

Steve Barnard, President and CEO, Mission Produce“For the past 35 years, we have been risk-takers,” noted Steve Barnard, President and CEO. “This avocado revolution is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we do not plan on slowing down anytime soon. It’s only half-time.”

The long list of accomplishments is a mile long, but one of note is the company’s position as a pioneer for the nationwide U.S. avocado ripening program. This initiative was the first to commercially import avocados from Chile, and the first to open an avocado ripening and distribution center in China, according to a press release.

Jim Donovan, Senior Vice President of Global Sourcing, Mission Produce“Mission simply pays attention and seizes opportunities,” said Jim Donovan, Senior VP of Global Sourcing. “We will continue to capitalize on being the most innovative and quality-centric avocado handler in the world.”

Innovation is a core value for Mission Produce. The company attributes success to this foundational characteristic, as it operated in nine countries and owns eleven ripening facilities in North America, Europe, and China. Team members and partners who have helped put Mission Produce at the forefront of innovation are one of the many ways the company is thankful.

Ross Wileman, Senior VP of Strategic Initiatives, Mission Produce“Although we have grown tremendously in the last 35 years, our core values remain the same. Our employees abide by the acronym FIRST, which stands for fun, innovative, reliable, successful, and trustworthy. We will continue building this business by investing in relationships, living by the motto ‘work hard, play hard,’ and showing our partners our devotion for success. We are looking forward to connecting with everyone at PMA and celebrating this momentous occasion,” said Ross Wileman, Senior VP of Strategic Initiatives.

Part of Mission Produce's Innovations include its size-minded program, opening ripening and distribution centers, and creating new packaging

So, it's settled: 35 Years of Innovation is the theme of my birthday party in five more years' time because, as Mission knows and has tapped into, everyone likes to celebrate fabulous achievements.

Congratulations on this milestone, Mission Produce. We look forward to seeing what creativity you bring to the industry’s table moving forward!

Mission Produce

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Anne Allen

CORAL GABLES, FL - We are less than a week away from PMA Fresh Summit and suffice it to say, the industry is practically humming with excitement. One such company excited to show off its products and programs is Del Monte Fresh Produce. I caught up with Dionysios Christou, Vice President of Marketing, to find out what the company will be showcasing.

Dionysios Christou, Vice President of Marketing, Del Monte Fresh“This will be our first PMA since the acquisition of Mann Packing Co., Inc. earlier this year, so we are focused on showcasing how we are a leading supplier of both fresh fruit and vegetables,” Dionysios begins. “Del Monte Fresh Produce’s goal is to offer wholesome and convenient, fresh and valued-added fruit and vegetable products to consumers whenever and wherever they are making food choices. Bringing Mann Packing into the Del Monte Fresh Produce family puts us in the ideal position to meet the needs of today’s consumers.”

These consumers, Dionysios explains to me, are the driving force behind Del Monte’s products.

Honeyglow™ Pineapple has high shell color that entices consumers to think again about a familiar favorite

“Consumers are seeking out convenient ways to add more fruit and vegetables to their diet and Del Monte Fresh Produce is ideally positioned to deliver products that meet this demand,” he shares with me. “We’re constantly looking for ways to bring new and convenient products to market that encourage consumers to eat more wholesome foods. For example, we’ll be showcasing our new Honeyglow™ Pineapple at the event this year. This new product has high shell color that entices consumers to think again about a familiar favorite.”

For those attending this year’s Fresh Summit, Dionysios wants you to know that the company is committed to bringing market innovations that help consumers make healthier food choices—which is only one of the reasons you should stop by booth #2901 to say hello.

Del Monte Fresh Produce is celebrating the holiday by launching its Go Bananas for a Healthy Halloween promotion

“With over 125 years in the produce business, some delegates might think they know Del Monte, but there are always lots of exciting new products and developments in an innovative business like ours,” Dionysios tells me. “From bringing Mann Packing into the family and our Go Bananas consumer promotion, to our ongoing commitment to sustainability and our recently announced partnership with Rene Produce LLC. Delegates should stop by our booth to find out more.”

If all of those reasons didn’t entice you, Dionysios shares with me that Del Monte will be launching a fun consumer holiday promotion in November—details which will be revealed at its booth. Be sure to stop by and see for yourself!

Del Monte Fresh Produce 

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

LAKE ELSINORE, CA - The produce industry is a wearer of multiple hats and a group that has a never-ending knack for new skills. Prometo Produce, an importer of avocados, blackberries, and, now, blueberries, is but one example of why the produce industry is known for excellence, and one that’s leading the charge of keeping our industry up-to-date and in every nook and cranny around the world.

I spoke with Edward Guerra, Account Manager, to learn more about Prometo Produce's newest program and why its booth should be PMA show-goers number-one stop this weekend.

Edward Guerra, Account Manager, Prometo Produce“Prometo Produce tripled sales in blackberries last season compared to the previous one. With the growing demand we received from our customers, we decided to start importing blueberries as well,” Edward tells me. “We received our first blueberry shipment last month, and we are expecting to continue until March.”

Available from September to March, Prometo Produce’s blueberries are delivered to the company’s customers in top-notch quality and 12 oz clamshells. While Mexico experienced quite a bit of rain this year, blueberries were not notably affected. Edward also notes that blueberries are in high demand at the moment—one of the key reasons why Prometo is excited for this season and the ones to come.

Prometo Produce will offer 12 oz clamshells of blueberries, fresh from Mexico to the North American market

“Our mission is to be different in how we adhere to quality, customer service, and how we treat our employees. We set our quality standards very high since we hand pick every blueberry from the field. While we do not have high volume yet, we are slowly easing into yielding higher volume as we continue to expand our berry program,” Edward says.

With operations expanding across all programs—the company also offers blackberries from September to May and avocados year-round—Prometo is currently honing in on the North American market, while also meeting the international needs of its newest partner: one of China’s leading grocers, Alibaba.

Blueberries are in high demand in the market, which Prometo Produce hopes to capitalize on

“We have so much to share at this year’s PMA. We are excited to be exhibiting again this year at one of the biggest trade shows in the industry. We expect to meet with all of our customers and welcome all potential business partners. We hope to not only sell well but build the crucial foundations of relationships,” Edward reveals.

To learn more about Prometo Produce and its growing blueberry, blackberry, and avocado programs, stop by booth #408 at this year’s PMA Fresh Summit.

Prometo Produce

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

YAKIMA, WA - When I say the team at Sage Fruit is busy, I mean busy. Between the end of cherry season, rolling right into apple season, and then a greatly expanding stonefruit season, this company has a very full plate—one its sharing with consumers everywhere.

Chuck Sinks, President of Sales and Marketing, Sage Fruit“With PMA Fresh Summit a few days away, we really want to make sure attendees know just how fast we are growing as a company,” Chuck Sinks, President, Sales and Marketing, tells me. “Last year, we had a little over 100 thousand cartons of stonefruit. This year, we’ll have well over one million. And in 2019, with the introduction of organic peaches and nectarines into our portfolio, we anticipate even more growth to come.”

With a hot August putting an end to a high-quality cherry season at the front end of the month and apple season rolling right up in its place, Sage Fruit is also expanding in the form of new packaging for its most popular treefruit varieties. At the company’s booth #927, Chuck will help debut a new 5 lb pouch bag that will capitalize on the 2018-2019 season’s large apple sizes.

New 5 lb pouch bags will debut at PMA Fresh 2018, capitalizing on this season's large apple sizes

“Pouch bags are becoming more popular in the produce department as they make the produce stand upright for a cleaner display,” Chuck explains. “We will be offering this bag for popular varieties like Gala, Granny Smith, and Fuji, but will also provide a generic bag that retailers can use for any other variety they would like to offer. The new 5 lb bag is an excellent way to merchandise the larger-sized fruit we’ve been growing this season.

Also new on the apple front this year is a new variety available to its retail partners: Smitten®. Sage Fruit partnered with Honey Bear Tree Fruit to provide the unique apple—a cross pollination of Gala, Braeburn, Fiesta, and Falstaff. To celebrate the new variety, the company is promoting its own Smitten contest that offers a chance to win a Sample Case of Smitten Apples and a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

Sage Fruit is promoting Smitten® apples with a contest to win a Sample Case of Smitten Apples and $100 Amazon Gift card

Organics, as Chuck mentioned are perhaps Sage Fruit’s most pressing area of growth in the coming seasons. Organic peaches; nectarines; Gala, Granny Smith, Fuji, and Pink Lady apples; and pears are all on the agenda.

“All these areas of growth point to one main goal for Sage Fruit: to become a one stop shop supplier,” Chuck surmises. “Over the last four years, our team has worked hard to have a strategic plan and to keep growing our organic and apple programs.”

Want to see the fruits of Sage Fruit’s labor for yourself? Visit Chuck and the team at PMA Fresh Summit booth #927 and sink your teeth into all of it.

Sage Fruit

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

ORLANDO, FL - Riding the crest of the fresh trend, Sunkist has announced plans to continue meeting crazy consumer demand; the citrus provider announced its readiness to service customers and end consumers with more than 40 varieties of fresh quality citrus for the new season, along with innovative ideas, new packaging, merchandising displays, and promotional programs to drive citrus sales.

Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing, Sunkist“Specialty citrus is about education and experience for consumers,” said Director of Retail Marketing Julie DeWolf, in a press release. “Sunkist has a wide array of retail marketing programs, including sampling, digital coupons, high-graphic secondary display bins and in-store point-of-sale materials that highlight flavor profiles, nutritional benefits, and recipes to build awareness, drive trial, and increase sales.”

The company noted that growth continues in a number of specialty varieties such as sweet, seedless, and low-acidity Cara Cara navels and savory, rich blood oranges. And once consumers taste these varieties, the company notes, research suggests that consumers become abiding fans of these unique flavor profiles and come back for more.

Growth continues in a number of specialty varieties such as sweet, seedless, and low acidity Cara Cara navels and blood oranges

Sunkist offers lemons, limes, and grapefruit year-round and also offers a number of seasonal specialty varieties, including: sweet-tart pummelos; Texas Rio Star, Florida, Sweetie, and Melo Gold grapefruit; and sweet, easy-peel Satsuma mandarins. Specialty lemons are growing in demand, the company noted, along with the category, creating opportunities for seedless, pink variegated Zebra™ lemons, and Meyer lemons.

Sunkist Delitemandarins are set to begin shipping in early November—with higher volumes than last year’s inaugural season. Delite mandarins boast a sweet taste, seedless flesh, and easy-to-peel rind—and are sure to serve as a “must-have” driver of sales for retailers looking to capitalize on the mandarin category’s unprecedented growth.

Throughout winter and spring, several additional varieties will be available such as minneola tangelos, royal and gold nugget variety mandarins, and Fairchild and Ojai pixie tangerines.

Sunkist Delite™ mandarins are set to begin shipping in early November

The company also offers a range of organic citrus in promotable volumes.

The company is also promoting its California grown navel oranges—a sweet, juicy, seedless variety that’s an excellent source of vitamin C. Perfect for a healthy and a versatile ingredient for seasonal and everyday recipes, navels will feature in Sunkist’s 2019 limited edition “Year of the Pig” 10-pound gift carton—with a special-themed marketing element specifically geared towards the Lunar New Year celebration.

Retailers can also boost sales using Sunkist’s secondary display options to promote citrus outside the produce section in departments such as seafood and liquor.

Interested parties can stop by Sunkist’s “We Are Citrus™” booth#2443—to learn more about the company’s offerings and its comprehensive selection of marketing support—including customizable promotional and merchandising programs that can be tailored to unique needs.


Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

BENTONVILLE, AR - During its annual investor meeting, Walmart’s President and CEO Doug McMillon voiced a surprising sentiment for one of grocery’s biggest players. While Walmart’s leadership team discussed how the company is shaping its future, moving with speed, and innovating for tomorrow, McMillon also told investors to “expect [Walmart] to test a lot and fail a lot.”

Walmart held its annual investor meeting on October 16, 2018

The CEO also announced that Walmart was lowering its earnings forecast for the year, noting its e-commerce growth next year would not be as incremental as this fiscal year ending in January. Specifically, Walmart revealed its earnings would be taking a hit from its $16 billion acquisition of Flipkart, which Walmart had initially expected to affect earnings by only 25 to 30 cents. Following the meeting, Walmart’s shares were up 2.1 percent at $95.85 per share, according to a report by ET Retail, despite its less-than-ideal forecast.

Doug McMillon, President and CEO, Walmart“We’re adapting and transforming with speed to better serve our existing customers and reach new ones,” McMillon said in a press release prior to the meeting. “We’re operating with discipline, balancing our short- and long-term opportunities. While we’re excited about what we’ve done so far, we aren’t satisfied. As we execute today and build for tomorrow, our associates and unique omnichannel assets position us for success.”

According to a company press release, Walmart projects fiscal year 2020 to include the following:

  • Consolidated net sales growth: At least 3 percent in constant currency, negatively affected by deconsolidation of Walmart Brazil and planned tobacco sales reduction at Sam’s Club
  • Comp sales growth: Walmart U.S. +2.5 percent to +3 percent increase
  • Walmart U. E-Commerce Net Sales and Growth: Around 35 percent
  • Walmart International net sales growth: Around 5 percent in constant currency
  • Consolidated Operating Income: Decline by a low-sing digit percentage range
  • Grocery Pickup and Delivery: Approximately 3,100 grocery pickup and 1,600 grocery delivery locations by year-end fiscal year 2020
  • Capital Expenditures: Approximately $11 billion; strong focus on store remodels, customer initiatives, e-commerce, technology, and supply chain
  • New Units: Walmart U.S. expects to open fewer than 10 stores; Walmart International expects to open slightly more than 300 new stores primarily in Walmex and China

How will Walmart’s forecast affect its position in the grocery retail race as we finish out 2018? AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the latest.


Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Anne Allen

CASTROVILLE, CA - Ocean Mist Farms’ fall consumer promotion is underway! The campaign actively educates and incentivizes shoppers to incorporate artichokes and Season and Steam® products in their meals. The strategy includes a Fall Flavor Giveaway sweepstakes, food influencers and brand ambassadors, geo-targeted mobile couponing technology, targeted social media advertising, and strategic media placements—all in an effort to ignite sales and drive in-store demand.

Diana McClean, Senior Director of Marketing, Ocean Mist® Farms“We know that this time of year can be especially busy for our shoppers, and we want to make sure they know that our products are perfect for a quick, delicious, and nutrient-packed meal,” said Diana McClean, Senior Director of Marketing. “We have invested in a marketing strategy that we know increases sales based on coupon redemptions. The Fall Flavor Giveaway is another fun, on-trend, and engaging promotion to elevate this message and inspire shoppers to purchase our products during the months ahead.”

According to a press release, the promotion timeframe aligns with the fall holiday season and all the eating occasions that come with this busy time of year. Ocean Mist Farms wants to elevate its artichoke and Season & Steam vegetable line as a fresh, flavorful, and convenient solution for holiday entertaining as well as every day meals.

The campaign actively educates and incentivizes shoppers to incorporate artichokes and Season and Steam® products in their meals

For this reason, the promotion utilizes the support of two key food influencers, Chrissa Benson from Physical Kitchness and Kaleigh McMordie from Lively Table, who will be stepping up to educate and empower consumers to incorporate Ocean Mist Farms products into their holiday meal plans.

Additional campaign investments include Carissa Bealert, registered dietitian and nutritionist, who will represent the brand in 6 televised media segments to emphasize the nutrition and simplicity of these items, and iBotta—an easy to use couponing app—to generate trial, which the brand’s influencers are encouraging their readers and viewers to take part in.

Ocean Mist Farms' new strategy includes a Fall Flavor Giveaway sweepstakes, food influencers and brand ambassadors, geo-targeted mobile couponing technology, targeted social media advertising, and strategic media placements

To further incentivize, every week between September 27 through November 9, shoppers can enter the Fall Flavor Giveaway for a chance to win an Instant Pot® Duo 6-Quart cooker and receive a free Instant Artichoke e-cookbook full of quick and easy meal inspiration.

To learn more about how Ocean Mist Farms is igniting sales for its retail partners, visit the team at booth #1132 at PMA Fresh Summit!

Ocean Mist® Farms

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

LOS ANGELES, CA - There’s less than a week left until the great PMA Fresh Summit, and if you’re still wondering what your game plan is to ensure your show experience this year is positively wonderful…well, the only tip I have is to stop booth #3443 to see The Wonderful Company.

With too many product debuts, innovations, and marketing campaigns to list, The Wonderful Company is taking PMA by force with a mega-booth to match its mega-year. I spoke with Adam Cooper, Vice President of Marketing, to see if I could tease out some spoilers of what the company has up its sleeve pre-PMA.

Adam Cooper, Vice President of Marketing, The Wonderful Company“PMA is a great place for everyone to get together and talk about what’s working and what the opportunity areas are across the industry. We at Wonderful love to highlight all the great things we’re doing,” Adam tells me. “For the first time ever, we’re going to have a new separate booth next to our core booth that highlights the Wonderful story. The second booth will talk about vertical integration across all our orchards and plants, as well as all of our social responsibility efforts. This year, we’re excited to feature that whole story, from seed to shelf, to the retailers.”

Over the last ten years, The Wonderful Company has invested over one billion dollars into brand marketing and building iconic healthy brands. To celebrate this milestone, the company is launching its first-ever ongoing consumer campaign that features the entire Wonderful portfolio—from Halos to POM to Pistachios, and even Fiji Water—in one Times Square billboard. Adam reveals that more than half of U.S. households buy a Wonderful product each year and that the new billboard aims to increase that number by connecting the dots between all of Wonderful’s brands.

The Wonderful Company is expanding its Wonderful Pistachios line with new No Shell flavors—Honey Roasted and Chili Roasted

“This is the first time we’ve ever done something like this,” Adam says. “All of Wonderful’s brands are refreshing, healthy and iconic, and we want consumers to see the Wonderful name and know they can trust it, no matter what new flavor, variety, or brand we’re promoting. The ad just launched and should be in Times Square now!”

In addition, The Wonderful Company is also expanding its Wonderful Pistachios line with new No Shell flavors—Honey Roasted and Chili Roasted—which will be on display for consumers to see before the product launches in mid-2019.

Wonderful is launching its first-ever ongoing consumer campaign that features the entire Wonderful portfolio—from Halos to POM to Pistachios, and even Fiji Water—in one Times Square billboard

“The No Shells Pistachio brand has grown 30 percent, becoming the fastest growing snack brand in its category—progress we’re very excited about. Now we’re treating the new No Shells like a new brand, which includes in-store POS and advertising programs that will keep consumers excited about the No Shells Pistachio brand until the new flavors’ official release next spring,” Adam notes.

And, if you haven’t been keeping up with Halos’ and POM’s latest accomplishments, Wonderful will be celebrating those as well in Orlando. That means The Wonderful Company’s booth will showcase the exciting new Times Square billboard, the new packaging for the new No Shells flavors as well as Wonderful Pistachios’ football-themed POS, and the new Halos POS materials including the new Halos fruit stands and the last-season favorite Halos trees.

Adam chimes in, “And, of course, you can get as much POM Wonderful as you want.”

Sounds like the booth to be at, if you ask me!

The Wonderful Company

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

THE WORLD - It’s officially fall when the pumpkin voyages set sail. No, I don’t mean those necessary trips to the grocery store to grab the carve-able produce and delicious pies—I am talking about contests that look to giant pumpkins as a means of transportation and sport. In Lohmar, Germany, a paddle contest invited participants to hollow out giant pumpkins to create a boat and paddle across the Kewelshofer Lake. This was the third annual event, which required contestants to paddle over 35 meters.

Contestants paddle their giant pumpkin boats during the traditional pumpkin race in Lohmar, Germany October 3, 2018. (Photo Credit: Reuters/David Sahl)

The pumpkins are grown for the race and must weigh at least 550 pounds to minimize the risk of capsizing, according to Reuters.

“It was hard fighting against the wind to get anywhere, but when you are in the groove, it works. I imagined it would be more difficult,” competitor Mailin Matuschek shared.

Some attendees and participants in the festivities were surprised by the contest works.

“I actually thought that after a few meters you would fall in,” Matuschek’s sister Jana-Mai said.

Those who raced the fastest in the six categories won $230 in prize money or $345 if they chose to paddle in their own pumpkins.

Pumpkins are grown specifically for the race and must weight at least 550 pounds. (Photo Credit: Reuters/David Sahl)

Germany isn’t the only country tapping into the fun to be had by boating in the seasonal produce. Contests like this are popping up all over the world. Elk Grove, California, recently held its annual pumpkin regatta competition, while, all the way across the states, another pumpkin-boating contest was held in Damariscotta, Maine. The tradition has deep roots in Nova Scotia, which held its 20th annual pumpkin regatta contest in Windsor.

These competitions have proven to be a great way to incorporate the produce essential into seasonal fun in unique ways.

Hmm, paddling a pumpkin in chilly water…it’s the simple things in life!