Tue. November 15th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

WASHINGTON D.C. - For his contributions to the produce industry, former Seald Sweet President Bruce McEvoy will be honored with the United Fresh Produce Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. The award will be bestowed at the 2017 Produce Legends Dinner, held January 10 at the Royal Sonesta New Orleans in New Orleans, LA.

Bruce McEvoy, Former President, Seald Sweet

McEvoy recently celebrated 50 years in the produce industry. Over the course of his long and storied career, which included stints at the USDA and Sunkist before Seald Sweet, he received a number of accolades, both professionally and personally, including:

  • The Special Achievement Award for Produce Export Expansion from the Secretary of Agriculture
  • A Special Achievement Award from the Foreign Agricultural Service
  • The Packer Man of Year award for 2000

Additionally, McEvoy was appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to the Industry Biotechnology Committee, served on the United Fresh Board of Directors for seven years, and was Chairman of the Hunt’s Point Committee, according to a press release. His efforts on the part of the Farm Worker Relief Program following hurricanes in 1994 generated nearly $1.5 million for homeless.

Source Cred: www.unitedfreshstart.org/support-our-cause/produce-legends-dinner/

Tony Freytag, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing and Chairman, Crunch Pak and United Fresh Board of Directors

“Bruce’s career has been pivotal in advancing the produce industry on a global scale,” said Tony Freytag, Crunch Pak Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing and Chairman of the United Fresh Board of Directors. “From his early work at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in international trade to his career spanning some of the most iconic companies in the produce industry, Bruce has been instrumental in driving growth for our industry.”

United Fresh’s Lifetime Achievement Award caps fifty years of exceptional work on McEvoy’s part. Past recipients of United Fresh’s Lifetime Achievement Award include key influencers like:

  • Rick and Tonya Antle
  • Mike Cavallero
  • Joe Procacci
  • Frieda Caplan
  • Reggie Griffin
  • Bob Grimm

Tom Stenzel, President & CEO, United Fresh

“This dinner both honors a great individual and supports a great cause,” added United Fresh President & CEO Tom Stenzel. “Friends of Bruce from around the world will want to join in his honor, while making a commitment to increasing kids access to fresh produce. From donating thousands of salad bars to needy schools to training foodservice directors on handling fresh produce to maintain quality, the United Fresh Start Foundation is making a difference just as Bruce has made such a difference in his career.”

McEvoy’s career began with the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service in Europe and Thailand. He was then assigned to the U.S. Embassy in London where he worked in export expansion.

From there, McEvoy went on to join Sunkist, DuPont’s Biotech division, and helped to commercialize products from Fresh World Farms and Intermountain Canola—two companies for which he also served as President.

McEvoy joined Seald Sweet International in 1994 as the company President. He worked to transform the regional Florida citrus cooperative into the global produce company it is today. Though he retired as company President in 2004, McEvoy still serves Seald Sweet and its parent company Greenyard as a government relations consultant.

McEvoy has been married to his wife Ann for 44 years. They have two sons. In addition to his work in the produce industry, McEvoy serves as Board Chair of his local Alzheimer/Parkinson’s Association chapter; since being diagnosed with the disease in 2008, McEvoy has become a champion of the cause, advocating for increased research in Congress. 

We here at AndNowUKnow congratulate McEvoy and wish him the best in all his future endeavors.

Seald Sweet United Fresh Produce Association

Mon. November 14th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

ORLANDO, FL - If I were to pull a single word to describe Seald Sweet’s whirlwind 2016, that word would certainly be “growth.” After a merger between Seald Sweet sister company, Univeg, and Greenyard Foods in May of last year, and the addition of new Sales Director Stu Monaghan, Greenyard and Seald Sweet announced the opening of a new state-of-the-art packing and cold storage facility. I joined Marketing Director Kim Flores, who gave me a run down on what retailers and Seald Sweet’s partners can expect as the building is set to open this spring.

Kimberly Flores, Marketing Director, Seald Sweet

“It will help us to be a better value to our customers and to be a better partner. It’ll give us the ability to have more services and it’ll expand our portfolio, and it’ll allow us to do more things like value-adding,” Kim explains to me from PMA Fresh Summit’s show floor. “Overall, it gives us a better position to our customers in the industry. It really means furthering what we can do, and how we can serve our customers better.” 

Groundbreaking on the new Seald Sweet and Greenyard Foods facility

The new facility will be 152,200-square-feet, and as we previously reported, is expected to increase the company’s overall volume and production capability, even quadrupling its current operational square footage and capacity. Greenyard said the new facility will help it expand in the following specific areas:  

  • Value-add packing
  • Consolidation
  • Controlled atmosphere storage
  • Service providing opportunities

To learn even more about Seald Sweet’s growth and what the horizon looks like for the new facility, watch my full interview with Kim above. 

Seald Sweet

Mon. November 14th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

AUSTIN, TX - The plans for Whole Foods’ future are continuing to build momentum, with whispers solidifying that the retailer could be shopping quietly for a buyer.

Last week, sources close to the company told Reuters that one of its top shareholders was looking to make big changes, including a new management team and new ownership.

To see our previous coverage, click here.

Sources close to ANUK share that Whole Foods is actively consolidating shippers, and minimizing its local sourcing program–a move that makes Whole Foods more attractive to potential buyers.

Kroger is one buyer that was brought up weeks back in the industry’s rumor mill as a possible party to move in, a decision which could give the Ohio-based retailer a stronger foothold on the West Coast.

While many analysts responded to the rumor with skepticism, the leak appeared in the media weeks before big changes were announced for Whole Foods like the stepping down of Co-CEO Walter Robb and the elimination of its current leadership structure.

Announcements of both the shakeup in leadership as Co-Founder John Mackey stepped in as solo CEO and the news that one of the top ten shareholders (which remained anonymous in reports) resulted in significant boosts in the retailer’s stock.

Will we soon see Whole Foods added to Kroger, which was recently named a top retailer alongside Walmart in Kantar Retail’s 2016 US PoweRanking® survey for the successful execution of its growth strategy?

Keep an eye on AndNowUKnow as we report further details on this developing story.

Whole Foods Kroger Co.

Mon. November 14th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SAN DIEGO, CA – Working to ensure the continued success of the produce industry and keep kids healthy and well fed, Organics Unlimited’s GROW Fund has partnered with Produce for Kids on an important pledge drive.

Mayra Velazquez de León, President, Organics Unlimited and GROW“As a company that grows and sells organic bananas, we provide healthier eating options for individuals and families,” said Mayra Velazquez de León, President of Organics Unlimited and GROW, in a press release. “We are proud to partner with Produce for Kids and take part in the Power Your Lunchbox campaign, giving our support to children’s health initiatives.”

The Power Your Lunchbox campaign took place from August 8 to September 23, 2016, by soliciting pledges through social media, parent and food bloggers, e-newsletters, media placements and a NatureFresh Greenhouse Tour that visited 36 grocery stores and nine schools in order to raise awareness and encourage parents to sign the pledge.

The campaign collected 21,674 pledges from families promising to pack healthier lunches this back-to-school season. This far exceeded the partnership’s goal of 20,000 pledges, and for each of these pledges, the partners and other sponsors collectively donated one dollar to Feeding America to provide for families in need. Produce for Kids was able to provide 238,414 meals.

All told, the campaign had a total reach of 145 million impressions.

Organics Unlimited participated to the campaign through Facebook and Twitter. The #PowerYourLunchbox Twitter Party, held on August 17, promoted healthy recipes, spread nutritional facts, and gave the organization and sponsors an opportunity to interact with parents and inform them about healthy lunches and lifestyles. The Twitter Party had over 3,761 tweets and more than 14 million impressions—2,500 alone for Organics Unlimited.

For more on Produce for Kids, Organics Unlimited’s GROW Fund, and other innovative campaigns promoting produce, check back with AndNowUKnow.

Produce for Kids Organics Unlimited

Mon. November 14th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

NEW ZEALAND – After a high magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand over the weekend, with a small tsunami on its heels, the country’s infrastructure has suffered major damages. Likewise, the 7.8 magnitude earthquake has brought transportation to a complete stop, leaving residents, tourists, and goods stuck in the affected area.

The earthquake struck on Sunday, in the more rural area of Kaikoura, located on New Zealand’s South Island, 55 miles northeast of the nearest city, Christchurch. The initial and most powerful earthquake reached 14 miles deep into the earth. 

This seismic activity then triggered a small tsunami that brought waves 8 feet high to the country, according to CNN. Aftershocks have also continued to roll into the country with a series of over 42 earthquakes, all registering between magnitudes of 2 and 6. Aftershocks were experienced even further, with individuals reporting effects felt all the way to the country’s North Island.

John Key, Prime Minister, New Zealand"I'd say it's billions of dollars worth of money that we have to spend here but we're focused on what we're doing and we'll keep up the good work," stated Prime Minister John Key in a YouTube video. The Prime Minister went on to state that, as of now, it looked as though roads to the north and south of the initially struck area will not be opened without difficulty

NPR reported that as a result of the seismic activity and all of its after effects, several key railroads and highways have been destroyed, in addition to water supplies and sewer systems. As of now, Key stated that full clean-up and repair to the country’s foundational systems could take months and cost billions of dollars, although information is still rolling in. 


Authorities have deemed several roads out of the area as impassable, and have also been warning residents in the area of any related foundational issues, such as dams being breached.

Although the earthquake was the strongest New Zealand has experienced in five years, NPR estimated that the damage will still be less than past quakes as this seismic activity occurred in a more rural area than others. CNN stated that New Zealand lies in a collision zone between the Indo-Australian and Pacific tectonic plates, making earthquakes a regular occurrence in the country, although perhaps not of this magnitude. 

As information continues to unfold, count on AndNowUKnow for the latest.

Mon. November 14th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

Chicago, IL – Produce Alliance began its Pop-Up Dinner Series last month to showcase its innovative approach to fresh produce in an event featuring Mann Packing products.

“The PA Pop-Up Dinner series is something we have wanted to do for some time now and it has been extremely exciting to see the launch of this initiative for Produce Alliance,” Senior Director of Business Development for Produce Alliance, David Kraus, stated in a release. “Our network is made up of the most innovative growers, highest quality distributors, and some of the fastest growing restaurant concepts with unbelievable culinary teams. It was a natural fit to tap into our network and harness all of the progressive ideas to put together the first Pop-Up Dinner event.

Produce Alliance Pop Up Dinner Showcases Mann Packing's Creativity and Innovative

Kraus continued, This gathering was held in conjunction with our *Next Gen board meeting, an organization of next generation leaders in our network that focus on shaping the future trends of fresh produce within the Food Service Industry. The first event featured dishes and cocktails from a few of Chicago’s top Chefs and Mixologists; we plan to continue the series into 2017 by collaborating with many of the leading Chefs across the U.S. as well as our grower partners to continue leading the industry in innovation.”

The goal of the PA Pop-Up Dinner Series, according to the company, is to reimagine culinary boundaries, showcase an array of innovative dishes, bring together Chefs and Growers in a celebration of fresh produce, and raise the bar for those in the culinary and fresh produce industries.

The five-course Pop-Up Dinner featured a number of Mann Packing products including the company’s Tenderbite® Green Beans and RomaCrunch® lettuce.

The menu was curated by a team of A-list Chicago Chefs and culinary professionals featuring:

  • Produce Alliance Executive Chef, Chef Stephanie Golfarb
  • Chef Nariba Shepard at Greenriver
  • Mixologist Yolondra Yarborough, Bar Chef at GreenRiver and Distiller at CH Distillery

For more on industry events including subsequent events in the Pop-Up Dinner Series, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Mann Packing Produce Alliance

Fri. November 11th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

POMPANO BEACH, FL - Will this year’s Thanksgiving holiday see a new, unique green bean at the table? If it's up to Southern Specialties, it certainly will. Ahead of the upcoming festivities, I spoke with the company’s Vice President of Business Development, Charlie Eagle, about what retailers can expect from the Southern Selects French bean program.

Charlie Eagle, Vice President of Business and Development, Southern Specialties

“We’re seeing a big spike in demand for the upcoming holiday season,” Charlie tells me. “Last week, truck drivers in Guatemala went on strike to protest new government regulations, but now the strike has ended and Southern Specialties is receiving new arrivals of fresh product for the Thanksgiving pull."

Charlie says that Southern Specialties’ French beans operations were passed by several Guatemalan storms over the past few weeks, missing any damage to crops and maintaining excellent quality overall. The company has responded to the growing demand for its French beans by increasing planting and volume over last year, as well as establishing a year-round program that is all hand-selected, trimmed, and packaged at the source.

As for retail support as we head into one of the biggest grocery holidays of the year, Southern Specialties is well-prepared to take customers requests.

“We have a range of pack sizes for our value-added products that are ideal for every type of consumer,” Charlie explains. “Southern Specialties has experience developing specific presentations with our retail partners, as well as creating private label programs.”

Southern Specialities, French Bean

With over 25 years’ experience growing and importing some of the finest French beans in the marketplace, Charlie notes to me that those from Southern Selects have climbed up to be one of the top selling brands.

For more information on each and every item in the Southern Selects line, visit SouthernSpecialties.com, and stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for more holiday produce updates as Thanksgiving approaches.

Southern Specialties

Fri. November 11th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

CASTROVILLE, CA – With Thanksgiving only a couple weeks away, the industry is ramping up production and tweaking marketing tactics to tap in on holiday-fueled consumer demand. With a variety of Brussels sprout dishes about to complement holiday tables throughout the nation, the market has been flush with a high volume of Brussels sprouts.

John Shaw, Commodity Manager, Ocean Mist Farms

As John Shaw, Commodity Manager at Ocean Mist Farms, recently told me, the company is currently in peak season with its current crop shipping out of Castroville, California. 

“Our quality right now is really excellent,” John says of the company’s selections. “Our domestic regions are on time, and we have plenty of selection available for our customers.”

Ocean Mist Farms will transition to its cooler location in Coachella, California, in early December, as detailed in the video below.

John says that the industry as a whole is experiencing a higher volume of crop than normal, more than the category has seen in some time. This increase in Brussels sprouts has led the market to sit around $18-24 over the past few weeks, which John says is a dip in price compared to previous years.

As consumer demand continues to build over the next few months, John advises that retailers can tap in on heightened Brussels sprouts sales, especially for value-added packaged products that offer increased convenience for a busy season.

“Now is the perfect time to promote Ocean Mist Farms Season & Steam Brussels sprouts,” John elaborates. “These consumer favorites are available as Microwaveable Whole Sprouts, QuickCook® Brussels sprouts halves, and SuperShred®.”

Ocean Mist Farms is able to serve its customers a year-round supply of high-quality Brussels sprouts due to utilization of leading technology, and harvesting techniques such as "topping the plant." Ocean Mist Farms will move into its next region of harvest in Baja California, Mexico, later in 2017. 

As consumers snap up the ready supply of the category, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for all things Brussels sprouts.

Ocean Mist Farms

Fri. November 11th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SALINAS, CA - The Organic Produce Summit will return to Monterey, CA, in summer of 2017, after selling out its inaugural event, and the registration gates for retailers open this coming Monday, November 14.

Last year’s show not only shined a light on one of the fastest-growing segments in the produce industry, but brought forth big voices on the topic like Tanimura & Antle Principal, Tonya Antle, Juicero Founder, Doug Evans, and many more. Now, OPS 2017 promises a similar format with one new addition for the organic produce buying community–hands-on field tours of organic fresh produce production.

Qualified individuals from retail or buying organizations are eligible for complimentary registration and accommodations for the event, slated for the newly-renovated Monterey Convention Center, Monterey, CA, July 12-13, 2017, according to a press release.

Representatives from both retail and buying organizations will have the opportunity to visit a number of operations in the heart of California’s salad bowl, Salinas Valley, on the morning of July 12.

Other key points of the OPS itinerary include: 

  • An opening reception on the evening of July 12
  • Educational sessions and keynote presentations on the morning of July 13
  • An exhibition area featuring over 100 producers, processors, and distributors of organic fresh produce on July 13

With the success of last year’s show, 2017 will offer an expanded attendee roster of about 50 percent, with overall general registration set to open in January.

Retailers who want to ensure they don’t miss this organic-centric event can register at the OPS website here on November 14.

Complete details of the field tour program and more will be announced in coming weeks.

Organic Produce Summit

Fri. November 11th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

THAILAND – A recent shipment of passion fruit in Thailand had more than just a pulpy inside to display. Earlier this week, authorities uncovered 90,000 methamphetamine pills hidden under the seemingly innocent load of fruit. 

Two men were arrested in Chiang Mai this week after authorities stopped a delivery truck for an inspection. Amongst its other fresh fruit and vegetable inhabitants bound for market, the truck contained three sealed boxes of passion fruit, or saowarot as it is known in Thailand, two of which contained the unsavory addition to its original shipment. 

The arrested individuals with the confiscated drugs as found in passion fruit shipments (Photo by Cheewin Sattha/Bangkok Post)

Split between two boxes, the high number of meth capsules were contained in 21 packages. Authorities stated, according to the Bangkok Post, that the passion fruit shipment was headed to the Talaad Thai, one of the largest fresh produce wholesale markets in its region.

Arrests were made in the passion fruit drug ring with Prasit Raothao, 38, and Singkhon Aryiku, 32, being taken into custody. After searching Raothao’s room, police uncovered more evidence of the crime with empty cardboard boxes, adhesive tape, and a bag containing fresh passion fruit throughout the room.

One of the boxes containing a package of drugs, hidden under passion fruit (Photo by Cheewin Sattha/Bangkok Post)

Both Raothao and Aryiku confessed to having sent at least 10 prior shipments of meth to destinations in Thailand. Each shipment contained around 100,000 meth pills and was hidden in boxes of fresh produce for later distribution.

With this ring halted, where will the criminal underworld pop up in fresh produce shipments next? AndNowUKnow will keep you up-to-date with the latest.