Fri. July 14th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

ROSEMONT, IL – As consumers and star chefs alike experiment with the state of their plates, US Foods has noted a particular rising trend that can boost the possibilities of produce; appetizers.

“Starters are a perfect fit with today’s most important lifestyle trends: downsizing of portions and prices; sharing and sampling; on-the-go eating; and around-the-clock grazing,” the company stated on its website.

As this section of the menu booms in both restaurants and home kitchens, US Foods has put forth a list of key trends, viewable here. Some of the selections also serve to boost consumption of produce, in addition to answering the convenience and health demands of consumers.

So, which selections have been helping move produce to the center of the appetizer plate?

Hummus assortment


Our industry is no stranger to the power of fresh produce paired with a tasty hummus, and consumers are becoming savvy to the trend as well. More restaurants are pairing tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and more with their traditional and healthy selections of this Mediterranean dip. 

Stacked Creations

The rise of appetizers isn’t limited to their popularity, with the offerings growing height-wise as well. Picked up by heavy-hitter names like Applebee’s, Chili’s, and Bahama Breeze, these appetizers pair fresh fruits and veggies like mango, avocado, and jalapeños with the flavor profiles of delicacies like crab and shrimp. There’s only one direction to go from here as these creations allow for more produce to be included in the endless possibilities of a stacked dish. 

Street Foods

What once was sold by vendors in high-traffic cities has moved its way indoors and onto the menu. With famous restaurants and chefs serving up dishes inspired by the Far East, Middle East, Caribbean, and Latin America, produce can elevate these selections at all price levels. Using selections like street tacos as its vehicle, items like these can be enhanced with avocado, guacamole, cucumber, and more.

Bruschetta assortment


My personal favorite, this time-honored selection is merging two things consumers hold dearly; toast, and tomatoes. US Foods has noted that toasted garlic bread or a grilled baguette can really pop with a caprese or roasted Portobello with artichoke sauce, with foodservice chains adding their own produce like red onion, capers in lemon juice, and tomatoes

US Foods noted that this menu section isn’t only on the rise in consumer eyes, but also with their culinary creators. The appetizer or starter dish allows chefs free creativity and allows strong flavors and fresh ingredients to star. 

As buy-side chefs, consumers, and restaurants all look to the appetizer menu, what produce trends will pop up next? AndNowUKnow will keep you apprised.

US Foods

Fri. July 14th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

IRVINE, CA – This Fourth of July proved to be a boon for California avocados—as consumers purchased a record amount of the chartreuse fruit.

The California Avocado Commission noted, in a press release, that sales figures indicate 118.3 million pounds of avocados were sold in the U.S. in support of holiday festivities this fourth, which makes this Fourth of July the highest consumption period on record for avocados from the Golden State.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission“Fourth of July and all of the American summer holidays have grown to be top consumption periods for avocados, extending the opportunities for thematic retail promotions beyond the traditional Big Game and Cinco de Mayo events for the category,” said Jan DeLyser, Vice President Marketing. “Anytime people get together is a great time for avocado consumption.”

The commission—an organization that strives to increase demand for California avocados through advertising, promotion, and public relations—had previously projected 100 million pound of avocados to be sold this Fourth of July. Actual sales surpassed their projection by more than 18 million pounds, and exceeded the previous year’s Fourth of July totals by approximately 20 percent.

California Avocado Commission

The record-breaking holiday numbers, the commission also noted, came on the heels of a gargantuan Memorial Day, which also accounted for more than 118 million pounds in California avocado sales, as well.

For more on all things California avocado-related, check out, and follow the California Avocado Commission on their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram profiles.

And for more on all things product, stick with AndNowUKnow.

California Avocado Commission

Fri. July 14th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY - With an eye on shaping the future of produce at retail, Inserra Supermarkets has launched a new program that focuses on the benefits of organic and fair trade fruits and vegetables in the company’s ShopRite stores. Entitled Taste Me, Do Good*, the comprehensive program will include a new line of products that follow organic and fair trade guidelines, spanning categories including pears, apples, blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, and mangos.

"The program perfectly aligns with our family and company values of providing healthy and nutritious foods to people, giving back to the community, being committed to environmental sustainability, and taking care of the farmworkers who do the hard work of producing the foods we enjoy,” said Carl Inserra Jr. of Inserra Supermarkets ShopRite. “For us, it's a win-win—great products, a great story to tell, and a meaningful experience to bring to our customers."

"Taste Me, Do Good*" Program from Interrupcion

According to a press release, the Taste Me, Do Good* program will showcase products that are grown with the highest levels of food safety and strict social and environmental standards in mind. Hoping to normalize the use of “model best practice” farms by retailers, the company works closely with farmers, who are often small and medium-sized operators, cooperatives, and rural workers.

“Our work creates a model for an agriculture of the future,” said Rafael Goldberg, CEO of Interrupcion, a marketer of the program’s products, in a report from source New City Patch. “Consumers get premium quality, great tasting, organic and fair trade products at a great value, and farmers and workers get dignified treatment and investment back into their communities. Our focus on organic and biodynamic agriculture is also a powerful way to protect the soil, water, and environment for future generations. It’s a win-win-win relationship for everyone involved.”

ShopRite storefront. Image via Mike Mozart.

To tell this story, ShopRite stores will display colorful Taste Me, Do Good* displays, including bin graphics, signage, and an engaging social media campaign.

Eric Beelitz, Director of Produce, Inserra"On top of this program being very in-line with our company values, we're focused on bringing more and more organic items into our stores and providing the best quality product to our shoppers while creating great value for them,” says Eric Beelitz, Director of Produce for Inserra. “I'm really happy with what I've seen so far."

In addition to the new line of products and the increase in organic produce, Goldberg says that company will be providing its suppliers with the following:

  • Financing
  • Wuality assurance
  • Agricultural technology
  • Capacity building
  • Technical support for organic farming and fair trade processes
  • Bio-fertilizers
  • Supply chain logistics services

As the industry keeps cranking out new and unique ways to get shoppes’ eyes on produce, AndNowUKnow will be there to report.

Inserra Supermarkets

Fri. July 14th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MONTEREY, CA – Set to capitalize on an emerging trend, Monterey Mushrooms has announced a new finely-diced mushroom product for foodservice customers, set to debut at the PMA Foodservice Expo in Monterey, California, July 28th to the 30th.

Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Specialist, Monterey MushroomsFinely-diced mushrooms blended with meat creates a delicious and healthier way to enjoy favorite meat dishes,” said Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Specialist.

The company’s latest foodservice offering is a two-pound bag of finely-diced white and brown mushrooms with an extended shelf-life. According to a company press release, the pre-diced mushrooms are ready to be blended immediately with ground meat and cooked to create a delicious, nutritious, and sustainable burger, meatball, taco, or similar menu item. The diced mushrooms can also be used as an ingredient in several applications such as scrambles, omelets, sauces, soups, and other dishes.

Monterey Mushrooms' blended tacos

Additionally, the company noted that the Mushroom Council has created a website,, that includes recipe ideas, chef stories, and details about the benefits of blending. Monterey Mushrooms’ new two-pound bag of finely diced mushrooms works just the same as when blending with fresh mushrooms, but it eliminates labor-intensive steps like chopping, sautéing, and setting aside to cool.

The company will be serving traditional Italian meatballs featuring ground meat blended with the finely diced mushrooms, and conference attendees are invited to visit Monterey Mushrooms’ booth, #304, to taste.

The company’s frozen GrillaBella meat-alternative line which includes burger patties, meatballs, breakfast sausage patties, and Italian sausage patties will also be featured at the expo. Made with the primary ingredient of fresh Monterey Mushrooms, GrillaBella mushroom products are, according to the company’s press release, packed with protein, fiber, vitamin D, and minerals, and are a delicious meat alternative. 

GrillaBella Burgers

“The demand for meat alternatives is growing and that is why we developed a mushroom-based meat alternative line," Roberts said.

The company will also feature fresh-focused 5 lb bulk boxes of organic white mushrooms and organic baby bella mushrooms—new additions to its foodservice offerings. Monterey Mushrooms’ Foodservice Manager Sandy Malouff-Quintana noted that the introduction of these additional offerings is due to the growth of the organic segment at foodservice. Malouff-Quintana is serving her second year on the PMA Foodservice Conference Committee.

For more on produce offerings in foodservice and beyond, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Monterey Mushrooms

Fri. July 14th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

FRESNO, CA - This summer is looking to be a hot one for the California grape industry, with demand heating up and shipments on the rise. And the California Table Grape Commission (CTGC) has important tips and insights for retailers looking to capitalize on the opportunities afforded by the beloved fruit.

According to the CTGC’s research, 96 percent of primary shoppers in the U.S. say they prefer grapes grown in California vs. another country when prices are the same, and 77 percent say they still prefer California grapes even if they’re priced higher than grapes from other origins.

Cindy Plummer, Vice President of Domestic Marketing, California Table Grape Commission“These findings confirm that California grapes continue to be in strong demand in the U.S.,” said Cindy Plummer, Commission Vice President of Domestic Marketing. “It is important to advertise often to get grapes on the lists of those shoppers who make many of their purchasing decisions before they even step foot in the store.”

The same research also offers insight into how shoppers typically go about purchasing their grapes. More than half of U.S. shoppers (52 percent) purchase grapes once per week or more, and 45 percent of grape purchasers make the decision to purchase grapes before they go into the store. 

Summer means barbecues and California grapes pair well with all the grilling favorites

To maximize sales, the CTGC recommends promoting California grapes three to five times per month; doing so, the commission noted, can increase sales by 30-57 percent. Front page ads create the greatest impact on the grape category followed by front page ads coupled with in-store price reductions.

While many shoppers pre-plan their grape purchases, there is still a large percentage, over 25 percent, who buy grapes on impulse. Abundant, fresh, high-quality, and well-maintained grape displays, the CTGC noted, can generate increased sales for California grapes.

California grapes and a dip in the pool, two perfect ways to stay cool this summer

The commission recommends the following merchandising and display tips designed to drive sales and maximize profitability:

  • When building a display, bagged grapes should be gently stacked no more than three layers high. Two-pound clamshells can be stacked up to four layers high, and four-pound clamshells in original shipper boxes can be stacked up to six layers high. These stack height recommendations will assist in decreasing shatter and breakdown of the grapes. 
  • Refrigerated grape displays will have an increased shelf-life.
  • Remove any poor-quality, tired, and non-appealing grapes from the display.
  • Display grapes with proper country of origin signage as well as variety and price information.
  • Expand display space for grapes with large abundant displays that are frequently refreshed and generate increased sales.
  • Cross merchandise grapes with various food items. For example, pair grapes with cheese and crackers for an easy portable picnic, with small bags or containers to make them more portable, with bread and peanut butter for the ultimate easy snack.
  • Create multiple or secondary displays to drive additional sales and highlight unique varieties or showcase premium grapes, value grapes, organic grapes, etc.
  • Build creative displays that grab the attention of consumers that include overhead signage, balloons, etc. The commission offers price cards and danglers to retailers to decorate their displays.

“Summer holidays, such as Labor Day, as well as picnics and BBQ themes, are the perfect time for retailers to get creative with their displays for California grapes to draw consumer attention and increase sales,” added Plummer.

Add frozen or chilled California grapes to your drinks this summer to keep cool

The commission also offers promotion incentives through traffic radio, where retailers have the opportunity to tag their store name onto 10-second announcer-read promotional messages that includes mention of California grapes and a retail chain. Traffic radio is available to those retailers who upgrade their ad to a front page or multiple variety grape ad.

AndNowUKnow will continue to report on ways in which retailers can capitalize on the opportunities California table grapes offer.

California Table Grape Commission

ANUK tells me what I want to know, and when I need to know it. The added flare of wit and humor makes it a welcome to sight to see when each newsletter arrives.

Thu. July 13th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CALIFORNIA - From the screen to the produce aisle, there is a long and complex journey for produce packaging to trek before it becomes an enticing impulse buy for consumers.

This is the journey Moxxy Marketing teamed up with Western Growers; Dickenson, Peatman, & Fogarty; Garlock Printing & Converting; and Downey Brand, LLP to address. The inaugural Produce Packaging Seminar, which hosted three events in key ag areas of California, kicked off with success, as it spread the word of how to push produce.

Terry Feinberg, Principle, Moxxy Marketing“Produce packaging can be complicated. We identified a need for legal, production, and design information and are thrilled with the response,” shared Terry Feinberg, Principal at Moxxy Marketing. “The presenters were all experts in their fields, and without much advance coordination, the presentations logically flowed from one session to the next.”

This flow, Terry shared, came seamlessly with the components of bringing a successful concept to the produce aisle.

Speaker Chris Passarelli of Dickenson, Peatman, & Fogarty

“What I was most impressed with was the variety of speakers and wide range of topics they covered in just a day,” said attendee Audrey Baronam, Marketing and Design Manager for Renaissance Food Group, LLC. “They were able to touch on many aspects and current challenges of packaging to give a well-rounded look at what all goes into the process of getting an item to the shelf.”

Corrie Hutchens, Senior Director of Marketing, Pete's Living GreensPete’s Living Greens Senior Director of Marketing Corrie Hutchens agreed, telling me, “The topics they covered were very applicable to what I, as a marketer, have to think about on a daily basis when it comes to packaging creation and execution. Given the small, intimate group, it allowed for additional questions and discussion, and I enjoyed the opportunity to ask top of mind questions related to everything from trademarks, to branding and design, while getting immediate feedback from credible individuals.”

Product examples on display at the Produce Packaging Seminar

And those words from Corrie were exactly the goals Terry was proud to have met, and plans to see these benefits go far beyond the seminar.

“We provided our presentations, and additional resource materials, on USB drives to all who attended. By the end of July, these materials will be available at,” he shared, emphasizing that spreading the word, more than anything, was the ultimate achievement of the first-time event.

Attendees at the Produce Packaging Seminar

As Moxxy continues to have an eye on broadening the horizon of packaging, we hope this is not a one-time occurrence, but the beginning of a new chapter on the company's calendar.

Moxxy Marketing

Thu. July 13th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

KENT, U.K. - Some crafty thieves may be making off with a stomach ache, in addition to a haul strawberries stolen from a Kent, U.K.-area farm this month. With greedy eyes looking to make a buck off of higher-than-usual post-Brexit strawberry prices, these berry-nabbers may have accidentally grabbed berries with an extra layer of flavor, namely, police say, poison.

According to an article by U.K. source The Independent, the criminals in question are believed to have cut a hole in a fence around Hill Farm, southeast of London, making off with over 220 pounds of strawberries. The source equates this to just under $400 worth of fruit, with law enforcement suggesting the heist was likely acted out with the intention to resell the fruit.


One hitch in their plan the perpetrators were not expecting, however, was that the strawberries had recently been sprayed with a routine chemical.

“The fruit had recently been coated with a chemical to help growth which can cause poisoning to the stomach,” a Kent Police statement said. “There have been previous incidents of theft at the farm, and it is believed the same people are responsible for the latest incident.”

Likely to be a growth regulator and a typical type of spray you’d see used in this type of berry growth, those knowledgable in pesticides said ingesting the chemical without washing it off could be toxic to those who may unknowingly consume these berries.

So, if you happen to be galavanting around London in the near future and see what looks like an innocuous strawberry stand on the side of the road, think twice before you pop one of those summer treats directly into your mouth.

For all the latest on dastardly deeds in the produce industry, AndNowUKnow will keep you updated.

Thu. July 13th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SELAH, WA – Rainier Fruit is making some sizable investments into the leadership of its operations, with the company’s forward momentum in mind. The company has announced that is has brought industry veteran Jeff Weidner into a leadership role in the company, in addition to promoting five others to various executive positions.

Weidner joined the company earlier this month on July 3 in his new role as Rainier Fruit’s Director of Warehouse and Grower Relations

Jeff Weidner, Director of Warehouse and Grower Relations, Rainier Fruit“Rainier is not only an industry leader, but they have a winning culture that is known for making things happen,” Weidner stated. “That is an exciting combination to be a part of when you have the tools necessary to succeed and you can expand the dialogue with each customer about what we can do for them. There are no cookie cutter answers when delivering best in class service and high-quality apples, pears, cherries, and blueberries.” 

According to a press release, Weidner will be responsible for building closer relationships with all grower partners and shipping facilities, in order to create a seamless and efficient supply change that meets the needs of dynamic customer expectations.

With a keen eye on growth, Rainier Fruit has also promoted other members of its valuable team to further promote its constant focus on customer service. The change in titles and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Randy Abhold, EVP of Sales & Business
  • Andy Tudor, VP of Business Development
  • Blake Belknap, Director of Domestic Sales
  • Troy Howard, Director of Export Sales
  • Shane Zeutenhorst, Director of Foodservice Sales 

As Weidner joins this newly bolstered leadership team, he brings 39 years of his own experience to Rainier Fruit. He obtained industry knowledge from time spent with companies like L&M, and First Fruits Marketing, where he recently served as Production Manager and Marketing Coordinator. 

Randy Abhold, EVP of Sales & Business“The business of customer service and the supply chain continues to evolve and it is dynamic in its need to not only serve the customer, but also deliver peak returns to growers. Having Jeff on board, as well as a focused sales team allows us to create a more cohesive and transparent system that helps us react quickly to changing customer needs,” said Abhold. “Jeff’s experience in the industry and knowledge of customer and grower expectations will allow for swift changes when needed.” 

The company noted that Weidner is a family and outdoors man, who loves spending time with his wife, daughter, and two grandchildren while he makes time to hike and camp. 

Congratulations to Jeff on his appointment, and the rest of the Rainier Fruit team on their accomplishments! 

Rainier Fruit Company

Thu. July 13th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

OMAHA, NE – Aldi has announced plans to remodel six Omaha-area stores by 2019—putting a focus on fresh food to the tune of $10 million.

The remodels are part of the discount retailer’s expansive $1.6 billion nationwide effort to upgrade and expand 1,600 U.S. store over the next three years. Local news source the Omaha World-Herald notes that the efforts are likely a means of reinforcing Aldi’s standing as fellow German giant Lidl enters the U.S. market and online competitors like Amazon and Blue Apron reshape the grocery landscape.

Jason Hart, Chief Executive Officer, Aldi (Photo Credit: The National Confectioners Association)“Aldi customers know we stand out from our competitors for a reason: we offer high-quality, affordable food that they can feel good about serving their families,” noted CEO Jason Hart, in a press release on the stores initial remodeling plans. “Our unmatched combination of exceptional quality and everyday low prices is why we’re one of the fastest growing retailers in the U.S., currently operating in 35 states.”

Aldi Storefront

The World-Herald also noted that Aldi will open an additional store in the Omaha area later this year as part of the retailer’s $3.4 billion investment in expanding its U.S. store count to 2,500 by 2022.

As the Midwest grocery market becomes increasingly competitive, AndNowUKnow will continue to report on goings-on in the industry.
