Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Kayla Webb

LONGVIEW, TX – Project Bald Eagle has taken flight in Longview. After years in the making, Dollar General’s 17th distribution center, dubbed “Project Bald Eagle” by state officials, might be underway in Longview, Texas.

Wayne Mansfield, President CEO, The Longview Economic Development Corp. (Photo Credit: Longview News Journal)

“We are honored Dollar General has selected Longview as a potential location for their newest distribution facility,” said The Longview Economic Development Corp. President CEO Wayne Mansfield, in a statement released last week. “We look forward to positive and continued discussions with Dollar General as this project would support additional diversification of our local economy, which is expected to realize a $700 million economic impact to the community over the next 25 years.”

Dollar General storefront

For years, local and state officials have made efforts to build solid relationships between government and economic development officials, find sufficient land available, and strategize cooperative spending to improve transportation in order to collaborate on the package that led Dollar General to declare Longview as its sole finalist.   

Andy Mack, Mayor, Longview, Texas

“We all know Longview is a great location to handle major distribution operations, and I am very proud of the staff at LEDCO for coordinating this major project in partnership with the city, the county, and the Dollar General Team,” said Mayor Andy Mack.

The Longview News-Journal affirms that the project will have a positive ($700 million) impact on the area as it continues the trend towards diversifying Longview’s economy beyond energy. At 1 million-square-feet and an initial investment of $70 million, the distribution center, planned to be housed in North Business Park, could create as many as 400 jobs, with other areas of the city, like facilities, housing, and food, also reaping the benefits of this project. 

As the project unfolds, we look forward to seeing what the future holds for the citizens of Longview. For more news like this, AndNowUKnow will continue to report. 

Dollar General

Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

WASHINGTON, DC – A bill that looks to revitalize America’s guestworker program for farmers has passed its first major landmark. The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has approved the Goodlatte AG Act by a vote of 17-16. H.R. 4092, or as it has been dubbed, the Agricultural Guestworker Act (AG Act), is a bill authored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), and if passed, would replace the current H-2A guestworker program.

Bob Goodlatte, House Judiciary Committee Chairman“Farming is a central part of American life and fuels our economy. Although no other country in the world rivals America’s agriculture industry, our nation’s farmers face many obstacles in today’s global economy,” Goodlatte said in a statement following the bill’s passing in the House Judiciary. “One challenge in particular is access to a stable and reliable workforce when not enough American workers can be found to fill jobs. The current agricultural guestworker program is unworkable for farmers, buries them in red tape and excessive costs, and must be replaced.”

If the AG Act were to pass, the new program would increase the number of temporary farmworkers, according to source KUNC, as well as eliminating the mandate for employers to provide housing and transportation for the immigrant workers.

House Judiciary Committee

So far, the bill has been met with support from the agricultural committee, including  Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and the produce industry’s own Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif.

Tom Nassif, President and CEO, Western Growers"We applaud Chairman Goodlatte and the Committee for advancing this legislation,” Nassif said in a statement. “During the committee process several changes were made to the legislation that would make this bill unworkable, particularly when coupled with expedited mandatory E-Verify. We must ensure practical and reasonable solutions are achieved for both the current and future workforce that American farmers depend on in order for our industry to remain competitive.”

Nassif also confirmed that he and Western Growers will continue to work with House Leadership, Chairman Goodlatte, and the House to further improve the legislation. 

There is still opposition from some, however, with some politicians arguing that this would allow for unfair wages, displace American workers, and weaken guestworker protections.

The next step for the bill will be to hit the U.S. House. As more news comes to light about the newly proposed bill, AndNowUKnow will share the updates.

Western Growers

Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NEW ORLEANS, LA - It seemed like the entire industry unveiled their proudest work of the year for the latest PMA Fresh Summit. Between the New Orleans back drop, the latest in trends, and an onslaught of innovative flavors, my senses were in heaven—it seemed impossible to choose what resonated most. Yet somehow, here are some that echoed once my feet landed back in California.

Zespri Green Back-To-School Pack

Zespri Green Back-To-School Pack

The kiwifruit was an ideal breakfast when I let sleep get in the way of a well-rounded start to my day in junior high school and beyond. Now, kids can take their kiwis along for the ride in a safe pouch of Zespri’s Back-to-School Pack. With cute, kid-friendly characters laughing on the cover, this is sure to make it off the shelf and into lunchboxes.

Babé Farms CaliCabbage

Babé Farms CaliCabbage

As Babé Farms like’s to say, “It’s time to enter the Cabb-Age!” and I am on board with this cone-shaped green. CaliCabbage gives a new lease on what otherwise might have just been another leafy green. Now, with an authentic single-pack that could easily stand out on the rack, this item can spur consumer imaginations of all the cabbage-wrapped possibilities they’ve been missing out on for lack of a cylindrical vehicle. I’ve seen consumers statistically continue to lean towards impulse buys and standout brands, and this snazzy tagline is sure to make its mark.

Monterey Mushrooms Let’s Blend™ Line

Monterey Mushrooms Let’s Blend™ Line

It’s safe to say convenience is all the rage in produce retail, as is the ability to swap in some or most of traditional meats for a plant-based substitute. Monterey Mushrooms’ new line of finely-diced mushrooms not only brings the blending trend from restaurant plates to consumer kitchens, it spares fingers from the possible damage consumers might inflict attempting that “perfect chef’s cut.” If you didn’t get a chance to stop by on the floor, you might want to check the retail aisles ASAP.

Tasteful Selections Take & Shake

Tasteful Selections Take & Shake

We all love a good shake-up. In this case, a flavorful potato cup mix that you can shake to your heart’s desire. RPE’s most recent introduction, Black Pepper, Rosemary & Thyme, not only meets the consistent need for on-the-go packaging, but even caters to the gluten-free consumer. Oh, Take & Shake, the places you will go...

Pero Family Farms New Fresh-Cut Organic Side Dishes

Pero Family Farms New Fresh-Cut Organic Side Dishes

From a firsthand perspective, I can’t say enough how much of a leg-up convenience can give. And this is coming from someone without children running around in the background of their dinner preparation. Amplify that by multiple mouths to feed, and every second truly counts. Offering both cauliflower and a vegetable medley, Pero Family Farms is one of the curve leaders to take this beyond the mushroom category.

We not only survived the New Orleans craze, but came back stronger. Keep up with our team as we continue to deliver on key moments and finds from the 2017 Fresh Summit.

Babé Farms Zespri Monterey Mushrooms Tasteful Selections  Pero Family Farms

Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

FOWLER, CA – Satsuma Mandarins are definitely not a new kid on the block, and every domestic season they are welcomed home like the dear old friend they are. Grown in the Central Valley of California, these snacks are one of those preferred amongst sweet citrus varieties.

Joe Berberian, Sales Manager, Bee Sweet Citrus“Our Satsumas have arrived and are eating well,” said Director of Sales Joe Berberian, in a recent press release. “Not only do they taste great, they’re also extremely healthy and easy to peel.”

Customers can bite into this Bee Sweet treat through the month of November, making them a great option for Thanksgiving promotions, potentially boosting sales even more when families seek goods from stores nationwide.

Satsuma Mandarins

“Consumers are a huge fan of Satsumas because they’re great for snacking and can be used for seasonal celebrations like Thanksgiving and Christmas,” continued Berberian. “Its versatility and nutritional benefits make them a hit amongst households everywhere.”

Because Satsuma Mandarins have much to offer the consumer, the ideas for fall promotions of Bee Sweet’s fall favorites are endless, the company says.

To find out more information about Bee Sweet’s tasty variety, check out its website at And to stay in-the-know on industry trends and releases, check back with us at AndNowUKnow!

Bee Sweet Citrus

Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Have you ever had a love affair with a brand? Felt yourself so completely attached to a company that you find yourself coming back again and again? You’ve likely felt this way because of something called, “Emotional Marketing,” and no that doesn’t mean you call your customers in tears and tell them about your breakup—it means you make connections that go deeper than just having a great product. It’s about establishing a brand identity that your customers want to be a part of. 

And, lucky for fellow attendees of United Fresh’s upcoming BrandStorm™ conference on November 13 through 15, we will have an emotional marketing master in our midst. For the event’s opening keynote, emotional marketing expert, man behind firm 602 Communications, and author of Red Goldfish, Graeme Newell, will be sharing with attendees how they can attract passionate brand loyalists to their own produce industry brands. 

Graeme Newell, Marketing Researcher, Author & Speaker“Emotional marketing moves beyond just having a great product, but connects on an instinctual level because it builds upon the customer’s ego,” Graeme tells me as we discuss what BrandStormers can expect during his keynote. “At 602 Communications, we specialize in the neurological traits that make people love these brands, and we actually throw them inside an MRI, show them images, and we can see objectively just what parts of the brain light up. We even use eye tracking software to see what makes their pupils dilate.”

Marketers that have been in the industry for a while now probably remember a time when you could just market based on the quality of your product, but Graeme says those tactics just don’t work as well in an era where it isn’t as difficult to produce high-quality products. People today–particularly millennials–don’t just want good brands, but want brands that stand for something and match their values.

“It’s not just transactional. It’s a relationship, it’s a love affair, it’s about buying into a special club where you know you belong,” Graeme explains. “Think of Whole Foods—that is a company with incredible customer loyalty. It has a clear vision for suppliers and for customers, and isn’t just selling organic produce, it’s selling the mission of wellness and fair trade practices as well.”

So how does Graeme think the produce industry specifically can tap into emotional marketing? The key is to step into the idea of owning what your company stands for and showing yourself in a light that makes consumers want to be a part of your club. 

“Companies just need a viewpoint and to speak to more than just a product,” he says. “In produce, we can do this by selling the sensual attributes of the product. An experience as simple as eating a perfectly ripened peach can be one of the greatest pleasures in the world. It’s about putting our produce on par with chocolate or even brandy by appealing to people on a core and gut level. I want to see produce ads that look as indulgent as Applebees ads.”

Helping produce companies, Graeme says, is a bit of a personal mission for him, having revolutionized his diet with fruits and vegetables about four years ago. Seeing things like food deserts, or unhealthy products being marketed to children, he believes the produce industry has a huge role to play and even an opportunity to lead the conversations.

Are you ready to lead the conversation through emotional marketing? Catch Graeme Newell’s full discussion at BrandStorm on November 13 by registering here, and pick up his latest book, The Red Goldfish, to learn even more of his marketing expertise.


Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

SALINAS, CA - The Nunes Company farm labor housing in Salinas is officially underway! After years of planning, shovels finally broke ground this month on a four-acre parcel in Salinas, known as the Boronda neighborhood, for the second farmworker housing complex in the region.

Tom Nunes IV, President, The Nunes Company

“This is a win-win situation for our employees, our company, and our customers,” said Tom Nunes Jr., in a recent press release. “It is not only the right time for such a large undertaking, it is simply the right thing to do.”

Avila Construction of Monterey, CA, hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on October 10, 2017, to honor the Hibino, Nunes, and Rodriguez families who recognized the need for beautiful, safe, and affordable housing for their company’s farm labor force. Receiving overwhelming support from city and county leaders, as well as affordable housing advocates, Casa Boronda will not only serve as a model for the future of California agriculture, but also for the nation’s agriculture industry.

Mark Rodriguez, Spokesperson, Rodriguez Family

“We are blessed to be in this business, and doubly blessed to be able to provide beautiful housing for our employees,” said Mark Rodriguez, the spokesperson for the Rodriguez family and the Growers Company. “This project speaks to our three families’ commitment to the well-being of each and every employee who works for our companies.”

The Salinas Valley community is well-known for embracing change, cutting-edge technology, sustainability and stewardship, and respect and care for the hard-working people who help to feed our nation. The gated Casa Boronda community, when completed, will be available for seasonal agricultural employees and will include six, two-story apartment buildings (75 units total) with up to eight residents and two full bathrooms per unit. The community will also have recreation rooms, a manager’s unit, laundry facilities, basketball and volleyball courts, and a sports and recreation field.

Nunes Company Breaks Ground on Farm Labor Housing in Salinas

Nunes’ philosophy toward this project is shared by the entire group of families involved in bringing this dream to a reality. Innovative and beneficial, this project not only helps recruit and retain employees, while providing an affordable and safe housing environment, but also serves as a model for social responsibility in the agriculture industry.

“Three very diverse families from very different backgrounds, coming together to accomplish a project like this is indeed rare in the agriculture industry,” said Henry Hibino, partner in the project, grower and former Mayor of Salinas. “While we come from different cultures, we share the same core values of dignity and rewarding hard work.”

Casa Boronda Groundbreaking from TMD on Vimeo.

The first phase of the project is scheduled to be completed by April 2018 with the first occupants moving in on or around May 1, 2018. The Casa Boronda partners teamed up with Avila Construction, a well-known and respected local, family business who has expertise in building projects of this kind.

Mike Avila, Principal, Avila Construction

“This is not only a great project for the employees of The Nunes Company; it is important work,” said Mike Avila, Principal of Avila Construction, about spearheading this project. “It is the type of project everyone at Avila Construction can feel good about.”

The Nunes Company (owners of the Foxy and Foxy Organic brand names) has been a leader and innovator in the fresh produce industry for generations–with the fourth generation now managing the family’s farming operation. The company farms more than 22,000 crop acres in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico. The families share a vision, and are committed to improving the health of their land, vibrancy of their communities, and quality of life for their employees, while growing produce of the highest quality.

We look forward to watching Nunes Company’s housing project unfold. For more produce industry news, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.

Nunes Company 

Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SEATTLE, WA - Amazon has announced two new products that, when combined, ensure its ability to deliver to its shoppers when they aren’t home: Amazon Key and Amazon Cloud Cam.

“Amazon Key gives customers peace of mind knowing their orders have been safely delivered to their homes and are waiting for them when they walk through their doors,” said Peter Larsen, Vice President of Delivery Technology, in today’s announcement. “Now, Prime members can select in-home delivery and conveniently see their packages being delivered right from their mobile phones.”

Prime members can now select in-home from their mobile phones

Available on November 8 in 37 cities to its Prime members exclusively, the new offering works with Same-Day, One-Day, Two-Day, and Standard Shipping at no extra cost to members. Amazon said that it will roll out more locations over time across the U.S.

The state-of-the-art technology doesn’t simply replace a key with a digital passcode, according to the release. Instead, Amazon verifies the correct driver is at the right address at the intended time, through an encrypted authentication process each time the program is requested. Once the requirements are met, Amazon Cloud Cam starts recording, and the door is then unlocked with no access codes or keys ever provided to delivery drivers.

Amazon now offers in-home delivery, including "Direct to fridge"

For those of us still thinking this might be a bit nerve-wracking, Amazon said that, for added peace of mind, in-home delivery is backed by Amazon’s Happiness Guarantee.

The technology rolls out not long after Walmart announced its “direct to your fridge” delivery partnership with August Home announced at the end of September, which similarly allows online grocery orders to be delivered inside your home, even placing your perishables inside your refrigerator.

With Amazon Key users can view a live feed of their in-home delivery

While Amazon’s statement didn’t include grocery specifics such as putting food away for the shopper, it did note Amazon Key would make customers’ lives easier in many ways beyond delivery. The service offers keyless access for family and friends, for example, allowing customers to set the frequency and length of time a person has access and add or remove contacts as they see fit.

Prime members can pre-order the Amazon Key In-Home Kit, which includes Amazon Cloud Cam and one of several compatible smart locks, starting at $249.99.

What will the latest convenience strategy be as retailers fight to be the consumer favorite? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Kayla Webb

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has imposed sanctions on five produce businesses for failure to pay reparation awards issued under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA).

According to a USDA press release, the following businesses and individuals are currently restricted from operating in the produce industry:

Emotional Fruit LLC

Operating out of La Quinta, California, for failing to pay a $71,867 award in favor of a California seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Jeff Bohl, Boomerang Limited LLC, Raymond Express International LLC, John Tree and Ross A. Westbrook were listed as members of the business.

Zilo Produce LLC

Operating out of Lockport, Illinois, for failing to pay a $5,415 award in favor of an Illinois seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Salvatore J. Aiello and Frank J. Zingale were listed as members of the business.

Domanth Inc.

Doing business as Medoff Produce, operating out of New Brunswick, New Jersey, for failing to pay a $9,990 award in favor of a Pennsylvania seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Dominic R. Bellifemine was listed as the officer, director and major stockholder of the business.

Giglio Produce Co. Inc.

Operating out of Sharon, Pennsylvania, for failing to pay an $11,888 award in favor of an Ohio seller.  As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Joel F. Giglio and Dominic R. Giglio were listed as the officers, directors and/or major stockholders of the business.

Supreme Harvest LLC

Operating out of Brownsville, Texas, for failing to pay a $61,395 award in favor of a Tennessee seller.  As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Adrian R. Bazan was listed as a member of the business.

The PACA Division, which is part of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses that are operating subject to PACA including buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers, and brokers within the fruit and vegetable industry.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 3,500 PACA claims involving more than $58 million. Its experts also assisted more than 8,000 callers with issues valued at approximately $140 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service

Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

DAVIS, CA - Say hello to two new faces in the leadership of Engage3: Bob Beck, the new Senior Director of Strategic Enablement, and Gary Lowen, the Director of Sales. The data-driven retail branding company is set to benefit from the newcomers because of their vast expertise in the industry.

Bob Beck, Senior Director of Strategic Enablement, Engage3“With their focus on supporting both brick & mortar and online retailers with thoughtful pricing strategies, Engage3 has significant growth potential with an opportunity to contribute across the industry globally. I am excited to provide strategic insights our partners can immediately leverage in their businesses,” said Beck in a recent press release.

Beck’s resume boasts of 35+ years of experience with Walmart in Pricing, Global Sourcing, and Walmart International; Procter & Gamble as the first Director of Category Management with the Target Customer Development Team in Minneapolis; Diageo; and Schwan’s Consumer Brands. His career in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) gave him experience with numerous retailers, including HEB, Albertson’s/Safeway, Kroger, WINCO, and Target Stores.


Lowen’s career is steeped in technology and field initiatives, with 16 years devoted to CPG beverage alcohol giant Diageo. He then switched gears to work with an independent software vendor, JDA Software Group, as the Vice President of North America. He has also taken the titles of Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Retail Optimization, Inc. and Senior Vice President of the Americas at Intactix International, leading through explosive growth periods and ultimately to acquisitions by Revionics and JDA respectively. At an ERP/supply chain consulting group named Retail Process Engineering, Lowen led business development efforts. To top off all this experience, Lowen’s expertise spans the realm of logistics and distribution space, as his roles as both the Vice President of Sales at Manhattan Associates and Sales Leader NCR’s supply chain demonstrate.

Gary Lowen, Director of Sales, Engage3“Engage3 brings a compelling set of solutions for today and tomorrow’s retail ecosystem, a team that consistently puts the customer first, and a customer and prospect base that’s passionate about the subject matter,” said Lowen. “I am excited to join and accelerate the company’s already rapid growth.”

No doubt Beck and Lowen will help Engage3’s mission of creating branding that is based on pricing performance through scientific and analytic findings because of their extensive experience working within the sales, pricing, merchandising, analytic, and supply chain industries.

“Bob Beck brings tremendous domain experience to the table and has already begun partnering with our strategic accounts to add immediate value to their pricing programs,” said Edris Bemanian, COO. “Gary Lowen’s extensive experience engaging C-Level executives in pricing, merchandising, predictive analytics, and supply chain will be instrumental. It’s our objective to hire the industry’s best and brightest, so we are very excited to add such great partners to our team.”

For more information on Engage3’s leadership transition or its next steps, you can visit them at For more industry news, check back with us at AndNowUKnow!


Tue. October 24th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN - Albert Bartlett potatoes are an exclusive category these days after Robinson Fresh® signed on as the sole provider of the coveted varieties within the confines of North America. The C.H. Robinson division is taking on the potato to cater to fresh and frozen potato markets. The potato has a transcontinental origin-story, with roots reaching back to the United Kingdom as it spreads across the North American market. Its headquarters are set to be Denver, and growers will be spread throughout the continent.

Michael Castagnetto, Vice President of Global Sourcing, Robinson Fresh“When we heard Albert Bartlett was looking for opportunities to further expand into the North American market, we knew we wanted to get involved,” said Michael Castagnetto, Vice President of Global Sourcing at Robinson Fresh, in a recent press release. “Albert Bartlett plays in a unique space in the food industry that we see as the forefront of consumer trends—the company prioritizes flavor to drive the category and provides a premium option to offer a meaningful culinary experience. As Michelin-star chefs and home cooks alike are utilizing this product, we believe this is the future direction of the produce industry.”

Rooster Potatoes

Albert Bartlett’s grower-focused relationships and product innovation will now join forces with Robinson Fresh’s aim of providing customer-based solutions throughout the entirety of the supply chain to bring knowledge of the potatoes’ history, along with its feasting experience, into North America.

Steve Barker, Vice President, Albert Bartlett“We wanted to work with someone who understands and can simplify the complexities associated with the North American produce market while appreciating the care we put into each potato,” said Steve Barker, Vice President at Albert Bartlett, in the same press release. “When the Bartlett family started this company, it was done with a passion to share with the world what a high-quality potato could and should taste like. In working with Robinson Fresh, we’re helping to share a UK favorite with the rest of the world. We look forward to continuing to expand our Albert Bartlett offerings.”

Albert Bartlett varieties are grown, stored, packages, and delivered with quality-first mindset. The potato company’s reputation centers mostly around its Albert Bartlett Rooster® variety, which is a red potato and said to be “Ireland’s favorite potato®.” It’s no surprise that the variety gained such popularity, as it works well and tastes flavorful when tested against a number of cooking methods. Robinson Fresh’s new addition is sure to add a unique niche to the North American potato market.

To dig into more fresh produce news, keep checking back with us at AndNowUKnow!

Robinson Fresh Albert Barlett