Fri. October 7th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

REIDSVILLE, GA – Shuman Produce is ramping up for an eventful booth at PMA Fresh Summit with more than its planned displays and samples of RealSweet® Peruvian sweet onions. The company announced that it is also planning a Big Green Egg Giveaway, cooking demonstrations, and hosting the celebrity presence of Miss America 2017, Savvy Shields.

John Shuman, President, Shuman Produce

"We encourage everyone to come check out this season's RealSweet Peruvian sweet onions at our PMA booth this year and learn about our premium sweet onions," said John Shuman, President of Shuman Produce. "We take great pride in offering the consumer a consistent sweet onion taste year-round and are sure we have what retailers and food service need to satisfy their customers."


Savvy Shields, Miss America 2017The noted Miss America winner will be signing autographs and taking photos at the Shuman Produce’s booth on Saturday, from 10:30 am – 4:00 pm. Savvy herself is an advocate of healthy eating, and will promote her platform “Eat Better, Live Better.” Savvy aims to use her title to education consumers on healty lifestyles and improving health.

Kevin Jenkins, The Fat Man, PersonalityAdditionally, attendees can attend live cooking demos starring RealSweet® Peruvian sweet onions at the company’s booth hosted by personality Kevin Jenkins, The Fat Man, according to a press release.

Chef Francine Bryson, Author (Photo Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Kevin will also be joined by Chef Francine Bryson, who authored Blue Ribbon Baking from a Redneck Kitchen, and Country Cooking from a Redneck Kitchen. Bryson has won more than 200 baking competitions, both local and national, in addition to being the runner-up on CBS’s The American Baking Competition. 

Shuman Produce is livening up its booth even more by giving Fresh Summit attendees a chance to win a Big Green Egg charcoal grill, simply by visiting the company’s booth. The ceramic kamado-style charcoal grill can be used as a smoker, oven, or grill, and offers a multitude of ways to use RealSweet® Peruvian sweet onions. 

The company’s booth is showcasing its RealSweet® Peruvian sweet onions to retailers during the event to emphasize their availability from September through February. Shuman Produce stated that Peru offers the ideal combination of weather and sandy soils to provide for a truly sweet onions. RealSweet® Peruvian sweet onions maintain the taste, sweetness, and color found in RealSweet® Vidalia onions.

Get in on the Shuman Produce fun yourself by visiting the company’s booth at PMA Fresh Summit at booth #3213.

Shuman Produce

Fri. October 7th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

IDAHO FALLS, ID ­– This year’s PMA Fresh Summit is promising to be full of innovation and new product launches, with Potandon Produce delivering its own unveiling of cutting-edge technology with its new Light-Blocker Half-N-Half® potato bags.

Ralph Schwartz, Vice President of Sales, Marketing & Innovation, Potandon Produce

“This is truly a quantum leap for potato packaging. This initiative was undertaken solely to create value for the retail community as it improves shelf life of poly bagged potatoes by blocking the potential greening effects of florescent lighting,” stated Ralph Schwartz, Vice President of Sales.

The company stated in a press release that the Light-Blocker bags have been proven to extend shelf life due to the following benefits: 

  • Blocks 99.5% of all visible and ultraviolet light rays
  • Virtually eliminates product greening
  • Reduces dehydration/weight loss
  • Reduces sprouting incidents 

The innovative bags will be available for the company’s national retail potato brand, Green Giant™. The technology behind the bags was developed at Michigan State University’s School of Packaging which has a reputation for its contributions to protective packaging solutions, shelf-life, product/packaging compatibility, and tamper evidence.

New Light-Blocker Bags

The company stated that the Light-Blocker bags will be launched into the retail sector following PMA Fresh Summit, in the following initial sizes:

  • Green Giant™ yellow potatoes: 3 lb and 5 lb
  • Green Giant™ white potatoes: 5 lb
  • Green Giant™ red potatoes: 3 lb and 5lb
  • Green Giant™ russets, both Idaho and non-Idaho bags: 5 lb and 10 lb
  • Klondike Goldust™: 5 lb 

Potandon Produce stated that as most light exposure to fresh produce comes at the retail level, or in a consumer’s home, these improvements from its new packaging will dramatically increase consumer satisfaction. 

Want to see more of these bags yourself? Stop by Potandon Produce’s booth #801.

Potandon Produce

Fri. October 7th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CINCINNATI, OH - The industry mill is stirring with speculation on where Kroger is looking to make its next big buy. And recent reports have come back that the Cincinnati, Ohio-based retailer is looking at produce-powered Whole Foods.

Kroger and Whole Foods officials declined to discuss what news source called "rumors and speculation" regarding a potential deal, but the whispers boosted a reaction for both sides’ stock yesterday.  

Whole Foods’ shares jumped 4.9 percent to close at $29.33 Thursday, Oct. 7, while Kroger’s own numbers saw a 1.8 percent boost, closing at $29.37.

Kroger has made a few sweeping purchases in the last couple of years, namely Roundy's and Harris Teeter, as well as Market6 and DunnhumbyUSA, and has been on the list of interested buyers for both The Fresh Market and SuperValu. The retailer has also moved more actively to enhance its organic and natural foods offerings, which the report notes as a reason for its potential interest in Whole Foods.

Whole Foods has been associated with helping to grow and pioneer organic foods, and despite some bumps has reported positive feedback on the newly-launched 365 chain. reported that, if the deal has merit, the price tag for Whole Foods could be about $9.7 billion based off Kroger’s having paid about seven times the cash flow of previous chains.

AndNowUKnow will continue to follow and report on this story as it develops further.

Kroger Co. Whole Foods

Fri. October 7th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

MILLEN, GA - In another major appointment to its officers for the coming year, the Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) has named US Foods’ Category Manager for Fresh Produce, Frank Swanson, to its Board of Directors.

Christian Harris, VP Produce, US Foods

“As part of our ongoing focus to work with a selected group of associations in Fresh Produce it is great to have one of our own be honored by being selected to the Board of SEPC,” said Christian Harris, US Foods’ VP of Produce. “We want to be involved in helping to shape the future of the produce industry and be part of the solution to problems facing our industry today. We are really excited for Frank to join this board. Frank has been a strong supporter of the SEPC from the beginning and will now be able to use his extensive produce experience to continue the great work that they do.”

Frank Swanson, Senior Manager of Produce Sourcing, US Foods

Swanson has been working with US Foods for over twenty years under several different leadership roles. According to a press release, he is currently tasked with leading US Foods’ operations across the 61 markets as an integral part of the Win@ Produce focus of the organization.

This is not the only high profile appointment the SEPC board has made over the past few weeks. The Fresh Market’s Teri Miller was appointed as the council’s first-ever female President at last month’s Southern Innovations Symposium conference.

The Fresh Market's Teri Miller accepting her role during the Keynote Luncheon as SEPC's new President

Miller has been on SEPC’s Board of Directors for the past 7 years, and was on the founding committee of Southern Roots, an SEPC program that works to provide support, education and mentorship for women working in the produce industry. She is the former Category Manager for Food Lion, as well as  a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Information Systems Auditor.

With these foodservice and retail mavens at the helm, how will SEPC continue to help shape the industry in the year to come? Stay tuned for more coverage on the influential produce council.

Southeast Produce Council

Fri. October 7th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Fresh Solutions Network has a new way to target one of the industry’s most important customer bases—millennials. The company has enlisted a food blogger influencer program to market its Side Delights® potatoes. The creator of Steamables microwaveable potato bag, Side Delights® potatoes’ food blogger collective will be tasked with sharing unique branded potato recipes for the holidays under its “Mash It or Smash It Tonight – What Do You Do?” program.

Kathleen Triou, President & CEO, Fresh Solutions Network

“Millennial consumers are becoming even more important to reach, and Side Delights® Steamables are the perfect, quick-to-cook potato product as they explore cooking,“ noted Kathleen Triou, President and CEO of Fresh Solutions Network. “The blogger challenge and Side Delights® Steamables provide a fun and easy way for millennials to experiment in the kitchen while creating brand awareness.”

“Mash It or Smash It Tonight – What Do You Do?” will encourage food bloggers to post original recipes during the 30 days leading up to Thanksgiving, emphasizing either mashed or smashed potatoes for weeknight consumption. According to a press release, the blogger posts and photos will link to the Side Delights® website and will use the hashtag #MashItOrSmashIt.

Russet Potatoes, Red Potatoes, White Potatoes

The company says its #MashItOrSmashIt program will be amplified with social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, increasing the impressions and awareness. With millennials as an increasingly important consumer base, Side Delights® is seeking to increase brand awareness using the media channels the that reach them the most.

“We know how important it is to evolve with our consumers. As an organization, we are engaging the millennial shopper in store and at home, raising awareness while creating demand and pull through which helps our retailers increase sales,” added Triou.

 Side Delights® Potatoes

Fresh Solutions Network cites info from Phil Lempert, Supermarket Guru, reporting that millennial consumers are passionate about food, but only 56% are confident in the kitchen. Lempert’s data suggests that nearly three out of four millennial consumers want to be a better cook, and good news for retailers, millennials shop at more retail outlets than the baby boomer generation.

Yellow Potatoes, Purple/Blue Potatoes, Fingerling Potatoes

Retailers who stock the Side Delights® product can benefit from the impact the brand has on their transaction averages, the company says. On average, shoppers that include Steamables in their baskets purchase nearly twice the register ring of a basket with any produce, $108 versus $56 respectively, the press release reports. The company recommends retailers locate Side Delights® Steamables potatoes in high traffic areas near complementary meal items such as rotisserie chicken, fresh prepared entrées, fresh meat, poultry, and seafood sections, to increase sales.

Fresh Solutions Network

Thu. October 6th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

WENATCHEE, WA – Doing its part to keep the industry eager for the innovations to be unveiled at upcoming PMA Fresh Summit, CMI Orchards has announced that Grapple® Fruits, LLC, will launch its new tart Grapples® at the event.

Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing, CMI Orchards“Like new apple varieties, the data indicates our new tart Grapple® product will be highly successful in capturing the interest of shoppers keen try something new, while attracting past customers to repurchase Grapples®,” stated Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing for CMI Orchards. 

According to a press release, the new tart offering will be available mid-October and will be offered in tandem with the ever-popular sweet Grapple® line. The line was developed from direct feedback from consumers, and based on the strong sales of the original Grapple® product. 

"We’ve had so many consumers tell us they love Grapples®, but their kids want tart apples,” said Todd Snyder, President of Grapple® Fruits, LLC. “We tested our new tart Grapples® directly with children and the results were overwhelmingly positive.”

The company emphasized that because its consumers are loyal and big-ticket shoppers, the expansion of the Grapple® line will increase the value of the brand for retailers. To further engage consumers with the tart taste of the new line, the tart Grapples® will be released in new packaging in order to spark enthusiasm at the store shelf and boost sales.

“Loyalty card basket analysis shows that Grapple buyers are not only loyal, they are also strong shoppers for high value products like deli cheeses, expensive cuts of meat, fine wines and other large transaction items. Grapple® brand apples are a key item in satisfying these shoppers and building transaction size,” continued Snyder.

Aaron DeHerrera, Category Management and Marketing, Rainier Fruit CompanyCMI Orchards and Rainier Fruit Company both expect strong sales through from the fall throughout the winter with both sweet and tart Grapples® rounding out retailers selections. Rainier Fruit Company indicated that consumers and retailers will have increased opportunities with the product due to multiple facings on the shelf. 

“There really is no product substitute for Grapples®,” said Aaron DeHerrera. “When Grapples® sell out, there is no alternative product for consumers so shoppers are forced to either completely forego a purchase or drive to a competing chain to find them.”

Tart Grapples® are currently packing and available to ship.

Going to PMA Fresh Summit? Sample and sneak a peek at the new selection at Grapple® Fruits’ booth #3926.

CMI Orchards Grapple® Fruits, LLC

Thu. October 6th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has imposed sanctions on three produce businesses for failure to pay reparation awards issued under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA).

According to a recent press release, the following businesses and individuals are currently restricted from operating in the produce industry:

  • Green House Dominican Imports Corp., operating out of Hialeah, FL, for failing to pay a $65,080 award in favor of a Texas seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Maribel Batista and Cristhian J. Holguin were listed as the officers, directors and/or major stockholders of the business.
  • Edgar Espinoza, doing business as Espinoza Always Fresh, operating out of Camarillo, CA, for failing to pay an $8,485 award in favor of a California seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Edgar Espinoza was listed as the sole proprietor of the business.
  • JRJ Enterprises Inc., operating out of Haskall, NJ, for failing to pay a $6,306 award in favor of a Connecticut seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, James E. Machuca was listed as the officer, director and major stockholder of the business.

The USDA is required to suspend the license or impose sanctions on an unlicensed business that fails to pay PACA reparations awarded against it as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business when the order is issued. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA-approval.

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), PACA Division, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses operating subject to PACA, which includes buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers, and brokers within the fruit and vegetable industry. All oversight of actions related to PACA are conducted by AMS, an agency within USDA.

In the past three years, the USDA resolved approximately 3,700 PACA claims involving more than $66 million. Its experts also assisted more than 7,100 callers with issues valued at approximately $100 million. These are just two examples of how the USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service

Thu. October 6th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

SAN ANTONIO, TX ­– Pairing together each company’s strength and approach to long-standing commitments, NatureSweet® Tomatoes has announced the renewal of its partnership with Susan G. Komen for the fifth year in a row

Michael Joergensen, Vice President of Marketing, NatureSweet

“We are thrilled to once again partner with Susan G. Komen, and we are dedicated to contributing to the prevention and search for a cure,” stated Michael Joergensen, Vice President of Marketing at NatureSweet. “Just as Komen systematically invests in education, screenings, treatment, and research, so must we consciously invest in developing our 8,000 full-time associates and raising of our tomatoes right from seed to shelf.” 

For this year’s campaign, the company stated in a press release that its bite-sized Cherubs® will be released in limited edition PINK packaging for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The campaign is active now, and will run through November 5, 2016, in addition to a $100,000 donation from NatureSweet to Susan G. Komen. This donation, will be made regardless of the sales number from the campaign.

Combining Susan G. Komen’s commitment to finding a cure for breast cancer, and NatureSweet’s pledge towards Tomatoes Raised Right, NatureSweet intends to continue the fruitful association of the companies by drawing attention towards the link between healthy diets and a possible reduction in the risk of developing cancer.

“Associates are our greatest competitive advantage and lifeblood of NatureSweet,” continued Joergensen. “Breast cancer has affected too many families, including some of our own. Our partnership is an acknowledgement of those whose lives have been affected by this now increasingly preventable and curable condition, thanks to Susan G. Komen.” 

NatureSweet stated that the company has donated $355,000 since 2012 to aid in the search for a cure for breast cancer. 


Thu. October 6th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LOS ANGELES, CA - Giumarra Companies is continuing its track for growth, this time with a new office and team addition.

The company announced that it has welcomed Matthew Moore to its sales and operations for Giumarra Southeast.

Mathew Moore, Sales and Operations, Giumarra Southeast“I’m excited to be a part of a company with such a rich family heritage and immensely-respected brand within the produce business,” Moore commented. “I’m looking forward to representing Giumarra in the southeast.”

The new addition brings previous experience with the Giumarra International Berry division, where he managed East Coast operations and transportation, according to a press release. Outside of the produce industry, Moore also brings experience in global sales, quality control, and operations.

John Reese Franklin, Sales and Operations Manager, Giumarra Southeast

“With the addition of U.S., Peruvian, and Mexican-grown sweet onions to our product line this year, we have seen exciting growth in the Giumarra Southeast division,” John Reese Franklin, Sales and Operations Manager of Giumarra Southeast, said. “Matthew brings a solid combination of grower relations and sales support experience that will benefit our business as we continue to expand.”

Giumarra Southeast also recently opened a new sales office in Valdosta, Georgia, to help accommodate the growth of selling Michigan-grown pumpkins.

“Our new locale in south Georgia is a key access point for serving our family of growers in the southeastern U.S., particularly Florida and Georgia,” Franklin said of the latest opening.

Michigan-grown pumpkins are another of the offerings the company added to its portfolio this year. As Giumarra Southeast gets settled into the autumn season, it stated that it will offer both the newly-added Michigan-grown pumpkins and Peruvian-grown sweet onions.

Giumarra Companies