Mon. October 9th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

WALKER, MI – After making moves to streamline its information technology services (ITS) department this August, Meijer Inc. is reportedly continuing to restructure its tech operations, laying off employees and transitioning positions previously held within the company to outside firms.

“We are making changes to our ITS structure that will enable us to provide even more solutions in both the digital and physical space for Meijer customers,” Chief Information Officer Terry Ledbetter said in a statement about the company’s partnership with IBM. “Other changes include realignment of some teams and the elimination of some current roles. We are working closely with those affected by this change to help them through this process.”

Michigan-based business news source MiBiz reported that the retailer is continuing to streamline by both laying workers of and by “redbadging” employees; 113 redbadged employees will continue to work on Meijer’s corporate campus, but will now be employed by tech giant IBM Corp. Another 65 employees were terminated this week.

Meijer Storefront

These changes come on top of the 46 layoffs and 25 employee transfers undertaken in August. And MiBiz’s internal sources noted that Meijer’s internal ITS department will be paired down to approximately 300 employees by the end of the year.

Will the retailer’s recent moves pay dividends as more grocers look to online selling for the future of fresh produce? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.

Meijer Inc.

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

NEW ORLEANS, LA - How do you harness the power of talent and keep its energy focused on boosting the business? Center for Growing Talent by PMA (CGTbyPMA) looks to give you the answer, sponsoring sessions focused on talent at the rapidly-approaching Fresh Summit Convention & Expo.

Steve Campbell, Founder and CEO, Pro-Voke Head of the strategy, culture, and change management consulting firm Pro-Voke, Steve Campbell is one of the experts on hand to show you how. With 30 years in the supermarket business under his belt before founding Pro-Voke, he is slated to mediate the Fresh Summit workshop “Great Teams + Great Culture = Peak Performance,” which will provide insights from pros who understand the impact culture has on an organization’s success

When I ask Steve what exactly does “great culture” looks like, he hints that, “it’s not about throwing an annual company barbecue.”

Increasingly, employees across all generations cite work-life flexibility as key to a positive work experience.

Steve says that organizations that do a better job retaining employees, have “stopped thinking about work/life balance and started thinking about work/life integration. Employees want their work life and the rest of their lives to mesh to help them engage and be satisfied.”

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

But, he also stresses that there is more to promoting peak performance than offering work-life integration.

“In successful companies, there’s a culture of people coming together around a shared vision and a shared purpose,” Steve comments. “They know what’s important, and they also know how to say no to things that aren’t part of their strategy.”

Additionally, Steve says that a fully engaged employee is someone who brings the full measure of “head, heart, and gut” to every task.

“When employees are included and feel like they are making a contribution, when they feel like their values are connected to the organization’s values, then there’s intrinsic motivation for them to want to stay and succeed,” he explains when I ask how an employer can tap that measure of commitment.

Conversely, he adds, people who aren’t engaged—who “quit, but stay,” as he says—can be detrimental.

The session, which I was told will be highly interactive, includes panelists like Michael Burchell with McKinsey & Company, Kristen Diver of the restaurant industry’s The Dinex Group, Evan Kelsay at LinkedIn, and well-known produce industry senior strategist Julie Krivanek.

When it comes to attracting the talent you want to retain, Executive Director of the nonprofit, charitable CGTbyPMA Margi Prueitt shares her thoughts.

Margi Prueitt, Executive Director, Center for Growing Talent by PMA“The global fresh produce and floral industry is competing for talent with better-known companies like the Amazons, Googles and big banks of the world. We have to be attractive to people who don’t know much about us,” she says. “Our companies must build cultures that differentiate them from that competition, and the talent strategies and skills that will make their companies successful…CGTbyPMA exists to help our industry do just that.”

If attracting, developing, and retaining talent are amongst your key priorities, this year’s Fresh Summit includes a plethora of education and networking events.

Thursday, Oct. 19, will offer a pair of additional talent-themed workshops on attracting diverse candidates, and on motivating and engaging employees in today’s digital age, while Friday will offer a Talent Industry Reception in the evening.

CGT will also hold the already-sold-out annual Women’s Fresh Perspectives Leadership Breakfast on Thursday morning, as well as the 5K Race for Talent fundraiser on Friday morning.

CGTbyPMA’s oldest student-attraction program, the Pack Family Career Pathways Program, will bring 40 university students from all over to be immersed in industry career opportunities at Fresh Summit, with the help of industry mentors. The year-long leadership 2017 Emerging Leaders Program, designed to develop promising employees, will hold its capstone class and graduation for this year’s 40 young leaders.

“The produce industry is an incredibly robust, passionate environment. If organizations can extend some of that same muscle into their people, some really great things can happen,” Steve concludes.

To learn how CGTbyPMA can help your company attract, develop, and retain talent—and the multiple ways you can show industry leadership—visit

We will see you in New Orleans October 19-21 for the 2017 Fresh Summit.

PMA Fresh Summit

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CALIFORNIA - Gelsons Market shoppers got an extra treat when Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey decided to make the location their first trip to a grocery store in quite some time, as reported by People Food.

Oprah WinfreyOprah could say on hand her last time grocery shopping was Thanksgiving of last year, Ellen however simply had to say “years” since her last trip.

Luckily for my reporting heart, the two show-stopping celebrities went straight for the produce and dove right into the fruits and veggies (almost literally).

Ellen Degeneres“Oprah’s touched all the peaches everybody! Whoever wants a peach, Oprah’s touched them,” Ellen shouted to shoppers.

She also treated the world to Oprah holding some strategically-placed melons, despite the fact that all Oprah wanted to do was knock on them to see which one she liked best.

The cucumbers had a time to shine, as Ellen double-checked with Oprah what might be a better size to shop for when picking out the vegetables. She also took the time to hose down the organics for the Gelson produce employees. Thanks Ellen!

Credited to Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.

It turns out Oprah is also a big fan of cauliflower–not only does she slap some florets (is that a Josie’s Organics label I spy?) but she also stacked up on her own O, That’s Good! line including the cauliflower mashed potatoes that she seemed extra excited for.

The show-stopper that I loved was how excited Oprah was seeing a passer-by’s cart and heading straight for the contents.

Credited to Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.

“Are these Brussel’s sprouts?” she asks the shopper excitedly. “Oh, we need some of these.”

Also, it turns out while she may be a brilliant philanthropist, investor, and beyond, Oprah is very easily startled by Halloween decorations, much to Ellen’s delight.

Woman after my own heart, excited consumer Stephanie came up for a sample of O, That’s Good! and, when asked what she was making with her groceries, informed the two stars that it was Taco Tuesday to which Ellen said, “Why don’t we come help you cook?”

And she meant it.

See for yourselves the hilarity when Ellen and Oprah drive Stephanie home personally in the video above. (Hint: Ellen has probably not driven in a while, either.) What a great way to kick off my week, I hope you agree!

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

ISSAQUAH, WA - Just under two months since the retail industry had its world rocked by Amazon and Whole Foods, Costco is trying to do a little world-rocking of its own. The chain has announced it will now be offering both same day and two-day delivery options for its members.

Richard Galanti, CFO, CostcoAccording to Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti during a call with the company’s investors, last week marked the first time Costco would rollout its same- and two-day delivery for an array of grocery items. Under the name CostcoGrocery, this service currently only applies to dry goods and sundries, according to Fortune, but the company is also rolling out a partnership with Instacart in many of its stores that will deliver fresh items including produce.

In Fortune’s report, the source shared that Galanti said this will likely lead to lowered prices for many of its offerings, noting some items have “significantly better pricing than even we had at for many of these items. We expect to expand these offerings over time.”

Costco Storefront

CostcoGrocery, which arrives at consumers’ doors in two days or less throughout the continental U.S., will offer just under 500 dry products for delivery, and free delivery for orders above $75. Costco products delivered via Instacart will be available at around 376 Costco locations, with the option of ordering about 1,700 products.

“There’ll be a number of additional U.S. locations planned–added between now and the end of calendar 2018, as our partnership expands,” Galanti added for the Instacart delivery option.

This announcement comes on the heels of Costco’s fourth quarter and fiscal year 2017 financial report, which saw the retailer reporting net sales for the 17-week fourth quarter of $41.36 billion, an increase of 15.8 percent from $35.73 billion in the 16-week fourth quarter of fiscal 2016. As of the end of the fiscal 2017, Costco had 741 warehouse locations across the globe.

AndNowUKnow is keeping a close eye on grocery wars as we head into fiscal 2018, so stay tuned for more on the evolving landscape.


Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

NASHVILLE, NC – Sweet Potato harvest is currently underway for Nash Produce, with the North Carolina-based produce provider primed to meet demand from its retail, foodservice, and processor partners.

I recently had a chance to catch up with the company’s Director of Marketing and Business Development Tami Long to find out more about the season’s progress and what customers can expect this season.

Tami Long, Director of Marketing and Business Development, Nash Produce“We are currently 15 to 20 percent harvested,” Tami tells me, noting that the company is anticipating an increase in demand to bolster this season’s high-quality crop. “This season, yields have been at the least average, and quality is above average. We have had a very good growing season, with no extreme temperatures and no droughts. Movement continues to be steady…and we are anticipating volumes equivalent to 2016, hopeful to see a higher demand from the 2017 crop which would increase prices.”

Sweet potatoes

The company is currently growing organic and conventional sweet potatoes in Covington, Bonita, and Murasaki varieties. And while Tami tells me pricing on the 2016 crop made it challenging for growers to make a profit, she notes that Nash Produce is optimistic about the current crop’s prospective pricing. The company is currently hard at work educating consumers, developing new products, and helping its partners drive sales in restaurants and produce departments.

Nash Produce will be working to educate the consumer on the versatility of sweet potatoes, and that they are more than a holiday pie,” Tami notes. “We are looking to partner with other companies to create new products including sweet potatoes.”

Mr. Yam's product line

Nash Produce offers a number of resources for its customers, including: custom private labeling, point-of-sale displays, and multiple product SKUs for sweet potatoes, including varieties, organics, bags, microwavables, steamables, and bulk (with or without PLUs).

For more on all things produce, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Nash Produce

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

WASHINGTON, DC - Traditionally, low prices on bananas are a great way to attract customers to the produce aisle, though it may sometimes be considered a loss leader of the department, according to Fairtrade America. Now, the company has released a report with GlobeScan indicating that 64 percent of consumers surveyed indicate that they would purchase fair trade certified bananas at a differential of 10 cents per pound.

Derek Mulhern, Business Development Manager, Fairtrade America"This is a win-win. Retailers and brands benefit from having a Fairtrade choice in the center of the produce section,” said Derek Mulhern, Business Development Manager at Fairtrade America. “Providing customers with certified produce tells consumers that a business is serious about sharing the story of where their food comes from."

Fairtrade currently works with over 12,000 small-scale farmers and 10,000 workers in 12 countries. Producer organizations in the Dominican Republic produce the highest volume of bananas, while those in Colombia sell the highest percentage on Fairtrade terms (78 percent).

Fairtrade Bananas

Among those producers are the workers on Coliman farms in Mexico. These farms in Colima, Mexico, sell a high proportion of their organic bananas on Fairtrade terms resulting in significant Fairtrade Premium funds that workers invest according to their priorities. Workers have elected to invest in more than 20 projects related to health, education, housing improvements, and community support benefiting a total of 595 families and their communities.

“We’re committed to ensuring a safe and supportive workplace on our farms. Obtaining Fairtrade certification has helped us improve livelihoods of our workers and their families,” said Victor Heredia Armendariz, Sales Manager at Coliman Group. “Our retail partners recognize that and take pride in helping create a more sustainable supply chain for everyone involved.”

Fairtrade Bananas

Farmers and workers in the banana sector often face low incomes, and difficult and hazardous working conditions. Fairtrade certification has resulted in many positive impacts, including:

  • 91 percent of workers in Colombia have seen household assets increase by an average of 64 percent since their plantation became Fairtrade certified.
  • Three quarters of farmer cooperative members in Ecuador said their income and wellbeing had improved in the last three years.
  • Small-scale farmers in Colombia reported an average 34 percent increase in income due to their affiliation with Fairtrade certified organizations.
  • 78 percent of workers interviewed in Ecuador said their health and nutrition had improved over the last year.

James Morris, U.S. Director, GlobeScan“When the price is right, consumers state a strong willingness to pay a premium for fair trade bananas over those without a label. It shows that people will support retailers that take the extra step to invest in their supply chains,” said James Morris, U.S. Director, GlobeScan.

Generally, the lower the price increase, the more likely consumers were to purchase fair trade bananas. For example, the percentage of consumers likely to purchase increased to 77 percent with a 5 cent increase. Download a PDF of the research along with background information on Fairtrade banana farmers and workers here.

Silvia Campos, Global Product Manager, Fairtrade International“It’s clear that consumers recognize the value of Fairtrade, but retailers are also rewarded when they invest in the farmers and workers at origin,” said Silvia Campos, Global Product Manager Bananas at Fairtrade International. “With more to invest in responsible production and their communities, banana producers will deliver high-quality products that support livelihoods well into the future.”

How else can retailers capture dollars in the produce aisle? AndNowUKnow will continue to report. 

Fairtrade America Coliman GlobeScan

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

FOWLER, CA - Fowler-based company Bee Sweet Citrus has taken home one of the Central Valley’s most coveted agribusiness awards. Certified Public Accountants Baker Peterson Franklin (BPF) has chosen Bee Sweet as its recipient of the 2017 Baker Peterson Franklin Ag Business Award.

“Bee Sweet Citrus was selected for its outstanding achievements and contributions to Central Valley’s ag industry,” the firm shared. “Bee Sweet Citrus has a distinguished record of positive leadership, entrepreneurship, and service to the agriculture industry and our community making them the 2017 Baker Peterson Franklin Ag Business Award recipient.”

Jim Marderosian, President, Bee Sweet Citrus

According to a press release, the BPF Ag Business Award honors any for-profit service, product-related agribusiness, or farming entity headquartered in the Central San Joaquin Valley and is selected by a committee representing the local agribusiness industry, as well as the BPF Ag Department. Bee Sweet Citrus will be honored at the Ag Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, November 1 at Clovis Veterans Memorial District, where both the BPF Business Award and the Fresno Chamber Agriculturalist of the Year, Don Cameron of Terranova Ranch, will be presented.

Founded in 1987 in a wood shed, President Jim Marderosian has helped grow Bee Sweet Citrus to be the 36-acre business it is today, hosting a 400,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility, 20 citrus varieties, 10,000 growing acres, and packing 10 million cartons annually. BPF noted that the company’s vertical integration and having control at every step of the process are key to the company’s exceptional product quality. Bee Sweet Citrus is also environmentally sustainable with a high-tech solar panel system, water conservation and recycling programs, electric forklifts, and recyclable packaging.

Don Cameron of Terranova Ranch, winner of Fresno Chamber of Commerce’s Agriculturist of the Year, with Jim Marderosian

As well as its agricultural feats, Bee Sweet Citrus is also an active leader in the industry and a partner in the community. The organization serves on numerous industry boards and supports a variety of charitable organizations, including a recent $1 million donation to Valley Children’s Healthcare new pediatric care center in Fowler, $600,000 for a custom built citrus processing line at Fresno State; $1.5 million to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s new plant pathology lab and service on the Dean’s Advisory Council, and a $100,000 gift to Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Past BPF Ag Business Award recipients include:

  • Booth Ranches
  • Hall Management
  • HMC Farms
  • Gar Tootelian
  • Sun-Maid Growers
  • Allied Grape Growers
  • Fresno Equipment Company
  • Errotabere Ranches
  • Harris Farms
  • Borba Farms
  • National Raisin Co.
  • Ballantine Produce Co.
  • Woolf Enterprises
  • Producers Dairy Foods
  • P-R Farms
  • J&L Vineyards
  • Fowler Packing Company
  • Joseph Gallo Farms
  • Wawona Frozen Foods
  • Wilbur-Ellis Western Division
  • Zacky Farms

Luncheon tickets are available through the Fresno Chamber of Commerce, so check out, or call (559) 495-4800. if you would like to attend.

Bee Sweet Citrus

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

TAMPERE, FINLAND - Folks who follow food trends are likely keen on the plant-based meat alternatives which are sweeping the nation. Now, the fad has popped up in the last place you might expect: McDonald's, the carnivore's last stand.

It seems that plant-based proteins are prevailing in 2017. Since Beyond Meat, the Bill Gates-backed veggie burger that "bleeds," has inked deals with major foodservice and retail companies, and Whole Foods launched its tomato alternative for seafood, this craze looks to be taking hold. According to, McDonald's announced "The McVegan" to its lineup, piloting the burger at just one location in Tampere, Finland.

According to the report, the soy-based patty has all the vegan fixings, and there are no current plans to expand the distribution. However, upon learning the news, Twitter is afire with international demands for the burger.

According to, the vegan burgers test will be short lived, as the McVegan will only be offered through November 21.

How will this, and other plant-based trends, continue shaping the produce industry? Check in with AndNowUKnow as we bring you the latest.


Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

NEW ORLEANS, LA – Pete’s Living Greens is bringing fresh new additions to its living produce line to New Orleans this month, with Endive and Escarole Pete’s Living Strips in the running for the 2017 PMA Fresh Summit Impact Award. The California-based provider of hydroponically-grown, Non-GMO Verified living lettuce and cress varieties is hoping to take home the award honoring excellence in packaging based on functionality sustainability, and consumer convenience.

Pete Overgaag, Vice President of Innovation and Corporate Strategy, Pete's Living Greens“While we are highly driven to continue innovating in the living produce space, our focus will always revolve around providing consumers with the top-quality fresh and sustainable produce that fits into their busy lifestyles,” said Pete Overgaag, Vice President of Innovation & Corporate Strategy and eponymous “Pete” of Pete’s Living Greens, in a press release.

According to that release, Pete’s Living Strips—now available in seven varieties including Endive, Escarole, Baby Romaine, Spring Mix, Sweet Butter Blend, Italian Mix, and Upland Cress—offer consumers a fresh alternative to bagged salads and mixes. And with its the new Strips, the company noted, the best varieties of greens—perfect for punching up salads, sandwiches and any balanced meal—now come in living versions with their roots still intact for peak flavor and longevity.

Pete's Living Greens' Living Strips line are in the running for the PMA Fresh Summit Impact Award

Living Strips come in a patent-pending 100 percent recyclable plastic container. This “Home Harvest Pack™,” with an innovative “root containment compartment,” gives consumers an easy, no-mess way to harvest only the leaves that they need by pulling or cutting them out of the top portion of the package.

Formerly known as Hollandia Produce and recognized for its Live Gourmet and Grower Pete’s lines of living lettuce and cress varieties, Pete’s Living Greens recently rebranded across all product lines with a fresh new name and logo accompanied by a more modern, natural look. Updates to the design and the brand, the company noted, address consumer purchase drivers and sow the seeds—literally and figuratively—for product innovation.

Living Strips are currently available at a number of California-area retailers—including Stater Bros., Safeway, Von’s, Albertsons, and Bristol Farms. And Pete’s Living Greens’ existing line of living lettuces and cress varieties are available at select grocers, specialty health markets, and club stores nationwide, with a broader expansion into foodservice and the East Coast market planned through 2017.

Pete’s Living Greens will be featuring it’s living produce products at the 2017 PMA Fresh Summit, October 19th through 21st, held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. Attendees are invited to the Pete’s Living Greens booth #3301, where the new Strips will be on display alongside a Living Lettuce Wall made up entirely of heads of Living Butter Lettuce. Winners of the 2017 PMA Fresh Summit Impact Awards will be announced during the show.

Pete's Living Greens

Fri. October 6th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WATSONVILLE, CA - Pre-prepped produce is key for consumers and foodservice alike for everything from convenience, to enhance safety in the kitchen.

Monterey Mushrooms recently enhanced the value-add of its offering with the launch of its finely-diced mushrooms, and Vice President of Sales Mike O’Brien took the time to tell ANUK why.

For our full interview, see the brief video above.

Mike O'Brien, VP of Sales and Marketing, Monterey Mushrooms“We’ve got a new item that we’re introducing. It’s a diced mushroom in a pouch, already prepared that takes the work out of it,” Mike tells me.

Amongst the popular items this newest product could be great for, Mike lists:

  • Blended Burger
  • Blended Meatball
  • Blended Tacos

Monterey Mushrooms and the Mushrooms Council have both been avidly pushing the blend, not only for the promotion of a healthier main item, but in that a 30/70 mushroom and meat ratio is a great way to have any of the above items!

Monterey Mushrooms Blended Tacos

“The cool thing about this is it’s in a pouch and it’s so easy to use. So, it can come in any different size–whatever works best for the chef–and that’s what’s really important,” Mike adds, emphasizing not only the convenience of the item, but the enhanced safety for lack of cutting in the kitchen.

Don’t miss this and much more when perusing the PMA Fresh Summit show floor in New Orleans later this month. You can visit the Monterey Mushrooms team at booth #1906.

Monetery Mushrooms