Fri. December 30th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

IMMOKALEE, FL - While our industry remains in constant movement, creativity and innovation are key. Lipman Family Farms has an entire Research & Development team dedicated to keeping that spirit alive and remaining a step ahead of the trends.

Jasmine Lopez, Associate Breeder, Lipman Family FarmsJasmine Lopez, Associate Breeder for the tomato-growing pioneer, took the time to share with me a little bit more about what’s cooking behind the curtain and how the department determines what direction to take with its newest projects.

1. What led to deciding to bring the attributes of the Crimson Tomato to other Lipman varieties?

“We want to be known as the crimson tomato people,” Jasmine explains, laughing as she tells me that many outside the company call her the tomato lady for all the times she is bringing product for them to try. “We’ve had a very strong response from the consumers that has inspired the team to bring certain attributes to other types of tomatoes, including grapes, romas, Vintage Ripes, and more.”

Lipman Tomato

It’s not just the color and flavor characteristics associated with The Crimson that will now be added to the entire line of new varieties, but also firmness and shelf-life. “We are looking to bring these advantages to both consumers and retail, as well as higher lycopene content, which has been associated with better health,” Jasmine tells me.

2. Can you share a bit about the process of creating a product to introduce to the market?

“We want to provide what people want in the market, but we are not just reactive,” Jasmine explains, adding that part of being innovative in research and development is being on both sides of the market. “We love to create new things, to introduce new products and ideas and see what everyone likes, as well as respond to the things that consumers or customers want.”

Lipman Tomato

Being vertically-integrated is another edge Lipman has, as Jasmine shares with me the resources they have in-house such as market insights, surveyors, and creators: again, ensuring that the company is on both sides of the creative process.

As for how Lipman came to be the tomato innovator it is today? “We created something people loved, and now that standard is set very high,” Jasmine laughs at her concise summary.

3. What is something important for the industry to know about Lipman’s research and development process?

“What we are doing is still a natural process,” she says of one of North America’s largest field growers. “For example, we are using some of the background of The Crimson Tomato to incorporate those favorite attributes across the board through conventional and classic breeding processes.”

There is more in the pipeline, she assures me, with other projects already in the works. With an eye on providing products that not only meet or inspire demand, but also produce higher yields for growers and better options for buyers, keep an eye out for all the latest from the Lipman family.

Lipman Family Farms

Fri. December 30th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SACRAMENTO, CA - What are you looking to make happen in 2017?

Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish,” and the first part of making a plan is to say it out loud.

Whether it’s business, growth-oriented, family-centric, or all about you, we can’t wait to hear about what the people that make up our beloved industry want to see in the next year.

I, for example, spent far too much time in 2016 talking about movies I wanted to see without ever seeing them. While there are a few other goals I’m hoping to achieve, this is one I can see myself making happen in the coming year.

Around the office we also got:

  • Cycling 100 miles every week of the year
  • Be more like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
  • Make more art
  • Call my family more often
  • Complete an Olympic length triathlon

With the insights this simple question gave into the people we spend Monday through Friday with, I can’t wait to see what we get from others in the industry!

Let us know by emailing [email protected].

From all of us at AndNowUKnow, have a safe and happy new year, and we’ll see you in 2017!

Fri. December 30th, 2016 - by Eva Roethler

GULF COAST AND SOUTHERN U.S.- According to AccuWeather, this weekend a pair of storm systems will ignite gusting thunderstorms and flooding rain along the Gulf Coast and the Deep South.

Kevin Gilmore, Meteorologist, AccuWeather“Coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama will experience very heavy rain and thunderstorms beginning during the day on Saturday and lasting into Sunday,” AccuWeather Meteorologist Kevin Gilmore said, according to the report.

Just in time for the New Year, the heavy rain and thunderstorms will begin in southeastern Texas, and gain momentum as they push eastward. Cities such as Houston, New Orleans, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Tupelo, Biloxi, Jackson, Birmingham, and Montgomery will be affected.

Map Showing Affected Gulf Region. Map via Accuweather

The storms will bring an anticipated 2-3 inches of rain, which could easily result in flash flooding in low-lying areas. The heavy rain will push eastward into the Southeast, especially southern Alabama, southern Georgia and the Florida Panhandle, on New Year’s Day.

The stronger of the two storms will trigger another round of heavy rain and gusting thunderstorms in southeastern Texas on Monday. The same areas at risk of flooding downpours on the weekend are vulnerable to another round of equally heavy rainfall on Monday, which may exacerbate flooding concerns.

“Cities including New Orleans, Louisiana; and Mobile and Dothan, Alabama; will likely see upwards of 3 to 5 inches of rain by the time the last drops fall on Monday evening,” according to Gilmore.

U.S. Forecast. Map via Accuweather

Accompanying the rain will be wind gusts of up to 60 mph. The greatest threat for damaging wind gusts will extend from southeastern Texas to the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf coasts.

Rainfall will bring much needed relief for those who have suffered from extreme drought since the beginning of the summer, Gilmore added in the report.

While the source did not address Southern California and Arizona, diagrams from AccuWeather's report illustrate that both these regions could receive backlash. AndNowUKnow will continue to report any updates relevant to the industry as the storm continues through the U.S.

Fri. December 30th, 2016 - by Robert Schaulis

AUSTRALIA – Retail Giant Costco is making serious strides in the South Pacific this year. Australians spent roughly $1.5 billion at the big box chain over the course of the last year. On average, each of the company’s eight stores in Australia earned $200 million.

Patrick Noone, Australia Managing Director, Costco "I think we've held up organic growth, so people have come to appreciate the great value we have," said Patrick Noone, Costco Australia Managing Director, according to local news source 9News.

Those watching the retailer’s growth in Australia expect the trend to continue.

Jo Munro, Retail Expert"Their range are growing all the time, their outlets are growing all the time," said Retail Expert Jo Munro. "Rumour has it, in alcohol, they're getting some top premium brands in at aggressive prices, so Aussies love that. Also, in their electrical department there's some amazing new products they are adding to their range that will really see some good bargains for Aussies."

According to 9News, Munro predicted the company will continue moving from “strength to strength,” diversifying their offerings and strengthening their presence in underserved markets. Could this include grocery as well?

Costco has three new discount warehouses slated to open in Australia in 2017: a new site in Sydney, the third in the region, a second Brisbane location, and a fourth Melbourne location.

What does the retailer’s recent successes bode for the produce industry next year? Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for updates.


Fri. December 30th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SANTA PAULA, CA- It is official, another year gone and another year of potential ahead! As is custom, New Year’s resolutions are in full swing, and as we look ahead, Limoneira is bringing the industry a range of citrus items, insights, and a few tools for a fresh start.

Megan Roosevelt, Founder and CEO, Healthy Grocery GirlLimoneira spokesperson and Founder of Healthy Grocery Girl Megan Roosevelt is excited to share some easy, DIY ways to boost your healthy lifestyle with lemons this month. To address the busy and time-crunched consumer, Megan is offering easy recipes sure to lessen the burden of mid-week cooking as well as simple ways to make exercising more pleasant. After all, citrus is a friend to anyone determined to start the new year off on the right foot, but also looking for fresh flavors and ideas.

Check out Megan detail her fresh New Year tips and recipes in this video!


More cool tips and tricks will be added to the channel each Friday. Throughout 2017, Megan will be producing weekly videos that demonstrate fun, easy and healthy tips to keep your New Year’s resolutions on-track, according to a press release.

Here are some tasty ideas to kick off January:

Mason Jar Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette 


Meal prepping is an important way to cut down kitchen time during a hectic week. With this simple recipe and a mason jar, eating healthy all week long is easier than ever.


  • ½ cup organic virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 whole lemon, juiced
  • 1 tbsp 100% real maple syrup
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 pinch of sea salt and pepper

Directions: Add all ingredients to a container or mason jar. Whisk, or if the container has a lid, you can shake ingredients together until thoroughly mixed.


  • ½ cup kidney beans
  • ¾ cup cooked quinoa
  • ½ cup sweet orange bell pepper
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 2 tbsp hemp seeds

Directions: Add salad dressing at the base. Then add kidney beans, quinoa, veggies, lettuce and hemp seeds on top. Enjoy!

Lemon Detox Smoothie 

New Year, new you! Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to get back to that healthy you – and lemons are here to help. This wonderful smoothie is a quick, tasty and healthy way to start your day, end a workout, or just as a midday snack.


  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 apple
  • 1 serving plant-based protein powder
  • 1 cup water (or non-dairy milk)
  • 1 cup ice

Directions: Add all ingredients into a high-speed blender. Blend together and enjoy.

And for those looking to yoga into the new year, here is a Simple Lemon Yoga Mat Cleaner. Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. For those folks who, like Megan, enjoy the purifying practice of yoga as part of their fitness routine, this next tip will help keep that yoga mat fresh and ready to go at a moment’s notice – in the easiest, most natural way possible.


  • 3 parts water
  • 1 part fresh lemon juice

Directions: Combine ingredients and whisk together. Add to a spray bottle. Spray yoga mat when needed and wipe down with a clean rag or sponge.

Each month, Megan will be featuring another wonderful facet of lemon living. Subscribe to Limoneira’s YouTube channel for more information on the many ways this endlessly versatile fruit can improve life inside the home and beyond.  Limoneira has also linked with additional global health experts that share their knowledge with the customers of our grocery and food service partners around the world. So, stay tuned for more from the team at Limoneira.


Thu. December 29th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

SANTA PAULA, CA - The holiday season is coming to an end this New Years Eve, and I say there's no better way to send off 2016 than with a strong drink.

That’s why Limoneira has put together a global team of all-star Mixologists to bring some of the best produce inspired cocktail recipes to help the produce industry celebrate with a bang. These talented leaders are world-class at creating the best in food and drinks for the holidays, and had these recipes to share:



  • 2 oz gin
  • .75 oz sweet vermouth
  • 1 spoon of maraschino
  • 1 dash of orange bitters

Mix together all ingredients with ice and strain into a coupe glass and garnish with orange twist

Ingredients for Orange Bitters:

  • 1 (750-milliliter) bottle grain alcohol, such as Everclear 151
  • 1/2 lb orange peel pieces
  • 1 tsp fennel seed
  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  • 4 cardamom pods
  • 20 drops gentian extract

Prep: Orange Bitters

Combine all ingredients in a 2-quart jar with a tightfitting lid. Close and store at room temperature. Let steep 14 days, shaking the jar every other day.

Strain alcohol from spices and store in a jar with a tightfitting lid in a dark place.



  • ¼ inch thick slice-Limoneira Meyer Lemon
  • Ice
  • 2 oz bourbon
  • 4 dashes of orange bitters
  • Club soda

Vanilla Flavor Syrup:

  • 1 vanilla bean, split in half and scraped
  • 1 c sugar
  • 1 c water


Make the simple syrup: In small saucepan, combine vanilla bean, sugar, and water. Simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes, or until sugar is completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; let stand at room temperature until completely cool. Remove vanilla bean and discard. Transfer syrup to airtight container and refrigerate up to 1 month. To make the Meyer lemon-vanilla bean bourbon smash: In rocks glass, muddle the lemon slice. Add ice, bourbon, and bitters; add 2 tablespoons of the simple syrup, stir, taste for sweetness, and add more simple syrup as needed. Top the drink off with club soda.

Ingredients for Orange Bitters:

  • 1 (750-milliliter) bottle grain alcohol, such as Everclear 151
  • 1/2 lb orange peel pieces
  • 1 tsp fennel seed
  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  • 4 cardamom pods
  • 20 drops gentian extract

Prep: Orange Bitters

Combine all ingredients in a 2-quart jar with a tightfitting lid. Close and store at room temperature. Let steep 14 days, shaking the jar every other day.

Strain alcohol from spices and store in a jar with a tightfitting lid in a dark place.



  • 1.5 oz vodka
  • 1 oz Cointreau
  • 1 oz lemon juice
  • 1 oz cranberry juice
  • 1 bar spoon of allspice dram

Shake ingredients with ice. Strain into a Collins glass over ice and top with soda. Garnish with lemon wheel studded with cloves.

With such a tantalizing spread of drinks, it's no surprise the crew comprises of a cast of culinary all stars. Limoneira's global crew of consultants for these recipes include:

  • Walter Pintus, Cocktail Specialist at The Connaught in London.
  • Jun Wu, Collaborator on Brut Cake Cafe in Shanghai.
  • Luis Santos, Owner and Executive Shef of INcomum in Sintra Portugal.
  • Vitalli Maleshv, Principal bartender at Demetra Art Hotel in St. Petersburg.
  • Antonio Lai, co-owner of Quinary, Origin, and The Envoy in Hong Kong.
  • Catalina Ispas, bartender at The ROOF at The Wit in Chicago.
  • Brian Leon, General Manager at Nobu Malibu in Malibu.
  • Chef Greg Murphy, Chef at Bouchon Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara.
  • Chef Lorenzo Hwang, Chef at JW Seoul, in Seoul
  • Chef Megan McCarthy, Lifestyle Consultant, Spokesperson, and Chef at Atlanta Botanical Garden’s Edible Garden in Atlanta.
  • Regina Schauerte, Bar Manager at Cala in San Francisco.
  • Sebastian Sundqvist, Mixologist at Grodan (The Frog) in  Stockholm.

You're all more than welcome to join me in this citrusy holiday cheers as we ring in the new year. Here's to another year of more cocktails and more fresh produce!


Thu. December 29th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SPAIN – Vegetables have prevailed in our latest update on the worldly saga between drug traffickers and fresh produce. Authorities in Poland have thwarted an international drug gang after finding marijuana encased in vegetable shipments.

The gang operated through an extensive network of people that mostly worked in Spain, but recruited its members from Poland. Authorities stated that large quantities of marijuana were grown and cultivated by the gang before being vacuum-sealed and concealed in shipments of vegetables for transport and distribution in other countries.

A marijuana plantation shut down by Poland's Police Central Investigation Bureau in Spain. Image via CBSP

Radio Poland reported that in the bust, authorities closed seven marijuana plantations and seized around 350 pounds of the drug, stated Poland’s Police Central Investigation Bureau Spokeswoman Agnieszka Hamelusz. The drugs were reportedly being shipped to Poland and Germany for sale.

Prior to packing the drugs in with some veggie neighbors, the gang grew its actual wares in high-security villas in Spain. In these locations, the gang prepped the shipments before sending them with vegetable accompaniments out for their proposed destinations.

Authorities stated that the bust took an “army” of officers from several cities, according to news source, and ended in 13 people being taken into custody. The crime syndicate’s reach extended further than just tainted vegetables to stolen cars as well. 

What sticky situations will fresh fruits and vegetables find themselves in next? AndNowUKnow will be sure to find out.

Thu. December 29th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

WINTER SPRINGS, FL – Putting produce at the center of the plate, retailers can find lots of increased sales opportunities with watermelons. With consumers searching for more convenient options with healthy overtones, how can retail and foodservice operators alike tap into consumers’ prolonged love for the watermelon?

Watermelon cranberry sauceAs the team from the National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB) recently told me, a mix of value-added and trending dishes can help push retailers sales during the colder seasons.

Juliemar Rosado, Director of Retail Operations and International Marketing, National Watermelon Promotion Board“Convenience is very important to today’s consumer, as their lives continue to get busier,” Juliemar Rosado, Director of Retail Operations and International Marketing, tells me. “For this reason, convenient fresh cuts in chunks, spears, and slices can increase sales as consumers have access to an easy meal in just as much as they need.”

The NWPB is also looking to increase consumption of watermelon through the ongoing development of tasty recipes featuring trending ingredients.

Stephanie Barlow, Senior Director of Communications, National Watermelon Promotion Board“Watermelons are a versatile fruit and available to North American consumers year-round with imported product,” details Stephanie Barlow, Senior Director of Communications. “It’s easy to develop recipes that are specific to the winter holidays, or push consumption of watermelon past the summer season with smoothies and salads.”

The NWPB emphasizes that only 49 percent of consumers are aware of the health benefits the watermelon offers, according to their 2016 consumer study. These benefits can be highlighted with winter-themed recipes such as the following, which promote the fruit as a source of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, lycopene, and potassium:

  • Watermelon cranberry sauce
  • Candy cane cocktails
  • Cranberry coconut and fig chutney

With further exposure to the diversity the fruit offers, consumers can use the entirety of the fruit with other fun activities such as carving watermelon penguins, a watermelon snowman, and watermelon ornaments. 

Megan McKenna, Director of Foodservice and Marketing, details that watermelon offers a deluge of opportunities for foodservice in addition to retail. 

Megan McKenna, Director of Foodservice and Marketing, National Watermelon Promotion Board“Watermelon is one of the fastest growing fruits on smoothie and salad menus, according to our 2015 MenuTrends Research. To increase the penetration of watermelon throughout foodservice, we offer education on topics such as handling, cutting, yield, shelf-life, and usage with the foodservice audience,” she says.

As watermelon continues to prove a worthy selection throughout the entire year, the team reveals that NWPB has even more plans in the works to keep watermelon top-of-mind. From further waste alternatives, increased consumer education, and recipe cultivation to the growth of its foodservice platform, NWPB is prepared to launch watermelons into consumer baskets this holiday season and beyond.

National Watermelon Promotion Board

Thu. December 29th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MILWAUKEE, WI – After acquiring Roundy’s and spending roughly $50 million remodeling grocery stores in Fox Valley and Madison, Wisconsin, Cincinnati-based retail giant The Kroger Co. is turning its focus to Milwaukee.

Rodney McMullen, Chairman & CEO, Kroger

“We’ll spend well over $50 million starting to remodel the stores in Milwaukee in 2017,” said Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen, in an article published by local news source the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. “We’ll continue to expand the Metro Market concept as well.”

Upon completion of the purchase of Roundy’s last year, Kroger became the leading grocer in Milwaukee, with nearly 40% of the market share. Kroger holdings account for roughly a third of the market share statewide.

As we have recently reported, Kroger tied with Walmart atop the Kantar Retail’s 2016 US PoweRanking® survey earlier this year. The company currently holds top-two market shares in major markets across the nation, including: Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Phoenix, Seattle, Denver, Dallas, Cincinnati, San Diego, and Charlotte, among others.

Jeff Bollier/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin

Does Kroger intend to further consolidate its market share in Wisconsin? “Absolutely,” McMullen told the Journal Sentinel. “Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin. We want to make sure we get a foundation in place and get our base business growing.”

Kroger currently employs more than 13,000 people throughout the state, with some 7,500 working in the 60 stores in the Milwaukee metropolitan area and at the former Roundy’s headquarters in downtown Milwaukee. Nationwide, the retailer employs 431,000 people who serve roughly 8.5 million customers in 35 states each day.

The company’s announced remodeling plans are part of a continuing effort to revive the Pick ‘n Save brand after the brand lost ground amidst intense local and national competition. The company is looking to consolidate their stores in the state under Pick ‘n Save and Metro Market banners.

Metro Market stores offer a different take on retail—an upscale, urban store concept that offers higher-end products and attention to details that mimic Roundy’s successful Mariano’s brand in Chicago.

"In the Fox Valley and Madison, all the stores that weren’t already operating as Pick ’n Save stores are now operating under that banner," McMullen said. “We had two different brands in the market and we converted all those stores to Pick ’n Save. That’s really the name we will use in Wisconsin other than, obviously, the Metro Market stores.”

Will the major retailer be successful in growing its brand in the middle of Milwaukee’s already-crowded grocery market? Only time will tell; check in with AndNowUKnow for updates as they happen.

Kroger Co.

Thu. December 29th, 2016 - by Eva Roethler

IDAHO FALLS, ID - With the New Year on the horizon and 2016 coming to a close, now is the perfect time to reflect on what has been accomplished, and plan for the future. I connected with Wada Farms to look back at the recent season, and discuss what’s around the corner for the company. From exciting growth to new trend-driven products, Wada Farms seeks to capture consumer values and bring produce to the center of the plate.

Eric Beck, Marketing Director, Wada Farms“We’re very focused on understanding the consumer trends, and we are having a lot of fun in the research and development process,” Eric Beck, Marketing Director of Wada Farms, explains. “We are excited to see the evolution in trends of the value-added scene.”

Wada Farms has responded to these trends with “Quickies: Spuds in a Snap”, a new value-added product catering to this single-serve, health conscious consumer. Quickies are a single serve portion of mini red or yellow potatoes served in a convenient microwaveable tray, perfect for those 1-2 person households that don’t want excessive food waste. The product is currently in a soft introduction, with broad scale availability for retailers to capitalize on in early 2017.

Wada Farms Organic Russets

The company never sits still for long. After launching its Idaho Organic potato line in the new eco-friendly Tatermade bag, and expanding its executive team earlier this year, Eric tells me that the core focus has been research and development.

The results? Consumers are clamoring for smaller, conveniently sized portions as their lifestyles become increasingly more on-the-go. Shoppers are becoming more nutrition-savvy, and with the upcoming onslaught of New Year’s resolutions, healthy options are gracing tables more often.

“One of the biggest obstacles we’ve had to overcome is the perception of potatoes as a ‘long cook time’ vegetable,” Eric says. “We have to challenge the status quo through packaging design; providing improved options and bringing consumers into the fold so they understand that potatoes can be prepared in a pinch to provide healthy, delicious snack options comparable to anything else in the marketplace.”

Wada Farms Organic Gold

Also continuing to trend are sweet potatoes, with increases on both the domestic and international fronts as shopper excitement rises exponentially. In response, the company has been working to develop the domestic program, with anticipated increases in acreage in the coming year, along with improved supply chain efficiency to bring more value to buyers looking to differentiate their produce departments. The company is looking to gain deep understanding of these consumer trends.

Stay tuned as AndNowUKnow continues to cover innovative moves from Wada Farms.