Fri. December 23rd, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

SALINAS, CA - Growing ties to the community and giving back to those in need, Bayer and the company’s running team raised $5,700 to support two important charities: Motivation Freedom through Mobility, and The Monterey Ag Education Program.

As part of an ongoing tradition, each August, the Salinas Valley Bayer Vegetable sales team, along with many of the team's customers, run a local half marathon to raise money for charity, according to a company release. As a result of poor air quality caused by rampant wild fires, the company was forced to cancel the event in 2016, much to the disappointment of the Bayer team.

Bayer Marathon T-Shirts front and back

But after some rearranging and rescheduling, Bayer’s team went on to compete at the Big Sur Half in Monterey, a run for charity held November 13 of this year.

Altogether, the company’s running team raised $5,700 for the two charities involved. 

Motivation Freedom through Mobility has a global reach; the charity works to provide wheelchairs to people in underdeveloped areas.

The Monterey Ag Education Program is a local charity that involves area youth with agriculture and hosts events like Farm Day in Monterey, to foster local ties to the fresh food industries.

Kudos, from us at AndNowUKnow, to the Bayer team for all the company's hard work. 


Fri. December 23rd, 2016 - by Eva Roethler

SEATTLE, WA - Amazon continued its push into the private label business this month, and unveiled the company’s latest brand: Wickedly Prime.

Wickedly Prime is the company’s first major push into perishable foods, according to news source Tech Crunch. The new brand is exclusively available to Amazon Prime members, similar in its brand offerings to retailers like Trader Joe’s, and targeted toward foodies.

The label will provide snack offerings like popcorn, tortilla chips, and soft shell almonds available in a variety of flavors.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier in the year that exclusive items like nuts, spices, tea, coffee, baby food, vitamins, and other household items will appear under the brand name Wickedly Prime, as well as others like Mama Bear and Happy Belly over the course of 2016 and 2017.

Wickedly Prime is different from Amazon’s previous forays into private label business, because the brand explicitly embraces its Amazon affiliation. Previous private label ventures have hidden their affiliation with Amazon, with their labels stating “AFS Brands LLC.”  

The Wickedly Prime line’s packaging features Amazon’s “Prime” name, the brand’s iconic smile logo, and product packages that state: “Distributed by Amazon Fulfillment Services.”

The products on the Wickedly Prime label are part of a slow roll out, and Amazon has seen only modest income from the initial offerings of products, according to news source One Click Retail. But, robust growth is expected. Happy Belly, a previous Amazon private label venture, saw sales of its nuts and trail mixes grow from $20,000 to $265,000 thanks to clever holiday promotions in November and December.

With rumors abounding after Amazon unveiled its Amazon Go store concept last month, could this new private label signify another step toward the company building a grocery empire? Will this new endeavor into private label include fresh produce?

Check in with AndNowUKnow for updates as they happen.


Fri. December 23rd, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LEAMINGTON, ON- With trends in snacking tomatoes and greenhouse-grown produce on the rise, retailers are looking to constantly differentiate within the category and reinvigorate the consumer’s love for tomatoes. As we turn to 2017, Chris Veillon, Director of Marketing for NatureFresh™ Farms joins me to discuss how he sees the “future of fresh” and what the company is doing to answer the call.

Q: How is NatureFresh™ addressing the "future of Fresh" and what does that mean to company specifically?

Chris Veillon, Director of Marketing, NatureFresh™ FarmsChris Veillon: Our expansion into Ohio is a major statement, especially for a company like NatureFresh™ Farms who has only been marketing its product for the last 5+ years.

We have pledged to grow in the Midwest in an area where you typically do not see greenhouses. The investment in Fulton County was not only about economic development and creating jobs; it was about a need to grow our business and provide exceptional greenhouse grown vegetables in the winter.

The future of fresh is dependent on meeting the increasing demand for freshproduce, regardless of the season. The need to reduce food miles; increase quality, taste, and shelf-life. We are very brand-centric in our position, especially when it comes to our tomatoes, hence why we created the OhioRed™ and TOMZ™ programs.

As a vertically integrated organization, we have the ability to control aspects of our business; from building to growing to packing to shipping to marketing our items. Not all growers have the ability to build their own facilities and then complete the sell through to retail. Our sister company South Essex Fabricating Inc. is our building arm; they have built all 45 acres of our recent project in Delta, Ohio.

Q: Why does the Ohio expansion make sense to NatureFresh™?

CV: With expansion comes the opportunity to be on more people’s radar. Once we started talking about growing through the winter in Ohio, people started to listen in a major way. Our OhioRed™ TOV’s took off like wildfire even before we had picked our first tomato. OhioRed™ has become a household name for people in Ohio and the Midwest.

The future of fresh is very bright for NatureFresh™.

Q: How are consumer buying behaviors and trends influencing the way they shop for produce, and how is NatureFresh™ responding to those changes?

CV: Consumers are creatures of habit for the most part. They shop the same store and buy the same products week-in and week-out. It can be tough to change habits, for better or for worse. Those who have been conditioned to purchase mediocre tomatoes from November to March, have forgotten that in the dead of winter you can get an awesome tasting tomato.

This past weekend, I randomly surveyed ten people in a supermarket produce aisle as I stood by the tomato category, here are the questions I asked them and how they answered:

  1. Do you buy tomatoes year-round? Three said yes, seven said no because of flavor.
  2. Is flavor important? All ten said yes.
  3. Do you buy snacking tomatoes? Four said yes, six said no.
  4. Do you buy a specific brand? Three said yes, seven said no–just whatever was available.
  5. Does country of origin matter? Six said yes, four said no.

Consumers who have traditionally purchased a snacking tomato, bought a dry-pint red grape tomato. It was for a garnish on a salad or to go along with a dip or veggie tray, it was never the focal point of the discussion. Building a snacking program that encompasses more than one item ensures continuity in a category program that can support multiple items. The TOMZ™ Snacking tomato line does just that:

  • Red Grape 

  • Yellow Grape 

  • Orange Grape 

  • Red Cherry 

  • Mixed Grape (red, yellow, orange) 

  • Mixed Snacking (medley of colors & flavors) 

  • Sweet Red Cocktail

 Q: Chris, why do you think the new snacking innovations from NatureFresh™ are being received so successfully?

CV: We had already begun the snacking journey when we launched the TomBar™ and TomBall™ program earlier this year. We have been very successful because it has given consumers the opportunity to hand select what they want. Not only does this reduce food waste, it is increasing the quality of product a consumer is purchasing. The turns at retail are more frequent, so consumers are always getting fresh product. Consumers are selecting the quantity, color, and type that they want which will reduce the amount people will dispose of if they don’t eat the entire container.

All of our TomBar™ and TomBall™ merchandising units have our Ohio-grown TOMZ™ in them and only ours. This way the consumer has consistent quality week in week out from the same grower/marketer and from the same farm, which is typically unheard of at this time of year.

Looking for more insights into the competitive greenhouse tomato category? Stay tuned as we bring you more from the pioneers making a difference, as we launch into 2017.

NatureFresh Farms South Essex Fabricating

Fri. December 23rd, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SACRAMENTO, CA - What is a Cinema 4D (C4D) three-dimensional GIF? ANUK’s 2016 Holiday Greeting Card.

Robert Lambert, CEO, AndNowUKnow

“We haven’t seen another produce company do anything like this,” said CEO Robert Lambert. “What you are seeing is a three-dimensional GIF that enhances and brings the image to life.”

When talking with our Senior Designers, Shane Von Knuth and Kyle Frantz, Kyle explains that the image is created using Cinema 4D (C4D)–a program used to help make and animate the 3D assets.

Kyle Frantz, Lead Designer at AndNowUKnowHe also explains to me that the faceted look I’m seeing when looking at the card, giving it depth and detail, is “low-poly” and uses forced perspective to achieve an intentionally-flawed sense of depth.

Shane Knuth, Lead Designer at AndNowUKnow

“We wanted our card to be fun and striking, so we went with a low-poly 3D aesthetic,” Shane shared. “We set it up like a Christmas diorama with a happy snowman, and even snuck our office into the scene.”

The team also ensured that when exporting the gif, the format was light enough to reach everyone in the industry with little-to-no email complications.

Perspective view showing false depth

With this new approach, we hope to help inspire a new way to market in the industry.

What else can we do with this latest cutting-edge design approach? Stay tuned to find out, and from all of us at AndNowUKnow, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

ANUK 2016 Holiday Card

Thu. December 22nd, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ALAMITOS, CA - Frieda’s Specialty Produce is bringing sweeter, juicier, and more aromatic mangos to American shoppers this season with the Kensington Pride and R2E2 Australian mango varieties.

Alex Jackson, Senior Account Manager, Frieda's Specialty Produce

“Shoppers are looking for enjoyable food experiences and many will pay extra for high-flavor produce,” said Alex Jackson, Senior Account Manager at Frieda’s Specialty Produce. “These mango varieties meet the requirements: beautiful color, great flavor, and texture. Shoppers will be looking for them.”

Australian mango growers are excited to increase the volume of their imports to the US this season, Frieda's notes, and American shoppers are primed to experience the silky, sweet flavor that Australian consumers have enjoyed for years.

Mangos From Australia

The two varieties offer a silky texture with no stringiness, a long shelf life, and a beautiful blush sure to draw consumers’ eyes. The Kensington Pride mango is medium-sized, oval in shape, and displays a beautiful pink-red blush. R2E2 is a rounder, larger mango with an exceptional flesh-to-seed ratio and deep orange coloring.

“There are only a few importers of Australian mangos and the demand for these varieties is high,” noted Jackson. “It is best to pre-book now for the first of the year.”

Frieda’s says its mangos are in good supply, but expected to sell quickly, so act fast!

For more on new varieties of produce hitting our shores in the U.S., stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Frieda's Specialty Produce

Thu. December 22nd, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

WESTERN U.S. - Stormy weather will likely make both road and flight travel a little longer than usual in the western U.S. as we head into the already-bustling holiday weekend. Heavy rains and snow in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah have promised to keep things interesting as the nation takes to the streets and skies for one of the year's biggest travel days.  

According to a report from AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski, an end-of-week storm will start with rain in the deserts of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, making its way into the mountains with snow and ice as of Thursday night.

Major Holiday Storm

On Friday and Saturday, California will also get its fair share of rain, especially in its coastal and low-elevation regions. California, as well as Nevada and Arizona, are all at risk for flash flooding and mudslides over the weekend, AccuWeather says, putting travelers and shippers at risk for lengthy commutes. Airline delays are also highly likely. 

The source lists the following cities at particular risk for a drenched holiday: 

  • San Francisco
  • Salt Lake City
  • Los Angeles
  • Sacramento
  • San Diego
  • Las Vegas
  • Phoenix
  • Flagstaff
  • Arizona
  • Boise
  • Elko

Travelers should also expect snow in lower level mountain areas, including Siskiyou Summit, Donner Pass, Cajon Pass, Tejon Pass, and higher elevations in Arizona. Snow will reach “shoveling and plowing” levels in the areas around Flagstaff, Boise, Salt Lake City, and Elko, Nevada, so holiday skiers rejoice! 

Holiday Snowstorm

As we head into Sunday, Christmas days, conditions will likely improve as the storm makes its way east towards Great Plains. AccuWeather warns that the northern U.S. could see blizzard conditions, while the South will get a dose of severe thunderstorms south.

Us at AndNowUKnow wish all you last-minute travelers and gift-shippers a safe and happy holiday!

Thu. December 22nd, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LAKE CITY, MN - As the SweeTango® season comes to a close, the cooperative that grows and markets the apple, Next Big Thing, looking back on a successful 2016.

Roger Pepperl, Marketing Director, Stemilt GrowersRoger Pepperl, Stemilt Growers’ Marketing Director and a member of Next Big Thing, noted that retailers in the Western U.S. SweeTango sales region were pleased with the good performance they experienced with SweeTango this season. More grocers in the region added SweeTango to their apple line-up for the first time this season, according to a press release.

Nielsen also provided the cooperative with data showing SweeTango weekly sales between Aug. 7 and Oct. 29 increasing 24% in the U.S. from 2015.

Skip Swanson, Pepin Heights OrchardsSkip Swanson of Pepin Heights Orchards commented that retailers and consumers alike responded to the large number of in-store demos that were held in the Midwestern U.S. region, building consumer awareness of the variety and bringing in new fans.

“Demand was so strong that the season seemed to fly by in an instant,” Swanson remarked.

Additional Nielsen data noted:

  • SweeTango was the #10 best-selling apple overall–falling just behind Pink Lady and Jazz
  • It was #2 best-selling apple when compared only to club varieties
  • Pricing for SweeTango averaged $2.33 per lb and $233 a week per store in sales

The overall 2016 crop was slightly larger than 2015, but reported as marginally smaller than projected due to Midwest hail in the early growing season and harvest-time cracking in New York with excellent quality.

David Williams, VP of Sales and Marketing, Fowler Farms“Consumer awareness and trial for the brand continues to receive favorable responses at shows as well as with in-store sampling and local marketing events,” said David Williams, VP of Sales and Marketing at Fowler Farms. “The season kicked off with immediate momentum, with digital coupons, new retailers adding pouch bags, and strong on-ad promotions. A highlight of the season was partnering with the Syracuse Crunch AHL hockey team to promote the uber-crunchy SweeTango with sampling, in-game fan activities like apple-dunking on the ice, and more.”

Next Big Thing also noted that a robust marketing program supported sales in the U.S. and Canada this season. Amongst attributing factors were the launch of refreshed packaging designs, partnering with retailers, and a number of consumer marketing activities to help raise SweeTango awareness.

Dennis MacPherson, Director of Sales and Marketing, Scotian Gold“There was tremendous excitement out of the gate with retailers who enthusiastically supported the apple in store and in flyer,” Dennis MacPherson, Director of Sales and Marketing at Scotian Gold, said.

You can find a series of short-form animated videos promoting SweeTango here, from which the cooperative said many new fans were born.

Stay tuned for the crunchy return of this colorful fruit next season.


Thu. December 22nd, 2016 - by Robert Schaulis

CARPINTERIA, CA - Retailers looking to court veggie loving consumers with exceptionally fresh and healthy produce options this winter can count on Hollandia Produce’s greenhouse-grown, living, roots-intact greens.

Brian Cook, Vice President of Sales, Hollandia Produce

“One of the many benefits of our greenhouse-grown lettuce is the consistency in quality, taste and value,” Brian Cook, Vice President of Sales, tells me. “This advantage becomes especially powerful in extreme weather conditions during the winter and summer. Retailers can feel comfortable with product availability and unflagging quality during those times.”

Hollandia’s Live Gourmet Living Upland Cress and Grower Pete’s Organic Living Watercress are two such varieties that retailers and consumers alike are sure to enjoy during the cold winter months.

The company’s varieties of cress and watercress feature a peppery flavor and distinctive zing. The herbs can be used in soups, salads, and sauces, on sandwiches, or as a garnish, and this versatility makes them an excellent opportunity for cross-promotion, and a driver of repeat purchases.

Both varieties of herbs are certified as Antioxidant Superfoods by SCS Global Services and are grown using sustainable, environmentally-friendly practices. Grower Pete’s Organic Living Watercress is all-natural, USDA and CCOF certified organic, and with Hollandia’s Live Gourmet Living Upland Cress are verified by The Non-GMO Project.

Greenhouse-grown herbs and specialty lettuces can be particularly attractive offerings, too, after New Year’s when consumers’ priorities shift toward healthy eating: “As we head into the new year, many of us rededicate ourselves to live healthier lifestyles,” Brian notes. “Exercise and diet are major focuses. The consumption of fruits and vegetables increase as consumers look to eat low carb and paleo style meals. Butter Lettuce tacos and cups become a staple in families’ menus during this time.”

Hollandia has a variety of recipe ideas suitable for any occasion available on their website, here.

For more on all things produce, check in with us at AndNowUKnow.

Hollandia Produce

Thu. December 22nd, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

ORLANDO, FL – Boasting some new strategic focuses, Darden Restaurants Inc. is coming out of its Q2 report for 2017 with increased sales reports. Thanks especially to its Olive Garden business, the company reported a 2.1% total sales rise to $1.64 billion.

Gene Lee, CEO, Darden Restaurants"We had another strong quarter with same-restaurant sales growth significantly outperforming the casual dining industry benchmarks, especially at Olive Garden," said CEO Gene Lee. "We remain laser-focused on our operating philosophy rooted in food, service and atmosphere, and creating memorable experiences for our guests." 

Darden also reported an increase to its reported diluted net earnings per share to $0.64, along with a rise of 18.5% from last year’s adjusted diluted net earnings per share. The company reported a profit of $79.5 million for its second quarter, ending in November. 

Darden’s same-restaurant sales rose 1.7% for the quarter, led by a 2.6% rise in sales at Olive Garden alone, according to a press release. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) stated that analysts expected a 1.8% total same-restaurant sales increase for Darden, with Olive Garden surpassing analyst projections of a 2% increase.

Olive Garden’s increases come from a shift in strategy to deliver on consumer demand for quick and on-the-go meals instead of just a sit-down experience. With a heightened focus on carryout online ordering, the restaurant saw a rise in to-go sales of 21% for the quarter. The company stated that Olive Garden sales were also influenced by successful marketing campaigns such as the “Pasta Pass,” and lunch specials. 

For the rest of its string of restaurant chains, Darden saw the following movement to each segment’s respective same-restaurant sales: 

  • LongHorn: +0.1%
  • The Capital Grille: +1.2%
  • Eddie V’s: 2.7%
  • Yard House: +0.7%
  • Seasons 52: -0.3%
  • Bahama Breeze: +2.6%

WSJ stated that following the release of Darden’s Q2, the company’s shares rose 2.7% during morning trading.

What's next for Darden as the foodservice and restaurant industry continues to shift in the sway of consumer demand? AndNowUKnow will have the latest.

Darden Restaurants 

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MEXICO - Grower Direct Marketing is highlighting its 2016-2017 asparagus season in the run up to the New Year with increased production in Mexico as more health conscious consumers look to add flavor, versatility, and differentiation to their shopping lists.

Managing Director Jim Hanson joined me to share the latest on Grower Direct’s season, and how the asparagus category is primed for growth.

Jim Hanson, Managing Director, Grower Direct“We have begun our robust Mexican asparagus period that stretches from Baja in October, through Caborca’s peak in February and March, and a promising California season this spring,” Jim shared with me. “We are seeing above average sizing for traditional green asparagus varieties, as new fields come into production. Generally, after a few weeks of harvest, the sizes return to normal and peak with standard and large.”

Quality this season from Mexico has been very good and Grower Direct anticipates that the asparagus in Caborca will continue with increased quality through the season.

Consumers have become increasingly more health conscious, the company added. Asparagus is low in calories and very high in fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K and an excellent source of folate, which may fight cognitive decline, and is also loaded with antioxidants.

“Retailers that have been following Grower Direct’s promotional recommendations have seen excellent growth in the asparagus category. Supply is steady and will grow significantly as the main portion of the Mexico season comes into production,” Jim said. “Grower Direct has steadily become one of the largest distributors of Mexican asparagus to coincide with our distribution from California. Retailers have come to trust the planning that they are receiving from GDM sales staff.”

When I asked Jim what some of his tips and best-practices were for retailers, when it comes to helping drive sales in the asparagus category, he said to display product in high traffic areas in the produce department and always supply moisture to avoid dehydration. Include cross-merchandising opportunities that include deli items, oils and recipe ideas, he added, and, continue to offer varieties in sizes including large and extra-large to vary your display.

With a great season on the books so far and a fruitful season ahead, 2017 looks to be a year of growth for Grower Direct Marketing.

Grower Direct Marketing