Mon. December 19th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

CASTROVILLE, CA – Winter is here, and along with it, an exclusive artichoke offering sure to wow consumers’ baskets. Ocean Mist Farms has announced that Frost Kissed® Artichokes will soon be available due to the recent cold weather.

Diana McClean, Director of Marketing, Ocean Mist Farms

“A Frost Kissed® artichoke is a unique item that we don’t have every season,” Diana McClean, Director of Marketing, stated. “Because they are limited, we are committed to educating and encouraging shoppers to keep an eye out for them at their local retailers throughout the winter season.”

Frost Kissed® Artichokes only become available when temperatures fall below 32 degrees, which causes the skin of artichokes to gain a dark brown outer layer which can flake or peel. This causes the artichokes to become richer in taste once the frost seals in a more intense nutty flavor to the vegetable. The layer of frost kissed artichoke falls off once cooked, revealing the soft green hue that shoppers recognize.

Ocean Mist Farms' Limited-Time Frost Kissed® Artichokes

To reinforce the great taste of Frost Kissed® Artichokes, Ocean Mist Farms is implementing an education program to emphasize the offering to shoppers since they are different in appearance. According to a press release, the company is offering the following tools: 

  • Information on the Ocean Mist Farms website
  • Pictures and recipes shared to artichoke club members
  • Sharing through the company’s digital channels
  • Retail display cards

“Frosting is strictly a cosmetic condition–while the brownish color may not look the prettiest, Frost Kissed® artichokes are a favorite amongst the chef and foodie community,” continued McClean. 

Ocean Mist Farms' Limited-Time Frost Kissed® Artichokes

Ocean Mist Farms is also partnering with social media influencers thefeedfeed who will follow the first freeze of the season, sharing recipe posts on their social media and blog platforms to their more than 2 million fans. This partnership will help educate people about the flavor benefits and cooking techniques for this unique offering. 

With the help of education and third party influencers, Ocean Mist Farms expects shoppers to seek out Frost Kissed® Artichokes throughout the offering's availability into March 2017. The company will notify buyers as soon as the first frost hits.

Ocean Mist Farms

Mon. December 19th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

LUFKIN, TX - 2017 will bring new leadership to grocery chain Brookshire Brothers. The company announced that President and CEO Jerry Johnson will be stepping down from his role at the end of April 2017, and current COO John Alston will be stepping up. 

Jerry Johnson, Outgoing President and CEO, Brookshire Brothers

Johnson began his time with Brookshires in 1997, joining the company’s Board of Directors. In 1999, he stepped up as the company’s CAO (Chief Administration Officer), helping Brookshires during its transition to a majority employee-owned company. Johnson served as Chairman of the Board from 2003 through 2007, the same time at which he assumed his current role of President and CEO. According to a press release, he will continue as a member of the chain's Board of Directors after his departure. 

During Johnson’s tenure, Brookshires grew from 69 locations to its current 114. What began as a family-owned company with 5,700 employees, the company head helped push to becoming 100 percent employee-owned with nearly 7,000 employee-owners. 

John Alston, Incoming President and CEO, Brookshire Brothers

“Jerry’s legacy as a great leader is firmly embedded in the hearts and minds of our Brookshire Brothers’ family,” Alston stated about the departing company leader. “From transitioning the company from private family ownership to an ESOP, Jerry has worked tirelessly as an advocate for our employee-owners.” 

Alston, currently COO, has spent 35 years in service of the company. Alston has served as Store Director, District Director, Chief Operating Officer, and member of its Board of Directors.

 Photo Source:

“John has the leadership ability and experience to lead our company through the challenges ahead and has the confidence of both the Board and Brookshire Brothers’ employee-owners,” Johnson shared about his successor.

What will new leadership and a new year bring to the longtime retailer? Keep following the team at AndNowUKnow for more!

Brookshire Brothers

Mon. December 19th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

PHOENIX, AZ - Arizona business leaders are suing to halt Proposition 206, a move that looks to increase the state’s minimum wage to $12 per hour, as well as offer paid sick leave to workers.

Should the strategy fail, the proposition would go into effect in January.

The state’s current minimum wage stands at $8.05 per hour, with state workers being exempt. But, the Phoenix Business Journal reports the plaintiffs argue it will still cost the state money, as it will raise wages for some social service and other contractors doing work for the state.

Glenn Hamer, President & Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Chamber of Commerce

“The organized-labor-affiliated backers of Proposition 206 sloppily constructed their initiative to exempt state employees, yet failed to properly account for those employers who hold state contracts. This failure is poised to blow a giant hole in the state budget,” said Arizona Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, Glenn Hamer, in a statement, according to the Phoenix Business Journal. “According to a recent rulemaking notice, AHCCCS and the Department of Economic Security are facing millions of dollars in additional costs for the remainder of just this fiscal year.”

According to the news source, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one of the state’s four leading business groups bringing the matter to court. Others participating in the lawsuit are the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce, as well as the owners of restaurant Valle Luna.

Arizona's Historic State Capitol Building

The suit has been filed in Maricopa Superior Court, with the chambers arguing that the proposition goes against state laws that dictate ballot measures must have funding sources if they cost the state money, according to the report.

Despite voters approving Prop 206 58 percent to 42 percent with little public opposition, the chambers are seeking a minimum wage raise of $10 per hour in January and $12 per hour by 2020.

AndNowUKnow will report any updates on the story as they develop.

Mon. December 19th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

IRWINDALE, CA - For those of you who survived Thanksgiving without having to go up a pant size, it’s time to prepare for Christmas and all of its holiday goodies. As much as I love a plate full of roasted veggies any time of year–there are those holiday treats that keep the seconds and thirds coming. Recently Tristan Simpson, Chief Marketing Officer of Ready Pac Foods, shared a few holiday tips with me along with tasty solutions to keep your diet healthy and delicious as we prep for the New Year. From the produce department to the dinner spread, having healthy choices nearby always helps fuel the decision-making process.

But to start, I had to share a few of the company’s favorite quotes to address the season, as we take on the next couple weeks of holiday cheer.

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” – Oscar Wilde

“Turkey for me, turkey for you/Let's eat the turkey in my big brown shoe.” – Adam Sandler

With that shared, Ready Pac Foods is offering up three tenets for keeping your (caloric) balance this holiday season. But, first the numbers. Ready Pac Foods recently shared the results of a study conducted for the company by ORC International Survey, in which seven out of ten adults readily admitted they have zero plans to make healthier meals this holiday season, even as 81% say they “wish” they were making more calorie-conscious eating decisions.

Tristan Simpson, Chief Marketing Officer, Ready Pac Foods

“The simple formula of meat plus potatoes, followed by more meat, more potatoes, and multiple helpings of delicious pies, cookies, and cakes can equal some crooked numbers on the scale, and everyone knows it,” Tristan shares.

So, three tenets, here we go…

Minimize the Damage

There are the obvious solutions that respondents of the study offered to battle the food coma, like smaller portions (58%), more fruit and vegetables (45%) and healthier recipes (44%).

“So, what’s the secret to not putting on a ton of pounds this holiday season? In a word, it’s all about balance. Add a little touch of healthiness to the rich dishes you devour for the big feast and have a healthy plan for all those meals in between,” Tristan says. “And balance extends into the produce department as well, where retailers can showcase healthy snacking opportunities, value-added salads, and holiday flavors with fruits and veggies that will promote healthy eating.”

The way that flavor profiles have evolved in the produce department and with value-added produce items, fruits, and vegetables are becoming the star of the culinary show. At least in my opinion!

Stick to Your Non-Negotiables

Let’s be honest, some of those delicious, not-so-healthy holiday favs just have a gravity that is hard to combat. Ready Pac Foods says, rather than succumb to an overwhelming feeling of guilt it’s best to go overweight with your favorites.

“While men called meat their ‘can’t live without’ at a holiday meal, 34% of women said side dishes were their favorite, more than any other category,” Tristan adds. “The solution? Compromise.”

If the meat is what you came for, indulge on that deep-fried turkey and lower your helpings of the veggie casserole and sweet potatoes. If you’re so-so on meat but still want to taste it, try only a slice or two of ham or roast beef and load up on the sides.

Listen to the ones who used to be at the kids’ table

Millennials have gotten wiser about many things since their days at the holiday “kids’” table, and eating choices are no different. The survey showed nearly a third of millennials said they plan to make their holiday meals healthier this year, compared to just 19% for baby boomers.

Whether it’s because they’re as passionate about nutritious and fresh food, or the fact that millennials in their late twenties and early thirties are trying to instill healthy eating in their own children, one thing seems certain: Millennials don’t think healthy eating and the holidays clash. In fact, 40% of millennials said they can add healthy options to their meals without compromising the holiday spirit, compared to just 31% for generation X (ages 36-51).

By all means, the “be merry” part of the holiday season wouldn’t exist without good eating (and yes, drinking). But a few smart choices in November and December can help stave off the caloric catastrophe that causes gym memberships to skyrocket every January. Maybe “Eat a little smarter, drink a little smarter, and you can still be merry,” doesn’t have the same ring to it as the original phrase, but it’s just as true.

I’ll be stocking my fridge full of fruits, veggies, a value-added salads to stack in front of the apple pie in my fridge this Christmas. And keeping these tips, ready and available!

Ready Pac Foods

Mon. December 19th, 2016 - by Eva Roethler

PLANT CITY, FL- “Starting this season, we are really pushing a focus on flavor, and the consumer eating experience,” Amber Maloney, Director of Marketing for Wish Farms, tells me as we discuss what is on the horizon for the berry purveyor in the coming year.

After collecting information through taste tests and studies, Amber says the main takeaway is that consumer’s palates are demanding quality flavor and eating experience. In response, Wish Farms is stepping to the plate with its Sweet Sensations strawberry variety, with expanded acreage this season. Developed by the University of Florida, the variety boasts a large size, bright color, conical shape, and high sugar content that retailers and consumers love.

Amber Maloney, Director of Marketing, Wish Farms

“People are commenting and the overwhelming feedback is that the Sweet Sensations strawberry variety has excellent flavor. It is known for being sweet, and consumers and retailers alike love it,” Amber expands. “We want Wish Farms to be known as the brand which is focused on flavor for consumers.”

Tapping into this experiential focus, the company is also launching the new “Life is Sweet” two year campaign, consisting of fresh themes and contests every month or two. The campaign is focused on engagement, and seeks to capture the experience that consumers are looking for.

To kick off the “Life is Sweet” campaign, Wish Farms is currently running a soft launch of the #SweetMoments hashtag in conjunction with the holidays. Consumers are encouraged to post pictures and engage the brand, posting anything related to berries, food, family, or traditions in light of the holidays. Participants have the chance to win a Fujifilm Instax Camera.

“We want people to engage with our brand, and really tap into the ‘sweet’ theme,” Amber says.

Up next, the theme will shift to the #SweetStart hashtag in the new year. With health top of mind in consumers new year's resolutions, the company will feature healthy berry recipes, nutrition tips, and tie in a consumer contest.

Retailers looking to have a foothold in the engagement campaign can reach out to the company to inquire about availability for the new high-gloss, and high-graphic Point of Sale materials. The POS materials are designed to engage shoppers, and turn the produce department into a destination that will have consumers returning for more.

Wish Farms

Thu. December 15th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NOGALES, AZ - In response to consistent growth, Freska Produce is looking to expand its square footage in the Nogales, Arizona produce hub.

Jesus "Chuy" Loza, Managing Member, Freska

“Our increase in volume over the past few years has forced us to expand to be able to take on our growth now and into the future,” said Managing Member Jesus “Chuy” Loza. “Having this new expansion allows us to keep our operations under one roof, which will make our food safety and product freshness first class.”

Freska Produce's Nogales expansion underway

The company broke ground on the expansion last July, according to a press release, to double the size of its existing cooler.

With all the growth Freska has experienced, it was having to outsource with other local coolers in previous years. But, once this expansion is complete, the company said it will be able to handle all volume under one roof–keeping all its cold chain and food safety intact and under its control.

Freska Produce's Nogales expansion underway

“This is a very important step for our overall control of our product and getting it to our customers as fresh and safe as possible,” Loza concluded.

Construction is currently expected to wrap up in time for the Mexican mango season start up in February of 2017.

For all the latest mango and avocado inspiration, browse the company’s website here. Keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we continue to follow Freska’s and other produce companies’ growth throughout the industry.

Freska Produce

Thu. December 15th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WATSONVILLE, CA - Mushroom soup, mushroom appetizers, marinated mushrooms, mushrooms chopped into hamburger patties, chopped into taco meat, into meat loaf–these are a few of my favorite ways to tap into the delicious and palatable flavors of mushrooms. And healthy options, to boot.

This coming year, Monterey Mushrooms is focusing on elevating the category and creating a win-win for retailers and consumers alike. Mike O’Brien, VP of Sales and Marketing, and Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Specialist, decided to take a few moments from their busy days to share the latest with me, as well as retail tips and a few tasty ideas for using the versatile veg. 

Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Specialist, Monterey Mushrooms

“Mushrooms are a key ingredient in cooking and may be used for both cold and hot applications,” Lindsey shares with me, adding that mushrooms bring both flavor and health benefits to a dish, and are a perfect meat substitute. “From appetizers to entrees, we have recipe ideas for all levels of cooks–from the beginner to culinary professional. These can be used in the produce department to draw in traffic and at home with consumers.”

When I asked Mike what tips and best-practices he has for retailers in terms of maintaining a fresh and eye-catching destination at retail, he suggests that Monterey Mushrooms retail partners create a destination category with signage and rotate stock for freshness. Watch for out-of-stocks as well and use complimentary items to create color breaks such as lettuce heads, fresh lemons, and bottled salad dressings. 

Mike O’Brien, VP of Sales and Marketing, Monterey Mushrooms

“And finally, promote!” he adds. “Retailers can engage customers in the mushrooms category through education. We know shoppers are going online for meal planning, and we have content available that our retail partners can link to, that includes buying information, cooking tips, and usage ideas. Mushrooms are a key-cooking ingredient; we know with inspiration that sales increase.”

So, what are some of these delightful options?  Here are a few to whet your palate…



  • Your favorite cream of mushroom soup (homemade recipe HERE
  • Red pepper flakes
  • 8 oz. Monterey® Baby Bella Mushrooms, sliced
  • Crème Fraiche (homemade recipe HERE)
  • 1 tbsp. Extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh thyme




  • Frozen puff pastry shells
  • Your favorite creamy mushroom soup
  • 8 oz. Monterey® Baby Bella Mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh rosemary - 2 sprigs
  • Sliced aged Swiss cheese - cut into strips
  • A shot glass 

For preparation methods and additional suggestions, check out the Monterey Mushroom blog here and enjoy!

Monterey Mushrooms

Thu. December 15th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

CALIFORNIA – Winter weather is here in full swing, and while that may mean snow showers for the rest of the U.S., Southern California is prepping for a weekend filled with a deluge of rain.

"The bulk of the rain will swing through Southern California from Thursday night to Friday morning," stated Accuweather Senior Meteorologist Jim Andrews.

The storm began on the Northern West Coast last night, but as the storm continued to move light rainfall began today in California. The brunt of the storm will roll in later this evening, bringing heavy rain and high winds along with it to the south.

Earlier this morning, the National Weather Service listed flood and flash flood warnings for several southern California cities and valleys, such as Santa Monica and San Bernardino mountains, the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and San Gabriel valleys, and Los Angeles county.

"Part of the Los Angeles basin may receive an inch of rain from the storm," stated AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Dan Pydynowski, elaborating that some of the rain might even reach into the desert areas which includes Palm Springs.

Accuweather reported that authorities expect travel delays through Southern California and affected areas as the bulk of the rain passes through.  Officials are expressing extra caution for those traveling by highway and predict delays, particularly Interstate 5, I-10, I-15, and I-80.

KTLA 5 also warned that areas which have experienced recent burns could also be at increased potential for flash flooding. As the system sweeps its way through the bottom half of the state, officials expect rainfall to be slightly less in the coasts and valleys, and higher in the mountains and foothills.

As rain continues to whip through California, AndNowUKnow will have the latest on its impact to state and its ongoing drought status.

Thu. December 15th, 2016 - by Robert Schaulis

MILAN, ITALY - The future may be closer than we imagine for retailers. This week, Coop Italia, one of Italy’s largest grocery chains, opened a flagship store touted as “The Supermarket of the Future” in Milan’s Bicocca neighborhood.

Albert Pozzi, Managing Director, Accenture“Through Coop’s Supermarket of the Future, we are bringing to life how the physical and the digital are capable of converging to create an engaging and immersive grocery shopping experience,” said Alberto Pozzi, Managing Director in Accenture’s Retail Practice in Italy, in a company release. “Coop is shaping the future of supermarkets by combining hyper-personalization, deep product information, and connected devices in-line with customer buying journeys. We are looking forward to continued collaboration and bringing future innovation straight into the hands of Coop’s customers.”

The Supermarket of the Future in Milan, ITA. Photo courtesy Carlo Ratti Associati.

According to Curbed, an online newsource focused on housing- and urban- issues, the 10,800-square-foot supermarket holds approximately 6,000 products, all organized on interactive tables and shelves. When customers reach toward specific products, relevant information like nutritional value, allergens that may be present, and recycling instructions are displayed on screens or “augmented labels” suspended above the product.

Carlo Ratti, Designer, MIT Professor, and Author

The company had previously debuted a conceptual version of the store during Milan’s Expo Milano 2015, based on designs by MIT Professor and head of the Carlo Ratti Association Carlo Ratti. Only a year later, the futuristic concept is being put into practice.

Marco Pedroni, President, Coop Italia“Following the great success and positive feedback we received when we showcased the Supermarket of the Future concept at Expo Milano 2015, we got straight to work to make our vision a reality,” said Marco Pedroni, President of Coop Italia. “Using their digital expertise, Accenture and Avanade have helped us redesign the grocery shopping experience through a digital journey that meets customer demand for information, engagement, and functionality in a simple and intuitive way.”

Coop Italia partnered with Accenture and Avanade—a joint venture company between Avande and Microsoft—to completely redesign the supermarket’s information architecture and create a modular, flexible, cloud-based system that may eventually be scaled to a large number of stores.

The Supermarket of the Future in Milan, ITA. Photo courtesy Carlo Ratti Associati.

This opening comes on the heels of a recent announcement by Amazon that it plans to open futuristic checkout-less Amazon Go stores in the United States.

For more on the future of produce retail, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Coop Italia

Thu. December 15th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

COACHELLA, CA - As we look toward strong pre-Christmas demand for broccoli-lined party trays and holiday dishes, all eyes are on conditions out of California’s Coachella Valley. I caught up with Ocean Mist Farms’, Commodity Account Manager, John Chobanian, who filled me in on what the retail scene can expect as we lead up to the bustling holiday season.

Ocean Mist Farms' Coachella Broccoli Fields

“We started in Coachella the first of December and will harvest out of the region until about March 15th, so we are at the front part of the season,” John tells me as I ask him to outline the Ocean Mist Farms season for me. “Volume industry-wide has been strong, and we have been no exception. Ocean Mist Farms has a very strong broccoli program and quality is very nice on a regular basis.”

With Coachella’s weather being unexpectedly warm in the past few weeks, John says that the company’s broccoli harvest has been ahead of its usual schedule. Supplies are on the shorter side currently, he explains, but if weather starts to get cold down south, the industry could be looking at even tighter supplies over the next few weeks.

So, what does this mean for the pre-holiday broccoli market?

“The market is improving as product gets shored up,” John explains as we talk about how retailer’s can plan for the coming holiday push. “However, market conditions could be very active if the weather is cold and demand stays constant, or improves. Prices could sharpen drastically if demand improves and cold weather pushes product back, causing a gap.”

Ocean Mist Farms' Coachella Broccoli Fields

All in all, demand is looking very strong for Ocean Mist Farms’ broccoli, and we can expect good numbers from the Christmas pull, all the way through the holiday party tray rush at the end of the year. For all things broccoli, as well as the company’s other high demand products, check out

Ocean Mist Farms