Mon. December 4th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ – Capespan is getting a jump start on the whole “New Year, New Beginnings” mentality; it not only created the newly minted General Manager USA position, but also appointed Erin Meder to fill it.

Mark Greenberg, President & CEO, Capespan North America"Linking sales and operations with this new position and reporting structure represents Capespan North America’s continued commitment to sales and service excellence," said Mark Greenberg, President & CEO, in a recent press release.

In her new role, Meder will be an executive with general management responsibilities within the entirety of the Capespan North America’s U.S. sales and operations domain. She will be reporting to Greenberg as she continues to work from the company’s Gloucester City sales office.

Outspan, one of Capespan's marketed citrus brands

"Since her arrival at Capespan North America, Erin has demonstrated leadership, a firm grasp of sales and operations, and an unimpeachable work ethic. She is widely respected at all levels of our organization, among our grower base and by the customers she serves," added Greenberg.

Erin Meder, General Manager, Capespan North AmericaIn September of 2015, Meder joined the Capespan North America team as a Senior Sales Executive and Category Leader. In conjunction with her sales role, Meder took on the responsibilities for Category Leader of table grapes and soft citrus.

Congratulations to Erin Meder and the whole Capespan North America team from AndNowUKnow!

Capespan North America

Mon. December 4th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO – Grower of premium greenhouse fruits and vegetables DelFrescoPure® has been at work getting the freshest produce possible to its customers for over 35 years. And after introducing a pilot program producing everbearing, day-neutral strawberries last year, the company has expanded acreage and production to produce its optimally-fresh Yes!Berries strawberries.

Carl Mastronardi, President, DelFrescoPure

“Last year…we had a successful campaign with them,” Carl Mastronardi, President of DelFrescoPure, told me on the floor of the 2017 PMA Fresh Summit. “This year we are expanding to ten-acre full production…The huge advantage for these strawberries is we intend on picking them and getting them to market the next day.”

DelFrescoPure® Yes!Berries

With a Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and all the amenities of a state-of-the-art greenhouse growing operation in place, Carl tells me the company is now looking to work with its retail partners, introducing new packaging and pack sizes to meet demand.

DelFrescoPure® Mini Cucumber Strawberry Boats

“Were going to do an 8x14" twelve oz package and we’re also looking at new pack sizes for the future…We’ve also tried the snack size, and we’re going to test that this year in some of our [partners’] stores,” Mastronardi adds.

For more, watch our complete interview above.


Mon. December 4th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CASTROVILLE, CA – With a revived focus on making life a little bit easier for consumers, Ocean Mist® Farms is launching its new-and-improved, high-functioning website. With the new design, the users can connect with the company to learn more about its expansive product line.

Diana McClean, Director of Marketing, Ocean Mist Farms"Our inspiration for the new website design started with looking at our brand from the outside in," said Senior Director of Marketing for Ocean Mist Farms Diana McClean, in a recent press release. "People know us as a family-owned business dedicated to value, high-quality products, and chef recommendations. Because of that, we designed the website to convey a clean, bistro-style vibe and offer people a place to come to for inspiration and advice as if they were asking a friend."

The company’s deep roots in the industry, with four generations steeped in the family-owned farm’s values and traditions, highlights its strong adherence to integrity, quality, passion, and success. The new website will showcase its commitment to delivering high-quality products and customer service, as it strengthens its relationships with visitors through recipes, nutrition facts, vegetable cooking and storage tips, crop updates, point of sale materials, and more.

Ocean Mist New Website

“We are ecstatic to have the new website as another resource to educate and spark creativity in consumers,” adds McClean.

As the company addresses the increasing interest into who is growing the foods we consume with behind-the-scenes industry details, Ocean Mist Farms has devoted video footage of its fields and the hard work that goes into them. Not only will it grant insight into the operations at the company’s farms, but it will also inspire visitors to join in on its sweepstakes, download its free cookbooks, gain information on what its growing, and learn about its harvests and food safety practices.

Ocean Mist® Farms

Mon. December 4th, 2017 - by Kayla Webb

UNITED KINGDOM – News headlines went bananas last week after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their engagement, and apparently, the couple is also a little, well, bananas for a certain yellow produce variety. While no fresh produce was harmed, or used, to reveal their engagement, the couple has already kicked wedding planning into high gear and are set to have a banana-flavored wedding cake at their May ceremony.

“This will be the first royal wedding cake made from bananas,” a source close to the couple told The Telegraph. Typically, the top tier of the royal wedding cake is a fruit cake because it is said to be long lasting. However, because the couple is crazy about bananas, the two will break from this tradition, and go for a banana cake instead.

While their engagement is still fresh, the couple’s love for bananas is evergreen. According to Daily Mail, Prince Harry has loved anything with bananas since he was a kid, including banana flan and banana ice cream.

And this isn’t the couple’s first time capturing news headlines because of fresh produce. Thirteen months ago, Markle posted a picture on Instagram of two bananas spooning with the caption ‘sleep tight xx,’ which many interpreted as the actress confirming her relationship with Prince Harry.

Will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle include more nods to their favorite fresh fruit in the wedding ceremony? AndNowUKnow will continue to report as the royal banana saga continues to unfold.

Fri. December 1st, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

NEW ZEALAND – With branded apples increasingly growing category sales, it’s important to stay atop the shifting landscape of new varieties and value-added options and know what customers are looking for in an apple.

Jazz™ apples

With that in mind, I spoke with Brock Nemecek, Marketing Manager, North America for T&G Global Limited, to find out more about the company’s ongoing marketing efforts with its popular Jazz™, Envy™, and Pacific Rose™ apples.

Brock Nemecek, Marketing Manager, North America, T&G Global Limited

“Our approach to marketing is certainly brand first,” Brock notes. “We want consumers to always think of Envy, Jazz, and Pacific Rose—not necessarily at the time of year of the season.”

To that end, the company is working to close in on the goal of year-round supply. And T&G Global is building demand through segmentation, on-trend packaging, and unique brand messaging.

Envy™ apple recipe

“Each of the brands is very distinct and unique just like each of the apples is very distinct and unique,” Brock explains. “Our marketing plans have identified target audiences for each type of apple—for the flavor profile, for use and different kinds of applications. Because of that, each of them have a stand-alone brand, we promote each of them individually to a different segment.”

For more, watch my video interview in its entirety above.

And for more fresh produce news, stick with AndNowUKnow.

T&G Global Limited

Fri. December 1st, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Last week, Business Insider held its IGNITION conference, and amongst guests and panelists was Target’s Chairman and CEO Brian Cornell. Taking jabs at competitors like Walmart in order to tout his company’s success strategy, Cornell revealed the retailer’s focus remains on innovations it can roll out in stores and online within a five-year time frame.

Brian Cornell, Chairman and CEO, Target Corporation“Experimentation is interesting, but if I can’t scale it—if I can’t do it 1,800 times—it’s not going to add a lot of enterprise value,” Cornell said, responding to a question about Walmart’s Store No. 8, robots, and virtual reality, as reported by Business Insider. “To do things at scale, they have to have broad-based applications. Otherwise they are nice little experiments that distract the organization and distract resources that really need to be reapplied to the core enterprise.”

However, not to be left behind by Walmart’s current ventures with shelf-scanning robots and new produce varieties, Target has partnered with the venture capital firm BCG Digital Ventures to launch a fourteen-week “innovation sprint” aimed at coming up with new ideas for growing its business. With it closing this week, the project involved Target managers collaborating with BCG Digital Ventures’ designers, engineers, and investors to produce ideas for new products and potential businesses.

Target's Chairman and CEO Brian Cornell discusses key strategies at Business Insider's IGNITION conference

“We’re going to see some pretty exciting ideas,” said Cornell, who will review the ideas after the programs end.

Target also recently announced the reimagining and remodeling of many of its brick-and-mortar stores in order to feature fresh food and grocery conveniently front and center.

As we embrace the future, will Target’s remodeling and innovation sprint strategies continue to fare well against competitors’ more unique approaches? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Fri. December 1st, 2017 - by Lillie Apostolos

FRANCE - While jolly Saint Nick’s Christmas gifts aren’t thinning out, it looks like he might be. French grocery store Intermarché released a holiday advertisement titled “I’ve Dreamt So Much,” which might go beyond the traditional grocery-paying, older audience by addressing a younger audience and inviting them into the produce aisle for some fun. In the ad commercial, a little boy is taken to sit atop Santa’s lap like so many other little boys and girls have done before; this time, however, Santa is in for a few surprises of his own after making the little boy’s acquaintance.

"The transformation of lntermarché’s marketing and communication is putting us on the path of becoming the 'emotional leader' of the market," said Vincent Bronsard, the brand’s Strategic and Operational Marketing Head, according to Adweek. "More than anything else, these choices are bearing fruit... store traffic has gone up 0.5 points. Our ambition with this film is to take the 'Eat better' crusade even further, and to continue our progression."

As the ad goes on, consumers frequently get a glance of the little boy and his sister leaving their local Intermarché with diet on the brain—not for themselves, but for Santa! He has to fit down their chimney somehow, doesn’t he? Their grocery trips’ plunder is produce-filled and health-conscious, as they continue to visit Santa with their healthy and produce-packed meal suggestions—they even go so far as to leave an artichoke to accompany the staple glass of milk left as Santa’s snack.

All this to say, “We all have a good reason to eat better every day.” Well, so goes the Intermarché story, stamped with perfection as the little boy and girl hug with holiday cheer amongst the Christmas presents Santa was able to deliver—thanks to their dietary suggestions.

Intermarché's festive campaign features kids in the produce aisle shopping for a slimming Santa

Looking for some holiday marketing inspiration? Enjoy Intermarché ingenious ad below for healthier eating during the holiday season that will attract jolly consumers both big and small.

The French grocery store's "I've Dreamt So Long" is the brainchild of Romance agency, whose Executive Creative Director is Alexandre Hervé. The child’s found affinity for healthier eating is in the same vein as the brand’s “L’Amour L’Amour” advertisement, another commercial directed by Romance agency, which was released earlier this year. In it, a young man is after a grocery store cashier’s heart, only to fall in love with the entirety of his grocery experience—cooking and all! The advertisement is signed off with the same quote at the end, procuring its signature healthy eating message that addresses the heartstrings attached to the gut.

How will holiday-specific marketing advertisements like "I've Dreamt So Much" that are being rolled out during this heartwarming and group gathering-filled time of year affect sales in our industry? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Fri. December 1st, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SALINAS, CA - Tanimura & Antle is expanding its organic line with three new additions: Organic Celery and Celery Hearts, Organic Broccoli, and Organic Cauliflower.

Rick Antle, CEO, Tanimura & Antle“We’re thrilled to once again be providing high-quality organic produce to our retail partners,” said Rick Antle, CEO. “Organic produce has long been a passion of ours, which is why we acquired a one-third interest in Earthbound Farm Organic in 1999 and played a pivotal role in the growth of that brand.”

As the company re-enters the organics market after an eight-year absence, these offerings are part of a growing list of products, according to a press release.

This includes the launch earlier this year of:

  • Organic Romaine Hearts
  • Organic Artisan Romaine
  • Organic Artisan Sweet Italian Red Onions

The company stated that, following the sale of Earthbound Farm Organic in 2009, it was restricted from participating in the organic market until recently.

Tanimura & Antle lettuce field

“The demand for fresh organic produce is climbing rapidly, and our company is pleased to be helping retailers meet that demand while continuing to provide fresh and delicious conventional produce,” Antle continued. “Our extensive experience as a pioneer and leader in organic produce allows us to be a key resource to our valued partners as they seek to provide consumers with the best products on the market.”

The CEO concluded that, according to a report published by the United Fresh Produce Association, organic vegetable sales were up 6 percent in the third quarter of this year versus the same period last year. "We're excited to be back in organics and contributing to this tremendous growth," he said.

Keep an eye out as we continue to report on the ever-dynamic organic sector of fresh produce.

Tanimura & Antle

Fri. December 1st, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

SANTA PAULA, CA – Thanksgiving may already be in our rearview mirror, but the holiday season is just heating up. For those consumers that find themselves in hosting mode for much of the month of December, a few helpful tips and tricks can help ease the holiday planning headache.

Megan Roosevelt, Healthy Grocery Girl and Spokesperson, LimoneiraHere to save the day once again is Limoneira spokesperson and Healthy Grocery Girl’s Megan Roosevelt, with a wide array of her favorite holiday entertaining recipes and décor ideas, as well as Simply Quinoa Founder Alyssa Rimmer with a yummy, healthy holiday treat of her own. For a helpful demonstration, watch Megan create the following recipes in the video below, or continue further down to see the full instructions!

Now take a look at this month’s recipes and décor tips!

Cinnamon Orange Hot Coco

A deliciously sweet treat, sure to chase any winter blues away.


  • 1 cup fresh squeezed Limoneira orange juice
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 cups non-dairy milk
  • 3 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 3 tbsp real maple syrup
  • 1 pinch sea salt

Directions: Juice a Limoneira navel orange. Add cinnamon sticks and orange juice to a small pot and simmer for 5 minutes. Then remove the cinnamon sticks, and add the milk, maple syrup, cacao powder, and just a pinch of sea salt. Whisk everything together until the hot cocoa is silky smooth. Finally, place back on the stove and heat until bubbling. Pour into mugs, top with just a couple of marshmallows (to taste) or even a cinnamon stick, and just a dash of navel orange zest as a finishing touch. Serve and enjoy!

Citrus Garland

Easy to make and lovely to look at—a holiday classic with a citrusy twist!

You’ll need:

  • Garland greenery
  • Dried Limoneira orange slices
  • Ornament hooks

Directions: Take dried oranges (or lemons, for that matter) and an ornament hook (green is ideal, as they’re nearly invisible within the garland) and attach to each citrus slice. Use hooks to hang garland in the chosen location, and then hang citrus slices from the garland for a festive, totally D-I-Y décor piece—perfect for stair railings, mantles, or any flat surface where the citrus can hang.

GUEST VLOGGER RECIPE: Alyssa from Simply Quinoa's Vegan Lemon Protein Bites

Easy, delicious, and nutritionally-balanced, these are the perfect addition to the pre-dinner appetizer spread, or can be wrapped for a yummy present.


  • 12 medjool dates
  • 1 cup brazil nuts
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbsp maca powder
  • 1 tbsp Limoneira lemon zest
  • 1 tbsp cashew butter
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp water

Directions: Blend dates and brazil nuts in a food processor. Blend until a crumbly, dough-like texture forms. Add in remaining ingredients and blend until the dough becomes sticky. Use hands to roll into bite sized pieces – if it is too dry, add additional water or coconut oil to bring the ingredients together. Once rolled into balls, store in fridge or freezer until it’s time to enjoy them.

Want more Megan Roosevelt? Each month, Megan will be featuring another wonderful facet of citrus living. Don’t forget to subscribe to Limoneira’s Youtube channel for more information on the many ways this endlessly versatile fruit can improve life inside the home and beyond. Videos with more recipes, tips, and tricks not detailed in this release will be added to the channel each Friday throughout the month.


Fri. December 1st, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

BAKERSFIELD, CA – Bolstering the company’s grape growing and selling operations, Giumarra Vineyards has announced the addition of three new members to the company’s sales and production teams. The company has hired Michael Walsh, Alex Giumarra, and Mark Forrest as Sales Representative, Junior Sales Representative, and Viticulturist/Ranch Superintendent, respectively.

Randy Giumarra, Vice President of Sales, Giumarra Vineyards

“We’re excited to bring in two young, energetic and talented salespeople to the Giumarra Vineyards / Giumarra International Marketing family. With our increasing volume of diversified table grape varieties, we needed to expand our sales team and are lucky to have Alex Giumarra and Mike Walsh fill these positions,” noted Randy Giumarra, Vice President of Sales, in a press release. “Both young men have grown up in produce families and they have that innate passion that it takes to succeed in this industry. Their talent and personality will be a wonderful addition to our sales team and a tremendous benefit to our family of growers and our loyal customers.”

Michael Walsh, Sales Representative, Giumarra Vineyards

Effective November 27th, Michael Walsh has joined the company as Sales Representative. In his new role, Walsh will be responsible for developing new business and expanding sales with current customers in the North American market. Walsh joins the company from CH Robinson, and Giumarra Vineyards noted in a press release, he brings experience in account sales and category management for the grape and stone fruit categories. As Sales Representative, Walsh will be based at Giumarra’s Port of Wilmington office, where he will report directly to Mike Rodgers, Director of East Coast Operations.

Alex Giumarra, Junior Sales Representative, Giumarra Vineyards

Alex Giumarra has also joined the Giumarra sales team in the capacity of Junior Sales Representative, assisting with and handling new customer accounts. In this capacity, Alex will report directly to Randy Giumarra. Alex graduated this June from Cal State Bakersfield with a BS degree in Agriculture Business and Finance, and also brings experience from internships at the Wonderful Company and Walgreens.

Giumarra's Mystic Treat™ grapes

Mark Forrest has joined the Giumarra production team as Viticulturist/Ranch Superintendent. Forrest brings prior experience including farm management roles at Family Farms, Munger Brothers, and Sunview, in addition to studying vineyard and tree fruit management and Agriculture Economics and Accounting at Kings River Community College.

Wayne Childress, CEO, Giumarra Vineyards

“Mark brings a wealth of farming and production expertise to our team in Bakersfield,” said CEO Wayne Childress. “His recent experience in California table grapes, blueberries, and organic production will help support and broaden Giumarra’s knowledge base, and support our vineyard redevelopment projects and market growth. We are very happy to have Mark join our team and look forward to our shared success in the future.”

From all of us at AndNowUKnow—congratulations, Michael, Alex, and Mark, on these exciting new roles.

Giumarra Vineyards