Sun. April 30th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

SALINAS, CA – Naturipe Farms announced today that, now through summer and into fall, its California strawberries are in peak supply and will be available for promotional opportunities for the upcoming summer holidays.

“Santa Maria is peaking and will have a good supply for Mother’s Day and through the next few weeks into June,” said Vinnie Lopes, Vice President of Sales—West Coast in a company press release. “Watsonville is ramping up quickly with a bountiful supply available now and expected to thrive through mid-fall.”

In addition to several proprietary offerings, Naturipe is currently harvesting the following varieties:

  • Monterey
  • Albion
  • San Andreas
  • Fronterras
  • Sweet Anne
  • Petaluma

Through its Variety Improvement Program, the company is working diligently with growers, agronomists, and plant breeders to develop the best tasting, premium quality berries for the the Naturipe® brand, noted Naturipe’s press release.

The company also noted its significant strides in addressing increasing organic demand. According to a 2016 Organic Trade Association survey, total organic sales are up 11 percent from the previous year.

“Supplies are plentiful for both organic and conventional strawberries, with weekly promotable volume available from now to early fall,” added Lopes.

Naturipe suggests that retailers capitalize on peak strawberry season, along with the availability of blueberries, by offering a complete “berry patch” with both organic and conventional displays and a variety of pack sizes. The company notes its one pound strawberry and blueberry clamshells have the same footprint and allow for an easy display for BOGO pricing.

For more news on offerings from this and other important produce providers, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Naturipe Farms

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

SANTA PAULA, CA - Moms rejoice! May is a month just for you, and with the help of Limoneira’s Megan Roosevelt, it can also be a month of brightening up the citrus category. This month, Megan has put together some tips on creating a Mother’s Day brunch menu that features one of Limoneira’s pride and joys: the zesty Limoneira pink lemon 

To see Megan in action demonstrating some of her best citrusy brunch items, view the video below, and don’t forget to subscribe! More videos with extra tips and tricks will be added to the channel each Friday throughout the month.  

According to a press release, these are a few of the perfect-for-Mother’s Day recipes Megan features in her video: 

Raspberry Pink Lemon Chia Muffins

Vegan? Gluten free? Delicious? Say no more.  


  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¾ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2/3 cup brown rice flour
  • ¾ cup ground oats
  • 1/3 cup coconut butter
  • ½ cup apple sauce
  • 1 Limoneira pink lemon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup raspberries  

Directions: Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and stir together. Then add coconut butter, apple sauce, vanilla extract, and the juice from the pink lemon into a small bowl. Next, mash the raspberries and add them to the other wet ingredients, and mix together. Add the wet ingredients to the dry, and mix together. You may need to add a small amount of water and knead with your hands to form a batter. Grease a muffin pan and fill with batter. Top with more mashed raspberries. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes.

Spring Salad with Pink Lemon Salad Dressing

Light and delicious, this simple salad is the perfect addition to a simple springtime brunch.  


  • 2 tbsp hemp hearts
  • Sea salt
  • Limoneira pink lemon
  • Radishes
  • Carrot
  • Cucumber
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cups arugula
  • ½ cup green peas 

Directions: Add all veggies into a bowl. Add olive oil and drizzle with fresh squeezed pink lemon juice. Toss together, top with hemp hearts and a pinch of sea salt.

As you may have seen in our past updates with Limoneira, each month, Megan features another wonderful facet of citrus living. Subscribe to Limoneira’s Youtube channel for more information on the many ways this endlessly versatile fruit can improve life inside the home and beyond, and to learn more about each and every lemon expert the company partners with, visit Limoneira’s website here.


Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

NORTH AMERICA - According to the latest update from the World Meteorological Organization, there is a 50-60% chance of an an El Niño event forming in middle to late 2017, raising the odds up from 35-40% in the organization's February update.

Maxx Dilley, Director of Climate Prediction and Adaptation Division, World Meteorological Organization“Memories are still fresh of the powerful 2015-2016 El Niño which was associated with droughts, flooding, and coral bleaching in different parts of the world and which, combined with long-term climate change, lead to increase of global temperatures to new record highs in both 2015 and 2016,” said Maxx Dilley, Director of WMO's Climate Prediction and Adaptation division, according to the press release.

The release continues to say that the impact by El Niño on regional climates is never exactly duplicated; each event is unique to the intensity, time of year, and interaction with concurrent climate patterns.

Following a moderately weak La Niña in the latter half of 2016, the subsequent development of an El Niño during the second half of 2017 is more likely than the continuation of existing neutral conditions. The emergence of La Niña appears very unlikely, according to the update, which is a consensus-based product, based on contributions from leading centers around the world that monitor and predict this phenomenon, and expert assessment of the results of climate models.

“Accurate predictions of the most recent El Niño saved untold lives. Our greatly improved ability to forecast El Niño and La Niña events contributes to the public good and is essential for the agricultural and food security sectors, for management of water resources and public health, as well as for disaster risk reduction,” said Mr. Dilley.

El Niño occurs naturally through ocean temperature fluctuations in the central and eastern Pacific, paired with atmospheric changes. It is largely responsible for impacting weather patterns around the globe, and causing air temperatures to rise. For more about the impact of El Niño, check out past articles here and here.

Will the fresh produce industry see the impact of this global event in 2017? Stick with AndNowUKnow to find out.

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

SUNBURY, PA – This year will be one for growth for Weis Markets, given the retailer’s latest announcement. Investing $90 million throughout the chain, Weis is looking to conquer 2017 with its extensive growth plans.

Jonathan Weis, Chairman & CEO, Weis Markets

"In 2017, we plan to invest $90 million in our growth,” said Chairman and CEO Jonathan H. Weis. “Our budget includes 14 remodels, a new unit in Brunswick, MD, two fuel centers, and the continued expansion of our distribution center in Milton, PA. We also have seven new stores in the active planning stages and expect most of them to open in 2018." 

The expansive budget will cover new stores, remodels, supply chain improvements, and continued information technology upgrades. The investment plan was unveiled during the company’s annual shareholder meeting Friday, according to a press release.

This move comes off a recent string of growth-centric strategies from the retailer. Last year, Weis converted a total of 44 stores after acquiring locations from Nell’s Family Market, Mars Super Market, and Food Lion. This led to a generation of over $3 billion sales during 2016, the first for the company. 

"Last year was one of tremendous growth and opportunity for our company. In 2016, we acquired 44 stores and converted them in just three months' time, growing our store base by more than 20 percent," continued Weis. "As a result of our acquisition, we now operate 204 stores and have expanded operations into two new states, adding Delaware and Virginia to our now seven state territory throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. We are proud of our team—23,000 associates strong—who made our success possible.”

As Weis continues its upward momentum, AndNowUKnow will keep our eye on its impact on the buy-side sector and potential for a fresh focus. 

Weis Markets

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

REIDSVILLE, GA - Shuman Produce bolstered its Vidalia® onion presence late last week when it walked out of a recent auction with a new facility and hundreds of acres of Vidalia onion property under its belt.

John Shuman, President, Shuman Produce

“We view this acquisition as a good fit for Shuman Produce and a way to expand our Vidalia onion land base and infrastructure,” said company President, John Shuman. “This will enable us to continue serving our retailers with best in class customer service and a high-quality product under the RealSweet® brand.”

Shuman Produce said in a press release that, as a year-round grower and shipper of RealSweet brand sweet onions, it is blessed and proud to have this opportunity to expand its operation. The newly-acquired Plantation Sweets Vidalia operation, located in Cobbtown, Georgia, spans 620 acres and houses a 94,000-square-foot packing facility.

The new addition will be factored into Shuman’s operations in time for this year’s Vidalia onion crop, with the company already planning to start using the cold storage space on the property in the coming weeks. As for the role it will play in the broader scope of the company’s strategic expansion, it noted that the new property will both increase its storage and packing capabilities, as well as add more land to its crop production.

Overall, Shuman said that the facility and resources will be an integral part of growth in the production of other Georgia commodities.

With more clearly on the horizon for the team and its reach, keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we await those plans’ fruition.

Shuman Produce

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CHICAGO, IL – Del Monte Fresh Produce paired with the National Mango Board to bring mango samples, fact sheets, and promotional materials to 80,000 students at 97 Chicago Public Schools through the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). The produce provider and trade association held a sampling event April 25th for students at elementary schools in the city’s highest poverty neighborhoods.

Dennis Christou, Vice President of Marketing, Del Monte Fresh

“We’re so pleased to be partnering with the National Mango Board and Chicago Public Schools to provide children in Chicago with the ability to try fresh-cut mango, as part of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program,” said Dennis Christou, Vice President of Marketing, North America for Del Monte Fresh Produce, in a joint press release. “Today was a special day that allowed us to partner with the nation’s 3rd largest school district, one of our commodity partners, in the National Mango Board, and to showcase the benefits of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, which helps introduce and encourage children to try new fresh fruits and vegetables at school.”

Del Monte Fresh N.A. works with schools in Chicago and throughout the country to provide fresh fruits and vegetables through the FFVP.

Valda Coryat, Director of Marketing, National Mango Board

“Our mission is to increase the awareness and love for mangos in the United States, one bite at a time,” noted Valda Coryat, Director of Marketing, National Mango Board. “We are so grateful to participate in the FFVP and to help provide fresh and nutritious fruit to students, many of whom may have never tried mango before. Every child should be given the opportunity to eat healthy, fresh produce.”

According to the press release, the sampling event held last Thursday was unique, because it represents the first example of Del Monte Fresh Produce partnering with a produce commodity organization to highlight a specific produce category on a school’s FFVP menu.

Andrew Marshall, Director of Foundation Programs & Partnerships, United Fresh Start Foundation

“The FFVP helps to increase children’s produce consumption at school and at home,” said Andrew Marshall, Director of Foundation Programs and Partnerships at the United Fresh Produce Association, a leading advocate for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. “Research has shown that in schools with the FFVP, students are more accepting of healthier school lunches that include fresh fruits and vegetables, and they are even going home and influencing their families to eat healthy, and choose fresh produce.”

In total, the FFVP benefits more than four million students in elementary schools spread across all 50 states by increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption, educating students on nutrition, and creating healthier school food environments.

For more on the philanthropic side of the produce industry, check in with us at AndNowUKnow.

Del Monte Fresh Produce National Mango Board

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

FOLSOM, CA - Blueberries are rocketing, with global production up 40 percent 2012-2016 and projected to reach 1.45 billion lbs. in 2017.

The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) sees even more room for growth, noting that demand has matched that trajectory U.S. per capita blueberry consumption grew 599 percent from 1994-2014 in a press release.

Mark Villata, Executive Director, U.S. Highbrush Blueberry Council

“We were pleased to find that, among the top fruits–including bananas, strawberries, apples, grapes and citrus–blueberries are the only one expecting increased consumption in 2017,” said Mark Villata, Executive Director. “The research also helped us refine and expand our consumer and business target audiences so we’re able to concentrate on those with the greatest growth potential.”

In addition to finding that heavy and moderate blueberry users, who represent half of the U.S. population (25 percent each) according to the release, show the most growth potential of all user segments, a recent study found a number of intriguing facts on for a robust blueberry future, including:

  • Heavy users consume 19+ cups per year, are mainly ages 25-45
  • Heavy users have children in the home and span all ethnicities
  • 73 percent of the heavy user group see blueberries as a part of their lifestyle
  • That 73 percent will go out of their way to purchase blueberries and take time to understand the nutritional composition of blueberry-containing foods
  • Fresh and frozen consumption is expected to increase by five percent in 2017
  • Moderate users consume 6-18 cups per year, and span all ages and ethnicities
  • Blueberries are projected to go from moderate users’ #6 preferred fruit to #3 in 2017
  • Among the moderate user segment, fresh and frozen consumption is expected to increase by 12 percent in 2017

“Our summer campaign launching in mid-May will build on those strategies and others,” said Villata. “We’re developing new recipes and promoting them in a way to fit moderate users’ needs, from offering simple, visual recipe guides to partnering with individuals, food and fitness influencers who evoke trust and can aid in establishing blueberries as our target users’ favorite summer food.”

The council noted that these key findings influenced its latest strategies to grow demand even more. With marketing campaigns targeting moderate users, and engaging heavy users to influence moderate users’ blueberry purchases, stay tuned for what’s to come from the blueberry category this season and beyond.

The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CITRUSDAL, SOUTH AFRICA - Members from across the U.S. and Western Cape came together recently to discuss the 2017 season at this year’s Annual Planning Meeting, hosted by Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA).

Mayda Sotomayor, CEO, Seald Sweet“I’ve had the honor to be part of the South African program now for 17 seasons. We’ve come a long way, and weathered several perfect storms together,” said CEO of Seald Sweet, Mayda Sotomayor, who opened the planning sessions with introductions of growers, importers, retailers, marketing team, and other key members of the organization. “Now look at us and what has been accomplished–we’re growing stronger each year and building a legacy.”

Amongst topics reviewed for the season were:

  • Sales and marketing plans
  • Production volumes
  • Shipping schedules
  • Category trends

Sam’s Club’s Shanan Cox spoke to the trends in citrus consumption and purchasing behaviors of the Club Channel shopper, according to a press release, while California Citrus Mutual’s Joel Nelson spoke on behalf of the California citrus producers to educate the group on economic realities of the citrus market in America.

Suhanra Conradie, CEO, Summer Citrus from South Africa“Our annual planning meeting is a vital part of our company’s success and offers the opportunity to bring all of our partners together before our first vessel arrives in the U.S. in June,” said CEO of Summer Citrus from South Africa, Suhanra Conradie. “This year was a tremendous success as we’ve continued to bring thoughtful discussion to the table in order to best serve the U.S. market while domestic citrus is not available.”

SCSA grower Piet Smit updated attendees on production, confirming a crop increase from 2016. Products seeing volume growth included:

  • Easy Peelers at 15%
  • Navels at 7%
  • Midknights at 40%
  • Cara Caras at 11%
  • Star Ruby grapefruit at 26%

Dan'l Mackey Almy, President and CEO, DMA SolutionsDMA Solutions, Inc. CEO Dan’l Mackey Almy, along with Vice President Megan Zweig, showcased the success of last year’s consumer marketing campaign in its debut, as well as expected outcomes of this year’s marketing efforts.

Megan Zweig, Vice President, DMA Solutions

With the goal to educate and inspire the use of Summer Citrus from South Africa while it’s available, the company’s noted that its Swing Into Summer! promotion will launch next month, followed by an infuencer-based promotion in July.

Key players from the brand’s four main importers–Seald Sweet, DNE, Capespan, and AMC–were all in attendance, as the event resulted in collaborative planning and preparation amongst the entire supply chain.

As support kicks off in full force for a successful summer crop season, AndNowUKnow will continue to report throughout the summer and beyond.

Summer Citrus from South Africa Seald Sweet DMA Solutions

Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SACRAMENTO, CA - Those of you who thought you knew Raley’s will have some surprises in store when you step into the chain’s latest Sacramento, California location–a glimpse into a fresh-focused future, Produce Merchant Michael Schutt tells me.

Michael Schutt, Produce Merchant, Raley's“As you can see,” Michael says as we walk through the doors into a completely new generation of Raley’s, “we want to bring much more of our focus to the fresh departments in the store, where consumers really focus.”

What he is speaking to is immediately apparent.

Colorful mounds of produce–watermelons, citrus, even fresh, growing mushrooms–surround a classic-style truck bed sporting local grower George Perry & Sons Inc.

“With this new direction, we really want to place a heavy emphasis on local relationships. We have more than 200 organic items available and many more natural items, including meat alternative options, in the produce department,” Michael explains.

Wood panels with hand-written labels decorate the store, while everything is arranged in a new and unique format that allows a lot of items to be stocked into a space that still feels open.

Aisles wrap around each other as opposed to lining up in uniform, with inventory descending in a way that shoppers can easily get all they needed, with local providers showcased at every stop.

“This co-op feel and our focus on both fresh on local, this is the direction we are headed with all our new stores,” Michael says as we discuss the fact that Raley’s has restarted its growth trajectory.

With a number of new stores already in the works, and the blueprints of what I saw in the layout that officially cut the ribbon on April 12th, I can’t wait to see where this new direction takes not only Raley's, but the standard for retail fresh produce departments.


Fri. April 28th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

CHICAGO, IL - Although the wording may seem melodramatic, it truly is the beginning of new era at the United Fresh Produce Association. For the first time in its history, United Fresh is segmenting its annual convention into United FreshTEC and United FreshMKT, both of which will be keyed in to directly address the issues important to either side.

John Toner, Vice President, Convention & Industry Collaboration, United Fresh Produce Association

With that goal in mind, I spoke with United Fresh’s Vice President, Convention & Industry Collaboration, John Toner, who was able to give me the inside scoop on what’s new and what’s to come this for this year’s June 13 through 15 show.

Q: What is United Fresh’s goal with this new FreshTEC and FreshMKT rebrand?

A: At United Fresh, we’ve always had two sides of our show—the produce marketing side and the tools and technology side—and over the years, we noticed that the focus of the expo was starting to get lost. With this change, we really wanted to bring a strong focus to the fresh produce marketing, retail, and foodservice environment with FreshMKT, and on the opposite side, with FreshTec, we want to bring focus to the tools and technology aspects of our business.

We really want to differentiate the two sides of our expo. The VP of Operations and a VP of Marketing are going to want different things from their experience at the show, and with these two separate focuses, there are value propositions for the entire breadth of your produce company.

Q: Beyond the rebrand, what other changes can we expect from this year’s United Fresh convention?

A: There are so many new additions this year, starting with Wednesday morning’s first ever joint general session. Attendees of all four shows—FreshTEC Expo, FreshMKT Expo, Global Cold Chain Expo, and International Floriculture Expo—will gather together to set the tone for the entire conference. It’s really about creating a sense of community throughout our industry.

Another new addition that you’ll see at this year’s show is FreshTec’s University Showcase, which will see some of the nation’s top robotics universites coming together to show what they have been innovating. For example, we have the prestigious Carnegie Mellon with us showing some of their most exciting new developments.

On the FreshMKT side, we’ll have a Snack Break Snacking Showcase, where companies can share what they’ve been working on in that growing category, and also a new Organic Showcase—featuring more than 40 innovative organic products. Organic is continually gaining buzz, so we want to give exhibitors a way to catch buyers' eyes and then drive them back to their main exhibits.

Q: Can you share a little bit about the two General Session keynotes this year, Bruce Taylor and Tony Sarsam?

A: Something that we’re excited about this year is that we have two keynotes speaking head-to-head—Bruce Taylor at the FreshTEC Keynote and Tony Sarsam at FreshMKT. Bruce Taylor will be speaking to building a culture of innovation, on how Taylor Farms looks to incorporate new technologies, and where the company sees its future going. On the other hand, Tony Sarsam will be talking about how to build a culture around fresh foods, deliver new products to the consumer, and creating fresh food trends. We’re really excited to have both these great speakers on the schedule.

Q: What are some features you’re most excited for at this year’s conference?

A: We’re still holding off on a few of my favorite announcements, but the opening party at the Shedd Aquarium is one I’m looking forward to. It’s not only the largest aquarium in North America, but the sunset view over Grant Park and the city of Chicago is a beautiful one.

One of the coolest new events we’ve been doing over the past few years is our School Foodservice Program. We bring in about 50 school foodservice directors from around the country for a focused two-hour trade show exclusively for foodservice procurement professionals. The combined reach of these professionals serves something like 100 million lunches every week, so being able to reach these people is very valuable.

My personal favorite is the last event of the show—Thursday’s Retail-Foodservice Celebration dinner. Seeing the produce managers and chefs receive their awards is a great feeling.

As John Toner kept assuring me throughout our interview, there is plenty more exciting news where this comes from. Stay tuned for more news, and with June 13 rapidly approaching, visit to learn more and to get registered!

United Fresh Produce Association