Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

PERU – Two volcanoes in close proximity have erupted into life in the Andes, and recent explosive activity at the Sabancaya Volcano has prompted evacuations; the South American country has declared state of emergency.

Dr. Orlando EfraÍn Macedo Sánchez, Peruvian Geophysical Institute (IGP) Scientific Investigator

“All this activity is part of an expected process” said Peruvian Geophysical Institute (IGP) Investigator Orlando Macedo, according to a report by news source Express. “Before the eruption, tremors were occurring closer and closer to the volcano and the crater. However, the process is taking longer than that which we saw at the Ubinas Volcano, when everything happened in a matter of days. In the case of Sabancaya, this could go on for several months.”

The Sabancaya volcano, known by locals as “tongue of fire” and situated just 40 miles outside Peru’s second most populous city, Arequipa, began activity on November 6 of this year. The Sabancaya had been dormant for almost 200 years until it began erupting in the 1980s. The recent volcanic activity is the first in some 18 years, though the area has been seismically active since 2013.

By Monday of this week, the volcano had begun to spew ash and smoke roughly 11,500 feet into the air.

Local authorities issued a warning and implemented emergency measures to relocate local inhabitants adversely affected by the ash from the 20,000-foot Andean volcano’s eruption.

In response to the volcanic activity, officials plan to evacuate around 4,000 area residents and their livestock—nearly 30,000 animals including llamas and alpacas—to safer ground 12 miles away.

The Ubinas, volcano located within 60 miles of Sabancaya, is currently active as well, spewing ash two miles high into the atmosphere.

Will the ash and seismic activity affect the country’s important growing regions as key categories like mangos transition to Peru for their growing season? For updates as they develop, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow. 

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA – Now in its 12th year of partnership, the Allen Lund Company (ALC) and Navidad en el Barrio have collaborated on a Toy Drive benefitting St. Vincent de Paul. The event, held December 17, had over 700 families in attendance, each of which received toys, shoes, and Christmas meals. The event was in conjunction with ALC's commitment to 40 Acts of Kindness in celebration of its 40th year in business.

Kenny Lund, VP Support Services, Allen Lund Company"We are so blessed to be able to give back. To be at St. Vincent de Paul and meet with the families who are benefiting from the gifts provided by such a great team of caring people, leaves me at a loss for words," stated Kenny Lund, VP Support Services at ALC, according to a press release. "This is the third year ALC has partnered with SVDP, and I am confident this will continue to be an annual day of giving for ALC."

Through its continued partnership with Navidad En El Barrio, the pledge first kicked off in March of 2016, continuing until the company's anniversary on January 29, 2017. Having already surpassed its benchmark of 40 kind acts, the company shows no signs of slowing as it closes out 2016 and approaches the end date.

ALC Denver, San Francisco, Portland, Los Angeles Dry/Reefer, and Orlando offices were able to offer fresh produce and dry goods to be donated for the Christmas meals, with transportation by ALC All Star carrier Wanship Enterprises. The donations included:

  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Grapes
  • Avocados
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Mixed salad
  • Spaghetti
  • Chicken glaze
  • Couscous
  • Pancake mix
  • Cornbread mix

In the release, the company offered thanks to Wonderful Citrus, Mission Produce, Taylor Farms, Rainier Fruit Company, Grimmway Farms, Wada Farms, Penguin Foods, Kagome USA, Garofalo Pasta, and Dayka & Hackett.

How will the produce industry continue to give back? Stick with AndNowUKnow for all the latest.

Allen Lund Company

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Robert Schaulis

SINALOA, MX - North American produce industry representatives looking to forge and fortify ties in an important Mexican growing region should take note; the fourth annual Sinaloa Encanta kicks off on March 10, 2017.

The event promises to bring together the most important produce providers in the state of Sinaloa—as well as national and international buyers, retailers, entrepreneurs, media representatives, and agents from regulatory and governmental organizations.

Eduardo Leyson Castro, President of the Board, Sinaloa Encanta Foundation“All this has been made possible through the dedication and valuable participation of the those that currently serve as sponsors and exhibitors,” said Eduardo Leyson Castro, President of the Board of Sinaloa Encanta Foundation. “Companies that, with great interest, have joined this movement to seek and cement ties, that encourage and motivate us and all the major players that bet on Sinaloa.” 

Sinaloa Encanta 2016

The 2017 event boasts a number of important participants, including:

  • Greater numbers of national and international buyers
  • The best restaurants in the state
  • Baja California wine producers
  • Producers from other states throughout Mexico

The event also includes:

  • Exhibitions from the best Sinaloan agricultural producers
  • An exhibition of local Sinaloan Art
  • A performance by internationally acclaimed performer Yuri to close the event

For more information on the event, including video of previous years and a list of participating organizations, visit

Sinaloa Encanta 

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

LEAMINGTON, ON – It seems as though innovation is never over for the flavor profiles that can take over our industry. As Lakeside Produce can attest, over a year of development has gone into its new variety of snacking tomatoes, Blushes.

As Lakeside Marketing Manager Dean Scott recently told me, the company has been perfecting the variety’s seed in order to create a lasting impact in the industry, and in consumers’ baskets as well.

Dean Scott, Marketing Manager, Lakeside Produce“Blushes are a natural variety that blends a classic cherry tomato flavor with fruity and sweet notes,” Dean tells me. “It’s exciting to watch the consumers’ eyes open wide when they try them for the first time and get hooked. We’re immensely proud of this tomato.”

Dean says that Lakeside Produce’s growers remain incredibly dedicated with their practice and attention to detail, resulting in an end product that boasts a memorable crunch, sweet flavor, and “snackability.”

“Everyone that tasted the Blushes on the PMA show floor loved the flavor and snap of each bite,” Dean says, describing the 14 foot tall wall of Blushes the company brought to PMA Fresh Summit, with over 400 clamshells of the offering.

To bolster its portfolio even further, Dean divulges that Lakeside Produce is building upon its marketing initiatives to increase brand visibility. Additionally, the company is partnering with select retailers to put Blushes in taste and flavor spotlights in order to increase consumers’ access to the product.

“Lakeside Produce has also recently completed construction of a new lit greenhouse that will allow us to harvest Canadian-grown product year-round,” Dean says.

Having won a gold medal for its Blushes in the 2016 Best Hothouse Specialty Tomato category in the 2016 Greenhouse Competitions, Lakeside Produce is looking forward to the opportunities to showcase the variety in 2017. 

For the latest in new innovations, and craveable varieties, stick with AndNowUKnow for everything greenhouse.

Lakeside Produce

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

BERKELEY, CA - Looking back on 2016, mergers and acquisitions have made for a few notable shakeups in the retail market, with promises of more to come in 2017 as a number of key banners continue to shift and grow.

Amongst the changes are inevitable transitions, which new parent companies look to make as smooth as possible. In that vein is California-based Andronico’s, which is one of the more recent buy-ups of Safeway Community Markets.

Suzy Monford, CEO, Andronico's Community MarketsThe banner’s CEO, Suzy Monford, saw the change on the horizon, according to Forbes magazine, and offered a few words of wisdom on how to make that conversion as easy as possible for all sides involved.

Monford named her first priority as protecting jobs and career opportunities. Hired by Andronico’s to innovate the grocer that was in danger of bankruptcy, Monford and her team brought changes like Fit Market and Instacart shopping, and brought it out of debt and into the territory of acquisition candidacy, according to the report.

Now, she has helped usher in a new age for the 87-year-old banner that includes no jobs lost in the buyout.

This brought Monford to another key transition tip: give everyone a stable foundation.

"When it comes to independent grocers, the mantra is go big or go home," Monford said.

This foundation includes the customers, according to the retail executive, who named that all 350 employees across the chain of stores keeping their positions meant shoppers would come in to the same familiar faces. Likewise, she approached a delivery emphasizing better pricing for consumers that would come with the stronger buyer power Safeway would bring as part of the acquisition.

Andronico’s sale to Safeway includes not only its two stores in Berkeley, California, but also stores in San Francisco, San Anselmo, and Los Altos.

Keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we continue to report on all growing and changing names in the buy-side and beyond for the produce industry.

Andronico's Safeway

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

LEAMINGTON, ON – When considering the inner workings of a boutique specialty grower there are many methods and facets which culminate into the high-quality offerings with which we become familiar. However, I decided to try a new tactic to connect even deeper with Orangline Farms™ and its Zing! Healthy Foods™ brand. I recently stole a moment out of the #bigZing, the Zing! mascot’s, busy schedule to talk industry shop and quirky preferences.

#BigZing in Toronto

In addition to being the self-proclaimed face and personality of the Zing! Healthy Foods™ operations, #bigZing is a well-documented traveler whose already put a good span of North America under his veggie belt, from Toronto to Chicago. Check out the hashtag #bigZing for a glimpse of his impact.

So what else does this giant pepper have to say? Find out below as we discuss a range of topics, some of which may surprise you:

Q: What do you think about the current state of the industry?

#bZ: I think now more than ever we are seeing a movement towards healthier eating, it’s not just a trend. Consumers are more informed and as a grower, being transparent about our farming techniques is the way to go. I’m really inspired by the Urban Greenhouses that are popping up inside the education system. It’s beneficial and amaZing!

#BigZing in Chicago

Q: Who do you think the big influencers of today are, Pumpkin and Kale perhaps?

#bZ: Hahahaha, yes they are… I often get mistaken for a giant pumpkin, we’re both orange so I can see how that could happen. These talked about veggies may seem to have a corner on the trend market, but word has it that Runner Beans are seeing resurgence. Okay, that may just be a rumor I’m starting but trends aren’t just dependent on taste, but accessibility and versatility as well.

Q: If you weren’t a vegetable, what would you be?

#bZ: A bicycle, that way I could just ride. Bicycles are used at our farm and they look fun. I would of course attach a hockey card to the back spokes… I am Canadian, after all.

Q: What do you think about organic?

#bZ: Sometimes it feels like it might be easier to discuss politics (#bigZing chuckles). Organics or not, if at the end of the day people are eating more veg, than we are all winning.

Q: What else do you think our readers are dying to know?

#bZ: Well there was that incident in Chicago… but aside from that, I guess it would be my physical attributes. Some have often wondered if I’m really just a giant balloon. I can assure you that I’m real, approximately 35 pounds, and around 3’ x 4’ tall. Getting around indoors is limited, as I do not fit through standard doors, so I tend to be an outside type person. But on the inside… I’m made of sunshine and happiness…of course.

From the mouth of the pepper himself, there you have it. As Zing! Healthy Foods™ continues to push creative and healthy options into the baskets and hearts of consumers, keep an eye on their strawberry, sweet & spicy peppers, and Runner Bean offerings and marketing campaigns for further innovations.

Where will #bigZing lead Zing! Healthy Foods™ next? Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow to find out.

Zing Healthy Foods

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

TIJUANA, MX - With Mexican berry production going full steam ahead, Embalajes Agricolas Sambramex is happy to report a big increase in demand for its produce packaging options. And to get ahead of the curve, Sambramex is ramping up its capacity by installing additional labeling lines and high-speed labeling/padding equipment at its Zamora facility this month. 

Juana Ramirez, Director of Sales and Marketing, Sambramex“With our forecasting for the season, we knew that additional lines would be necessary to stay ahead of customer demand,” shared Juana Ramirez, Director of Sales and Marketing for Sambramex. “We pride ourselves on our ability to service customers quickly and efficiently, and for this reason, we are excited to have the additional machines in place and up and running prior to the new year.” 

According to a press release, these machines will allow Sambramex to continue to provide the high-level of customer service that it is known for throughout Mexico, and push that service even farther. Sambramex believes that growers appreciate its ability to both prelabel and pad clamshells, while managing customers’ packaging inventory before they pick-up their orders or have them delivered by Sambramex on regular delivery routes. 

Sambramex offers a full line of integrated packaging solutions and value-added services to growers, including product design, inventory management, mechanical labeling and padding, and regular delivery routes throughout central Mexico. To find out more about every service the company has to offer, visit

Embalajes Agricolas Sambramex

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA – A semi-truck carrying mangos across northeast Australia toppled and rolled this past Tuesday, December 27, delaying holiday traffic and alarming fruit lovers and fellow travelers.

The truck was traveling along a stretch of the country's Bruce Highway between Gympie and Sunshine Coast when it overturned and careened onto the shoulder of the road.

No other vehicles were involved in the accident, which occurred near the intersection of Wilcox Road at 3:45pm local time on December 27, according to local news source The Gympie Times. Authorities were not forthcoming about the cause of the incident, which occurred in broad daylight.

Photo Credit: Scott Kovacevic

The truck’s driver, a man in his fifties, was taken to Nambour Hospital in nearby Nambour. The driver was received in stable condition but with suspected shoulder injuries, according to a Queensland Ambulance Service spokesperson.

The incident and subsequent cleanup delayed holiday traffic; though the Bruce Highway remained open, southbound delays persisted through the afternoon.

Thankfully, the truck’s precious cargo did not spill into the road, but the fate of the jangled fruit remains unclear. Can the blushing mangos be salvaged with mere bumps and bruises? 

For more on harrowing shipping incidents, in particular, and produce news, in general, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow. 

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

COMMERCE, CA – Smart & Final looks to be undergoing a specific strategy as 2016 comes to a close, with its sights set on the Southern California market. The chain has recently opened 12 new stores in San Diego, CA, with no end to this current focus in the works. 

Sean Mahony, Vice President, Southern Region, Smart & Final

“When we look at San Diego, while we grew a lot, we still believe there’s neighborhoods we have the opportunity to serve that we’re not today,” stated the Vice President of Smart & Final’s Southern Region, Sean Mahony, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. 

The new stores are looking to deliver on consumer demand within the region, to increase further sales. The stores feature the chain’s Extra! format which carries more product than other stores, including an expanded produce department. Mahony stated that Southern California in particular has also shown a penchant for organic, causing the chain to add around 100 different organic produce items per store. 

These new additions bring the chain’s reach to 26 stores within San Diego County, establishing it as one of the biggest retail grocery stores within the region. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that this region-specific expansion may already be proving successful for the company as its Q3 sales reported an 11.9% increase compared to last year. 

New Smart & Final store in Coronado, California, within San Diego County Photo Source: (John Gastaldo/San Diego Union-Tribune)

The chain is looking to provide cost effective grocery solutions within flourishing markets, like San Diego, while offering options consumers search for, such as bulk items, organic, and gluten-free. Smart & Final is also able to expand its footprint effectively in high populated areas as it can house its stores in smaller areas than larger retailers. 

“I think ultimately what people are after is value for their dollar,” Mahony said. “We get a strong rate of acceptance of people that return. But, just getting them in the door to give it a shake has been our biggest opportunity.”

Smart & Final is looking to increase its total store count by around 10% each year, Mahony outlined, though the chain far surpassed that number in San Diego County. In 2016 alone, the chain raised its reach up 86% within the region.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Smart & Final was able to expand so quickly within the San Diego region as two chains recently went bankrupt in the area. With the exits of Haggen and Fresh & Easy, 2016 was a year of grocery growth in the region.

As retailers continue to try on new buy-side strategies for increased success, check in with AndNowUKnow for all the latest. 

Smart & Final

Wed. December 28th, 2016 - by Robert Schaulis

GLENNVILLE, GA – Produce departments hoping to draw the eye of health-conscious consumers this winter should take note; Bland Farms has announced a new line of all-natural dressings to be released under its Vidalia Brands® label this January. Vidalia Brands, a sister company to Bland Farms that produces snacks, condiments, seasoning, salsas, dressings, and more, is set to release six new varieties of dressing sure to resonate with both shoppers looking to pep up their fresh produce and retailers trying to boost sales through cross-promotion this winter.

Alannah Finnan, Marketing Specialist, Bland Farms and Vidalia Brands“Our product line has a very clean label,” said Alannah Finnan, Marketing Specialist for Bland Farms and Vidalia Brands. “Our dressings are made from all-natural ingredients and contain no preservatives, MSG, artificial colors or flavors, trans fats or high-fructose syrup, and are gluten-free.”

While the dressings list a long line of health bonafides, they are also long on decadent taste; the line includes a variety of flavors based on Southern family recipes. In addition to a revamped version of the company’s stalwart Blossom Sauce, new flavors include:

  • Creamy Vidalia®
  • Honey Mustard
  • Greek Vinaigrette
  • Raspberry Poppy Seed
  • Balsamic Vinaigrette

Full Line of Vidalia Brands' All-Natural Dressing

New Vidalia Brands Dressing Display StandTo help market the product and drive home opportunities for cross promotion, Vidalia will offer a new shipper that retailers can position as a stand-alone next to complimentary products like Vidalia’s onions and sweet potatoes, or produce departments can station the stand on a counter as the situation requires. The dressings do not require refrigeration prior to opening, so retailers will have greater flexibility with marketing.

The new line of dressings will be available in January of 2017.

For more on exciting new product lines and other developments in the produce industry, check in with us at AndNowUKnow.

Bland Farms