Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

RIVERSIDE, CA - I don’t know about you, but when I feel like I’m good at something, it makes me even more eager to continue growing in that regard. Index Fresh seems to be on my same wavelength. The company recently dedicated a personnel webpage to highlight, what it has dubbed, Good Grows. The website shows that if you put good into something, like our industry, it will grow well as a result.

Giuseppe Bonfiglio, Fieldman, Index Fresh

“It’s incredible to think that Index has been around for more than 100 years. And back in 1914, hard work, honesty, and integrity were some of the values that the company was founded upon. Now, over 100 years later, these remain the pillars of our core values,” said Fieldman Giuseppe Bonfiglio. “Our word and a handshake still go a long way to growing our relationships and our business.”

Index Fresh avocados

Introducing some faces integral to the process of bringing quality fruit to the market, the website will enlighten visitors to the day-to-day happenings at the company, according to a press release, which will ultimately build relationships, respect, and reciprocity. The company’s new website will focus on its roots, reaching back from the market in which the produce is sold, to the packing facilities in which they are readied, and then again to the grove itself in which the produce is grown.

The company is highlighting those that bring the good into the avocado industry for over a century, as it showcases its very best personnel that have used the tools the company offers for success.

The company’s Good Grows can be explored in the following video:

Explore the new website here.

How will this new website spark interest in the company’s hand in our industry and beyond? AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you updated with the latest!

Index Fresh

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

ONTARIO, CA - Cardenas Markets has announced the completed re-bannering of 15 Mi Pueblo stores to the Cardenas Markets banner. This effort was a result of last year’s merger of the two Hispanic grocery chains. The re-bannering began with a remodel of the Oakland Mi Pueblo in December of 2017 and finished with the East Palo Alto and San Rafael Mi Pueblos, which reopened their doors on March 14th.

Cardenas Markets LLC

“We have great customers and team members throughout Northern California, and we are very happy to bring a new shopping experience to the communities that we are fortunate enough to serve. We are just getting started,” said John Gomez, CEO.

Cardenas Markets LLC

Cardenas remains competitive in the marketplace by providing consumers with a large assortment of high-quality products at a low price point, according to a press release. In addition to traditional grocery retail, Cardenas offers specialty products such as baked goods, ready-to-eat kitchen options, and made-from-scratch tortillas, which have proven highly popular.

To follow acquisitions and mergers as they progress, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Cardenas Markets

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

SALINAS, CA - While it seems like innovating in a category like corn may be next to impossible, Duda Farm Fresh Foods has taken up the challenge. The company, best known for its value-added line of celery and other veggies, introduced new tray-packed Super Sweet Corn last month at SEPC's Southern Exposure.

Duda Super Sweet Corn Trays

There, I had the opportunity to chat with Bert Barnes, Account Manager, to find out more about the company’s latest product line and just what sets Duda’s product apart from competitors.

Bert Barnes, Account Manager, Duda Farm Fresh Foods“It comes in 100 percent recyclable packaging,” Bert explained to me, noting that this packaging innovation will appeal to a younger consumer. “As far as the packaging, it’s going to go great with our other value-added items. It’s a high-graphic pack. It’ll look good on the shelf, and it’ll catch the consumers’ eyes.”

Duda Super Sweet Corn

With super-sweet varieties sourced from Florida, Georgia, and Michican, Bert noted, Duda’s Super Sweet Corn tray packs will be available year-round and nationwide.

To learn more, watch our short video interview above.

And to learn more about product innovations in fresh produce, stick with us at AndNowUKnow.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

BAKERSFIELD, CA - From soups and stews to salads and even just as a standalone side, there are few vegetables in the climbing root category as steadfast as carrots. Beyond enjoying a consistent cameo alongside Bugs Bunny, carrots enjoy constant demand no matter the season, Western Veg Pro’s Dylan Lym took the time to share with me.

Dylan Lym, Western Veg-Pro“While we might currently be in our peak for jumbo carrots, demand is consistent throughout the year,” Dylan shares.

Likewise, its provider has to be just as constant. With that in mind, Western Veg looks to provide jumbo carrots, ideal for foodservice providers, all through the year.

“In addition to true consistency, which is ideal for providers looking to offer customers the same experience no matter the location, the biggest thing to note with Mexican jumbo carrots especially is that there is less waste thanks to their cylindrical shape,” he explains.

Shipping significant promotional volumes from the kick off of the New Year through mid-June out of Nogales, Arizona, Dylan tells me this is the largest carrot program to come through that port before shifting to McAllen, Texas, for the remaining June through December.

Western Veg Pro Carrots

“We’ve noticed Mexico jumbo carrot varieties pop out on the plate with a deeper orange than other carrots. With the brighter color and higher brix giving a sweeter flavor, it’s perfect for menu displays,” he adds.

Available under Mr. Duke, Western Veg Pro, and Baby Girls labels, keep an eye out for these popular characters as you look to enhance your root trend offerings in restaurants and beyond.

Western Veg Produce

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

NEW YORK, NY - The subject of the latest whirlwind of acquisition rumors in retail has lost one of its top executives this week. According to an article by Fast Company, Boxed CFO Naeem Ishaq’s departure from the company was announced by an internal email on March 14.

Chieh Huang, CEO, Boxed“Naeem is a world-class financial talent,” said CEO Chieh Huang in a statement to Fast Company. “Over the last two years, he has been indispensable in helping build and grow Boxed to what it is today. We will miss his energy, focus, and enthusiasm for our company. Perhaps his greatest legacy is building a well-versed finance team that will continue to focus on evolving the Boxed platform.”

Shopping with Boxed

In the weeks before news of Ishaq’s exit was announced, speculation ran rampant that companies such as Kroger and Amazon have been shopping around at a possible acquisition of Boxed. As we previously reported, Kroger offered Boxed $400 million for its business, according to Bloomberg, but the offer was quickly rejected. And in January, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos met with Huang at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters to discuss a possible deal. Costco and Alibaba have also been considering a possible acquisition, reported Fast Company.

Naeem Ishaq, CFO, BoxedIshaq originally joined the company in June 2016 after his departure from Square, where he served as head of finance, strategy, and risk. Fast Company noted that he is the third executive to leave Boxed in recent months, with the company’s head of its business-to-business division, Behzad Soltani, having left in February and its executive in charge of merchandising, Heather Mayo, having left in September.

Where does this leave Boxed as the continued target of retail’s affections? AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you the latest.


Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

GOODLETTSVILLE, TN - Following the announcement of a strong fourth quarter in 2017, Dollar General announced plans to step further into the fresh produce arena. In total, the company has plans to reach 450 remodeled stores that will include fresh produce, as well as strategic initiatives to keep it on the road for success.

Todd Vasos, Chief Executive Officer, Dollar General

“During the year, we continued to make progress on the implementation of our key initiatives as we seek to capture growth opportunities over both the short and long-term. Our SG&A investments in 2017 were focused primarily on increased compensation structure and additional training for our store managers, as they play a critical role in our customers' experience and the profitability of each store,” CEO Todd Vasos said in a recent conference call the company held. “We also continue to make proactive and targeted investments in support of key strategic initiatives that we believe will help further differentiate us from the competition over time. I'll provide additional details on two of these initiatives pertaining to the digital and non-consumable strategies later in the call.”

He goes on to point out that the company’s financials include the following:

  • Full-year net sales increased 6.8 percent to $23.5 billion, compared to 2016’s $22 billion—net sales for 2016 included $398.7 million from the 53rd week; therefore, this year’s 52-week fiscal year net sales would reflect the growth rate by about 2 percentage points higher
  • Same-store sales for the year jumped 2.7 percent in comparison with 2016, making this the 28th year the company has seen same-store sales growth
  • Same-store sales growth for the fourth quarter, specifically, jumped 3.3 percent in comparison with 2016’s fourth quarter as a result of positive performance in consumables and non-consumable categories, with consumables showing more growth
  • For the full year, diluted EPS was $5.63; adjusted diluted EPS was $4.49
  • For the fourth quarter, diluted EPS was $2.63; adjusted diluted EPS was $1.48
  • The generation of cash increased 12 percent with operations of $1.8 billion, with a return of $863 million to shareholders through the combination of share repurchases and quarterly cash dividends

In addition to new distribution centers that will prop up the company for future growth, Vasos explained that new stores, relocations, and remodels, are on the horizon, as the company continues to enjoy returns moving forward.

Dollar General storefront

“Of the 1,000 planned store remodels for 2018, we expect approximately 400 locations to be in the Dollar General traditional plus format, bringing the total traditional plus store count to about 750 by yearend. These remodels incorporate a cooler set of 34 doors for increased perishable selection. Our cooler door expansion has proven to drive baskets and trips with our existing customer base, while also attracting new customers with an expanded offering,” Vasos shared during the call. “Additionally, across about a third of these locations, we are including an assortment of fresh produce, bringing the total number of Dollar General stores with produce to around 450 by yearend. While it's still early, prior year traditional plus remodels are yielding strong same-store sales results. The ability to offer produce, particularly in areas with limited grocery availability, represents an attractive growth opportunity for Dollar General in the years ahead.”

Further, the company closed 35 underperforming stores, but Vasos clarified that the company’s real estate portfolio is in great shape.

With Dollar General jumping into the ring with a new total of 450 fresh produce featuring markets, how will this projected advancement in Dollar General shake up the industry? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Dollar General

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Geneva Hutcheson

MIAMI, FL - As the state's strawberry season winds down, I spoke with Leslie Simmons, Vice President of Dave’s Specialty Imports, to see how the Central Florida crop, on which the grower began cultivation only last year, is coming along.

Leslie Simmons, Vice President, Dave's Specialty Imports“Farming in Central Florida this season has given us an opportunity to provide an excellent product to our customers who are looking for high-quality ‘Fresh from Florida’ strawberries. The fruit is beautiful, and it has helped us round out to our berry line-up. It is something we are very proud to put my grandfather’s name on,” Leslie explained.

Leslie reported that the crop quality has been excellent and that, to help preserve that quality, the team has been focused on getting the berries cooled as quickly as possible. High temperatures in late-February caused the overall volume to increase but that weather also created an opportunity for quality issues.

Dave's Specialty Imports strawberries

“Strawberries are sensitive and getting the berries to the cooler as quickly as possible helps us to extend the shelf-life," Leslie said. "As our VP of New Business, Vince Ferrante, always reminds us 'For every hour the fruit isn’t cooled after being picked, we lose one day from its shelf-life.'”

With that focus, the company has been able to keep the berries cool and maintain what Leslie says is an above-average quality.

Alma Lorenzo, Sales, Vince Ferrante, VP of New Business, and Jennifer Perez, Sales, in with fresh strawberries

“This was a smaller program to start but we knew we would have to offer something special in order to stay in the mix with the competition and we were really able to do that," Leslie stated.

With its first season wrapping up, Dave’s Specialty Imports expects to keep going for a few more weeks. Having planted later than other local strawberry growers, Leslie tells me that one of the things that sets the company's berry operation apart is that it will be able to keep growing a little past the regular season.

"We are very lucky to still have solid fruit for our costumers while Mexico production is slowing down and California is battling weather issues," said Leslie.

Dave's Specialty Imports strawberries

Once the Florida strawberries begin to peter out, consumers can look forward to the return of Dave’s Florida blueberry program starting at the end of March. The grower will continue to look at all growing regions and opportunities that can help it meet the demands of our customers across all of the berry categories.

We will cherish the last of Dave’s Florida strawberries for now, available in 1- and 2-pound clamshells and as Stem Berries, and look forward to the next tasty treat they bring to market. I hope you’ll stay with us for more market updates at AndNowUKnow.

Dave's Specialty Imports

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

YAKIMA, WA - Coming back from the International Fruit Tree Association (IFTA) conference in New Zealand, Domex Superfresh Growers® Chief Horticulturist Dave Gleason expressed inspiration from the event’s conversations.

Dave Gleason, Chief Horticulturalist, Domex Superfresh Growers®“[At the conference] all the growers were talking about soil and the complicated relationship between soil, air, water, and the plants and trees that grow there. We can work with the soil to accomplish excellent things. Organic production has taught us about those interactions. We are using composted material in both organic and conventional production to encourage and stimulate soil health and beneficial organisms,” Gleason explained.

The conference brings growers from around the world to discuss current topics in the horticultural sphere. In the latest Superfresh Growers® Orchard Update, Gleason shares the connection farmers have to the soil as the company continues to build an orchard environment that is positive for beneficial organisms.

As the beneficial organisms flourish, they can overwhelm the negative, according to a press release.

“It is a complex organization and arrangement where we want to stimulate the best. In that process, we give our trees natural health, and the ability to fight diseases by themselves,” Gleason said.

Superfresh Growers stated that soil is front of mind as it starts early spring planting. One of the first blocks to go in is Cosmic Crisp, a new and growing variety for Superfresh Growers, whose first commercial lots will be harvested in 2019.

Don’t miss out on the man himself in the brief video above!

Domex Superfresh Growers

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

BOONE, IA - After a fruitful 50-year career with Fareway Stores, Inc., President and Chief Operating Officer Frederick R. Greiner announced his retirement, effective September 1, 2018.

Frederick R. Greiner, President & COO, Fareway Stores, Inc.

“Fareway has been a tremendous company to work for, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given in this family-owned company,” said Greiner. “I’ve had some of the best colleagues to work with throughout my career.”

In 1968, in Independence, Iowa, Greiner began his career. After high school, he served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era from 1972-1974. After his service, he returned to Fareway, transferring to Winterset, Cherokee, and Boone, where he managed from 1983-1989 before joining the corporate office as District Supervisor. During the course of his career, Greiner served in many leadership roles until he was elected President and Chief Operating Officer in 2006, replacing Robert L. Cramer, according to a press release.

Produce in a Fareway store

Greiner also served on Fareway’s Board of Directors beginning in 1991, joined the Iowa Grocery Industry Association Board for ten years, including his stint as Chairman from 2002-2003, and continues to serve on several other boards, including DMACC and Vision Bank of Iowa. In 2006, he was recognized as Retailer of the Year.

Fareway Stores has yet to announce who will succeed Greiner come September.

Fareway storefront

Congratulations, Frederick Greiner, on your longstanding career! For more news like this, stay up-to-date with AndNowUKnow.

Fareway Stores

Fri. March 16th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

TAMPA, FL – Southern Exposure 2018 may be over, but we as an industry are still making the most out of the insights gleaned and relationships made at SEPC’s signature event. The show featured a full lineup of educational sessions—including the Yerecic Label-sponsored Power of Produce session, presented in conjunction with Hillphoenix and SEPC and commissioned by FMI.

I had a chance to catch up with Kristin Yerecic, Marketing Manager for Yerecic Label, on the show floor, to learn more about the session.

Kristin Yerecic, Marketing Manager, Yerecic Label“The thing we’re most excited about at SEPC Southern Exposure is the Power of Produce education session,” Kristin told me. “What we’re really excited about is getting those real data insights to retailers, growers, [and] shippers about how to get consumers to eat more produce.”

Combining survey and real-time sales data from IRI and Nielsen, the Power of Produce study—compiled last year—presents key insights into what consumers want, what they say they want, and the disparity between the two.

Yerecic Labels

To hear more about the Power of Produce educational session and Yerecic Label, watch our brief interview above.

For more fresh-focused news, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Yerecic Label