Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

BERLIN, GERMANY - A new retail format is helping Lidl ring in the new year. Dubbed Lidl Express, the latest iteration of the Germany-based retailer seeks to streamline each store’s offerings to fit in a small format, but allow for an expanded inventory to be ordered online for pick up.

The pilot Lidl Express is located in the company’s home country of Germany, in a locality of Berlin, and, according to the Lebensmittel Zeitung, contains several express cash desks sans conveyor belts, a small selection of produce, a bakery counter, and a deli counter.  

Lidl's Conventional Size Format

This is a significantly smaller offering than shoppers will find in the typical Lidl store, but the twist is, each shopping experience is complemented by online ordering and in-store pickup. This way, Lidl customers will be able to order limited shelf-life products like certain types of fruit and vegetables, milk, and more online, and not have to shop around for them in store. 

As reported by Business Insider, Lidl began selling groceries online in Germany just two months ago, but the company sees adding a click and collect option helping to possibly boost this portion of its business significantly

As you may have noticed from your avid reading of AndNowUKnow’s retail news, online grocery shopping has made huge jumps in growth over 2016. Some, however, still have qualms with the idea of not being able to physically pick out items like fresh produce for themselves. 

Business Insider suggests that click and collect could be one of the more effective ways to combat this common issue, providing an in-person contact to allow shoppers to address issues before actually leaving the store. And as a further comfort, having an additional inventory of stock offers Lidl the chance to potentially cross-sell any items that weren’t included in the original order.

While Lidl Express is currently only in Germany, a successful pilot may lead to not only Lidl Express locations in the U.S., but potentially an uprising of similarly formatted competitors. Keep watching AndNowUKnow as we keep our eyes on this and other growing retail trends.


Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

TAMPA, FL - We are on the brink of the one-year mark since IFCO launched its Wood Grain Reusable Plastic Containers (RPCs). Now, the company announced that it’s celebrating a key milestone, having surpassed 11 million shipments since that debut.

Daniel Walsh, President, IFCO North America

“We are proud to partner with Walmart and its fresh produce suppliers to provide them with innovative, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable reusable packaging that transitions easily to in-store display,” said Daniel Walsh, President of IFCO North America, in a release that noted over 300 growers supplying Walmart with a variety of fresh produce items have placed orders.

Walsh continued, “Surpassing the 11 million Wood Grain RPC threshold so quickly is an impressive accomplishment made possible through strong collaboration between Walmart, the grower community, and IFCO.”

The company entered an agreement with one of the world’s largest retailers in October of 2015 to use Wood Grain RPCs to ship fresh produce to Walmart.

Shawn Baldwin, SVP Produce, Floral, Global Food Sourcing, Walmart

“Walmart chooses to use Wood Grain RPCs to deliver produce for a variety of reasons,” said Shawn Baldwin, SVP of Produce, Floral, and Global Food Sourcing for Walmart USA. “They have better ventilation, they’re ergonomically designed, and very easy to use. And, our customers really like the new Wood Grain RPCs because they look more like a farmers market or roadside fruit stand, which provides a level of comfort during the shopping experience.”

The company said that its RPCs were designed to Walmart specifications, as well as incorporating feedback received from the grower community. IFCO also noted that, like all its RPCs, the Wood Grain product is:

  • More efficient
  • Protect and cool product better
  • Are more environmentally sustainable than one-way packaging

As we recently reported, IFCO and its Wood Grain RPC were featured on global TV show Worldwide Business with kathy ireland®. You can see this shining moment for the company and the industry in the video below:

In the U.S. alone, IFCO demonstrates its strong commitment to supporting local economies, companies, and workers by sourcing and manufacturing 100% if its Wood Grain RPCs in America and meet the FTC’s standard for its “Made in the USA” country of origin label.

The product is also cleaned and sanitized at one of six U.S. service centers throughout its life cycle. Keep checking in as we continue to report on this and other key milestones for those that make up the product industry.

IFCO Walmart

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

DONNA, TX - With the industry moving the holidays and looking to tap in on consumer demand in new and innovative ways, Kingdom Fresh Produce is looking to wrap up the current season of its vine ripe variety before moving into the next. 

As CEO Alberto Gonzalez recently told me, Kingdom Fresh capitalizes on its two peak stages of seasons in order to offer its customers year-round production on vine ripes. The company’s current peak season began this fall and will wrap this month, with the next slated to begin in the spring to run into summer.

Alberto Gonzalez, CEO, Kingdom Fresh

“We have a unique variety growing methodology that we have perfected over the last couple of years, and today we can say that we have the best tomatoes that we have ever had at Kingdom Fresh,” Alberto tells me of Kingdom Fresh’s vine ripe tomatoes. “This year’s crop yields were good and quality is excellent.” 

General Manager Guillermo Martinez elaborated on what makes the company’s selection so unique to its retail partners, stating that Kingdom Fresh’s vine ripes make for perfect merchandising opportunities

Guillermo Martinez, General Manager, Kingdom Fresh Farms

“What makes this variety unique is that they have the flavor of a vine ripe tomato, but are very sturdy. They don’t fall apart when sliced,” Guillermo says. “That’s why we say they are ‘the perfect slice.’” 

To further launch its variety straight into consumers’ baskets, and palates, Kingdom Fresh is gearing up for a differentiated marketing campaign to solidify its brand. The campaign will launch in January through the company’s website and social media outlets.

“Our unique campaign will not only talk about the product, but also tell the stories of our company’s offerings in a new way to consumers,” Alberto divulges. “The campaign will also cover the entire Kingdom Fresh line from vine ripes, organic grapes, and roma tomatoes, to conventional grape tomatoes.”

Guillermo adds that this specialized marketing campaign will further the Kingdom Fresh brand by personalizing the company and its products, in addition to giving each product its own identity.

As Kingdom Fresh moves towards it marketing campaign launch, backed by a year of excellent quality for its products, stick with AndNowUKnow for all the latest in tomato innovations.

Kingdom Fresh

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Robert Schaulis

EAST GREENWICH, RI - Apple shoppers at Dave’s Marketplace this holiday season are putting food on hungry families’ tables with every purchase of JAZZ™, Envy™, and Pacific Rose™ apples.

Dave’s Marketplace, a nine-store independent grocer based in Rhode Island, has launched a creative campaign called “Put the Crunch on Hunger” in partnership with the Oppeheimer Group; for several popular ENZA apple varieties, the program will donate $.20 per pound of apples sold to the Rhode Island Food Bank through the end of December.

Susan Budlong, Marketing Communications Manager at Dave’s Marketplace“It’s the time of year when our thoughts turn to sharing with those less fortunate,” said Susan Budlong, Marketing Communications Manager at Dave’s Marketplace, in an Oppy press release. “This is a great opportunity to support our community and give our shoppers the chance to enjoy these three great-tasting apples while giving back a little, too.”

Pacific Rose Apple Retweet

Oppy Business Development Representative, TJ Wilson, expressed his satisfaction with the campaign and touched on how much good can be done when many people undertake a small but meaningful gesture.

TJ Wilson, Business Development Representative, Oppy“It’s terrific to work with such a great partner and their generous shoppers. Together, we hope our efforts will make things a bit brighter for people needing a little extra help this holiday season,” said Wilson. “An apple a day really can help keep hunger away. That’s pretty powerful.”

Wilson noted that Dave’s is displaying JAZZ, Envy, and Pacific Rose apples in shipper units and on bulk tables with signage encouraging people to “Put the Crunch on Hunger” by buying delicious and crunchy apples so those less fortunate can enjoy a warm meal.

The initiative is also being supported by social media activities on all three apples’ platforms, as well as Dave’s.

For more on the benevolent side of the produce industry, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow. 


Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

AUSTRALIA – What started as an undersea tremor quickly turned into a series of shaking movement felt on Australia’s mainland. Northern Australia felt a strong rattle yesterday as a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck near the Banda Sea off of Indonesia’s coast.

 Dan Jaksa, Senior Seismologist, Geoscience Australia“Most of the motion is on our plate. It was probably felt less in the immediate region where the epicentre is than it was in Darwin,” stated Senior Seismologist Dan Jaksa from Geoscience Australia, emphasizing that seismic waves travel more easily on Australia’s tectonic plate than Indonesia’s.

The earthquake occurred early Wednesday morning local time, with an epicenter of around 110 miles (or 180 km). According to The Guardian, this put the quake’s point of origin around 630 miles north of Australia.

Location of the 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake off the Northern Coast of Australia (Photo Source:

Though there are no reports of damage at this time, Australians took to social media and news sources to elaborate on the extensive shaking felt through Darwin and beyond to Katherine. Mangos and grapes are grown throughout these regions.

Jaksa stated that over the past 20 years there have been more than 140 quakes with a strong magnitude of six felt in the Northern region. Earthquakes occurring at that depth in the ocean typically don’t produce damaging surface wave as they are less likely to rupture the sea floor, Jaksa said. 

“The biggest earthquakes that have occurred are in the Northern Territory,” he finished. Australia’s largest quake was a 6.6 magnitude quake in Tennant Creek in 1988.

The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre ruled out the threat of a tsunami for the quake. 

As earthquakes roll in and roll out of growing regions in our industry, AndNowUKnow will continue to have the latest in subsequent reports.

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SCHENECTADY, NY - Price Chopper’s attorneys are reported to be in talks to settle a two-year-old case of both current and former employees claiming the retailer failed to pay them overtime.

The plaintiffs are out of New York, Pennsylvania, and New England, according to news source Timesunion, who reports that it is unclear how much the plaintiffs are seeking.

A conservative number estimated, not including interest and legal fees, was around $4 million, based on an “informal calculation.”

There has been hearsay of Price Chopper being for sale since last summer, with the most recent rumors listing Albertsons as an interested buyer for the chain in an acquisition of as much as $1 billion.

Those discussions are still unconfirmed by Price Chopper, which also refuted the reports of shopping for buyers in August.

The current case has been stayed pending the outcome of revisited settlement talks that took place Dec. 12, after the employees and Price Chopper worked with mediation.

Mona Golub, Vice President of Public Relations and Consumer Services, Price Chopper"Mediation has begun and is continuing," Mona Golub, Vice President of Public Relations and Consumer Services for Price Chopper said Monday, according to Timesunion.

While the Dec. 12 meeting did not see a settlement, the letter filed with the court Monday stated the two sides continue to talk with "substantial progress" achieved.

The next status reports to the court are due Jan. 6, 2017.

Price Chopper

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

LOXAHATCHEE, FL - With winter fully arrived, and a string of cold weather systems and effects sweeping the nation, the world seems to be at the whim of Mother Nature. However, while consumers may be frowning at recent weather reports, J&J Family of Farms is praising Florida weather as ideal for growing conditions

As Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategy Chris Coffman recently told me, the company is a little over a month into its current season and expects to harvest late into May.

Chris Coffman, Senior Vice President of Marketing & Strategy, J&J Family of Farms

“We are growing green bell peppers, field-grown red and yellow bell peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, green beans, specialty peppers, and eggplant,” Chris tells me of the company’s current produce lineup.

Chris says that the colder weather in Florida has equated to great weather for growing. This has been reflected in excellent yields and quality for the J&J Family of Farms crop, with all harvest projections on time.

“The current market is low on most categories due to the high yields from the fantastic growing weather. In a longer term view, we expect continued good crops and ample plantings throughout Florida in the spring,” Chris says. “Promotable volumes will continue to be available in the next few months as they are right now. We see customer promotional activity increasing on our items in January and February.” 

For the rest of the season, Chris says that the company expects the market to remain steady and competitive as produce is packaged and shipped to consumers. J&J Family of Farms’ own fresh offerings have reflected this as well, with a better overall year thus far than last.

“Our quality and volume are excellent, and we have a beautiful crop with exceptional yields to support promotions and features in each category,” Chris continues. “Last year was an El Nino weather pattern year, which saw more rain and wind that impacted yields significantly.”

As J&J Family of Farms continues to move through its season, and Florida winter weather continues to shift, stay with AndNowUKnow for all significant updates. 

J&J Family of Farms

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

BAKERSFIELD, CA - Sun World Innovations is adding a new grape all-star to its always growing list of licensees. Company President David Marguleas has revealed that Coachella Valley-based Richard Bagdasarian, Inc. will now be able to grow and market Sun World’s line of proprietary table grapes.

Sun World Grapes

The third company appointed by Sun World this year, Bagdasarian is a grower, packer, shipper, and marketer of conventional and organic California table grapes and citrus. The fourth generation family-owned and operated business was incorporated in 1952, and is located in the heart of the Coachella Valley’s ag community. Under the leadership of its third generation President Nick Bozick, the Bozick family says it is dedicated to producing and distributing superb high quality grapes.

David Marguleas, President, Sun World Innovations“All three California licensee appointmentsof Bagdasarian and of Sun Pacific and Sunlight Internationalfurther solidify Sun World’s position as a leading fruit breeder and technology provider, and ensure that retailers and consumers have even greater access to a full line of prominent varietal brands, such as MIDNIGHT BEAUTY®, SABLE SEEDLESS®, AUTUMNCRISP®, and ADORA SEEDLESS®,” Marguleas said. In total, Sun World fruit is marketed by over 60 licensees around the world.

Marguleas also noted that the addition of Bagdasarian will complement Sun World’s own Coachella Valley production, helping the company to address its longer term goal of meeting consumers’ needs for more flavorful and unique seedless grapes throughout the year.

Richard Bagdasarian "Mr. Grape" Brand Grapes

According to a press release, Bagdasarian will begin planting Sun World’s most important varieties in the coming months, with initial commercial volumes expected in 2018. The fruit will be offered under either the Sun World or Bagdasarian’s “Mr. Grape” brands, the latter with a co-branded product seal identifying the Sun World variety.

Sun World Richard Bagdasarian, Inc.

Wed. December 21st, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

PELION, SC – Continuing its annual partnership, WP Rawl joined with Wreaths Across America—a program honoring fallen US Veterans with holiday wreaths—in donating and delivering wreaths to the graves of vets in South Carolina.

WP Rawl and Wreaths Across America donated services to the Fort Jackson National Cemetery in Columbia, SC, where sponsored wreathes were laid on the graves of fallen vets during an annual wreath-laying ceremony.

Ashley Rawl, Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Product Development, WP Rawl

“We are always glad to give back to our community in any way that we can,” said Ashley Rawl, Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Product Development. “Being part of Wreaths Across America is near and dear to our hearts, as many of our Rawl family members and family of employees are veterans. We are honored to be able to support a great cause and give back to those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have the freedoms we enjoy today.”

In addition to sponsoring wreaths to be laid on the graves of vets, the company redecorated one of its dedicated 53-foot reefer trailers with the Wreaths Across America logo and a graphic of the national cemetery. The trailer journeyed from Maine, where it picked up a load of wreaths, to the Florence National Cemetery in South Carolina.

A number of WP Rawl employees also joined the ranks of volunteers across the country who participated in National Wreaths Across America Day on December 17, distributing wreaths in honor of our departed servicemen.

WP Rawl

Tue. December 20th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WASHINGTON, DC - Produce Managers represent the face of the industry before the consumer. And as many retailers have told me since we began covering this amazing program, when looking at the big picture of increasing overall consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, it truly is the retail produce manager that plays that role. With time running out to submit nominations for the United Fresh Retail Produce Manager Awards Program for 2017, I thought I would speak with some of the current retail participants as they discuss the impact of the program and the essential nature of the Produce Manager. 

As Mike Orf, Assistant Vice President, Produce Operations, Hy-Vee, shares with me, the company has been honored to have had the opportunity to participate in the United Fresh Retail Produce Manager Awards Program. 

Mike Orf, Assistant Vice President of Produce Operations, Hy-Vee

“I consider their awards program to be one of the most prestigious accomplishments a Produce Manager ever receives. The individuals who have been fortunate enough to be named a winner would tell you this is the biggest highlight of their career. It’s fantastic to see the men and women who are the face of the produce industry to be recognized and called out for their creative displays and innovative approach to increasing produce consumption in their communities,” Mike tells me. “I personally know how much pride these winning Produce Managers have in being recognized, and something they will never forget the rest of their life. It’s been an honor and a joy to be a part of the United Fresh program!”

Echoing that same sentiment is Greg Corrigan, Senior Director of Produce and Floral for Raley’s Family of Fine Stores.

Greg Corrigan, Senior Director of Produce and Floral, Raley's Family of Fine Stores“Produce Managers work incredibly hard to keep not only the produce department stocked, merchandized, and inviting for our guests, but they also keep the dialogue open with consumers and maintain the front line,” Greg says. “It’s a great opportunity for us to recognize them and honor them for selling our great products, and recognizing their commitment to fresh produce, innovative merchandising, community service, and customer satisfaction.” 

This program has grown from an initial winning class of eight winners in 2005 to the current annual 25 honorees. Nearly 300 Produce Managers have been honored since the program’s inception, representing more than 90 retail banners. Traditionally, United Fresh receives hundreds of nominations each year and are grateful to a selection committee made up of former retailers, merchandisers, and produce industry representatives who review and contrast nominations for a month to determine each years’ winners.  

Joe Turco, Senior Category Manager, Produce Business Uni, Loblaw Companies LtdJoe Turco, Senior Category Manager, Produce Business Unit for Loblaw Companies, shares that he believes that United Fresh provides an avenue to reward Produce Managers. “These individuals are the front lines to our customers, and should be recognized with a sense of self-worth for all the efforts they do day-in and day-out. It also exposes them to another side of the business they are not familiar with.”

Tops Friendly Markets has been nominating Produce Managers for a few years now. Many of those in the industry that have been around awhile can recall the Produce Manager role as a coveted position in the grocery store, as Jeff Cady, Director of Produce and Floral shares with me. Over the years, that feeling seemed to fade slightly to some, he adds. The United Fresh Retail Produce Manager Awards Program has reversed that and added credibility back to a job that truly deserves it. 

Jeff Cady Director of Produce and Floral, Tops Friendly Markets

"Seeing how proud the produce managers are when they are told that they won is priceless. They stand a little taller and talk with more confidence. That is a huge impact. Not just for themselves, but their peers," Jeff tells me. "Also, when they get to go to the United Fresh Convention in June, it take those feelings to the next level. That along with the realization of just how big this industry really is." 

He adds that Produce Managers play a critical role in Tops Friendly Markets' stores. They are the presumed expert. When a customer comes in and starts asking questions about how to pick that, or how to cook this, or what does that taste like, the produce manager has to provide the answers.

2016 Winners of the Retail Produce Manager Awards Program

"So not only do produce managers have to order product, cull through the department for 'off condition' product everyday and merchandise their departments everyday, but they also have to have some cooking knowledge, grower knowledge, and product knowledge," he says. "No one goes up to the grocery clerk and asks 'how do you pick a ripe can of pears?' or 'how is the chicken noodle soup eating this time of year?' The role of a Produce Manager is a job with many facets, and many rewards." 

Big Y Foods has been another one of the retailers deeply involved with the United Fresh Retail Produce Managers Award Program going on seven years, now. As Kevin Barry, Director of Produce and Floral says, it is a tremendous program that recognizes the importance of Produce Managers who deal directly with the end customer. Their execution at store level is essential in maintaining a strong produce industry.

Kevin Barry, Director of Produce and Floral, Big Y Foods“The program offers the winners the opportunity to travel to the United Fresh Convention not only to be recognized by the industry for setting the standards of excellence in their stores but it allows them to interact with members of the industry on many different levels,” Kevin shares. “Having won the award, the story of the Produce Manager and their accomplishments, are featured in one of our weekly ads. This allows our customers to view that the Produce Managers at Big Y are some of the best in the industry. It also inspires other produce managers to raise the bar in their own departments.” 

As Kevin adds, the process of selecting a manager for Big Y involves Directors in both the operations division and sales division. The Produce Director and District Directors submit the names of the Produce Managers in their areas that they feel are deserving of this award. After much discussion, a selection is made and the nomination papers are submitted.

Alfonso Cano, Director of Produce, Northgate Gonzalez, LLC understands and promotes the role of the Produce Manager and how they play such an essential role without all the praise–but praise which they definitely do deserve. 

Alfonso Cano, Director of Produce, Northgate Gonzalez, LLC“Produce Managers are the most essential piece of our companies fresh strategy. Buyers, merchandisers, and operators may get all the attention from the outside, but in the inside our Produce Managers execute and sell, daily,” Alfonso says. “We are behind the scenes while the Produce Manager connects and influences the real end-user and the other associates on the sales floor. This award brings positive energy while creating healthy competition within the companies produce managers. We look forward to competing every year and rewarding a deserving produce manager, if chosen.” 

It is not too late to get your nominations into United Fresh!  January 6th, 2017 is right around the corner, so click here and share your Produce Manager’s success with the industry today.

United Fresh Produce Association