Thu. August 31st, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

BAKERSFIELD, CA - All eyes are on grapes as the summer winds down and the next school year winds up. To get the pulse on what’s to come in the coveted category, I connected with Jason Fuller, Sales Planning Manager, and Natalie Erlendson, Director of Marketing for Sun World International, to discuss how buyers can pump up sales in produce this season.

According to Jason, initial projections anticipated there would be a larger grape crop this year compared to last year, however with a few early bumps in the road, estimates have been adjusted to show a similar grape volume to last year. As Jason puts it, extreme heat caused some challenges, though the overall grape quality has been good. Demand has also been moderate, making the lighter volumes a bit of a blessing.

Jason Fuller, Sales Planning Manager, Sun WorldSun World specifically will see increased volume in our proprietary fall grapes, AUTUMNCRISP® brand green seedless grapes and ADORA SEEDLESS® brand black seedless grapes,” Jason shares with me. “Both of which give retailers a late-season powerhouse when sold alongside our SCARLOTTA SEEDLESS® brand red seedless grapes.”

Sun World AUTUMNCRISP® brand green seedless grapes, ADORA SEEDLESS® brand black seedless grapes, and SCARLOTTA SEEDLESS® brand red seedless grapes

With schools starting across the nation, the industry expects the overall demand to pick up over the next couple of weeks. Early grapes were also competing with a very strong cherry season which is coming to close and should boost the market. There will be exciting opportunities to capture sales across the produce department.

Speaking of excitement, Natalie also shared the details about the next big initiatives coming down the pipeline at Sun World.

Natalie Erlendson, Director of Marketing, Sun WorldSun World launched its brand promise Better Farms. Better Flavor. at the start of the season, along with a new look and feel to its consumer website,” Natalie says. “We’ve just completed a new retail POS kit and will be unveiling all new packaging at this year’s PMA. The new brand identity was developed based off of extensive U.S. and international consumer research.”  

Sun World merchandising bin

As we previously reported, the move has it roots in extensive consumer focus groups, shop-alongs, and survey research to determine target grape consumers’ purchase influences which guided Sun World to ultimately land on the new brand promise. One which will carry the company far into the future.

Sun World

Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

FOWLER, CA - Portfolios are being polished, vitamins stocked up on, and new products prepped to be launched: that’s right, PMA Fresh Summit is on its way. As attendees gear up for another whirlwind year, first-time exhibitors are pulling all the stops to make their show floor debut. New to this year’s fold? Bee Sweet Citrus, with a stunning display in the works.

Monique Bienvenue, Director of Communications, Bee Sweet Citrus“Bee Sweet has been a PMA member for years, but this year we really wanted to focus on enhancing our brand and building a presence amongst our consumers,” Director of Communications Monique Bienvenue tells me.

As this year marks the company’s 30th anniversary, Bee Sweet is matching the momentous occasion by participating in on the industry’s most popular event. From the booth to the supplemental material, every aspect of Bee Sweet’s display has been designed to build off of the company’s previously launched rebrand initiative.

Furthermore, Monique tells me Bee Sweet will be showcasing its general packaging at the event. This packaging extends from the company’s specialty varieties to its Heirloom Navel brand.

“PMA Fresh Summit is a great show. Most of our customers will be in one location, and we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with them over the span of a few days,” Monique says. “We’re very excited to roll everything out and truly network with other attendees.”

Held this year in the tantalizing backdrop of New Orleans, LA, PMA Fresh Summit will serve as the perfect opportunity for Bee Sweet to show the buyer community the high-quality produce that the company has to offer. Each item displayed will speak true to Bee Sweet’s status as a true, full-line citrus house.

As the company and industry prepares for the event, from October 19-21, Bee Sweet’s upward trajectory isn’t over. Stay tuned for what’s to come in 2018!

Bee Sweet Citrus

Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ANGELES, CA – In a new partnership with Colombian grower Bengala Agrícola, Giumarra has announced it will now be providing a 12-month supply of Valle de Cauca-grown golden pineapple. With first shipments arriving September 4, East Coast customers can expect their arrival via the Ports of New York and Philadelphia, and, for the West Coast, via the Port of Long Beach.

Tom Richardson, V.P. Global Development, Giumarra“Our grower Bengala is offering the only certified Costa Rican MD2 golden pineapple seed planted in Colombia,” shared Tom Richardson, V.P. Global Development. “Our customers can trust the quality will be excellent and deliver a superior eating experience to consumers.”

According to a press release, the newly introduced Colombian-grown pineapples will be available in single-layer cartons of 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 counts.

Jason Bushong, Division Manager, Giumarra Wenatchee“Giumarra Wenatchee is excited to offer this specialty, high-value item to our North American customers every week throughout the year,” added Jason Bushong, Division Manager. “Valle de Cauca’s lower rainfall rate results in consistent pineapple availability year-round.”

Bengala Agrícola, a holder of certifications from GlobalGAP, ICA, and BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce), farms 700 hectares, or more than 1,700 acres, of golden pineapples.

Giumarra Premium Colombian Pineapples

Want to learn more about Giumarra and its full line of produce categories from around the globe? Visit


Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LEAMINGTON, ON - As out-going CEO Glenn Martin stepped away from the position to become Chairman, Highline Produce Limited announced that its current CFO, Aaron Hamer, stepped in to assume the position earlier this week.

Aaron Hamer, New CEO, Highline Mushrooms“Highline has been at the forefront of the mushroom industry’s innovation over the last 56 years, and we are thrilled with where we stand today,” said Hamer. “We are well positioned to keep growing ourselves, but more importantly, we focus on supporting our retail, foodservice, and food ingredient customers in growing their mushroom categories.”

Hamer joined the team in 2014, and has since helped to guide its growth strategy through several mergers and acquisitions that have made Highline one of the world’s largest organic mushroom companies, according to a press release, with operations and customers across Canada and the United States.

The company said that it has enjoyed rapid growth in recent years thanks to the collaborative efforts of Martin, Hamer, and their seasoned leadership team, and Martin will continue to share his wisdom and industry leadership expertise in his role as Chairman.


“We thank Glenn for his incredibly successful tenure as CEO and are excited to partner with Aaron as he leads Highline through its next chapter,” said Board Member Enda Walsh. “We are pleased that Glenn will assume the Chairmanship and look forward to his continued involvement with Highline.”

Highline maintains a family-focused environment and fosters a positive, stable working environment. Hammer said that he plans to maintain the company’s customer-first focus and commitment to excellence.

Congratulations to both leaders and the company on this newest chapter.

Highline Mushrooms

Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Back in March, Target announced that over the next three years they would spend billions of dollars reimagining and repositioning its stores. Included in that endeavor, the company noted it would remodel 110 stores and open 30 new small-format stores, while planning to fully renovate another 500 stores through 2018 and 2019. Today, the public can get its first glimpse of what that “reimagining” will look like with the recently revealed remodel in the company's home city, as seen in a video by Click On Detroit.

Joe Perdew, VP of Store Design, Target“We design everything with the guest in mind,” said Joe Perdew, VP. “We’re always thinking about the different ways a guest might want to shop on any given day. Sometimes, they only have 10 minutes and want to grab an order quickly using Order Pickup. Other times, they have 45 minutes—time to grab a coffee at Starbucks and browse the aisles. And sometimes, they want to shop online from the comfort of their couch. Our goal is to make it a great Target experience no matter which way they choose to shop.”

Those interested can take a look at the video below:

An item of note in the new format, lucky for us, is the positioning of grocery closer to the entrance of the stores. This will give ample opportunity for the retailer to put fresh produce front and center with consumers looking to grab and go.

How will retailers continue to evolve to meet consumer demands and respond to new technology? Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we continue to report. 


Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

SUMMERLAND, BC - 2017 looks to be a landmark year in the making for Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF) and its flagship product, nonbrowning Arctic® apples. Gearing up for the launch of its first Arctic variety with even more on the way, OSF has plenty of excitement in store for what may be its busiest year yet.

Neal Carter, President, Okanagan Specialty Fruits“We at Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc. are thrilled to be launching the first of our flagship nonbrowning Arctic apple varieties this year–Arctic Goldens!” company President Neal Carter tells me when I ask about what we can expect for the rest of the 2017. “All our Arctic apple varieties have a unique trait that prevents browning even when apples are bitten, sliced, or bruised. Thanks to their Arctic Advantage™ benefit, our nonbrowning apples can help reduce food waste throughout the supply chain while also giving consumers an unparalleled eating experience.”

Okanagan's new Arctic Goldens packaging

One area in particular that Arctic apples seem to excel in is the fresh cut produce area. Later this year, OSF will be taking the trend head on, exclusively launching Arctic Golden apple slices in 10-ounce grab-and-go bags. Neal says that the new product highlights the apples’ unique nonbrowning trait, enabling Arctic apple slices to be preservative free and providing consumers with the convenience factor and eating experience they desire. And coming up next, keep your eyes out for the new varietiesArctic Granny and Arctic Fuji.

We really want people to know how passionate we are about the many positive benefits of Arctic apples,” Neal explains when I ask what message he wants the industry to know about this new influx of apple products. “While our main goals with Arctic apples are to boost apple consumption and reduce food waste, biotechnology can also reduce water use, pesticides, and overall production costs, while increasing yields and improving lives. We look forward to seeing how our future innovations and advancements in biotechnology can continue to provide impactful benefits globally.”

Arctic Granny and Arctic Golden ApplesAnd with a launch as exciting as this one, OSF has plenty of in-store promotional materials to help promote sales at retail. In addition to in-store promotional activities, OSF will be offering a wealth of infographics, recipe cards, and much more to draw in consumer attention. OSF will also be staying at the forefront of consumer and retail eyes alike over the season, through the use of social media platforms, the OSF and Arctic apples websites, and weekly blog posts.

“Although our commercial launch is this year, it has been quite the journey to get to this point,” Neal says as we talk about OSF’s journey to get to this point. “We are a grower-led company—my wife and I are apple and cherry growers who founded the company over 20 years ago. Retailers should know that Arctic® apples have the exact same composition and nutritional value as their conventional counterparts, with the added bonus of the nonbrowning trait. Our long journey has included years of research and regulatory approvals making the Arctic® apple one of the most studied foods on the planet.”

Conventional apple (left) vs. Okanagan's Arctic apple (right)

One of those areas of research Neal mentions was a study of consumer preferences done by the company earlier this year, in which primary grocery shoppers in six U.S. cities had the chance to try the 10 oz bags of fresh Arctic Golden slices. According to OSF, results showed that 95% were satisfied or very satisfied with Arctic Goldens, and 92% said they would buy them if available in their local stores. For this first year of production, OSF expects availability to begin in October, lasting through the next 12 to 15 weeks. But keep your eyes peeled—as more trees get planted and more fruit is produced, Neal says the wholesome, nonbrowning apples will be available to apple lovers year-round. Want to learn even more about the Arctic apple revolution ahead of this October’s launch date? Visit

Okanagan Specialty Fruits

Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

SĀO PAULO, BRAZIL – This week, Walmart Stores unveiled plans to invest 1 billion reais—nearly $316 million dollars—to refurbish 120 stores in Brazil, as the country continues efforts to recover from a serious recession.

Flavio Cotini, Chief Executive Officer, Walmart Brazil

Flavio Cotini, Chief Executive Officer of Walmart’s Brazilian unit, told news source Reuters at the Latam Retail Show in Sao Paulo this week that the remodels were already underway.

“We’ve already done about 10 percent of it this year,” Cotini told reporters, promising to improve the remaining 100+ stores by 2019.

The investment appears to indicate a renewed focus in the Latin America’s biggest economy—where last year the company closed 60 locations.

Reuters noted that rival retailers such as Grupo Carrefour Brasil SA and GPA SA already control a large portion of the Brazilian market, and each have made substantial investments in growing their presence as well.


Carrefour, Brazil’s largest food retailer, has announced plans to nearly double its retail footprint in the next three years—investing the proceeds from a stock offering this July. Likewise, GPA SA is currently undertaking a large-scale renovation program in anticipation of the country’s recovery from what news sources called the worst recession in the country’s history.

AndNowUKnow will continue to report on this and other important retailers in our industry.


Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

ESSEN, GERMANY – Produce is at the center of a new strategy for discount retailer, Aldi. The notable discount chain has unveiled that it will begin selling misshapen fruits and vegetables in order to lessen food waste.

Phillip Skorning, Group Buying Director, Aldi Süd"We would like to convince our customers that even fruit and vegetable products with small optical defects can nevertheless be of excellent taste quality," said Philipp Skorning, Group Buying Director at Aldi Süd.

This new initiative is being undertaken by the branch of the brand better known as Aldi Süd (or Aldi South). This grouping of the chain operates in Ireland, Great Britain, Hungary, Switzerland, Australia, Austria, and Slovenia. Aldi South is also the operator of our own Aldi stores here in the U.S.

Aldi Süd

Known as “krummendinger,” these fruits and vegetables are ones that are misshapen from conventional appearance, or boast small aesthetic flaws. Aldi stated in a press release that it’s launching this specific line in order to draw attention to the issue of waste, and highlight the value in these food products.

The line will launch at the end of this month with crooked organic carrots. Apples will be added to the lineup in stores, by the end of September. The amount of “wonky” products in each pack will depend on agricultural condititions, such as weather.

Aldi Süd's crooked organic carrots

The retailer also announced that it is working with the Institute for Sustainable Nutrition of Münster University of Applied Sciences to monitor sales of this misshapen line and evaluate it scientifically. This organization has been involved in the reduction of preventable food waste for several years, and will continue to work with Aldi on identifying the causes of food losses and further identify reduction potentials.

No confirmation on whether or not this strategy will make it to our own shores as well.

Will retailers in the competitive market continue to place their bets on produce for new strategies? AndNowUKnow will report.

Aldi Süd

Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

SANTA PAULA, CA – Limoneira Company and AC Foods’ Suntreat have announced plans to further the two companies’ joint go-to-market strategic initiatives.

Alex Teague, Chief Operating Officer, Limoneira

"Limoneira and Suntreat have worked together for a number of years and elevating our alliance made sense," explained Alex Teague, Limoneira Chief Operating Officer, in a company press release.

Limoneira will continue to pair its strengths as a premier agribusiness with prime agricultural land and operations, real estate, and water rights throughout California, Arizona, and Chile with Suntreat’s strengths as a citrus sales, marketing, and packing organization. According to a joint press release, throughout its 60-year history, San Joaquin-based Suntreat has grown, packed, and sold some of California's finest citrus—including lemons, oranges, and specialty varieties.

Darren Filkins, President, Suntreat

"Suntreat is in a high growth mode and even with our increasing acreage we are running to meet the needs of our customers," noted Darren Filkins, Suntreat President. "Our companies have complementary strengths, and this alliance enables us to continue to be the preferred partner for our customers with citrus. Just as important, it will enable both entities to realize strategic goals even more quickly."

Limoneira Lemons

Limoneira’s Director of Global Sales John Carter echoed these sentiments and noted that the strategic alliance with Suntreat will allow Limoneira to further its "One World of Citrus™" business model.

John Carter, Director of Global Sales, Limoneira

"Furthering our business collaboration with Suntreat will enable us to build on our One World of Citrus model and increase our volumes to North American and International markets,” said Carter. “Our goal is to be everything citrus to our global customer base and provide best-in-class quality and consistency. We'll get them the varieties they want whenever and wherever they want them."

For more on important moves in the produce industry, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Limoneira Suntreat

Wed. August 30th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

HOUSTON, TX - Much of the industry has banded together, from the supply-side to the buy-side, to help repair the damages of Harvey, which recorded over 48 inches of rainfall in some of the areas affected by the hurricane turned tropical storm.

Brent Erenwert, President of Produce Brothers, has started a fund entitled Hurricane Harvey Produce Industry Relief, with the goal of raising $1 million.

Brent Erenwert, President, Brothers Produce“Houston is my home. It’s where I work, where I play, where I raise my family. When my friends and neighbors are hurting, I’m hurting and I knew I needed to do something to help,” Erenwert said in his message. “The produce industry is also like a family and has always proven to not only be resilient in the face of their own disasters, but to be the first to lend a hand and respond in times of need when others ask for help. As one of the largest cities in the U.S., Houston is home to millions and a thriving economic market for many of us throughout the produce industry. I know my colleagues in the industry will join me in helping where they can and showing that the produce industry supports Houston.”

In his message, Erenwert details that the weather system brought flooding levels that have not been recorded in over 500 years on the Southeast coast of Texas, with the majority of its effects felt in Houston.

Brothers Produce Team Loading Donations

“The proceeds of this fund will be donated in their entirely to my hometown of Friendswood, Texas. Our city was one of the worst affected areas, losing more than 1/3 of the homes. Thanks again for your generosity,” he said.

Tony Forsythe, President and Founder of National Produce Consultants, LLC, saw the post on LinkedIn. "I challenge those of us in the fresh produce industry, who can MATCH my $2,500.00 donation to please do so,” Forsythe stated, according to the fund’s site.

With every dollar holding the potential to make a difference, those who wish to contribute can donate by following the green link below.

Donate to Harvey Relief Here

“I believe the fresh produce industry is composed of the best professionals in the world who truly understand the meaning of rallying together and helping one another,” Erenwert said.

Our hearts go out to those in Texas as the state works to overcome this challenging time. Erenwert has already raised $28,915 of the $1 million goal. To donate, click here

Brothers Produce Harvey Relief Fund