Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

REIDSVILLE, GA - Shuman Produce announced its third installment of the company’s social media campaign, How to Speak Southern. Slated to run through July 7, the program aims to educate consumers on the uniqueness of Vidalia® onions.

John Shuman, President & CEO, Shuman Produce

“Consumers are interested in learning more about where and how their produce is grown, and conveying that information in an interactive way is key to our communication and consumer education,” said John Shuman, President and CEO, in a press release. “Vidalia onions are extremely unique in that they can only be grown in a 20-county region in Southeast Georgia and are only available a few months out of the year. This promotion is a great way for us to share our story and build excitement around RealSweet® Vidalia onions.”

Through a combination of social media, an online quiz platform, recipe videos, and Vidalia onion facts, the campaign aims to engage consumers and create brand awareness.

"How to Speak Southern" promotion

The company noted that the highlight of this campaign is the “Can You Speak Southern?” quiz, housed on a campaign website that tests knowledge of phrases used throughout the Southeastern United States. Once consumers have taken the quiz, they can enter to win weekly giveaways for RealSweet Vidalia onions and swag, along with the grand prize awarded at the end of the campaign—a Big Green Egg Grill. With Vidalia season positioned during summer grilling months, the grand prize ties both the onion and grilling season together.

"The goal of this campaign is to increase brand awareness in a fun way that helps us to connect to our consumers and drive incremental sales associated with Vidalia sweet onions,” added Shuman.

For the latest in marketing strategies and know-how, keep following AndNowUKnow.

Shuman Produce

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

BRAWLEY, CA - Legend Produce’s 2018 Origami cantaloupe is in peak production out of Brawley, CA, and Yuma, AZ.

The Legend Produce Origami melon season is off to a strong start as the 2018 domestic season begins. Not only is the company one of the first to market, but the crop is showing excellent quality. “It’s always very exciting, and we are thankful to see demand for Legend Produce’s Origami continually increase,” Barry Zwillinger tells me.

Origami Cantaloupes with a high brix index

As demand has increased, Legend Produce, along with its growing partners in Brawley and Yuma, has been increasing production and Origami contracts every year since 2013.

“The Origami melon is a unique full slip western shipper with characteristics that include high brix, deep orange flesh color, amazing aroma, and an unmatched flavor,” Barry says.

Origami Cantaloupes from Legend Produce

May is always an exciting time at Legend Produce, as Barry explains that Origami vines are popping with melons, adding that Origami is the only melon variety he has seen that can be grown this early in the year without experiencing the same spoilage as other early varieties.

“There is no other variety on the market that can match what Origami does. You have Caribbean harper-type cantaloupes that look good with high brix but do not have the flavor and aroma that you see in our western shippers,” Barry adds. “In-store retail sales data year-after-year has shown that consumers prefer Origami. We have retailers requesting only Origami cantaloupe in their stores during May.”

The domestic harvest of Origami cantaloupe has begun! With Origami growing at all of its farms in California and Arizona, you can count on Legend Produce to provide all of your domestic cantaloupe needs throughout the entire season.

Legend Produce

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

EL SEGUNDO, CA - Beyond Meat® is hitting the road for its latest expansion plans! Looking to broaden its distribution and availability to six continents, Beyond Meat is turning The Beyond Burger® into a global sensation after announcing partnerships with a select group of foodservice organizations and distribution centers across 50 countries, including Germany, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Israel, UAE, Korea, Taiwan, and South Africa.

Ethan Brown, CEO, Beyond Meat®

“The company has found extensive success in the U.S. market, doubling sales in 2017 and increasing distribution of our portfolio to more than 27,000 grocery stores and restaurants,” said Ethan Brown, Founder and CEO. “Reflecting rapid demand growth in the United States and sustained interest from international markets, we’ve taken steps to significantly increase our production capacity. These additions make it possible for us to support international launches, building upon the successful 2017 introduction of the Beyond Burger in Hong Kong.”

Beyond Meat® The Beyond Burger®

And global expansion isn’t the only item of business Beyond Meat is working to check off its list. Earlier this year, Beyond Meat also announced it was beginning construction on its new Los Angeles-based research and innovation facility. The new facility will allow for a seven-fold increase of the existing R&D footprint, cut production scale-up timelines in half, and enable the company to bring a new product to market every year, according to a company press release.

With the goal of positively impacting human health, the environment, and animal welfare by replacing center-plate protein with plant-based meat, it looks as if there’s no slowing Beyond Meat’s roll as it eyes a full-on global takeover. For more on all the different ways produce is capturing hearts and taste buds around the world, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Beyond Meat®

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

ZAANDAM, THE NETHERLANDS - Ahold Delhaize has had a quarter worth celebrating! The company reports solid sales growth and higher margins for its recent quarter—which has resulted in marked growth for operating income, as well as strong growth for net income at constant exchange rates.

Dick Boer, CEO, Ahold Delhaize"We are pleased with our performance during the first quarter, proving that the execution of our Better Together strategy continues to bear fruit, delivering sales growth and synergies throughout the business. Benefiting from our scale and building on our leading positions on the U.S. East Coast and in Europe, our great local brands demonstrated their capabilities and agility to meet rapidly changing consumer needs and preferences,” Dick Boer, CEO of Ahold Delhaize.

Sales rose at 2.5 percent at constant exchange rates to €14.9 billion, or about $17.6 billion USD. What supported the growth was a solid performance in brick-and-mortar stores and strong online business. The company reports its underlying operating margin expanded to 4.0 percent from 3.8 percent in the same period last year. This growth was driven by synergies, Boer explained in the press release. Well on its way to realizing almost $6 billion USD in online consumer sales by 2020, the company’s net consumer online sales grew 23 percent across the group.

"The U.S. brands, which are reported as one segment as of January 1, reported improved comparable sales growth excluding gasoline of 2.8%, supported by the favorable impact of holidays and some weather impact. The underlying operating margin rose 30 basis points to 4.3%, driven by synergies and with our "save for our customers" program offsetting cost inflation. In a competitive market with new entrants, Food Lion reported its 23rd consecutive quarter of comparable volume growth, as its 'Easy, Fresh and Affordable' program is now deployed in more than 500 of its stores. Furthermore, online sales grew 9% across all our U.S. brands."

A Food Lion storefront

The Netherlands’ sales showed a growth of 3.2 percent, and in Belgium, sales grew 4.1 percent. In Central and Southeastern Europe, however, Romania’s sales grew 19 percent. This jump, Boer explained, was due to strong comparable sales growth and new store openings.

Ahold Delhaize office

A press release reported the following numbers:

  • Net sales of $17.65 billion USD, up 2.5% at constant exchange rates
  • Net consumer online sales up 23.2% at constant exchange rates
  • Underlying operating margin up 0.2%-point to 4.0%, underlying operating income over $710 million USD
  • Net income up 25.7% at constant exchange rates to over $482 million USD
  • Improved comparable sales growth in the U.S., with synergies driving further margin expansion
  • Encouraging sales trends in Belgium as a result of improved commercial and operational performance
  • Strong free cash flow of over $522 million USD, up $289 million USD, mainly due to improved net working capital

News of this tremendous growth comes on the heels of Ahold Delhaize’s announced succession plan for Boer, as we previously reported.

"With Frans Muller succeeding me as CEO on July 1, I am confident our strong leadership team will continue to drive innovation and growth in stores and online as we create value for all our stakeholders and live up to our promise to be a better place to shop,” Boer shared.

In addition to this big transition in the company's executive makeup, Ahold also announced that it is extending its option agreement with with Stichting Continuïteit Ahold Delhaize (SCAD), while also making other commitments to shareholders. The previous commitment expired on December 15th, 2018; however, that agreement will now extend 15 years beyond that date.

Another press release from the company outlines the following commitments with SCAD:

  • Within six months after the option is exercised, Ahold Delhaize will call a shareholders meeting to discuss the situation with shareholders.
  • Within one year after the option is exercised, Ahold Delhaize will call a shareholders meeting to vote on cancellation of the shares issued to SCAD; SCAD will not vote its shares on that matter.

For more fresh produce happenings, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.

Ahold Delhaize

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

WOODRIDGE, IL - Seaching for a fully-integrated software system is no easy task, and Capitol City Produce can attest to that. The company noted that it has been using two separate software systems to run its business of 71 years, and felt the need for a change. Looking to streamline operations, they searched for an all-in-one solution and found it in the form of Produce Pro Software.

Andrea Goodman, Director of Information Services, Capitol City Produce“After speaking with many other produce distributors, Produce Pro Software easily became the obvious choice,” said Andrea Goodman, Director of Information Services, in a press release. “When looking at potential software solutions, Produce Pro’s Core and Warehouse Management System were key factors in our selection process. Plus, they offer 24 hour support, have a dedicated research and development team, and their employees have extensive industry knowledge.”

Once Produce Pro was selected as the software of choice, implementing the new system was a breeze, noted Capitol City Produce.

Caleb Prejean, Director of Operations, Capitol City Produce“Previously, we were required to manage our operation utilizing and maintaining two separate systems which created double work for many of our employees along with several opportunities for inaccurate inventories,” commented Caleb Prejean, Director of Operations. “The move to Produce Pro has streamlined our processes and allowed more inventory control. This created confidence throughout our entire organization and eliminated the redundancy of multiple tasks; saving many man hours which can now be focused on other areas.”

Since transitioning to Produce Pro, Capitol City Produce employees from all departments have felt the positive effects and are extremely pleased.

“To be honest, switching over to a new system really scared me, and I thought it would be hard to learn everything, but it was easy. Now, I can’t imagine working without Produce Pro,” commented Brittany Ezell, Dispatch Clerk.

“Overall, the program is easy to use and navigate,” added Mike Fruge, Director of Sales.

There’s been only positive impacts since transitioning to Produce Pro, added Goodman. “Our Produce Pro team was incredibly knowledgeable, responsive, engaging, and helpful. We were extremely impressed. Produce Pro provided us with experts in every area of our operation. And, their team was onsite 24/7 during our go live week to assist each department with their specific daily processes and how-to questions. The transition was practically seamless to our customers, which was a bonus.”

Hoping to update your software system? Keep reading AndNowUKnow for the latest news in produce software.

Capitol City Produce Produce Pro Software

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MONTEREY, CA - Western Growers has again been announced as the Ag Technology sponsor at The Organic Grower Summit (OGS). The OGS is a joint production between California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and Organic Produce Network (OPN), and the event works to bring together organic growers, producers, and processors for two days of education, information, and networking opportunities. As the Ag Technology sponsor, Western Growers will help coordinate the attendance of technology companies as exhibitors and help facilitate elements of the technology area at the event.

Tonya Antle, Co-Founder, Organic Produce Network“We are thrilled to again have Western Growers WGA as part of OGS. WGA has taken a leadership position as it relates to technology for the fresh produce industry, working closely with growers and companies involved in the latest advances in automation and technology that will be vital to the future of organic farming,” said Tonya Antle, Co-Founder of OPN, in a press release.

Tech Alley at OGS 2017

Since 1926, Western Growers has represented local and regional produce farmers in Arizona, California, Colorado, and New Mexico. The company noted that its members and their workers provide over half the nation's fresh fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts. Western Growers also launched the Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology (WGCIT) in Salinas, CA. It was created to help identify industry priorities, develop technologies to address those priorities, and communicate progress to Western Growers’ fresh produce farmers.

Matt McInerney, Senior Executive VP, Western Growers“Following the success of our involvement in last year’s OGS, Western Growers is excited to again participate as the Ag Technology sponsor of this event bringing together various facets of organic growing and production. Our involvement in this visionary event reaffirms our commitment to driving innovation across all segments of the fresh produce industry,” said Matt McInerney, Senior Executive Vice President. “We look forward to working with the event partners, CCOF and OPN, as we mutually help the organic produce industry amidst challenging regulatory and marketplace demands, both now and into the future.”

Tech Alley at OGS 2017

For the latest in fresh produce news, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.

Western Growers

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

SUNBURY, PA - Weis Markets is, for its fifteenth straight quarter, reporting increased profits. The retailer, which recently announced a $101 million investment plan, announced the results of its first quarter fiscal 2018, noting improved sales, earnings per share, and net income.

Jonathan Weis, Chairman & CEO, Weis Markets“Our operating income was positively impacted by store improvements in overall efficiency levels, particularly with inventory management, which resulted in an improved store gross profit rate and our 15th consecutive quarter of comparable store sales increases,” said Jonathan Weis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, in a press release.

Highlights from Weis Markets’ first quarter include:

  • Sales increased 2.8 percent to $876.1 million compared to the same period in 2017
  • Comparable store sales, adjusted for the holiday shift, increased 1.5 percent
  • Net income increased 36.8 percent to $16.2 million compared to $11.8 million for the same period in 2017
  • Earnings per share increased 36.4 percent to $0.60 compared to $0.44 in 2017
  • Operating income increased 12.8 percent to $22.8 million

“Our operating income also benefited from store labor efficiencies, in which multiple winter weather events were a contributing factor, and improvements to some of our key marketing and advertising programs. We look to build on our momentum in the coming months,” noted Weis.

For more important retail news as it pertains to fresh produce, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Weis Markets

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

BENTONVILLE, AR - After weeks of back-and-forth, hearsay, and rumors regarding major grocery rivals Amazon and Walmart and their race for a top spot in one of the largest, fastest-growing economies in the world, Walmart has finally crossed the finish line first. Today, Walmart announced it has signed definitive agreements to become the largest shareholder in Flipkart, paying approximately $16 billion for an initial stake of approximately 77 percent, subject to regulatory approval in India.

Doug McMillon, President and CEO, Walmart“India is one of the most attractive retail markets in the world, given its size and growth rate, and our investment is an opportunity to partner with the company that is leading transformation of e-commerce in the market,” said Doug McMillon, Walmart’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “As a company, we are transforming globally to meet and exceed the needs of customers, and we look forward to working with Flipkart to grow in this critical market. We are also excited to be doing this with Tencent, Tiger Global, and Microsoft, which will be key strategic and technology partners. We are confident this group will provide Flipkart with enhanced strategic and competitive advantage. Our investment will benefit India providing quality, affordable goods for customers, while creating new skilled jobs and fresh opportunities for small suppliers, farmers, and women entrepreneurs.”

Doug McMillon, Walmart President and CEO, and Binny Bansal, Flipkart Co-Founder and Group CEO, shaking hands. On Twitter, Bansal wrote "Delighted to welcome @Walmart as our long-term partners in @Flipkart. This is the dawn of a new era for India's #StartUp ecosystem."

While this is Walmart's largest acquisition to date, the retailer's shares dropped four percent in early trade this morning as Walmart warned the deal would “dent earnings” in fiscal 2019 per share by 25 cents to 30 cents, according to a report by Reuters.

Steven Roorda, Portfolio Manager, Stonebridge Capital Advisors“We will not know for 5-10 years whether this transaction is successful strategically or financially,” said Steven Roorda, Portfolio Manager with Minnesota-based Stonebridge Capital Advisors, according to Reuters. “Walmart has a very poor track record operating outside North America.”

According to a company press release, Walmart expects e-commerce to grow at four times the rate of overall retail, with Flipkart specifically positioned to leverage its integrated ecosystem of localized service, deep insights into Indian customers, and a best-in-class supply chain, eKart, that serves more than 800 cities and makes 500,000 deliveries daily. In exchange, Flipkart will leverage Walmart’s omni-channel retail expertise, grocery and general merchandise supply-chain knowledge, and financial strength. Additionally, Walmart will also be supporting Flipkart’s ambition to transition into a publicly-listed, majority-owned subsidiary in the future.

Binny Bansal, Co-Founder and Group CEO, Flipkart“This investment is of immense importance for India and will help fuel our ambition to deepen our connection with buyers and sellers and to create the next wave of retail in India,” said Binny Bansal, Flipkart’s Co-Founder and group Chief Executive Officer. “While e-commerce is still a relatively small part of retail in India, we see great potential to grow. Walmart is the ideal partner for the next phase of our journey, and we look forward to working together in the years ahead to bring our strengths and learnings in retail and e-commerce to the fore.”

While Walmart and Flipkart will leverage the combined strengths of both companies, both will maintain distinct brands and operating structures. Walmart currently operates 21 Best Price cash-and-carry stores and a fulfillment center in 19 cities across nine states in India, which will continue to be led by Krish Iyler, President and Chief Executive Officer of Walmart India.

Image credit: Google Finance

Walmart's investment currently includes $2 billion of new equity funding, with ongoing discussions occuring with additional potential investors interested in joining the round, which could result in Walmart's investment stake moving lower after the transaction is complete. Despite this, Walmart would retain clear majority ownership.

Judith McKenna, President and CEO, Walmart International“Flipkart has established itself as a prominent player with a strong, entrepreneurial leadership team that is a good cultural fit with Walmart,” said Judith McKenna, President and Chief Executive Officer of Walmart International. “This investment aligns with our strategy and our goal is to contribute to India’s success story, as we grow our business. Over the last 10 years, Flipkart has become a market leader by focusing on customer service, technology, supply chain, and a broad assortment of products. With Flipkart and the other shareholders who have come together, we will continue to advance the winning of e-commerce ecosystem in India.”

For the full details of the transaction, click here.

Will Walmart’s largest deal ever pay off in the long run and give it an edge on the global grocery stage? AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the latest.

Walmart Flipkart

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

GUANAJUATO, MEXICO - As we make strides into 2018’s spring and summer seasons, there is more in bloom than our produce industry’s flowering crops. For Miguel Usabiaga, President of Mr. Lucky, this year has much to offer, including massive opportunities for growth, both with its harvest operations and product portfolio.

Mr. Lucky is promoting its brand-new crop of Mexican purple garlic, which is in season from now until November.

Miguel Usabiaga, President, Mr. Lucky“The purple garlic is looking better than ever, with good consistent sizing, large cloves, and great color. The amazing taste of Mr. Lucky purple garlic continues to surpass our highest expectations,” Miguel shares.

Garlic is not the only thing making waves for this grower. Mr. Lucky is also expanding its organic greenhouses to bring on a total of 25 new acres that are nestled in Guanajuato state of Central México.

Mexican purple garlic

“We’re expanding our organic greenhouse tomato offerings by about 20 percent this year,” Miguel says.

In addition to the added greenhouse acreage, the company is one of the first to use Plant Tape’s technology in Mexico, Miguel shares with me. In fact, Miguel tells me that 35 to 40 percent of its transplants will be using PlantTape technology by the end of the year. Mr. Lucky’s operations are implementing state-of-the-art practices to its offerings available for growing consumer demands.

Organic greenhouse tomatoes

Foodservice is a competitive field, and Mr. Lucky is quickly becoming a leader in the industry. Miguel sees a bright future and such an increased demand for value-added items, and the company is expanding and renovating production lines.

“We had to expand our production and capabilities because we continued to have increased demand for our products. Last year, we found that we were short for our current customers because we didn’t have enough product, so we had to increase capabilities to resolve that. The expanded acreage and value-added product offerings will increase sales by about 7-10 percent. It will allow us to better serve our customers and have more product to them on-time,” Miguel explains. “We’re also expanding our capacity for value-added products, including broccoli florets, leaf fillets, and mixed salads. We are also implementing the use of optical sorters. These sorters allow us to detect soil material, insects, and other items that might be going into product, ultimately allowing us to produce a safer, better product and reducing the risk of human error.”

Mr. Lucky greenhouses

Quality is looking delicious and only made more enticing by the processes that the company has implemented to ensure the highest standards for which Mr. Lucky is known.

One of the most attractive aspects of Mr. Lucky’s offerings, Miguel shares, is that it has full traceability—the end-consumers are wanting to know the story behind their product. The company offers this opportunity for consumers to get to know their produce’s origin, with full online access for the public, since the company controls both its Mexican and U.S. operations. The accuracy of Mr. Lucky’s traceability is unique.

Fresh garlic boxed by Mr. Lucky

“We’re always trying to exceed consumer demands and the customer’s experiences with service, availability, and new product offerings,” he says.

With so much on the horizon, Mr. Lucky seems not only lucky, but also determined, as it continues its growth efforts this year and beyond.

Mr. Lucky

Wed. May 9th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

VANCOUVER, BC - The cuteness of NatureFresh™ Farms' Tomberry tomatoes hasn’t diminished since they launched this past April. If anything, our obsession with them has only grown. Even though they’re credited by the company as “the world’s smallest tomato,” their flavor packs a large punch. Couple flavor with convenience, and you have the perfect on-the-go snack. But what makes these little guys truly stand apart from the crowd?

I talked with Matt Quiring, Key Account Manger, about the innovation behind this teeny-tiny tomato, and what’s in store for the Tomberry line-up.

Matt Quiring, Key Account Manager, NatureFresh™ Farms“[The] snacking category is growing as a whole right now. We’re seeing more of a value-driven approach toward flavor and convenience, so we find that snacking tomatoes are a really big hit going into retail these days,” Matt shares, continuing on to explain how they developed the Tomberry tomato. “We developed the Tomberry tomato through one of our seed partners. We thought that this had great potential in the future because of the uniqueness, size, and flavor.”

NatureFresh™ Farms Tomberry Tomatoes

The uniqueness of these tomatoes also make them a huge hit with kids, who love both the smallness and the sweet flavor. As TOMZ prepares for the summer season, NatureFresh's goal is to ensure that customers get the flavorful product they’ve been looking for, no matter their age.

Hear more about this tomato lineup in our brief video interview above.

NatureFresh™ Farms