Mon. January 15th, 2018 - by Geneva Hutcheson

MISSION, TX – On April 5th, Viva Fresh will host the Viva Fresh Open at the JW Marriott Hill Country Resort’s renowned TPC golf course, launching the 2018 Viva Fresh Open. The tournament, which Bebo Distributing Inc. and Wonderful Citrus will present, raises funds for the Brighter Bites’ organization.

Ed Bertaud, Director of Retail Sales, IFCO“The Viva Fresh Open provides the perfect opportunity for Expo participants to reconnect with friends and make new contacts, while supporting a worthwhile cause,” stated Ed Bertaud, Director of Retail Sales for IFCO, Expo Steering Committee Member and Tournament Chair. “Promoting the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables has been a driving force of this event since its inception.”

The golf course at JW Marriott Hill Country Resort, site of the 2018 Viva Fresh Open golf tournament

This event aims to help Brighter Bites’ provide more than 5 million pounds of produce to 20,000 families and to fund 100,000 nutrition-related educational materials at more than 100 elementary schools across Texas.

Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO, TIPA“From the beginning, giving back to the community has been a key priority for the Viva Fresh Expo,” remarked Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO of the Texas International Produce Association. “This year, our partnership with Brighter Bites' will bring the Viva Fresh message to families across Texas. Their program, which aims at expanding the understanding of nutrition and its importance at a young age, is in-line with the mission for our show."

Following the tournament on the AT&T Canyon’s par-72 course designed by Pete Dye, Viva Fresh will host an awards ceremony and a 19th hole celebration with live music, food, and beverages. For more information on the golf course, including registration, visit, or reach out to the Texas International Produce association at [email protected] or 916-581-8632.

Viva Fresh

Mon. January 15th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

MAZATLAN, SINALOA – After a tanker containing diesel fuel overturned and caught fire last Friday on the El Carrizo bridge, authorities have closed traffic along a portion of the Durango-Mazatlán Highway, resulting in lengthy shipping delays between Sinaloa and Durango.

Tommy Wilkins, Director of Sales, Grow Farms Texas“The Durango-Mazatlán Highway has been a beautiful option for growers and shippers and the El Carrizo bridge is an integral part to that superhighway,” explained Tommy Wilkins, Director of Sales, Grow Farms Texas. “This was a straight shot between Durango and Mazatlán, and you could run a lot of double trailers through that route. But since the closure, we have had to eliminate all doubles and go to singles. On top of taking more vehicles, the less direct route has added six to eight hours of transit time. I don’t think, in the long term, it’s going to be too severe for our industry, but it will be significant to the growers who have to use more equipment and take more time.”

According to Periódico Noroeste, Federal Police have rerouted traffic between Santa Lucía and El Salto. Specialists are expected to assess damage to the bridge Monday or Tuesday of this week, and, if damage to the structure is determined to be substantial, the news source noted, the bridge could be closed indefinitely—resulting in continued delays of up to ten hours for operators in the region.

Tony Incaviglia, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, GR Fresh“Basically, this has put us back to where we were before the bridge had been built—we have to go through the mountain roads,” noted Tony Incaviglia, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for GR Fresh. “We received word on Saturday of the accident, even some pictures, when we already had lots of trucks already on the road with product coming, which we had to reroute."

Tony continued, "Overall, it hasn’t interrupted things so much as put us behind about 8 to 10 hours, meaning if we anticipated a day and a half delivery it would now take two days. What matters is that product will still be able to get through. Unfortunately, we don’t know when it will be back online; that is up to the crews down there.”

He also noted that rerouted traffic will be condensed from four lanes to two, potentially exacerbating delays. 

Matt Mandel, Vice President of Operations, SunFed“It’s tragic when a key piece of infrastructure is damaged; freight rates and transit times will certainly be affected,” noted Matt Mandel, Vice President of Operations for SunFed, who was nonetheless optimistic. “Our industry is resilient and the show will go on.”

AndNowUKnow will continue to report with updates as they are forthcoming.

Mon. January 15th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

YAKIMA, WA – Customers are taking a bite out of Autumn this winter—Autumn Glory® apples, that is. Domex Superfresh Growers’ apple variety is gaining speed in sales; at 280 percent growth in comparison with last November, Autumn Glory apples are ranking at number 18 of the U.S.’s top 20 apple varieties.

Based on percentage, the sales growth is among the largest seen in any apple variety, the company explained in a recent press release—IRI scan data ending 12/3/2017.

Domex Superfresh Growers' Autumn Glory Apples

According to Superfresh, Joan B., a consumer of the apple, writes, “They are truly magnificent. I bought one without knowing anything about them, and even my uncultured palate thought they tasted like cider. They are aptly named. Glorious!”

Consumers seemingly can’t get enough of this fan-favorite apple variety. The news is spreading on social media, too.

Lauren Pariseau, Blogger, Hunger|Thirst|Play

Blogger Lauren Pariseau states, “Firm texture, skin that snaps, and a noisy-in-a-good-way bite is a solid start to winning over New England apple lovers. But the smell and the taste, oh man you guys, pull up a chair and break out your scratch and sniff screens.

Domex Superfresh Growers' Autumn Glory Apples

Superfresh Growers holds exclusive worldwide rights to grow and market Autumn Glory apples. The sweet-tasting apple offers caramel and cinnamon notes to those who take a bite into the high-ranking variety. The apple is available through April for conventional and February for organic this 2017-2018 season. Autumn Glory apples will become available year-round as volume and acreage continue to increase.

For more industry news, check back with us at AndNowUKnow!

Domex Superfresh Growers

Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

EXETER, CA – California Citrus Mutual announced in a press release that it applauds Governor Brown’s funding for safe and clean drinking water, which he included in his 2018-2019 budget proposal, on behalf of California’s citrus industry.

The proposition, known as the California Safe Drinking Water Act or SB 623, Monning, has received broad support from health and environmental groups, according to a press release, as well as from agricultural groups. This bill looks to allow the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund to establish a special fund within the State Water Board which would provide grants, loans, and support to communities and households working to secure affordable drinking water.

Joel Nelsen, President, California Citrus Mutual

“We commend the Governor for his commitment to creating a long-term solution that ensures all Californians have access to safe and clean drinking water," California Citrus Mutual President Joel Nelsen said in the release. "For decades, farmers have worked side-by-side with the University of California to improve farming practices and eliminate the potential for nitrates to reach the groundwater."

California capitol building

Nelsen continued, "Unfortunately, due to the wide array of naturally occurring contaminants present in the groundwater, up to one million Californians throughout the State are without clean drinking water. Together with our partners in the health, environmental, and agricultural industries we applaud Governor Brown for his leadership and urge the legislature to join together in solving this issue once and for all.”

This bill proposes $4.7 million for the State Water Board and Department of Food and Agriculture for implementation, development, and assessment in 2018 and 2019.

California Citrus Mutual

Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by ANUK Staff

CINCINNATI, OH According to Forbes Boxed has received an indication of interest in acquisition from Kroger and several other retailers. Forbes projects that multiple companies will make formal bids for Boxed in the next week, resulting in a quick auction process.

Although Costco, Target, and Aldi have been rumored bidders as well, according to Forbes, Kroger is one of the most likely candidates according to inside sources, who also speculate that initial offers will range from $325 million to $500 million, as the company had a 2016 valuation of $470 million. 


Forbes argues that, were Boxed to remain independent, it could raise additional funds and continue to grow its valuation. Boxed's business structure as a digital alternative to traditional memberships; Boxed offered retailers exclusive deals, which locked in prices and allowed the company to move away from the restrictions of a traditional membership.

This possible acquisition on the part of Kroger represents a larger industry trend toward a convienence-based grocery market, as indicated by Walmart's acquistion of and Moosejaw.

To stay informed on speculative offers and whether Boxed will execute the deal, keep reading AndKnowUKnow.

Kroger Boxed

Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

EUROPE - Forget January; word on the street is it’s all about Veganuary these days. Tapping into the buzz is Starbucks, which is stepping into 2018 with its new menu options, including its BBQ Vegan Wrap with Pulled Jackfruit and Slaw.

The whole wheat wrap is filled with carrot, pureed sweet corn slaw, spinach leaves, and BBQ pulled jackfruit. With a pulled pork-like look, the fruit has become a go-to item for those looking to fill their plates with a meatless option. According to Live Kindly, some even think the fruit is comparable to the carnivore dish when flavored properly, and Trader Joe’s is also onto the trending meat alternative with its recently unveiled yellow jackfruit curry.

Starbucks Vegan BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Wrap

The introduction of these menu items trails its recent shift toward a vegan-friendly menu. Most recently, the chain brought oat milk on board as an option. Other vegan items consumers are able to grab-and-go from the coffee brand are vegan dark chocolate and hazelnut bars and vegan five grain oatmeal pots.

On sale at Starbucks throughout Europe, the jackfruit item runs at £3.29 British pounds, or about $4.50 USD.

As customers walk through the coffee chain’s pearly gates for their daily pick-me-ups, will the new produce-focused line-up steer customers towards healthier options to help them keep on-track with their New Year’s resolutions? AndNowUKnow will keep you in-the-know on the latest industry trends!


Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

PHILADELPHIA, PA – It is hard to have a conversation about fresh produce these days without one topic inevitably coming to the forefront—food waste. With the United Nations estimating that one-third of the world’s food—approximately 1.3 billion tons—gets lost or wasted, it’s no wonder that the industry has continued to look for answers to this ever-growing problem. 

RipeLock™ technology

One such company leading the charge to combat food waste is AgroFresh Solutions Inc. Currently in use for bananas, with more categories being added on the horizon, the company’s RipeLock™ Quality System provides unmatched control over the ripening process. It helps bananas retain their freshness throughout the supply chain all the way to the kitchen counter, and therefore reduces the need to toss out bananas based on freshness. No one likes to throw fruit away, but according to a recent survey by the NPD Group, 27 percent of respondents compost two and a half bananas on average per week and 34 percent throw away two bananas on average per week.

Kevin Frye, Sales Manager, RipeLock™ North America“We are excited to introduce RipeLock to the world, as it not only reduces food loss and waste, but also brings a better eating experience to consumers, and can benefit retailers with increased sales and improved operational efficiency. We call it ‘Smarter Freshness’,” said Kevin Frye, RipeLock North America Sales Manager. “The color, freshness, and extended shelf-life of quality bananas creates a ripple effect that includes a variety of benefits to consumers, retailers, and the planet.”

AgroFresh is wholly committed to extending the freshness and quality of produce to reduce food loss and waste, Kevin tells me as we discuss the company’s environmental mission, leveraging an unprecedented integration of some of the most advanced industry intelligence, insights, and innovations on the market. By extending the freshness of bananas up to 4-6 days longer than traditional bananas, RipeLock allows for less waste by retailers and consumers alike, along with addressing the challenges of the entire produce value chain.

Per the NPD survey, stocking good-looking bananas is the most important factor in driving banana purchases. The ripeness of at-home bananas drives purchases for more than half of buyers.

Comparison of traditional vs RipeLock™ technology

“Increasing produce sales is all about optimizing the consumer experience,” Kevin continues. “Bananas are not only the number one planned produce purchase, but also ranked as the number one supermarket impulse buy. The preferred yellow color of RipeLock bananas turns shoppers into buyers, so stores that display fresher looking RipeLock bananas can experience higher sales.”

Beyond making for an eye-catching purchase in store, Kevin tells me that consumers typically purchase the number of bananas they think they can eat before they go bad, which is often less than the number of bananas they truly want. By extending the optimal color and taste of bananas and providing an excellent in-home experience between shopping trips, RipeLock can encourage consumers to purchase more bananas each time they visit the store. 

AgroFresh at the 2017 Fruit Logistica

All-in-all, the RipeLock goal is to provide retailers with more consistent quality and a longer shelf-life for their bananas, tackling key produce industry challenges such as increasing consumer loyalty, reducing waste, and driving sales overall.

Want to learn more how you can use RipeLock in your business to limit food waste? Check out AgroFresh’s website here.

*Study conducted on behalf of AgroFresh by the NPD Group, Inc.

AgroFresh RipeLock

Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by Jessica Donnel

MIAMI, FL - The Mexican asparagus season is on the horizon, with companies like Crystal Valley Foods gearing up to harvest its green asparagus crop in the country’s Caborca region in northern Sonora. With favorable weather prepping a high-quality crop, Crystal Valley’s Director of Marketing Katiana Valdes shares that we can expect promotable volumes by mid-February, even anticipating a 15 percent increase over last year’s crop.

Katiana Valdez, Director of Marketing, Crystal Valley“The weather in the Caborca, Mexico, region has been excellent, and we expect good quality and good and heavy volume in mid-February,” Katiana tells me when I check in with her on the current asparagus season. “We anticipate a strong, steady market until mid-March, when the Easter pull starts. We will definitely see an increase in asparagus demand for Easter, as is typical for that time of year and holiday.”

Typically lasting from February through March, the upcoming Caborca, Mexico, season, will provide Crystal Valley with promotional pricing for its customers, Katiana says.

Crystal Valley's Asparagus Tips

The Miami, Florida-based company provides a wide variety of packs and sizes for retailers, including the standard 11 lb cases, as well as asparagus tips. With value-added asparagus becoming increasingly popular in recent years, Crystal Valley has those convenience-focused shoppers also in their sights, offering extended shelf-life, microwave pouches in 2 lb, 1 lb, 8 oz, and 6 oz packages.

So, how can retailers translate these burgeoning asparagus trends into increased dollar amounts at the register? Katiana tells me that education through POS is key.

Asparagus bin

“Crystal Valley’s marketing team is happy to work with retailers to develop custom POS and educational material for their stores in order to promote their asparagus programs. Although consumption has increased over the last several years, there is still great potential for growth and opportunities to reach those consumers who might not know much about this delicious vegetable. That being said, it is important to continue to educate customers about usage and health benefits.”

In addition to Crystal Valley’s green asparagus program out of Mexico, the company has also developed a strong and consistent white asparagus program. The company imports the milder, more delicate variety from its grower-partners in Peru, and markets it as one the largest importers of white asparagus.

Crystal Valley Foods

Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

LOS ANGELES, CA – Whether you’re a fan or skeptic, there’s no escaping the Kardashian sisters–most of us caught keeping up with their lives somehow, someway. And, last week, fans of the Netflix original Stranger Things might have been roped into knowing too much about the famous sister clan thanks to Millie Bobby Brown, known for her role as Eleven, and her obsession with all things Kardashian–including their favorite leafy greens.

Brown first revealed her obsession with the Kardashians in an interview with Jimmy Fallon, who attempted to explain his love for Stranger Things by turning the question on her, “Don’t you ever obsess over anything?” To which Brown gushed, “It’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians all the way. I love them!”

Millie Bobby Brown's tweet

Last week, Brown continued to prove she is a true Keeping Up fan after tweeting about the iconic salads the Kardashians are seen eating out of clear plastic bowls in almost every episode of their show–salads the internet has been craving for a while thanks to their constant television appearances.

Brown tweeted, “honestly, all I want is for Kourtney K to shake my salad.”

Kourtney later responded to Brown with her own tweet, “Let’s shake it. *salad emoji*”  

Kourtney Kardashian's tweet

And, of course, not to miss a moment in the spotlight, sister Kim chimed in on the thread, tweeting, “I can arrange this!” To which Brown tweeted back, “KIM! Grab your calendar it’s happenin. My dream has come true”

Fresh produce truly brings people together.

With the Stranger Things and Keeping Up fandoms merging as one under their respective queens, AndNowUKnow will be sure to report when this fateful greens-focused meeting finally occurs. Bible.

For more on what’s bringing the produce industry into pop culture, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.

Fri. January 12th, 2018 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SALINAS, CA – Moxxy Marketing named Roger Smith, who has been with the Moxxy team since 2014 working on web development and media strategy, Director of Digital Media in a recent press release.

Karen Nardozza, President and CEO, Moxxy Marketing"Roger joined Moxxy three years ago as a web developer, and we thought we were fortunate to have found a pro-level WordPress programmer with significant SEO experience as well as photography and video skills," said Karen Nardozza, President and CEO. "We quickly learned Roger’s talents go far beyond tech and digital. He is a natural and confident leader as well."

Nardozza continued, "Roger’s contributions at Moxxy—from strategic to creative to operational—make him much more valuable than his old title indicated. Promoting him to director of digital media was a first step to better position him as both an expert in his multifaceted discipline and an executive at Moxxy."

Moxxy website

Smith is well prepared for the position, with over a decade working as a freelance website designer and developer to much acclaim. Smith not only works on website design but also as a photographer, videographer, and SEO expert with a history of helping businesses to stand out in crowded markets.

Roger Smith, Director of Digital Media, Moxxy MarketingSmith spoke to his eagerness to take on the responsibility: “After a decade of honing my skills in the many facets of marketing communication and strategy, I’m thrilled to be moving into this position and eager to take on the challenge. I look forward to using my experience to help clients be even more effective in how they tell their story and promote their brand."

To stay in-the-know on all executive shifts in the produce industry, keep reading AndKnowUKnow.

Moxxy Marketing