Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

GRANT COUNTY, WA - While us in California are singing the praises of our recent west coast storms, it seems that for others, the wet weather may be more trouble than its worth. Earlier this week, a semi truck carrying a load of fresh apples fell victim to the newly slick roadways, ending up crashed into the Columbia River along State Route 243 in Grant County.

The drifting apple trailer. Photo credited to Fox 28.

According to an article by local news source KHQ, bystanders told the Washington State Patrol troopers on the scene that speed was likely a major factor in the cause of the accident. As described in the source, “the driver was going too fast for the conditions when he lost control of his rig while driving through S curves,” eventually hitting a guardrail and rolling towards the river. Witnesses also confirmed the roads prior to the crash were snowy and icy. 

Brian Moore, Public Information Officer, Washington State Patrol”Slow down and drive for the weather condition,” urged Washington State Patrol Public Information Officer Trooper Brian Moore. "These types of collisions are preventable.”

Thankfully, driver and cab remained on shore, but the apples were not so lucky, floating off toward Washington’s Priest Rapids Dam. The trailer was later recovered by troopers and the Grant County Public Utilities District, who launched two boats to pull the drifting apples to shore. As a result, the collision caused a closure of SR243’s northbound lanes.

The drifting apple trailer. Credited to Fox 28

The apple truck’s driver did unfortunately suffer injuries, the source reports, but they are not considered to be life threatening. For more on both the unfortunate and fortunate effects of this influx of wet weather on the produce industry, keep up with AndNowUKnow.

Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

HOUSTON, TX – Sysco Corporation announced the financial results of the company’s second quarter this Monday, February 6, showing significant growth in profits on the heels of acquiring U.K.-based Brakes Group last year.

Bill DeLaney, CEO, Sysco“I am pleased with the quality of our second quarter performance, which was driven by disciplined volume growth and sound margin and expense management,” said Sysco CEO Bill DeLaney, in a company statement. “We are encouraged by our consistently strong financial results over the past two years, and are confident that our ongoing focus on supporting the needs of our customers positions us well for future success.”

Highlights from the report include the following:

  • Sales increased 10.7% to $13.5 billion; excluding Brakes, sales decreased 0.2% to $12.1 billion
  • Gross profit increased 19.2% to $2.6 billion, and gross margin increased 137 basis points to 19.11%; excluding Brakes, gross profit increased 2.9% to $2.2 billion and gross margin increased 55 basis points to 18.29%
  • Operating income increased 13.8% to $492 million; adjusted operating income increased 27.7% to $558 million; excluding Brakes, adjusted operating income increased 12.6% to $492 million
  • Earnings Per Share (EPS) increased $0.02 to $0.50; adjusted EPS increased $0.10 to $0.58; excluding Brakes, adjusted EPS increased $0.03 to $0.51

While domestic foodservice operations were relatively stable—with Q2 sales at $9.1 billion, a decrease of 0.5 percent—the company’s international foodservice operations saw robust growth. International Q2 sales were $2.6 billion—double the same period last year—and operating income increased from $43 million last year to $85 million, which the company says was primarily thanks to the acquisition of Brakes Group.

Sysco Truck

Sysco also attributed significant improvements in cash flow to higher earnings, improved working capital, and payments made in the prior year related to a proposed merger with US Foods; though higher year-over-year cash taxes somewhat offset these benefits.

For more on Sysco and other important companies in the produce industry, check back with us at AndNowUKnow.


Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

GLENMONT, NY – New York Apples Sales (NYAS) has begun shipping latest-harvest apple varieties from Nova Scotia to customer in the U.S. and abroad through partnership with the Scotian Gold Cooperative.

Kaari Stannard, Owner, New York Apple Sales

“The Scotian Gold Cooperative maintains high standards, uses superior technology, and completely understands the importance of paying attention to every aspect of quality agriculture, from planting to harvest to storage,” noted Kaari Stannard, Owner of New York Apple Sales, in a press release.

NYAS is currently importing Honeycrisp, Ambrosia, and Sonya apples from in the Annapolis Valley near the Bay of Fundy.

Honeycrisp Apples from Nova Scotia Gold Growers

“Warm days, cool nights, and the best agricultural soils in Atlantic Canada are three keys to why we produce such beautifully vibrant, well-colored apples,” said Waldo Walsh, President/Owner of Birchleigh Farms Ltd. “These factors also contribute to wonderfully firm, flavorful fruit that has a bright, intense flavor profile.”

Ambrosia Apples

The Scotian Gold Cooperative describes the three apple varieties currently being imported in the follow details:

  • Honeycrisp is an apple “cross” made in 1960 at the University of Minnesota. Through genetic testing, it’s known that Fireside, another University of Minnesota apple, is one one parent. The other parent remains unconfirmed. It is exceptionally crispy and juicy. Flavor ranges from mild and well balanced to strongly aromatic, depending on the maturity.
  • Ambrosia is sweet, crisp, juicy, and aromatic. Its flavor makes it an excellent apple for slicing.
  • Sonya, probably less familiar to American consumers than Ambrosia or Honeycrisp, is cross between a Gala and Red Delicious, creating an apple that is exceptionally sweet with the flavor of raw sugar cane. Sonya apples are easy to handle and store with exceptional shelf-life.

Lisa Jenereaux, Co-Owner Spurr Brother Farms; Photo Credit: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnf9Cvs1eEg

“At our orchard, we’ve always said we’ll never settle,” said Lisa Jenereaux, a fifth generation farmer and Co-Owner of Spurr Brothers Farms. “And that we want to be constantly learning and always trying new things. The people at New York Apple Sales demonstrate the same vision and are also dedicated to total quality. I believe that’s why we work so well together.”

Sonya Apple from Nova Scotia Gold Growers

Nova Scotia has the latest apple-growing season in North America, with trees initially blooming in the later weeks of May, Honeycrisp harvest beginning in the last week of September, and Ambrosia and Sonya following suit.

Larry Lutz, Owner, Lutz Family Farm“Honeycrisp are preconditioned by storing in controlled warmer conditions before they are placed in high-tech cold storage,” added Larry Lutz, Owner of Lutz Family Farm (and recently retired Director of Grower Services for Scotian Gold). “This helps prevent issues like soft scald and internal browning.”

Lutz added that the cool Nova Scotia climate means apples can be harvested slightly immature, but with full color. This also contributes to the fruits’ exceptional keeping properties and ongoing freshness.

Scotian Gold Growers have been providing apples to NYAS for three years. 

New York Apples Sales Scotion Gold Growers

Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ORANGE, CA - Industry veteran Mike Casazza has been announced as FreshSource, LLC’s new President for the Southwest Region.

Mike Casazza, President, Southwest Region, FreshSource, LLC

Mike has more than 25 years of executive experience in sales and marketing of tropical fruit, commodity vegetables, and all lines of value-added produce through retail, foodservice, club, and wholesale formats throughout North America.

Robert Thompson, Founder, FreshSource LLC

"FreshSource is proud to have such a tremendous talent join our family. We are confident that Mike will add a great deal of value to the services we provide our principles and retailers, as well as helping us execute on our expansion in the years to come," said the company’s Founder, Robert Thompson, in a press release.

Prior to joining FreshSource, Mike served for more than a decade-and-a-half as Executive Vice President for North American Sales and Marketing with Apio Inc., where he managed its commodity fruit and vegetable business and growth of value added vegetables.

Throughout the '90s, Mike was with Del Monte Fresh Produce, starting as a Western Region Foodservice Manager and was promoted to Vice President North America Sales. In addition to expanding the Western Region division Mike managed five divisional offices in North America, developed new markets, and planned and implemented sales strategy for Del Monte Gold pineapple.

He is a long time member of the Fresh Produce and Floral Council, currently serving on its Board of Directors. While Chairman of the FPFC Board in 2013, he became the first-ever Current Chairman to receive the Norman H. "Buz" Bolstad Produce Award–recognizing his distinguished leadership at the council and in the produce industry. He is also on the Advisory Committee of the Southeast Produce Council.

As FreshSource welcomes this latest chapter, keep checking in with AndNowUKnow for the latest from this company and others in the produce industry.

FreshSource LLC

Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

NECKARSULM, GERMANY – Strategy continues to be top-of-mind for German retailer Lidl, and is the direct resultant of the company’s most recent executive shakeup. After only a couple of years as CEO, Sven Seidel has stepped down from the position, leaving the company to promote Dane Jesper Hojer to the role. 

Sven Seidel, Leaving CEO, Lidl (Photo: Markus Hintzen for Manager Magazine)The Schwarz Group, owners of the chain, stated that Seidel left the company over to “different views of strategic business,” and also disclosed that the split was consensual. Seidel served in this position since 2014.

Dane Jesper Hojer, Incoming CEO, Lidl (Photo Source: Gondola.be)

Serving Lidl for over 10 years, Hojer brings a variety of leadership acumen to serve in his new role. Hojer was previously Head of Business for Lidl’s Belgium operations, where news source CPH Post Online reported that he increased revenue by 59 percent. Most recently, Hojer served as Head of Lidl’s International Buying Operation.

This is the second time the company has parted ways with its executive leader over differences in strategy. Seidel’s predecessor Karl-Heinz Holland, who served as CEO for roughly six years, also left the company due to “unbridgeable” future strategy differences, according to Handelsblatt Global.

Reuters noted that rumors of Seidel’s position in the company have swirled since last year. The executive shift has been implemented effective immediately.

So, where is Lidl reportedly heading next? With a launch on U.S. soil happening soon, a new format, and reported investments planned for its German branch network in the works, it looks as though the right strategy will continue to be preeminent for the growing retailer.

Will these strategy-minded decisions make a difference? Stick with AndNowUKnow as we continue to report on all things buy-side.


Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

HONG KONG, CHINA – Hong Kong has long been a destination for luxury living. But it takes a true commitment to decadence to serve up a single strawberry for nearly $22 USD.

And upscale supermarket CitySuper is doing just that—offering its Kotoka Strawberry Gift Box for $168 Hong Kong (roughly $21.60 USD), according to Time Magazine.

The supermarket, advertised as a “mega lifestyle specialty store,” offers this single-strawberry gift box in an off-white cardboard humidor filled with shredded synthetic grass the likes of which you might find in an Easter basket. The packaging notes that the strawberry has been flown “Fresh by Air from Japan,” and the berry itself is presented in a kind of pink foam donut.

A single Kotoka strawberry offered at the CitySuper supermarket (Photo by Nash Jenkins)

According to Time, the Kotoka Strawberry Gift Box is something of a social media sensation, but has also incurred the eye of critics who note that the strawberry’s price and ample plastic packaging may be wasteful.

The strawberry isn’t alone in CitySuper’s line of luxury fruit, either; the company also boasts $64 melons and even $522 apples. These high-price fruit are traditionally presented as gifts during the Lunar New Year celebration each winter. A CitySuper spokesperson told Time that the gift box is “intended as a Valentine’s Day gift.”

Want to learn more about the decadently-priced berry? You can check out Time's full article on the fruit here.

Will astronomically-expensive gift fruit hit U.S. shores anytime soon? Seems unlikely, but AndNowUKnow will let you know.

Tue. February 7th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

SPARTA, MI - With the 2017 Michigan asparagus season fast-approaching, many members of the buy-side are starting to look for a perfect provider to partner with. One company, Riveridge Produce Marketing, is using the new year to make even bigger steps towards becoming the ideal Michigan asparagus provider, introducing expanded volumes, a new packing line, and new value-added products.

Trish Taylor, Account Manager, Riveridge Produce

Riveridge Produce Marketing will be offering a much larger volume than in the past thanks to an expanded partnership with Ridgeview Orchards in Conklin, Michigan—the largest volume supplier and packer of Michigan asparagus,” Trish Taylor, Account Manager at Riveridge Produce, tells me. “Additionally, one our apple packers, Shafer Lake, will be putting in a packing line to sort and package the harvest in Southwest Michigan.”

Along with asparagus sizing that ranges from Small, Standard, Large, to Extra Large, and its 11lb and 28lb cases in both banded or loose, the company is introducing a microwaveable 12 oz bag as an answer to consumers’ craving for more convenience-driven solutions in 2017. 


“This options fills a niche as consumers look to a more convenient option in preparing their fresh produce,” Trish shares about the latest product addition. “Simply cut the corner of the bag and microwave for 2-3 ½ minutes. The asparagus comes out tender and perfectly steamed.”

Michigan’s asparagus season typically runs from anywhere around last week of April or as late as the second week of May, extending supply for another six to eight weeks. Trish tells me that Michigan is the second largest grower of asparagus in the country, producing about 20 million pounds each season. So, why is Michigan-grown asparagus in such high-demand every year?


“Michigan-grown asparagus is unique in that it is the only region that solely harvests by hand snapping. Hand snapping the asparagus at harvest causes the product to break at its natural snapping point, meaning consumers do not need to cut the woody, fibrous ends before cooking,” Trish explains, noting the region’s penchant for growing asparagus with excellent flavor and a long shelf-life. “Being within proximity to Lake Michigan, the soil is dominated by sandy loam which fuels asparagus growth and flavor.”

Riveridge Produce provides its retail partners with plenty of other incentives as well, Trish adds, including: 

  • Recipes, photos (from farm to packing to table), and content available to use at Point of Sale or on social media networks
  • Specially tailored marketing opportunities for retailers based on volume
  • Each of Riveridge’s growers and packing sheds are Primus GFSI certified for food safety
  • Riveridge’s has four dedicated food safety/QA Managers who are out in the fields, at receiving stations, and packing facilities checking for compliance and providing feedback
  • Buying Riveridge’s asparagus helps to supports 120 Michigan family farms

Michigan’s asparagus season is around just three months away, the perfect time to start prepping your retail program. For more information on everything Riveridge offers, visit riveridgeproduce.com.

Riveridge Produce

Mon. February 6th, 2017 - by Eva Roethler

GOODLETTSVILLE, TN - Dollar General has announced plans to create approximately 10,000 new jobs in 2017 as the result of 1,000 planned new store openings, as well as the opening of two new state-of-the-art distribution centers. These 10,000 new jobs will result in a roughly nine percent overall increase to its workforce, and mark the largest one-year employee increase through organic store and distribution center growth in the company’s 78-year history.

Todd Vasos, CEO, Dollar General"Dollar General looks forward to welcoming new employees who want to grow with us as we expand throughout the states we serve," said Todd Vasos, Dollar General's Chief Executive Officer, according to a press release. "These new jobs reflect the organization's commitment to seize growth opportunities and further deliver Dollar General's value proposition of everyday low prices on quality merchandise to customers in 1,000 new locations in 2017. Since joining Dollar General in 2008, I've had the privilege to see the company grow from approximately 72,000 employees to more than 130,000 anticipated employees by end of the 2017 fiscal year. It really is an exciting time to be a Dollar General employee."

A Dollar General Produce Department

The company is expected to invest more than 1.5 million training hours in employees in 2017 to promote education and development throughout the year. Training magazine recently recognized the company among its Training Top 125 for the sixth consecutive year, ranking #8 on the list.

Bob Ravener, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer, Dollar General

"This year's continued growth presents numerous opportunities for candidates looking to begin and develop their careers at one of America's fastest-growing retailers," said Bob Ravener, Dollar General's Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer. "Candidates should look to Dollar General as a great career choice for numerous factors including our variety of training and development programs, focus on internal advancement within the company, and mission of Serving Others."

This announcement comes on the heels of the November news that the discount chain will be testing a new format. As Dollar General looks to bring its store count up, its store formats may be scaling down. The company has plans to debut a new pilot store with a focus on small format in downtown Nashville, TN. The new concept, bearing the name DGX for now, is slated to open sometime in early 2017, according to PYMNTS.com.

Candidates looking to join Dollar General must apply for all new positions online at www.dollargeneral.com/careers.

Dollar General 

Mon. February 6th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

DELANO, CA – To bring California table grapes even further to the forefront of future generations, Columbine® Vineyards has announced a new, customized education program for elementary students, flush with interactive presentations and materials. 

Loraine Caratan, Ambassador and Curriculum Instructor, Columbine Vineyards“The education program is first targeting the Delano School District where Columbine® Vineyards is located,” said Loraine Caratan, Columbine Vineyards’ Ambassador and Curriculum Instructor. “We will reach about 2,000 students each year.”

As part of the program, Columbine designed colorful grape characters to lead students through several important aspects of growing Central Valley grapes, as well as their nutritional benefits. According to a press release, the program was specially crafted to benefit kindergarteners, and students 1st through 3rd grade.

Columbine Vinyards' Black Globe® grapes

Students learn the growing cycle of table groups through the lead character of the custom-created book Growing Up Grape, MC Farmer. Joined by his Columbine friends, Bella Black Globe®, Holly Holiday®, and Mila Milano®, students explore how plants are grown, the importance of geographic location, growing seasons, and the significance of skilled laborers who supply goods and services. 

“Columbine® Vineyards has a tradition of growing high-quality grapes and has expanded this level of excellence to educate students about grapes that are grown locally and then shipped all over the world,” added Caratan.

Columbine Vinyards' Holiday® grapes

As part of the program, students will receive a copy of the storybook along with a coloring book counterpart to further highlight the story’s information. Students in the 2nd and 3rd grade will also have access to the custom workbook Table Grapes-Nutritious and Delicious, which address the local historical events and health benefits of table grapes.

Columbine will also offer classrooms animated presentations that include colorful pictures and interactive activities customized per grade level. At the conclusion of these presentations, teachers will receive curriculum packets with materials for their classrooms, including custom books, and coordinated classroom posters, cups, and student bookmarks.

Columbine Vinyards' Milano® grapes

The company stated that the materials the program encompasses are based on both Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.

As companies continue to innovate further ways to engage the nation’s next wave of leaders and consumers, count on AndNowUKnow for the latest.

Columbine Vineyards